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it’s all so orchestrated, her continuous comments about sex and the city lately leading up to this melodramatic work of fiction, the whole thing, the video and why she’s made it just then, unplanned my arse, comes straight out of one of her shit novels, I’m so bored of her bullshit.
I'm sure we'll find out. If anyone has the guts to read it. Someone volunteer as tribute! Haha.
I've not heard much about the plot so far other than it being about sisters.
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Doesn't seem like it? And she says she believes he's done it to others.

View attachment 561920View attachment 561921

@Sazb64 pretty sure she's due another Fabletics post soon too. People aren't going to sweep that article under the rug.
Ughh her response is she really still pulling a 'poor meeeee' attitude. You're kicking yourself over not saying it verbally? pull the other melanie. you're "feeling" like this now because you were called out. fck off with editing and reuploading is difficult. it's not. you're just a lazy self-centred prat. Youtube the platform that has made a sacred space for narcs etc, to make everything about them. The world does not revolve around you melanie. I really hope her actions come to bite her in the arse. I know some might say they are given her deteriorating MH. I'm calling it, she's going to use PPD in the worst way possible. Just waiting for her to realise it.
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So nothing's changed with Mel then? 😂😂

So I done some digging. And came across this video that matches up with her timeline of her toxic ex. She says they dated from when she was 16 up until age 18/19?

Interesting video to say the least.... Particularly around the 12 minute mark.

* couldn't upload the video for some reason. Added a SS of title for those who might want to watch it.
Just went back and watched the video, I vaugely recall watching this back then, as I was still subbed to her in those days, and remember her pushing sarahs youtube channel and I did watch a few of her her videos. She did do that sit down with that said ex she speaks of years later, and it was interesting. they genuinely appear friends (sarah and the ex). What I found weird is that melanie says theyve been friends since they were kids, yet sarah doesn't appear to know of the fella, or any of their relationship in that time period. Her choice of words there from 12min on regarding said ex are interesting to say the least.

Am I wrong in assuming the fella she named in this is the same fella in the latest video? If that is the case, it's even worse that there's video evidence of his name a previous upload.

I did some sleuthing a while back, and it turns out sarah is actually childhood friends with thomas, not melanie.

Also off topic slightly but totally sums mel up "they would give me advice and i wouldn't listen". I wonder how many people today have given her advice re anything and she has scoffed at them?! Whatever happened to those friends you had as a teen. Most of us have some if not just 1 friend from our teen years. How come it's only youtubers and thomas' friends she associates with now? It just makes me wonder.

Sorry for the double post

Even better she could just add “TW: SA” to the end of the videos title, job done. She just doesn’t care at all.

is this toxic ex not Shane then? I don’t know why I was imagining him the whole time. What blows my mind most is that in Melanie world once SA trauma has been ‘processed’ everything’s hunky dory and it’s a free for all to talk about it as widely and as much as you want apparently, even when it hasn’t happened to you.
Editing a youtube video and reuploading isn't that hard though. She's just making a mountain out of molehill. I do agree it's far easier to edit end credits than it is to edit a verbal piece in, but let's be real she was never considering it!!

No apparently not if her years of being together adds up, the ex (she mentions in the video @Dear Reader shared) is of another name. She says his name, I don't wish to repeat it as I feel it violates tos here. I always got the impression from her uploads of shane is that he's a shy individual who didn't want to be put on stage, but did it because he cared. she started youtube when she was i think 23 and she was with shane then.

That whole ideology of 'everythings rosy in the garden now' because years have passed, has always alwaysssss frustrated me. for people who've never experienced any kind of damaging trauma to be like 'ah well sure its grand now'. if she had experienced anything similar (and i dont wish it upon her or anyone for that matter) she wouldn't be acting like it's grand because her friend gave her the "go-ahead".
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She mentioned doing them at a festival. Only from what I can remember the only festival I've seen her post about was the one she went to with that Riyadh and neither of them appeared to be any different in the video she shared. It's just the controversial topic of the month, she likes to exaggerate her life story with lies.

Nah its not Shane. Shane was the in-between boyfriend
That's what I was saying - that it wasn't Shane. Looking back on my posts now I didn't make it clear/could have worded it better. ❤

@kalechips She met Toby when she was in her mid twenties. Yesterday's video Melanie said that the SA happened when they were teenagers
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Hasn’t hit his target money either. I’m genuinely mortified for the both of them.
To be fair, he also upped it every time he hit the target. But considering that 600 of the just over 6200€ are from Melanie and a bunch more is from his family.... Yeah.

There have been some truly beautiful mild evenings lately where the sea has been lovely, and perfect for a swim. I see open water swimmers everyday rain or shine, so he really has no excuse (unless there's a big storm and truly unsafe to do so). Like all the charity things and competitions they hold, always something off about them.
See, I didn't want to jump to conclusions about the possibility of doing it this past time because I'm not actually there and can only rely on the internet for assessment hehehe. But that confirms it. He has never really done more than a few km in this whole time. And since the deadline he went once for 3 and something km swim
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yes I remember all those crazy accounts after those girls came on mels thread to expose her that account started making threads on every single Irish girl :ROFLMAO: she tried pinning it on every one of them including holly even that one that was a guard I can’t for the life of me remember her name she still does videos today on YouTube actually. Im not sure what happened to holly she hasn’t been active on YouTube in years. I’ve always believed there was a accomplice. The troll messages started off as odd then every message we got was referring to Melanie as queen Melanie then turned into vicious slander even threats of violence. The group of girls started pointing the finger and all eventually unfollowed each other and abandoned their channels truth be told it was never proven the accounts just stopped harassing everyone after a few years but every chat on Facebook between the girls was repeated by the troll accounts later on even one on ones. Still no solid evidence to pin it on her even though a lot of them knew.
I remember thinking how great it was to see an Irish group of girls doing collars
yes I remember all those crazy accounts after those girls came on mels thread to expose her that account started making threads on every single Irish girl :ROFLMAO: she tried pinning it on every one of them including holly even that one that was a guard I can’t for the life of me remember her name she still does videos today on YouTube actually. Im not sure what happened to holly she hasn’t been active on YouTube in years. I’ve always believed there was a accomplice. The troll messages started off as odd then every message we got was referring to Melanie as queen Melanie then turned into vicious slander even threats of violence. The group of girls started pointing the finger and all eventually unfollowed each other and abandoned their channels truth be told it was never proven the accounts just stopped harassing everyone after a few years but every chat on Facebook between the girls was repeated by the troll accounts later on even one on ones. Still no solid evidence to pin it on her even though a lot of them knew.
I used to love watching all the collabs and meet ups they would do together. I thought it was great to see Irish women represent online and give tips and hauls with Irish brands.

I remember Dale from monstermakeup I think made a video where she was accused. And the girl that was a guard was Laura young who was previously mymakeupperspective on YouTube. She has a thread here where someone shared an old photo of her in uniform.

Why did they never try out to out this behaviour though? Like as a group, safety in numbers and all?
What threats was she making (allegedly) I posted a SS some pages back where Melanie claimed to have software to see exactly who was disliking her videos. 😂

Do any of you girls still talk and read this thread? Are you all surprised by the sock puppet accounts exposed by tattlers? Why do you think she had an accomplice? So many questions but I love the tea.

Why did the girls abandon their channels? It says a lot that she's not friendly with any of them online apart from facesbygrace and dramatic mac.
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Part of me thinks Thomas has jumped at the opportunity to get away from Mel for a bit, I can't imagine being stuck in the attic with her is all that much fun 🤣
I really see this testing their relationship big time, she has far too many jealousy issues etc I reckon. Plus how will she cope with her baby alone? She can barely manage a walk never mind being the sole carer 24hours a day. Hate to break it to you Mel but you'll be BEGGING for a routine when you have to do it yourself.
I actually get her wanting to live where she wants to live etc but she has to be realistic that for a while they might have to live in the UK and then down the line can move back to Ireland.
They apparently have a big group of friends but where have they all been? I've seen my friends almost every week pandemic or not (socially distanced and following the rules etc) like why can't you make the effort? Oh wait you're too lazy and need something else to moan about.
She did say she struggled at first with Thomas being a pilot because of the rumours that circulate about that profession and she has major trust issues ,you could be right about him wanting to get away the whole podcast seemed to centre on Thomas and what he wants in his career ,he didn't really include her in his plans it was what his longterm goals are .
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He must be able to do a great rendition of Piano Sonata No 11 on his little piano 🎹 by this stage 🙄
I see a terrible rendition of Chopsticks in his future, with mammy and daddy absolutely fawning over it 😂
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I do not pretend to be an expert with grammar and punctuation, quite honestly I'm not that smart. When she puts added information *stars*, is she correct doing so? Because it winds me the hell up lol.
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I don't why she doesn't just shut the fuck about all her PrOBlEmS for a few days. It just comes across as bragging. I'm currently sat in hospital waiting to be put on a ward but I'm not sat here posting about it on Instagram (I am fine though guys it's nothing super serious!)
Awww hope so! X
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I think it's evident she's struggling with motherhood. Every post about motherhood is tinged with passive aggressiveness and martyrdom.

The SA video she is clearly not doing great, reminiscing on her wild days of threesomes and magic mushrooms and ex boyfriend's. In the comments of that video someone said they hope she's okay and she made a snippy statement that tears shouldn't be confused with depression and that she was, in fact really happy.... yet the latest reel directly contradicts that...

I also seen this comment from Mel on the latest reel. She wants to start trying for another baby again, yet she's clearly struggling as is. She also mentions the possibility of moving country. She's not even considering it lets be real but needs to pretend to her followers so that she doesn't look selfish and like she's putting herself first, which she is... imo. Baby should come first.

If moving abroad was a possibility... surely the ball should have been rolling to make the move and adjust a good few weeks prior.
So they DID get a approved for a mortgage. So why the attic still?
Maybe I missed something.
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In fairness that pic of BP on the bed, he does look huge for 8 months! (My baby was a prem so he’s always been a bit smaller for his age) I wonder if he’s crawling yet?? She’s never posted it and I find that unusual for her considering she’ll post them in the bath 🙄
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There's an entire video about it and features Jess. The heat was an issue and the crowds, at one point they are shouting and swearing at the parade with families and children around them. She complains that it wasn't her version of Disney and that hers is sitting by the TV with snacks being cosey. They escaped to their hotel pool for peace and quiet.
That’s legit so sad and ungrateful.

New thread suggestion: Bats(shits) in the attic: the village can bite me
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Snake of the highest order. Truthful people don't behave this way. She's at this all the time.

She was called out on tattle over lying about being pregnant In her wedding dress, tried to cover it up on IG by saying she was going for fittings while pregnant but the ladies here discovered this was a lie and found the shop had permanently closed.

Tattle caught her lying about catching milk for months and freezing it to donate. You have to go through various health screenings and protocols, none of which she had done and we laid it all out on tattle. A few hours later she very conveniently got a message from the donor bank outlining everything we had already discussed.

She's a chronic liar. She's forever on here in fear she will be exposed and always ready to come up with some elaborate lie to cover her tracks.
I remember these happening, she really is low. Anything to cover her pathetic arse. Thank you for keeping track but looool at her needing to use your references (i believe it was you who posted about the breast banks right?) to 'save grace' ha.

Double post, sorry everyone. Just wanted to put this here.
"It went both ways" Sorry what? Is she now stating she was abusive to him too. Wow the story that keeps changing, not like mel at all to constantly change the story! 😡

Now that we know her stance on 'sexually choosy women' and general performative feminism, in hindsight I'm not surprised she didn't ever talk about this. She probably had very little empathy, if any at all.
I am glad she never spoke out about it. Her EmPaThY is all but a fucking ruse for 'engagement'.

From last thread somebody asked wheather Mel was responsible for trolling the Irish YouTube community I can confirm it was what I thought was a rumor started by smaller Irish creators. Group chats with Mel was repeated by anon accounts half of the community no longer upload videos and no longer follow each other there has been no solid evidence to pin point Melanie as it’s just slander but she set up threads about other Irish girls bashing them repeating their private messages on troll accounts to terrorize them. The accounts were just childish immature behavior then turned into threats. I believe in her book she talks about this saying they tried to pin it on her by claiming she was trolling herself and the Irish community. I couldn’t be arsed reading her book but that was what I heard
I remember her and a few of her 'friends' at the time trying to blame another youtuber babyfacexo or something i cant recall her name, but it wasn't her, and she was actually really sweet. I also remember Laura being heavily involved and before she was outed as a garda it was brought up someone in the group (of iby-ers) was a garda and was 'on the case' of figuring out who it was. No surprise when we see none of the iby still interact with mel besides aisling from dramaticmac. Then again it also showed laura stopped interacting with the kids half her fucking age as well. Mel has always had sock accounts, and in my opinion always will. She was nasty, and bombarded many of MY own youtube videos (which wasnt even beauty) with attempts to derail comment conversations to her channel.

Also real quick about Holly, I continued to watch her vids up until she came back from dubai saying how awful the country was and how she couldn't do anything and it's not safe etc. Girl you lived there long enough, you could have left you weren't stuck in the job you got, you even left the job you were apparently recruited for, to a less minimal job. It doesn't make sense. Afaik she now lives in the dam and uses twitter as her new blog. She looks almost unrecognisable but I remember her saying a while back that she had stopped fake tanning, and was embracing her genuine beauty so fair fucks to her for that. Love to see that. I still follow Dale on insta and whilst she has said a few times she'll return to yt she hasn't, but her insta has enough following for her to keep that momentum. Some parts of iby or the irish beauty scene on yt I miss watching but then I remember all the shit that went down and how most that still do it (sinead/sarah etc) are just repeating their content, nothing new and worthy of watching and it's like meh. Sorry to de-rail the thread, back to melanie and her toy-less child!
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From last thread somebody asked wheather Mel was responsible for trolling the Irish YouTube community I can confirm it was what I thought was a rumor started by smaller Irish creators. Group chats with Mel was repeated by anon accounts half of the community no longer upload videos and no longer follow each other there has been no solid evidence to pin point Melanie as it’s just slander but she set up threads about other Irish girls bashing them repeating their private messages on troll accounts to terrorize them. The accounts were just childish immature behavior then turned into threats. I believe in her book she talks about this saying they tried to pin it on her by claiming she was trolling herself and the Irish community. I couldn’t be arsed reading her book but that was what I heard
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