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She has been on live for about 4/5 hours! Her husband looks DONE. This girl needs serious help, I’m sure he just wants to relax of an evening after work.

On her live, she was also asked what therapy she has had. Couldn’t really answer ‘talking therapy’ what the hell does that mean! Most therapy requires talking or am I missing something? A big 180 from yesterday! Bet her husband doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going with her mood swings.
My partner doing this is my idea of hell 😂. He’s very clearly an introvert, man doesn’t want to spend his spare time talking to randomers
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I am not saying this is right or wrong morally but, I recently asked a solicitor friend about the law re children & alleged sexual abuse.

Interestingly the answer was that in law, there is a fine line between sexual experimentation & offending & in general children under 13 are not criminalised for sexual behaviour. They said that in law, all children are regarded as vulnerable by the nature of them being children.

That makes me wonder if the reason the cps didn't prosecute Mels brother wasn't because of what her mother said to them, but because but because her brother was 13.
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Mel sort you'd giant camel toe out 🤣
Oh FFS these lives with her man are mega awkward. He is literally squirming . He's came in the door and she's standing doing the live . She telling him about tattle life bullies and he is looking at her like STFU .
I’m glad it’s not just me! Omg I was finding it so awkward watching their conversation, it felt so unnatural and he looks so stiff baha
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Absolutely! An addicted person would be someone who when they work from home they film themselves before work, during work, on their lunch break, afterwork and all into the evening when their husband gets home until bedtime.
Plus when working in an office some days an addicted person would film themselves before work, on their lunch break for an hour, when cooking tea at home after work, when relaxing on the sofa until bedtime.
On a weekend an addicted person would film themselves in their bathroom, when cooking food, when out relaxing with their family, as soon as their family go home they are back to filming. And then the sycle of addiction repeats.

Gaslighting me is ironic when you are as addicted to looking at their phone and filming themselves as Mel is every single day 🤣
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Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow 😳

Fascinating how Mel's "tidy up" of her tiktok playlists has COMPLETELY changed the essence of her page being all about helping others, being all about her "narcissistic mother" and her alleged "abuse".

Mel has magically changed her page into something completely different. Mel's page is now all about "Womanhood" and "Nothing but love" 🤣

A perfect example of Mel "The Actress" rescripting her own narrative! Wow! 😲
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Has she ever mentioned what her job role is? I can't bring myself to scroll through her content to find out.
A ‘billing executive’ for a telecoms company. I assume that she deals with referrals from the call centre or something along those lines.
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I’m referring to the paragraph about other people having it worse. Lots of people had it worse than I did. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I understand the anger about her not specifying the type of sexual abuse.
I’m referring to this - 👇🏻

‘Many abused children were raped in their home for years, regularly beaten, underfed, removed from their homes, placed in care and or foster care, constantly shouted and sworn at instead of spoken to, disciplined physically, burnt with cigarettes, given alcohol to make them sleep, regularly shaken and thrown by adults, had years of veneral diseases as children, made to sleep in dirty flea ridden beds, made to wear unhygienic clothing and underwear, left scared, hungry and thirsty home alone when under age most nights. Some were passed around like rag dolls, some had to have reconstructive surgery to repair where small children were raped. I could go on...

Mel needs to get some perspective, ok she alleges her childhood wasn't the best. Thank god it wasn't like many other children's! She never even acknowledges that many of her followers will have suffered far worse than she did as she is a stuck record repeating her childhood over and over to many people who think she got off lightly! When people do ask her for help she has no idea what to say each time they ask. She's pathetic absolutely pathetic. She cannot even signpost people to places as she's criticised them all in her woe is Mel rants’
I apologise if I've offended you or anyone. I gave those examples of abuse I've seen at work because many people have suffered those kinds of abuse.
I didn't say it to diminish other people's experiences. I listed them as an example of children who suffer and and don't need to imply or act out anything for money. From many cards and letters I've received over the years many children are living safe healthy lives, unlike Mel who's wallowing in her childhood and implying it's far worse than it was.
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The comment section was what was really foul. People saying she needed therapy, kids needed removing, that she was a stalker, that she needed smacking down etc etc.

We mass reported a lot of what we could and most eventually were removed. Presumably by TikTok.

At the end of the day, she can plead ignorance all she wants. She was made aware that video was based on fact and that the content and comments were distressing. Her response to this was to smirk and make more videos, then keep slating her in the comments and the videos.
Wow! your friend is so right where she says "intent does not negate impact"
The impact was clearly massive on your friend.
As for calling your friend names and mocking her, I've seen evidence of Mel and her flying monkeys doing this in her lives to anyone who says anything Mel doesn't like.
Shame on Mel.
Exactly. These videos went out to at the time 30k people. The first one is iffy but the second one and the comments. Those were on purpose and she had all the info. Unfortunately there’s just no reasoning with bullies like her.
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You sound like you’ve had it so rough. I’m
Glad you’ve come out of the other side of it!

I understand her anger, but from what I’ve seen her brother has lost his family (children), most likely his job from the 2 year suspended prison sentence… like what more does she want? Rightly so, the kids have been taken away and are safe. But will she ever be happy, does she want blood on her hands?

Some disgustingly get away with absolutely everything. She should really see it as some sort of victory.
Thankyou, I've seen some things in my time, but I've never seen a Mel before 😂
I easily found her family online earlier. Something is genuinely off with the whole story. She said on an earlier video her family were going to do a tell all, I hope they do as there are two sides to every story and Mel is determined to tell her side. What's that saying, your truth, their truth and the real truth!!!

Re her family, your absolutely right @ThePidge
Her brother certainly won't be able to work in his chosen job with his criminal record, and he's lost his kids. The other brother seems to be suffering, he will as Mels platform is highlighting his story without his permission which is cruel imo.
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I don't think that there's such an example of a 'posterboy' as such for a victim of CSA, as everyone will process that abuse differently and there's no "right" way, but I think that there's so many examples of how people have used their platform to raise awareness, whilst maintaining a positive social media image and also remaining quite down to earth. The main person who comes to mind for me is Richard Pink (the "bubby" ADHD husband with the alternative wife, if that rings a bell to anyone). He does focus a lot more on neurodivergency now but his older content was educational and not trauma dumpy at all.

He would do content tailored to the victims of abuse and how to cope, and how to help parents spot the signs of a child being abused and how to correctly deal with it etc.
Yep Richard Pink was excellent. As annoying as his new content is🤣
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Was this today? Did anyone screen record it? S will be adding that to her police report re this woman.

Might not be her responsibility what people do with her advice. But it’s her responsibility to fact check and be smart and discerning about what she stitches or makes video replies to. Because when she responds to slander she’s fully just as culpable.

And she might have be duped by the gf, for clarity the gf wrote a really foul lie about S saying she’s been saying something about the gf to her child. This had Mel making multiple videos about S. I’ve spoken to S’s child in question, so has the DSL and a play therapist and her wishes and feelings were done by a SW. All unanimous that S’s child did not say the thing the gf is writing about all over the internet. And that S’s child was showing signs of coaching and parental alienation. Said child also disclosed emotional abuse from gf towards her, and inappropriate behaviour.

And actually Mel you absolute wazzock, you were told the gf had lied and asked repeatedly by multiple people involved in this to take it down. S didn’t ask you, she chose to ignore you. Yet you made video after video instigating hate towards her, saying she was controlling and didn’t have her children’s best interests at heart etc etc. And started in on her with multiple insults. The comment section was shocking, full of threats towards S which Mel laughed at and we had to report to TikTok to get them taken down.

Stop painting yourself as innocent in any of this Mel. You were made fully aware of what you’d done and you were unrepentant about it. In fact you and the gf doxxed S didn’t you? Interesting really seeing as you don’t like that when it happens to you.
I only saw a bit of it but Mel was being very defensive, saying your friend "filled up her phone" with messages re the tiktok at the time. I think she was implying she took the tiktok down, she was saying it wasn't her responsibility how others interpreted her tiktoks. That's all I saw. She had definitely seen your post earlier and was responding to it by trying like she normally does to vindicate herself. She creates so much drama with her behaviour. I am very sorry for your friend. Another unholy Mel mess.
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She was on live and said something like ‘the trolls have said me and my bestie are living the TikTok dream but my friend hasn’t got nearly that amount of followers, they’ve photoshopped the screenshot’
It's me who took the photo on my phone and I certainly haven't photoshopped any followers onto it?!? I wouldn't have a clue how to do that.
Little update Mel, as we are all not as duplicitous as you, I just typed your friends user name in from the screenshot I took and it came up that she had 848 followers. I then went to where she commented on your post and clicked on her picture and it came up with over 37.2k followers like it did earlier. Clearly a tik tok glitch, why would anyone photoshop your friends follower numbers?

Clearly saying anything to distract away from what we are saying!


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The bit missing off the bottom of my last post was -

"If a person is a narcissist, or they are inadequate, they often end up sharing everything that comes to mind to make sure they are heard. Too much self-validation overpowers their ability to self regulate"

Not obsessed, just determined to call out a woman who uses alleged sexual abuse to become famous and sell more tat.
Apparently people who work nightshifts aren't allowed breaks, who knew! As for addicted, let me screenshot how much time I've spent online in the past 24hours. How long has Mel spent online in the past 24hours?


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Why would you estrange yourself from your family only to think & talk about them multiple times a day? Mel deliberately keeps them in her present for money imo. She's clearly never tried living her life with them clearly in the past, because if she had they'd be the last people she'd mention every day!

In life if people hurt you, you get them out of your life, have therapy if required and you move on. Yes you talk about them and their impact when it comes up, but multiple times a day, everyday, 4 years after you left them behind is screaming move on!!!!

It's only Mel who's desperate to normalise her obsessed behaviour re her ex family.

I'm estranged from family members following multiple traumas & having had therapy, group therapy, read books, chatted to my partner & friends about said estranged family members in the past, the estranged family members are well and truly in my past. My life is so much better with them not in it and no amount of money would make me want to drag those people into my present life!

People who split from long term partners don't spend their new life talking about their ex partners multiple times a day 4 yrs after leaving them! It's only Mel who thinks what she's doing is normal and I think it's purely for money. No one goes to so much effort to move on from anyone only to go online 3x a day and talk about them 4 years after they were left behind!!! 🤪

If her mother is the narcissist she says she is she will absolutely love the fact Mel is so obsessed with her, she will love the attention Mel willingly gives her everyday. So many people are estranged from ex family members and have moved on and left them in the past where they belong. It's Mel who clearly needs the money she earns from tiktok who rebuffs anyone who says why doesn't she move on. She is one very very weird woman that is for sure.
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Apparently she never had a voice? 🤣🤣🤣

But, she told social workers,
She told teachers,
She told her friends,
She told her family,
She told multiple counsellors,
She told her aunt and uncle,
She told police,
She wrote blogs,
She wrote about it on Facebook,
She makes serial tiktoks about it.

Silenced? 🤣 Don't make me laugh!


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Nothing is sacred with her. She constantly needs validation to function! She has shared, for the whole world to see, a private message her step daughter sent to her at some point during the years she's been her step parent. Is she trying to make the child's mother jealous also? Why the need to share something so intimate online? Zero emotional intelligence shown once again and no consideration for how awkward it might make the step child feel, I'm sure she didn't write the message expecting it to be published on tik tok on her 17th birthday! Mel is the absolute definition of desperate attention-seeking!
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