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Hm. Imagine if he is made redundant. He's irritating enough for me to wish it on him but he would be even more unbearable if what he's been whinging about actually happens.
I couldn't see her moving away ,maybe that's when the family channel is launched 🤷‍♀️
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What ever happened the sponsored plugs upload for black rock clinic 😑

he hardly got discount plugs just because he’s married to an a list celebrity.
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shows her morals go out the window when she has a chance to social climb or lick ass for clout, she won’t even share her kids name because she feels so strongly about protecting his identity, but doesn’t that not apply to all kids 🤐
Alfie Deyes went on record saying he didn’t agree with using kids for content/family channels,
and that seemed to be a nail in the coffin for that friendship.

who knew alfie would have more of a backbone than mel 😐

Mel is well aware that all eyes are on the sacconejoly's right now and it's an opportune moment for Mel to piggy back a few followers.

That stupid fucking reel of hers smugly listing all the reasons why she won't be sharing her child online while applauding a man child dressing his son overly sexual for money. If the kid wants to wear a dress let him? No need to film it. He doesn't need to be wearing wigs and lipstick and pouting seductively at a camera. He's a seven year old!! I'm heated.

Jonathan literally said this about his own son. (Attached) So you believe you are in the right to force your own issues and desires onto a 7 year old?!! I see people speculating that social services might be involved (again) but surely if there's an open investigation the two buffoons would be on their best behaviour and not film their children in the latest vlog?

I seen another comments that it's possible they are broke and can't afford to keep the kids in private school and instead of admitting to it they are pretending they are being ostracized by their town and forced into moving to save face.

Alfie- I'm-not-a tory- deyes speaks sense for once can't believe I just said that 😂


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She really should have never bothered using filters, nobody gives a shit about acne scars, most people have them. But she spent so long using them that now when she turns them off she looks so haggard looking and older than before, all because she used a fake filter for so long
It's so obvious isn't it.
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Isn't today Thomas's birthday? No happy bday post like last year. Instead we get a paragraph about how hard she has it.... interesting.
trouble in paradise, calling it now. I also feel like her constant comments about not having time to shower/wear clean clothes are subtle digs at him.
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She’s only not buying him toys because they’re both tighter than a flys arse and won’t spend the money. Kids toys are expensive and I hate every single one that my son owns but he loves them. They’re so odd.

(Mildly personal, soz.) I split with my sons dad because he was supposed to be the stay at home parent but his idea of that was to do a few dishes and wipe down a counter so I still had to take care of everything else while working full time. He used the baby as an excuse to be lazy and Melanie gives me MAJOR lazy vibes the same as him. It has to be annoying for Thomas. I was fit to be tied most days.
Hope you are doing as well as can be @Chinese_whispers and sending love ❤ I can see why you would split over that, that would annoy the hell out of me. Melanies lazy attitude grinds on me so much and blaming the baby for not being productive but then contradicting herself by replying to half arsed comments from followers. Breastfeeding isn't the be and end all of motherhood, I can't imagine her being spontaneous with the baby without her security blanket (thomas) and take him out etc
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Wait, has she said they don’t have established meal times? I’d absolutely crack up if we didn’t! From the time he was born 2am/pm, 6am/pm, 10am/pm was bottles now he has breakfast, lunch, dinner and then evening bottle at basically the same time every day. Everyone knows their arse from their elbow and we’re all good with the system. Kid sleeps a dream most of the time because he knows the score and we have our evenings from 7:30-8pm.

No wonder she feels she never has time to do anything she has no structure in her life.
Yeah, it seems like she doesn't have a real schedule. At least that's what it seems like from the screenshot that was posted here. She says that she herself doesn't adhere to a strict food schedule so she wouldn't expect him to.
Maybe she just means she's not super strict with it. I would hope that she has some structure when it comes to food but who knows.
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It's really odd that her mum and sister never make the effort to see the baby ,unless it's her doing ! a kind of punishment maybe . I think she's feeling insecure about Thomas's new hair she said it makes him look so young 😂
I think it's weird about her mum, but I don't think she's someone most people enjoy spending loads of time with if she's half as annoying in person as she is online.
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It’s actually okay for babies and children to be upset and experience there emotions as long as they aren’t in pain or hungry we shouldn’t be trying to get rid of every bad emotion for them . Children need to self soothe otherwise as adults they will never learn to accept emotions as normal and will look to outside sources to get rid of emotions eg alcohol, drugs, food, sex. Sitting in a dark room on holidays and co sleeping isn’t doing her child any favours.
There are other theories which claim the complete opposite though. Giving your child all the body contact making it more trustful in the whole world in general and therefore having a positive impact on their future resiliency. That's basically the idea of attachment parenting I guess.
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Jaysus that accent at first he sounded like Thomas.
Jessie said on Instagram she wants to start having kids at 27
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I honestly can't believe that it's taken me so long to notice the similarities between Thomas and Jonathan joly. Not only physically but exact same personalities- metrosexuals who love being on camera. Mel has always wanted to be the sacconejoly's 2.0.
View attachment 566405View attachment 566406View attachment 566407View attachment 566408
Let’s hope their views on forcing transgenderism on their child is v e r y different and the physical similarities are where it ends.
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Melanie’s the type to adopt a dog and then send them back soon after because they’re too ‘difficult’ when in actual fact she doesn’t have the empathy or patience to give them any extra effort or love. Some dog adoptions are super straight forward and some are more challenging because of the dogs history. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth it but it won’t be worth it for Melanie because it’s not beneficial to her.
Dog adoption is complicated. Particularly in recent times. I've tried to adopt many times but haven't been picked yet by rescues. They get a lot of offers and they obviously pick what is best for each dog.
It's not a quick process. She won't adopt I'd say. Too many rescues are not suitable for young children as a lot are herding breds or as another poster said they're not used to children.
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View attachment 568634
Surprise surprise. The goal of completing it BEFORE his birthday won't be reached. Shocker.
Also: longest swim so far is about 2,54 km out of the 10km...
This aged like milk now, didn't it.

As well as his longest swim being 2.54km he ran way more than he actually got in the water and swam.

In or around 29 runs and walks vs 13 times in the water. Let's be real the chap wasn't arsed.


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So she goes on and on about how much she's eating, takeaways, chocolate at breakfast etc lots to keep up her milk supply and so on AND she is barely working has she got so skinny so quickly? I'm calling bullshit. I think her ED is back and in full throttle and she's saying this stuff to hide it.
I've got a friend like this who would eat predominately junk
So am I insane or I just don't think she's what I would describe as skinny?? She looks like she's back to her pre-baby weight but she's still very soft looking, I think she's just eating like she did before she had the baby and photoshopping/posing/using angles in her photos. Honestly, most mums I know looked more or less back to themselves around 7 months postpartum if they just keep eating normally regardless of working out. It's a lot easier to look good postpartum if you dress well, looking good naked is an ENTIRELY different story 🤣
You have hit the nail on the head haha! I'm 7 months postpartum and everyone thinks I look exactly the same, however all my muscle melted away and converted to fat when pregnant 🤣🤣 its a different story to what I look like with clothes on and off 🤣🤣 I'm working out now gyms have opened to regain strength and muscle, I'm actually interested to see if melanie does as she always goes on about it being good for her mental health?
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She's actually a dream influencer. She is minus integrity. She basically said there that she won't be speaking about it until she gets word from management on what they want her to say, the correct messaging to protect and mitigate negative reaction against the brand.

The whole "I am SURE they'll do everything they can" c'mon Melanie. You were also SURE that they were a completely ethical company last week.

They'll do everything they can insofar as getting this story to blow over and roll out damage control. Are we supposed to believe they were doing everything they can to date when this rampant abuse went unchecked for years?
This is part of my problem. She's waiting to hear back so she can undoubtedly make more money of them. It very much feels like she has no regard for the women who have been affected by this, but wants to figure out the quickest way around this so that she can go back to advertising and promoting them for a quick buck

Its so unfair.
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