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She'll drop a hundred dollars on a hidious sweater but doesn't want to "spend a fortune" on toys? "Well the baby has these dusty blinds to play with and I'm covered in overpriced crochet nipples. Everyone is happy."

She is the queen of weird takes. Instead of just saying "I loved unconventional play things as a kid, they are good for imagination." Which is relatable and insightful. She has to phrase it like some twisted purity mantra. "PEOPLE and THINGS (exploring.connecting) are ALL they need." She says she hates black and white thinking but everything that comes out of her mouth is black and white.

Also, Miss environmentally friendly hasn't heard of a community swap? My neices and nephews just inherited their toys. Usually parents are pretty good about lending/giving/selling baby stuff once it's outgrown. Especially infant stuff.
But that would require her having social interaction. With other parents. So it's not going to happen 🤣🤣🤣

On another note: Thomas still hasn't done his swim 10 days after the deadline. Water temperature is at over 11°C at the moment in Skerries, according to the internet. Not comfortable but absolutely doable.
Melanie also hasn't made her monthly donation so far and it has been over a month now. Any bets on if/when the swim or donation from Melanie will happen?
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Okay cringe aside, what do they even eat? Every adult I know has a budget for groceries. Sometimes you go overboard sure but there’s always a pattern. What are they even eating?? Ready made porridge heated up in microwave? One time packets of pasta, pesto and vegetables for just one dinner? Do they go out for groceries everyday? Besides the brands they get are expensive af. Their lack of structure/failure at adulting gives me so much anxiety. They have zero value for money and people like them go on preaching the world about sustainable choices? Ffs. Why don’t they buy in bulk? Why don’t they batch cook proper food? Melanie’s food diaries have always included same items and same food groups. What kind of nutritional therapy did she do? She doesn’t know which food group to pair with what. She constantly talks about her weight OBSESSIVELY. How tf is she qualified to give any insight on food to eat?!!! YouTube should demonetize videos offering such dangerous advice. I cannot imagine the impact it can have on a kid actually dealing with ED.
Side note: Thomas is such a pretentious dickhead. Period.
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Got herself a fancy new ailment 😂

The dramatics. I fully expect to see her in a full back brace by tomorrow 😂

Your baby might be big, but is he so big he ruptured a disc 😍😍

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Wow she makes going on holiday with a baby sound horrific! Are all baby routines so rigid?! Imagine eating in the dark because it’s past 7pm and balancing suitcases on windows to keep the curtains closed 😳 Not going to lie- my baby is a crap sleeper so I could be doing it wrong 😂
I actually wanted to message her when I seen that they were eating in darkness at 7. Last year my baby was the same age going away we got a huge family room put him down the other end of the room with lights off in just that section and the rest of us watched tv and sat in our outside area having a drink. She panders to every move that baby makes poor child won’t be able to self regulate ever. It’s so sad. Our children don’t need wrapping in bubble wrap it destroys there self confidence. Melanies parenting skills are anxious and over the top molly colldling which aren’t doing anyone any favourers
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I feel like Melanie doesn’t live in the real world at all. Lives in her made up reality. Not only that, she doesn’t live in the present. Doesn’t appreciate what she has now but constantly imagining some perfect future. The problem is she imagines it all but doesn’t plan appropriately for it because she’s not living in the real world. I think she expects it to just all happen for her.
I remember her once posting about destination addiction (believing happiness is always in the future) when she is the living embodiment of it. Harping on about her future dogs and her future children and her future house and her future life instead of enjoying her baby right in front of her.
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it’s so weird to me how she records herself crying, especially that sped up montage of her on the phone to the therapist crying?? She’s such a narcissist it’s insane
Like when she recorded herself crying and singing... I'm sorry to bring it up all the time but I'm still not over it
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One of my favourite comments from REAL author who calls out the fakes like Tolkien, Austen, Tolstoy.......

View attachment 573512
The difference is that the masterpieces use correct language, grammer etc....not liking a story is one thing. But she writes like a 16 year old in a diary. All slang, no punctuation. It's word vomit.
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The neck of him thinking he could fly domestically for his whole career? Why go into aviation just to fly dublin to London or whatever.

Would he not want to have opportunity to see different parts of the world while working? Anyone I know who was working in aviation seemed to have an amazing time seeing different cities etc

The pair of them are so bloody boring 🤣
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100% this. Contrary to popular belief, I think their relationship decisions come from Thomas. He “advises” Melanie on what to do with the money. I think it was 100% his decision to live with the in laws rather than her dad because of his man-ego! He pushes Melanie to take on shitty sponsorships so it’s obvious that Melanie slips sometimes and mentions his debt and it looks like its Melanie controlling Thomas and not the other way around. I think Melanie is too dumb for adulting but I am sure that Thomas is a toxic husband and Melanie thinks he is better than her. I am even going to go on a limb here and say that I think Thomas wanted this Skerries fairytale life with loads of children. Melanie is easily manipulated and she now thinks its her dream. It would be really sad if Melanie ever regret having a kid when she wasn’t sure but I think with their current situation, Melanie cannot handle a single mom role even for few days without any family support. So it makes sense for her to stay put, maybe some distance from Thomas can help her understand what she wants out of life. Because so far she has just been a cheerleader for Thomas and his career while he was constantly moaning about it throughout lockdown and holding it over Melanie’s head because he believes his career is better than hers (even though she pays for most of the things/have savings/working). We have seen Melanie losing herself when in relationship, her marriage is not so different. 🤷🏻‍♀️
She completely loses herself in every relationship. I think she leeches and feeds off the personality of whoever she seems to be spending most of her time with.

I'm not usually someone who picks at people's appearances. But I'm gonna say it.... she has hair like Lord Farquaad.


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How odd I can't remember her ever mentioning doing shrooms prior to lately? She flips her narrative constantly. I feel like she has demonised alcohol so much she is now looking for alternatives! And they fit with the spiritual vibe
A friend of mine was in her class in secondary school and said she smoked hash all of once at the back of a ghost estate and acted like she was off her face 🤣🤣 it was because her boyfriend at the time was in that circle of people, she just adapts to whoever she's dating at the time it seems. I highly doubt she's ever done anything like shrooms, it's like she's having a midlife crisis trying to be cool or something? 🙄

Also laughable is her attacking filter use on Instagram which she uses daily? The same friend told me one of Melanie's close friends during that time discovered melmo used to download photos from other profiles on myspace of girls that were much skinnier/hotter than her where they had the camera in front of there face and would then upload the photos claiming them as her own, and when she was called out on it she doubled down on the denial
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She's 3400 words to go until finishing the novel. Wouldn't most writers then have a fairly hefty process of going back over everything, re-writes for months, making sure it's perfect? Kids put more effort into college reports fgs, I feel so sorry for the editor 😂
And this is why her last book ended like a GCSE written paper, like a Biff Chip and Kipper story 'and then they found the magic key and went home'.
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Toy boy😂😂 hardly he looks 40 . You wish Melanie.she really thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread.
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View attachment 549462

And there we go.
Up there with labour pain? Oh wow.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the physio supposedly told her she needs to get it checked with x-ray or MRI etc. if the pain persists and not that it IS a herniated disk. At least according to what she said last time.
Also, funnily enough in the picture accompanying this new essay of hers, the neck brace is nowhere in sight and she has her head thrown all the way back.
Take care of yourself if you are experiencing these things, ffs. This would maybe actually help instead of making a comment about your baby's chubby arm about you and how proud you are of overcoming so much and how much pain you tolerate for his sake.
I'm just really at a loss at how she manages to make giant leaps and allude to the worst possible diagnosis everytime. Ahem, PCOS. It's like she enjoys being in a patient (victim mode) and all the sympathy/attention that comes with it.

Pinched nerves and herniated disks are two different conditions but are treated the same way... Like @monga said the only way of knowing if a pinched nerve is causing the herniated disk is via MRI.... and she was told If physio doesn't resolve it then the next port of call is an MRI. She's had ONE session. ONE.

She's done the very same thing here that she done with PCOS. A doctor tells her she's being queried for something (pco) and Mel diagnoses herself with the worst outcome (pcos)

She really needs help.
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That woman 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

My parents took me on a camping trip when I was even younger than her baby is now and guess what, they always talked about the positive. And I am sure that sleeping with a baby in a tent had its downsides lol. That's not what they focused on though. I asked my mom about it yesterday. And her answer was that of course it was challenging at times but the joy to be able to show her children things always was bigger than the challenges.
My parents always say what a treat it was when they went to a hotel for one night on the way there and back and Melanie over here makes it sound like you have to sleep and live in a cave.
And even on holiday they can't take care of dirty diapers properly, really? I don't even want to know what state that room is going to be in when they leave.
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I agree with everything said here about how chaotic and worrying that video is. She's spiralling and presenting it to the world, I hope she gets help soon.

Just to add, I appreciate the use of TW throughout this thread and WISH Melanie would learn how to/care enough to use them consistently. She covered some hefty and triggering topics in that video and never once (IIRC) gave a TW. Like, even in editing you can say "skip to X to avoid Y"in text, or use the segmenting of videos that people do now.

Of course she highlighting digital distortion as a sponsored campaign.

Let's all go out and buy some gradual tan because Melanie now says no to using filters.
She uses filters all the time, how dare she.
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Yeah defo. I don't know what he thinks he brings to the table when the daft bastard can't even motivate himself to get dressed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Wasn't Melanie always whining on about how motivated and dedicated he is?

He hasn't bothered to train anymore for Barnardos and he is isn't anywhere near completing a 10k swim. Imagine pledging a 10k swim for a children's charity, taking donations of over €6,000 and not even bothering to try.

Let's be honest, he's not needed to speak on aviation, only in the door a minute. Instead of whining on Twitter and making cheap digs at politicians he could... I dunno, complete his swim for charity. He totally only took part in the charity swim to look like a charitable guy, down and out of a job just giving back because he's just so good.

Small mickey energy.
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Jonathan joly donated to Thomas's Swim. Great to see two gay men support each other in their endeavours all the same.However, Jonathan Joly should work on not exploiting his own children before bragging about large donations to a children's charity. Charity starts at home after all.
“Mate” 🤢

He actively exploits his children, including his son potentially being trans. They give their kids cold showers when they misbehave, they don’t give them proper portion sizes.

Bad people to call your mate
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