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From reading Mels comments, it appears Mel is doing what she does just incase a random child /teenager is feeling traumatised and alone & needs to see a vaping, beer drinking, ever growing woman have multiple meltdowns on tiktok. The child/ teenager will see posts telling them to "get dicked" and will be told about a strangers intimate sex life regardless of any trauma the child/teenager has suffered.
They will be shown in great repetitive detail how to live in the past, talk constantly about the past and how to keep the past in their present so it affects their everyday life.
It's quite alarming to read that Mels content is aimed at any traumatised children and young people! 😳


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@Bbang on the t time live she totally absolved herself of any responsibility re your friend, she said she gives advice etc but it's not her responsibility what people do with her advice. She really is dangerous!

On a separate note, her hygiene is disgusting! She fed the cat next to all fresh meat and contents without washing her hands. She dropped food on the floor the outdoor cat walks on, picked it up and cut it up into her dish and then unbelievably she scratched her itchy flaky skin and then touched all the fresh food with the same Mel skin covered hand she'd itched her flaky skin with. I nearly threw up! 🤮
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She really doesn't get the problem, how she's created a "safe space" for victims of trauma and sexual abuse to come together on a page dedicated to opening up about trauma and sexual abuse. Then when she's feeling horny she tells everyone to go get dicked and shares parts of her sex life. Perhaps horny Mel should come with a trigger warning!
Of course there's nothing wrong with talking about sex, BUT there's a time and a place. A "safe space" which predominantly talks about sexual abuse and trauma really isn't the place as its bound to trigger vulnerable people who've come to the safe place that's been created. The fact she doesn't get this says so much about her unfortunately.
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I hope she doesn’t start making contact about the step kids mothers again. Calling them birth mothers and putting private issues all over the internet, those poor kids. If I caught someone saying that about my mum online I’d hit the fucking roof.
Today she mentioned one of the kids mothers who didn't want the kids around Mel when she was mentally unwell in the past. There was no need to criticise the kids mothers and bring this up for some tik tok £s, teenage years are hard enough without a step parent talking about private family stuff online. She goes on about protecting her step kids then she calls out their mothers online. I'd be so cross with her for continually making private stuff public.
Mel thrives on drama! It's like she's got no filter!
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Uuuuuggghhhhhh, you just KNOW if she had a baby, she'd be a YouTube family vlogger and exploit her baby for £. She's seeing pound signs now (hence the super long lives, where people gift her and she says 'nooo don't gift me' but stays on live for hours).

The ick just keeps icking 🤢
So her followers can only send gifts/money on lives? And not on pre recorded videos?
She does 3 lives a day sometimes!
So that's why she does very long lives like last nights 4 hour marathon!! I didn't realise! What a suprise! NOT! 🙄😱
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I explained what Mel does to a very wise surgeon last night, they said two words...

"Compulsive Rumination"

How true!!!!
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It's me who took the photo on my phone and I certainly haven't photoshopped any followers onto it?!? I wouldn't have a clue how to do that.
Little update Mel, as we are all not as duplicitous as you, I just typed your friends user name in from the screenshot I took and it came up that she had 848 followers. I then went to where she commented on your post and clicked on her picture and it came up with over 37.2k followers like it did earlier. Clearly a tik tok glitch, why would anyone photoshop your friends follower numbers?

Clearly saying anything to distract away from what we are saying!
She mentioned you on the live lol.
Mel is obsessed with tattle, it’s unhealthy. Making a joke about it every 5 mins, her husband looked so cringed out
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Never stop talking guys xoxo

Her latest video makes it so obvious she still reads here 😂😂😂
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Whut? A photo was posted? I haven’t seen anything. Looks like it’s gone!
Yes it was me, I posted a pic of her mother which was easily found on Facebook. I see other threads post pictures of allsorts of family members of content creators on every thread I follow. I really hope her family have their right to reply re Mels posts.

I'm not denying anything Mel. I posted a picture which got removed. I'm not stalking anyone, I spent a few minutes doing a quick search because Mel tells us so much about these people I was curious. The only reason Mel doesn't post more info, by her own admission, is because it would get her into trouble with the police, because of everything else she posts about them.
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Chatty Member
What annoys me is she does it under the guise she cares about her followers! She doesn't give a flying fudge about her followers! She's already dropped them and told them not to trauma dump on her page.
ALL Mel's interested in is the sound of her own voice, her blaming everything that's wrong in her life on other people and showing off to her ex family in my opinion.
She definitely does not see what we all see!
Oh absolutely! I found it so odd the video she posted of her and her family at the bowling over the weekend. The kids looked totally disinterested, it just looked like an average family and nothing special whatsoever. It wasn't like the usual 'mummy vlogger' posts where they show the excitement of the kids, the happiness of the husband etc, the kind of thing that people actually consider inspiration to improve on their own lives. I skipped past it thinking it was a rando account tbh
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I thought at some point she might start sharing how she managed to break contact and work through it or advice learnt from her journey with narcissistic parents. But it all just seems to be what happened and slagging them off
I agree, it's proof to me that she's never been interested in helping others, if she was she'd have done videos to help others and would have focused on the issues you mention above, instead of videos mainly centred on bitterly slagging off her family over and over. Thankfully more and more people are seeing through her bull on a daily basis.
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More truth twisting at the end of the live, she said I'd said they got together when his youngest was 2, she's said MANY times they flirted with each other for ages before they got together! What I Actually said Mel was...

"She switches the truth up to suit her narrative. For example, I've heard and read her say she met her husband when she was 15, 19, 20 and 21. She leaves out the bit about her currently being 30 and him having an 11yr old child with another woman. So when he was having a baby with someone else, was he sneaking around with 19 yr old Mel in secret? Only the other day she told a half arsed story about them keeping their relationship a secret for months at that time. No wonder!"
Her husband looks bored shitless
He looks like he has Stockholm Syndrome! She speaks to him like he's irrelevant and irritating. He speaks to her with respect and she just mocks him, belittles him and jokes about him. It's such a weird relationship.
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I do know people who have been treated badly by the Samaritans. It seems to be pot luck when you call them, but Mel shouldn’t be putting out videos like this as it may deter someone who doesn’t have a husband or in-laws who apparently worship her 🙄 from reaching out.
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Delia Smith

VIP Member
Is she still doing those horrendous ‘fit checks’ with her too tight crop tops and seam bursting jeans ?
And dragging her husband in to do the same like he’s being held to ransom?
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