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Sorry to quote my own post but I’m not allowed to edit it 😂 “the things we do for them” 1. Is SO patronizing! 2. Something she’s parroting. I don’t know anyone our age who says that. That’s an old person saying or someone who isn’t comfortable in the role.

"The things we do for them"

Melanie, Do you mean basic care needs such as feeding, shelter, clothing and medical care...the basic stuff every mother knows is part of raising a child.

Guess I'm confused on which parts of your child's most basic care needs, you feel you deserve an accolade for? (the child you wanted to bring into the world)
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The two of them moping round the kitchen reminded me of when I stayed over at my now fiancé's when we were teenagers after a night out, they look like two overgrown kids playing parents. God help that baby!
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Thank You for this!! My blood is boiling 😡

Have fostered dogs all my life. There is a reason there's criteria for dogs when it comes to rehoming. How stupid can Mel get. The ignorance alone just proves to me she shouldn't have any dogs.

A dog that has been raised with elderly people is NOT going to do great with children in most cases. A dog that may have been attacked several times by other dogs is not going to do well with other dogs or vice versa. It's common sense,Melanie. The criteria is so strict because these organisations care about the welfare of animals in their care.

The girl who doesn't leave the attic, depends on her husband to drive her everywhere wants to adopt several shelter dogs and have a chicken coop. The same girl who complains about having one child with 4 adults in the household to help.

Can't see Mel and her 4 children(apparently) walking all her adopted dogs twice a day when she whines about not being able to wash herself for almost a week.

Sorry about the rant. I love dogs 😂
My thoughts exactly. Always have to have the MOST of everything. 4 kids. Lots of dogs. 4 bed House.
She can't even keep an attic tidy. I don't know what reality she lives in.
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They are a set of drips. Whilst Melanie is busy writing her book why doesn't Thomas do something productive with the baby like take him for a walk or take him to meet up with some friends? Why insist on sitting in your dressing gown all day being unproductive? They're literally joined at the hip aren't they. Lazy, scruffy idle bastards.
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Chatty Member
Ok so the intuitive eating I sorta get. Apparently babies naturally do that, until they get older and learn to manipulate/are told to eat up etc etc. But her wording of it....Jesus wept...I want him to eat as I do 😍 like a student basically? Picking at processed waffles and making one serve dishes? A great example. I cannot wait until he's a toddler, then she'll know hardship 😂 and a teenager? Oh my 😎
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First and foremost she's a bullshit artist. Filming herself crying again makes me cringe. There's no way she can have an honest, unperformed, genuine conversation with a doctor or therapist if she's filming herself. But sure rake in that spon money from this brand that your commenters are telling you is sketchy. And that you were skeptical yourself of in the past.

Secondly I can do without more half naked fannying around in the sea. If you're gonna do that at least fucking go for it instead of pretending you're Marilyn Monroe on the air vent.

Thirdly teehee sex muffins except I can't include the actual pertinent ingredient so I'm making carrot cake with a naughty name. 31 years old.
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In Melanie’s fantasy world her ‘village’ would be expected to help raise her child while she relaxed in the bath all day. She’d never return the favour because MeMeMelanie. She’s got no clue what it means to be part of a village, she can’t be anything other than self absorbed.
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What’s the point in her uploading a “project reset” without a spon like scam-pathetics

let’s see what she fills that slot with, because she never uploads without a spon now. 🤐

View attachment 569260View attachment 569261

or maybe they don’t spend 16 hours online scrolling and bitching and trollin and replying to short compliments with thesis length answers of the bull shit variety, better add a “haha” because it’s just banter right.

She ends up in week old dirty jammies and bras? Despite having a husband home and 3 other adults. But she just loves #ad playing June's journey... Doesn't compute.

It's called lazy hygiene and a victim complex.

Watch the wahwahs worsen when Thomas jumps ship.
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Could she not have done what parents have done for decades ,put him in the pram and went out to eat they usually fall asleep if they're tired enough.
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I think it's evident she's struggling with motherhood. Every post about motherhood is tinged with passive aggressiveness and martyrdom.

The SA video she is clearly not doing great, reminiscing on her wild days of threesomes and magic mushrooms and ex boyfriend's. In the comments of that video someone said they hope she's okay and she made a snippy statement that tears shouldn't be confused with depression and that she was, in fact really happy.... yet the latest reel directly contradicts that...

I also seen this comment from Mel on the latest reel. She wants to start trying for another baby again, yet she's clearly struggling as is. She also mentions the possibility of moving country. She's not even considering it lets be real but needs to pretend to her followers so that she doesn't look selfish and like she's putting herself first, which she is... imo. Baby should come first.

If moving abroad was a possibility... surely the ball should have been rolling to make the move and adjust a good few weeks prior.
Yea that whole reply has red flags all over it
She obvs wants to share that baby but Thomas isn’t allowing it hence the want to share but I can’t for a variety of reasons…meaning she wants to but isn’t allowed
She wants another baby so quickly because she loves being a parent, news flash you are one, you don’t need another baby to be one, what she is actually saying is she enjoys having a small baby who depends on her, lots of women will keep having babies because they love that phase where they are 100% dependant on you,when they start crawling walking talking and not needing you as much these women can’t cope, so they have another baby
She misses drinking wine…yea a “recovering alcoholic” shouldn’t say they miss wine when it’s something that controlled them and ruined their life…I doubt Anthony Hopkins misses drinking wine(correct me if I’m wrong) but we know Mels addiction is made up bullshit
Now they have mortgage approval…well isn’t that just news she’s dropped in there but hasn’t actually shared it to her many reels saying… yes they can buy a house and he can be a pilot…all the dreams are coming true…so I would take that with a pinch of salt
Also a child who sleeps till 6.30 is a fucking dream, even if they do wake for a feed, but I don’t know many 10 month olds waking for a feed, what that kid wants is a boob for comfort, same thing can be done with a soother by his dad, but that wouldn’t fit the narrative of the baby being dependant on her and her alone
Apologies long rant
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Why is her go to always to call the person a troll? That clearly was a very well argued, well phrased comment that she responded to and not at all a troll.

You’re right she’s an absolute weapon.
To quote Melanie herself - not everyone is a troll, but you are one, Melanie.

Shitting her knickers because someone of higher intelligence and empathy for other women took her down a few pegs. 😂
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Her whole channel used to be about sex sex sex and now she’s not having any anymore she has no content.
No doubt she'll use Pride month to post and make reels about herself. I ordinarily never doubt what people say their orientation is but the way mel talks about being bi and women she finds attractive sounds alot like someone sexualizing female bisexuality to appeal to a male audience, in her typical "pick me" fashion. I also think that if she'd really dated a woman like she said she did, she would have posted about it online, she can't even take a bath or breastfeed without letting the world know. Not that you have to have had relations with a same-gendered person to be bi, but I just always felt like she's trying to capitalize on something she's not.
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Poor sod lol

Thing is though, if Melanie was being proactive with the baby, putting her time into creating fun activities or getting him out and about I don't think anyone would mention how unproductive she is with other aspects of her life. She's already said she won't be bothering with buying him toys, so how else is he meant to keep entertained.

All I've seen is her shutting him in the darkness and breast feeding him or trailing Thomas out with her for the occasional walk with the boombox attached to the pushchair.
She’s only not buying him toys because they’re both tighter than a flys arse and won’t spend the money. Kids toys are expensive and I hate every single one that my son owns but he loves them. They’re so odd.

(Mildly personal, soz.) I split with my sons dad because he was supposed to be the stay at home parent but his idea of that was to do a few dishes and wipe down a counter so I still had to take care of everything else while working full time. He used the baby as an excuse to be lazy and Melanie gives me MAJOR lazy vibes the same as him. It has to be annoying for Thomas. I was fit to be tied most days.
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Her 5 year plan is the biggest pile of crap if that was true you surely wouldn’t be planning a 2nd child and know when you wanna start trying before you’ve even bought your own house. She really is shite at prioritising things, a house should be top of that list before a 2nd child, your 30 years old married with a child and living in your in laws attic for crying out loud and eating beans and potato waffles for your dinner every night 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ That really show you have your priorities right and a ‘5 year plan’
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Iconic Member
Oh please for the love of god..... post natal depression, “diagnosed“ by a fucking sponsored scam app.
get to actual fuck you collect illnesses like Pokemon you crazy ass bint.

What’s going on here then? The comments vanished?
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UGH. i'm p much exclusively a lurker on here but the line of 'people can do their own research' is rlly old and i am sick of influencers acting as if the things they promote have no real life consequences like 'oh but i didn't MAKE anyone buy this shitty product'. maybe not, but the whole reason you get sponsorships is because your endorsement WORKS and in that lies responsibility with where you choose to put it.

like why not be more of the line "i still stand by recommending the service but i'm glad you've brought this up so that viewers can follow it up if they wish"?! basically the same statement but so much less deflective
Welcome over!! Fantastic points and I agree especially when it comes to something as delicate as mental health.

"do your own research"

No hunny. If you are going to have the balls and conviction to promote such a scammy app you best be researched to inform your viewers. You best be armed with the facts about what you are promoting. She had to have a follower tell her the app wasn't suitable for people self harming/suicidal or people with diagnosed mental health issues. Tells you how little research she did.
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Melanie surely must know by now that from hereon out she'll always be the least interesting person in the room.
Jess will outdo her in YouTube as it's really a younger person's platform and younger audiences would rather watch puppy love than a moaning married couple living in an attic. Even when things reopen and lockdown lifts, Jess and her fella will be going to events, doing fun things, Thomas will be flying around the world (or in court for saying something absolutely vile to Covid victims on Twitter, that does seem like a possible route for that guy). And what's Mel going to be doing? Sitting at Thomas's parents home, minding the baby, complaining about her neck.
Sorry, but her content is now crap and she's positioned herself in a terrible way moving forward.
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personally I totally agree now looking back, but at the time I was totally blind to her ways. I think unless you regularly keep up with Mel it can be hard to catch all of her narcissism since she glosses everything she says with rainbows and butterflies
Im only on this site because I was actually a fan of hers for a few years, but it was during lockdown that I started to see her nasty side. I’m sure if I go back and rewatch her earlier stuff I’ll spot the issues straightaway, but as a 20 year old she was great to watch.

But she just called her son a bastard in the Insta comments... so theres that.
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