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Chatty Member
What does she get off with this holier than thou attitude? The real reason she doesn't need to buy toys is because she has a small army of family members to entertain her child at the click of her fingers. Your child has no stability and no routine and certainly no stimulation. Breastfeeding alone is not enough to secure healthy development it takes so much more effort of which she lacks. Get to fuck Melanie you're an absolute drip. (I am mad this morning)

Has she ever thought that perhaps because her dad was on the breadline raising two children alone is the reason why they didn't have very much? If you can give your child the world you do so, you make sure they had better than you. She could buy secondhand from the charity shop or even make use of crafty things around the house like homemade playdough! Also a bit of fresh air would do them all the world of good.
Healthy childhood development is not her priority making sure the child stays dependent on her and in the long term doesnt do better than her are her priorities.

Shes repeating the intergenerational trauma too, it starts with well it was good enough for me and not fixing your own problems as a parent.
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My fucking blood is actually boiling at this. Armchair activism she calls it when asked to highlight how families are dying and trying to flee for their safety.

But it's all hey goise sign this petition to save aviation. People will be out of work youse goise. Constantly whining about aviation and asking support from her followers, yet when she's asked to highlight the devastation on Palestinians she's not up to doing armchair activism.

Nobodies asking her to impact change- people are asking her to use her influence and following to draw attention to what's going on. She can influence people to purchase fablethics and dove bodywash but she can't influence her younger audience to care about current affairs and the fucking devastation outside of Melanie's little bubble. This girl wants to be a lecturer. The one who never realised that their was so much social injustice in the world prior to covid.
Also she doesn't understand what "armchair activism" actually means - shocker. It's if someone spouts off about radical aims whilst doing nothing. If you use your platform to spread awareness, set up and share petitions, lobby elected officials, donate etc then you're actually doing activism. Activism isn't just attending marches, and it's actually super ableist/classist and exclusionary to imply so. Also, it's bollocks that the only way you can enact change is by lobbying members of parliament etc or that "just little old me can do nothing", you only have to look to scenes in Glasgow last week to see how impactful ordinary people coming together can be. Melanie, for the love of god, stop patronising other people when you clearly have no idea.
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Would it fucking kill her to use captions on her stories? Jesus. She's all for inclusion huh... It's literally an inbuilt function now, no excuse. Clearly laziness trumps audience access.
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Yes, and not once did fruit flies write shitty books with cringey love scenes.
Does this also mean that fruit flies are superior to Melanie?
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Just wow. Just when you think she can't get any worse, there she goes letting her kid play with a blind cord. Everyone with half a brain cell knows that's so unsafe. There is definitely something desperately wrong with her mental health, she is actually a dangerous person at this point. My child is a few months older than hers and we made a point to try and use wooden toys as much as possible but aren't against plastic we are just wary of how much of it we buy her. We also find great stuff in charity shops, ebay and have had a good few hand me downs from friends as well. There are plenty of storage options out there as well if it's a clutter issue she's worried about. I don't spoil my daughter but it's so bloody important for her development that she has these things to help her learn. I genuinely cannot get my head around how little she actually knows about raising a child.
Oh and don't get me started on the intuitive eating thing. Jesus wept! Your child will stop eating when he's full, it's really not that complicated. Pick times for your meals. If he's hungry he'll eat. Children actually need routine in their lives, all humans do to an extent. I don't get her aversion to it. I was very baby led in the beginning when my daughter was a newborn because you kind of don't have a choice but we had to learn to fit into each others lives, I had to go back to work and I also wanted time alone/with friends/with my husband. How can she expect to have any of that without some sort of routine.
She is batshit crazy!!!!
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God have they really been together for 4 years?
I know some couples move faster than others but IMO it’s so crazy to me they’re only four years in— especially since Melly has been racing to their next life “checkpoint” their entire time together. They barely even lived together prior to having the baby (her crashing at his dorm for a week or two barely counts 😂)

It’s all a big red flag to me. There’s no right time formula for happy couples but it’s clear to me that Mel has rushed their pace exponentially— without allowing time to enjoy any of the journey.
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She really tries so hard to martyr herself in the latest post. All about how much effort and sacrificing of their own enjoyment for the benefit of the child but there are undertones of pure resentment in that post.

If he was going down for the night at his regular time they could have planned around it, they could have eaten dinner earlier? Crazy to me how we've had wonderful weather and instead of enjoying an earlier dinner in the sunshine, they wait until they put him down and eat from room service in the darkness?

Everything little thing has to be about how shes affected.

Also funny how we were all discussing the lack of emotion in her recent post and the next morning she makes sure to upload a snap of herself making eye contact with her own child.
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it’s so weird to me how she records herself crying, especially that sped up montage of her on the phone to the therapist crying?? She’s such a narcissist it’s insane
She basically admitted she does things only for money these days. Youtubers will milk pretty much any moment of their lives for $$
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I think maybe she's realising that's why most people get their home/career established before they bring children into the mix, it makes decisions like hers a lot easier if there's no baby in tow .I can't see her move away from family she doesn't come across as secure in her role as a mother she's too dependant on others to be left alone in another country , she hasn't even had one night alone with the baby since he was born .
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So an undisclosed advert for Scamletics. Ambassador still removed from bio... but is still clearly an ambassador and promoting them? Has not declared it an advert or tagged them in post Hello ASAI 😂

She hasn't been online for days, It's HER JOB? one insignificant mention of Palestine and back promoting a brand that doesn't give a fuck about human rights because she needs that sweet cheque.

Shady, shady snake. Outstanding morals, Mel the eMpAth 👏


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I wish YOU were an influencer!! 👏🏼 Such an apt analysis and brilliant perspective ❤ Thankyou for saying that!
Haha thank you ❤

But like influencing is such hard work. Can't imagine how hard it must be to wake up every morning to trawl through webMD for a new diagnosis to profit off. Then having to film myself as not one but two charathers for a reel.... effort.

Picking up the heavy thesaurus every morning to pad out my book. I'm nowhere near talented enough to write something as profound as "juicy mammary tissue"

Getting into an argument and switching out through my hundreds of sock puppets to defend myself. How much does that pay?

You'd be exhausted...
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New member
My god the two of them are so co-dependent. Like so Melanie wanted to go dairy free but why does he have to also?! Can they not do anything alone? I would actually hate to be in a relationship like this. God help them.
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Just to say that I do agree that they’re both toxic and wanted the best of both worlds. I called it months ago that he was only looking for short haul flights because the wanting to travel thing is bullshit. He wants the high pay and the short flights with the house by the sea, wife and 3 kids at home with the “badge“ of being a pilot. They’re extremely old fashioned that way. All of that is fine to want but just own it.
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The way she says "I wish us women were made to understand..." just doesn't sit right with me. It takes two to tango, why should all the responsibility and blame fall on the woman or the person that can get pregnant? (I'm not even going to go into her quite exclusive, binary language when she talks about pregnancy and abortion, we've all established her stance on that...) It's such a sexist statement and I bet she would excuse it with "but bIoLoGiCaLLY it's the woman's responsibility."
This! Your whole post. Spot on. Honestly, has she time-travelled here? You just know she'll be the type of mother that won't say a word to her son about safe sex or consent because "it's really for women to look after themselves". She's a dinosaur!
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The fake “gratefulness” in that post, I bet she’s absolutely raging deep down 😂

If she stays in Ireland for this 5 year period, she’s a fool. Her jealousy and insecurity will never let long distance work, not with a baby and soon another pregnancy in tow.
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She's such an ungrateful cow, she honestly thinks the world revolves around her? So she's saying she's gotten no support from Thomas family? Eh they only literally provide for the roof over your head love!
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“You were someone’s baby once”

All she’s highlighting here is that she genuinely is only understanding empathy now, in her 30’s and only because she grew a person. It must be exhausting to know her.
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Anyone else notice how often she wrote the word shit? Bit weird for a love letter. Did Tolkien write this? It's just quite poorly put together.
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