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Can I just say.... I love your posts and am so glad you joined. I also want to apologise about butting heads, that time. We are all on the same page here.

I wasn't sticking up for plank from ed edd and Eddie that time. 😂

Yep I noticed that too, she was obv lurking and seen @Chinesewhispers post 🤣
That's okay. As long as you don't accuse me of trolling and put me on your insta stories ;) ! i think we are good! haha.
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Chatty Member
The account was created in April 2013, does that hold any bearing to when the other accounts were created / any link?
Could be Melanie or could be a lying fan
The Emma account was created in 2013 as well, just three months later.
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I feel really horribly bad for Jessie. She's got a difficult family dynamic, I really hope someone is supporting her behind the scenes.
what’s the history of Jess and the family dynamic? Everyone here seems to have a lot of compassion for her but I haven’t followed long enough to know the story.
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She might not have signed one and in that case yes, he should have asked every time. It’s wrong of me to assume she did. I didn’t watch her video and by the sounds of it she didn’t like her dr anyway. I don’t think any labour minus calm, pool and whale sounds would have been good enough for her.
I agree, it doesn't sound like she was flexible or her expectations were managed (by herself)
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Thank you x

Was it you that posted about her being on the pos birth site ? I'll have to look on the other thread and find the post..yes it took her a while to disclose that info just as she started blaming the medical team for causing it and as usual everything that's discussed on here is scrutinized by her.
Nope I only did a bit of research myself into things to call her out on her bullshit but I did mention that losing that much blood is a haemorrhage so she should be thanking the medical team for rushing to save her 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I wonder does she let Thomas feed the baby or is she exclusively breastfeeding, she’s never mentioned pumping or using a bottle for some of her expressed milk,
It does feel like she wants to make sure she’s front and centre and every fucking story he’s on her tit.
She will be that creepy mum that never want her son to leave her sight 😂
Yes she has ,she said she uses the hakka to collect enough milk for a night feed the milks good for 8 hrs at room temp .....Norman Bates vibes👵💺😬
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LOL. Yep. Melanie's followers aren't that bright.... I mean look at Melanie and her content. Uneducated bint.

Which American bloke? Is he the one on her tweets too? I can't remember his name now but I know his profile pic.
I think Mel ignores Emma to seem less suss because she knows people are onto her.
Anyone know how I can get YT comments on my phone ? I can’t see them... I’ll give you an example of his comments...I don’t know if I should put his name on don’t think it’s allowed?
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oh god don’t give her ideas 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m sure he’s fine. I googled all sorts of things about my kids shits when he was first born. He’ll be fine.
It's just she recommending this to her subs without the "always check with your doc first " added in .She's now on asking is it normal for babies to have explosive poos maybe she's drinking that stuff like it going out of fashion without thinking about the effects on the baby :poop:
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I don't know this person (I was searching for something and came across this 😂). But I am guessing they used an in out in the room (to aid descent???), then took her to theatre for trial (trying instrumental before section of necessary). Then gave her a spinal, forceps and she'd have had an indwelling put in after birth whilst the spinal was working off). That's the only thing I can think of going on what I read on here.

It's been a while I've been in theatre, I'm an mlu midwife normally 😂
I'd agree with this tbh. And as Chinese whispers said, her notes will have documented it all so if she does challenge it, it'll be evidenced with timings and reasonings.
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Yes with a spinal because you can't get up straight away plus it's usually for a section so a woman wouldn't be getting up for at least 6 hrs anyway.

Not necessarily with an epidural.your bladder needs emptying regularly so we offer an in out catheter to do so over the course of your labour (max every 4 hrs) As it's regularly emptied and the epidural wears off quickly we don't tend to need to leave you with a catheter in.
you get a catheter put in before a spinal with regards to c-section, not after.
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Iconic Member
Yes she has ,she said she uses the hakka to collect enough milk for a night feed the milks good for 8 hrs at room temp .....Norman Bates vibes👵💺😬
Ah I thought she was just dumping that, how long until we see Thomas trying her breast milk. 🙄 I’m shocked we haven’t seen that “banter” yet 😐
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Aishling is an insufferable bint but does anyone remember when they all met up in cork? Melanie made it all about Melanie like always 😂
But is she friends with ANY of these girls now.
Take a look and the comments, there are a few from mel 😂 these two didn’t talk for a good 5 years since.
Jesus that was insufferable. Also I was a bit shocked that Melanie said "midget" but I guess it was 2014. There's no way she could say something like that now.
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Melanie said she had the catheter before the spinal ,,I had mine put in after I had and epidural .I just wondered why they put in a catheter before she was moved to theatre and was still pushing ?
I had my catheter put in a good half hour before I was moved to theatre for my section. They have you sitting upright on the table and inject you twice and then you have to lie down immediately (they warn you this before they inject you because you’ve the risk of falling forwards). The spinal kicks in after less than 5 seconds and as soon as they’re clear you’re numb they start the procedure. It’s a v quick process once you get the ball rolling.

maybe it depends on the hospital/ country you’re in? Obs or surgery isn’t my area so I’m not too sure of the mechanics of it all.
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to be fair to that point you do become to see people as “the one with x” instead of their name because that’s how medical school teaches you to view patients. It took me a while to get over that when talking to older colleagues/ trying to remember names as well as illness. It can be jarring if you’re not used to it. But who was the dr addressing that wasn’t her? If she was in active labour/ decisions had to be made, then they wouldn’t address her and the nurses would instead.
Unless he was addressing Thomas as she said that's who they explained about the suction cup and c-section too it was him that got the info? but there's posts where she likens giving birth to having a poo and should be treated as such ?
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Okay guys. I unfollowed Melanie when she claimed to have PCOS because it affected me deeply since I have PCOS and dealing with infertility. I’ve recently found out about my miracle pregnancy and thought I can watch her again for entertainment purposes. BUT HELL NO. She is a dangerous person to be allowed on internet honestly. Her birth vlog is the last straw. I cannot deal with this shit anymore. She’s delusional and she’s scaremongering all the girls who are dealing with PCOS or who’re pregnant. FUCK HER BIG TIME. I’m not giving her any social media engagement from now on. So thanks for all your wonderful posts, it was fun while it lasted. But I’m outta here. I CANNOT FUCKING STAND HER and I really really reallyyyyyy wish she loses all her followers.
Oh many congratulations I hope everything goes well for you x miracles do happen. The vlog was an out and out tribute to herself nothing to do with her becoming a mother it was emotionless it came across to me as another excuse to get her kit off and she nearly outran Bette Davis in the acting stakes. The thumbnail says it all 🙄

Okay so I watched the birthing video..
As most of you mentioned having a spinal means that you have had a medical intervention... Gas and air is a pain relief too that around 80% of women choose during labour-this doesn’t make it a natural labour as you are using some source of medication.
In any case, let me tell you at the end nobody is getting a reward if you did have an epidural or you did everything with no pain relief.
Now, I find it really hard to believe that the doctor put his hands to examine her without any consent. And even if he did in a rush let’s say, the birth partner could say ‘please stop’ or tell us why you want to do an examination.
Finally, a c section is a major surgery so they did do the right thing trying a ventouse first and then forceps. If these things wouldn’t work then it would be a c section. Forceps is a quicker procedure so Melanie they did the right thing as it could have caused distress to the baby and they want the baby out as your labour was long.
It’s good at the end of the day you see your labour as a positive experience and little baby managed to latch straight away but you keep saying that you have done your research when it doesn’t look like it. And I repeat again if the doctor did do a vaginal examination without consent you can ask him/her to stop.
You get endless examinations in childbirth they check to see how dilated you are of course they tell you they're going to examine you ,you have to be in a certain position for it to happen if a doctor was called for and she was taken to theatre there must have been a reason for it ,otherwise the midwives can deal with it themselves,she also had a spinal by this time so wouldn't have felt an exam taking place, she said he felt the babies head and delivered the baby two minutes later with forceps so it must have been pretty low down in her cervix at that stage anyway and she was fully dilated so someone putting their fingers in there wouldn't have made much difference to the sensations she was already feeling.
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