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Chatty Member
On yet another Friday night live which lasted hours, Mel explained that when she was at uni she said that she moved back into her mother's house to save money!😳

Somehow that doesn't fit with years of telling anyone who'll listen how bad, how abusive, how traumatising, how awful her home life was!

Many of us went to uni and know how financially difficult it was but still managed to remain independent and live away from home by house sharing, especially if home life was abusive and as traumatising as Mel keeps telling everyone it was.
She said on a live before , when she was at uni she shared a flat with her now best mate. They became instant friends at freshers week and bonded over there trauma
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Mel doesn't understand why I call her out. Let me try and explain.

I found her page & initially felt empathy for her, THEN I watched & listened how her narrative evolved, how stories changed & were repeated over & over. How many pity parties she throws for having an alleged shit mum & dad. (sadly didn't many people) How many people she threw under the bus so publicly, including children. Then she told her sexual abuse followers to "get dicked!"

She has implied, MANY TIMES, that she was raped as a child and she has only clarified COUPLE OF TIMES that she was not raped despite multiple videos and lives implying she was.

Mel knows exactly what she's doing. The day she said she "wished she had been raped as a child" clarified my suspicions.

Mel has been deceptive in implying she was raped as a child when she wasn't. She has been very selective in the words she uses to get the maximum sympathy she can get. She did that to get followers on tiktok and that's my biggest issue with her. She also is using sexual abuse stories to create a platform to sell tat and make money, from which is lower than low.

Bizarrely, I'd say 90% of her issues seem to be with her mother, far far more than with her brother who allegedly sexually abused her.

I am not diminishing the effect of any kind of abuse on anyone, but misleading people and implying you were raped just to get tiktok famous is DISGUSTING and she knows dam well that she did and does this. She clarified for the 1st time in around 30k new followers earlier today on her live that she hadn't been raped and went bright red and defensive when she said it because she knows most people thought she had been raped as a child due to her implying it so often 🤬
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I first noticed this in one of her ‘my day in photos’ tik toks where she writes ‘did some ‘exercise’ with my husband’ implying sex I just think eww rank when his kids could see it the older ones are teenagers I think
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Fascinating how in one of her recent tiktoks Mel says she calls herself a creator and not an influencer! 🙄

What does she create?
Drama in her life!
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Ugh, before I get into the trauma, why does this woman wear the tightest , too-small clothing all.the.time ?? Tiny Crop tops exposing her belly, jeans busting at the seams, towering over her husband like Mr Blobby.
Talking about sex all the time … then ironically claims her mum was sexually inappropriate towards her husband …. Seems like they were definitely cut from the same cloth !
Her lack of self awareness, re clothes that don't fit her and appropriate things to speak about, is astounding.
Apparently the 7 stone weight gain is due to coming OFF birth control pills, not going on them!?
The world of Mel is a very bizarre place!
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I’ve asked her to simplify it so I’ll copy and paste when she sends it over.
Wow! your friend is so right where she says "intent does not negate impact"
The impact was clearly massive on your friend.
As for calling your friend names and mocking her, I've seen evidence of Mel and her flying monkeys doing this in her lives to anyone who says anything Mel doesn't like.
Shame on Mel.
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I think it’s the CTPSD thing of ‘splitting’. People are either good or bad and there’s no grey area. If she had been through the appropriate therapy or had life experience beyond her own nose, she would know this and be able to rationalise the situation. The sycophants are ‘good’ because they don’t challenge her. They give her sympathy and tell her how wonderful she is. What I find wild is that she seems more concerned with Tattle than her brothers who are the ones who are trying to ruin her!
Someone on CC said that she did a live last week and they were all telling her about their trauma and she just kept turning the conversation back to herself! The day after she posted the cooking video!
It’s dangerous for her to profess to want to help people and then dismiss them as ‘trauma dumping’. Some people have no support and may now be relying on her for support. This also makes it highly unethical for her to ever be a counsellor - as well as the fact that she will project her unresolved trauma onto her clients.
It's funny you should mention that, I was questioning whether I'd heard her saying she wanted to be a counsellor. Then I realised of course I had because she did a level two qualification in counselling.

However, on a couple of recent lives she's now stopped saying she wants to be a counsellor and she said "My dream job is creative, writing, podcasting, making videos" she's said this a couple of times. So counselling is out of the window. Probably because she has realised she has committed pre career suicide on tiktok! 🙄
I just re watched the "let them" video. Are we to assume aswell as letting tettle be and leaving us to do our thing, she is going to "let them" re her family and stop revisiting and repeating her past traumas multiple times a day for tiktok £££

As if she will 🤣😉🤣
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I’m failing to see what’s wrong with her family talking about her on their socials when she does the same about them on hers 🤔 why the call to the police when her whole content is her family and what they’ve done wrong! She’s a strange person! Where’s the sorry Mel for accusing people on here for sending you abuse when it was clearly either yourself or your brother like you’re now claiming!
Spot on! I think it shows how selfish and twisted Mel is. She slags her whole family off online all day everyday but the second they have a right to reply she rings the police and calls it harrassment. She thrives on making drama, she's so pathetic!
PS... Talking about thriving on drama look at her most recent post, "the past 24 hours have been so incredibly hard" 🫣🤣🫣🤣🫣🤣

So, after months of slagging off her family online multiple times a day, they appear to have had their right to reply by writing a letter and moaning Mel acts like she's been diagnosed with cancer! Drama Drama Drama!


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How do you know when therapy hasn't worked? When you obsessively go online multiple times a day trauma dumping on repeat, plus you also go live to trauma dump a bit more! 🙄
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Mel's obsession with her mother continues and it got me thinking. As Mel says her mother is deaf, I imagine her mum's ability to communicate via phone & social media is an excellent way for her to communicate with people.

In this crazy world that we live in, where Mel ignores her whole family on one hand, but over shares to dozens of complete strangers on the other, I wonder if Mel's mum has set up a fake profile with a picture etc and she actually chats to Mel in her comments? Meaning that when Mel goes live she has absolutely no idea that she's actually talking to her mum? It might be her mother's way of keeping in touch with Mel and actually speaking to her, all be it disguised as a loyal follower?

Who knows! Mel is obsessed with her so why wouldn't she be obsessed with Mel?
As Mel keeps reminding us, social media allows all sorts of people to hide behind fake profiles and say and do whatever they please. Who knows hey 🤣
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She is just answering the same questions over and over! Most of the people that I follow will say ‘oh I already have a video about that’ or their mods will answer questions during their lives to help them.
I’m wondering if people are going to keep pleasing her or eventually turn on her when they realise that she doesn’t give a shit about helping them as well as not being qualified. These people are vulnerable and seeking connection and she is playing with them.
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Wow that live is so uncomfortable to watch. There literally sat having what seems like it should be a private convo on TikTok. Also she has also sat n trolled her mum on SM . Regardless of what the mums been accused of she's went below the belt to mock her disabilities

Isn't he similar to her brother then 😱

I think she's an admin for an energy company . Seems like a call centre type job . Makes sense why they put there foot down on her doing TikTok lives . She probably had customers personal details on her work screen whilst she's sat blabbing away
She doesn’t work in a call centre. She seems to have a cushy job to me! She used to say that she was bored and didn’t have any work to do.
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Has she ever mentioned what her job role is? I can't bring myself to scroll through her content to find out.
She works for a company very near to me! She private now but last year in November when the step mum stuff started gaining her traction and views. Everything was open including her Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, seems she’s now thought better of having too much info on the internet.
100% a mental health woe is Mel has been brewing! She needs all attention focused on what she has to say! Critics or differing opinions will not be tolerated as she doesn't have the self awareness to consider other points of view. Hilarious how she was able to write a long script for her anxiety video but too unwell to go into work!
She definitely is struggling since she decided not to focus on calling her family out anymore. She won't ever stop as she needs to punish them for the rest of their lives it seems. I find it ironic that she's estranged herself from the family but keeps telling her "story" so often we all know it chapter and verse, yet still she would rather keep punishing them forever, rather than focusing on any positive aspects of her life.
Plus, talking about a day at the park with the kids won't get her the £££ she seeks compared to what she would get by slagging off her family!
Exactly this, it’s sad really. Living in the past like that when you’ve got much better things to be happy about in the present. I totally do get it though, it’s hard to let things go when people have treated you so badly and there’s been no tangible ‘punishment’ for them.

She doesn’t get that her being happy now and having a nice home, husband, step kids and job etc etc. Is their punishment, her happiness is punishment enough surely? She dwells too much, hope she takes the TikTok in a different direction and goes back to therapy for a while.
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Since I’m blocked will someone please write on here if she addresses her infecting the spa day hahaha
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The drama may well have been happening anyway Mel, but you are still retraumatising yourself, your stepdaughter was targeted and you’re trying to dress up your way of making money from others. Find a good therapist and make some friends.
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I came to say the same thing, Impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection. It's really selfish to goto a spa with a highly contagious skin infection. Really really selfish.
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She used to make TikTok’s slating people she’s never met, on company property wearing company uniforms! Then stop recording when someone popped by 👀
But we’re trolls - takes one to know one Mel! That’s insanely risky!
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She’s as tall all the bloody door frame ! Must have to stoop to get out the house.
Yes she's a big girl, one who can give it plenty (as per today's video) but 100% cannot take it!

For me its the flabby tops of the thighs hanging out of the adult baby grow that make her look rather special 🤪
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