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Well-known member
I agree if spirituality makes you happy go for it but this shite all the influencers are yapping about I manifested this house, I manifested this boohoo haul, all you have to do is want it and its yours, It's just that easy!

Twin flames, dark night of the soul or whatever is so toxic and damaging. I won't hammer on about it but Jesus, really unhealthy stuff.

I notice a pattern that those who are really lost and unhappy cling to dear life to stuff like the secret and manifesting. Shoving down feelings in favour of positive thinking (niomi smart).

(IMO) Manifesting and the secret actually hyper focuses on what individuals lack so you are always looking for the next big thing and never happy with what you have currently.Look at Mel for example- a beautiful baby, marriage and a good wage, yet constantly whines about what she doesn't have or lacks- a big house, wanting four children while constantly complaining about the one she has. Writes badly but refuses to take steps to better her writing. Her whole child's purpose revolves about how it has empowered Mel as a warrior mama, instead of a child softening Mel, it's make her more egotistical and selfish.

Influencers like Mel tailor spirituality in order to not have to do the hard work or take accountability. Perfect example being ; Mel acts out in her relationship and she refers to it as her "inner child acting out"
It's always the most problematic, narcisstic self proclaimed empaths who are just so so spiritual youse goise!

Its face to face intensive therapy that's needed not the secret or Deepak Chopra.
I wish YOU were an influencer!! 👏🏼 Such an apt analysis and brilliant perspective ❤ Thankyou for saying that!
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The Devils Arse

VIP Member
Oh he irritates me too, wading in with eyebrows and teeth half way through filming
This line has tickled me! Does anyone else remember stopit and tidy up?! Clean your teeth walks into view clicking his fingers and showing off his teeth. If he only had eyebrows, it would be Mr Melanie.

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You have to remember that this coming from the girl who moaned about being at Disney World and felt 'unsafe' in Venice. I think she is most happy lounging around her bedroom with Thomas and the baby and although she complains about certain aspects of her life does nothing to improve them.
What could she have possibly moaned about in Disney world??
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Melanie’s the type to adopt a dog and then send them back soon after because they’re too ‘difficult’ when in actual fact she doesn’t have the empathy or patience to give them any extra effort or love. Some dog adoptions are super straight forward and some are more challenging because of the dogs history. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth it but it won’t be worth it for Melanie because it’s not beneficial to her.

I don't remember Melanie ever even talking about liking dogs, or animals in general now that I think of it. I think she had cats? What happened to them?
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Oooooo her mate Sarah who she made the break-up video with isn't following her on Instagram anymore, but she's following Thomas!
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Well-known member
UGH. i'm p much exclusively a lurker on here but the line of 'people can do their own research' is rlly old and i am sick of influencers acting as if the things they promote have no real life consequences like 'oh but i didn't MAKE anyone buy this shitty product'. maybe not, but the whole reason you get sponsorships is because your endorsement WORKS and in that lies responsibility with where you choose to put it.

like why not be more of the line "i still stand by recommending the service but i'm glad you've brought this up so that viewers can follow it up if they wish"?! basically the same statement but so much less deflective
THIS! So much this! Louder for all the influencers!! PREACH!!!
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Chatty Member
I sincerely hope the plan isn’t to move in with her Dad then when Thomas goes as lilies are poisonous to cats. I wouldn’t let that thing across the threshold if it were my house, no plant (or “air purifier” in Mel’s world), is worth risking my cats lives.
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Chatty Member
So she is raving about a skincare product while using a filter on her skin.

Her poor unfortunate followers are applauding her *glowing* skin.

Way to mislead.
Her 10 year-old followers.

I haven't had the chance to fully catch up yet but on this note how has she no time to workout? Her husband and in laws are always at home, her son doesn't need breastfeeding every five minutes so surely they could take him for a half hour or so at some point in the day?
I've been squeezing in a workout 5 times a week since I was cleared at 6 weeks pp with no help from anyone because my husband still had to go out to work oh and I also breast fed for 6 months so she can't keep using that as an excuse.
I know everyone's situation is different but the way she goes on about how 'hard' she has it is frankly ridiculous. Get a grip Mel, you're just a lazy git
She's a liar and a drama queen. She mentioned many times that she can't wait to go back to the gym.

It only means that if gyms are open, she will definitely find ways to leave Milo (most possibly to baldy's clan) while they are pumping and getting hammy, cheesy, annoying with their musical vlog in the gym.
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Chatty Member
She looks close to tears and exhausted in her new video. Motherhood doesn’t come naturally to her at all. She won’t cope when Thomas is back at work.
And the thing is, LOTS of women really struggle, are knackered and low after giving birth. Post-partum depression is super common. I wish she'd be open about the fact that she's clearly struggling, especially as it would probably really resonate with any of her followers who are mothers/expectant mothers. But instead she has to do this smug earth mother act.
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Well-known member
How ironic that they are paying towards a car (that they bought during the pandemic when he was already not working full time) specifically for him to go to work. And now he won't be needing it and she won't be able to make use of it either as she can't drive. Money down the drain every month. Another instance of tip top planning 👌🏻
Such a good point haha 🙃

Why has Melanie the independent boss babe Youtube star not got her driving license? 🤔
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What kind of a life is it. If anything it's poor planning and bad organisation. If he's put down at 7 on a regular basis. Eat dinner at 5 then and enjoy the few hours of good weather. Sitting in darkness from 7 until the rest of the night because of poor planning. Although I get the feeling Melanie doesn't like to do a whole lot. Doesn't seem like they left the hotel a whole lot. Mel seems content sitting in darkness watching re runs of sex and the city, marvelling online about holidaying in Ireland... while sitting in darkness the majority of the time.

@awakenotwoke is doing it right. Imagine spending upwards of 400 euro for a two night stay to be sitting in darkness and looking at a pile of shitty nappies in the corner of the room.

None of my friends with kids let them dictate their holidays. I feel like Melanie really likes the control and excuse of having a baby with a schedule in order to bubble wrap the three of them indoors.
I think it's suits her but Thomas would soon get bored of that life, especially once he's got his wings again and exploring a new city .
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Maybe this is a dumb question. But would Thomas actually be exempt from quarantine restrictions on travelers coming into Ireland when he commutes from Manchester?
I think that as an airline worker he might be spared certain restrictions when traveling into the UK, but would he not have to quarantine every time he travels from Manchester to Ireland? At least under current restrictions. But maybe I got it wrong.
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