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Following the wise words from the dead grandmother video, I bet the dead grandmother didn't tell Mel to humiliate herself and her legacy/her whole family, multiple times a day!

As for the "never let them silence you" Im sure after telling the same story day after day, year after year even the dead grandmother would be advising Mel to focus on her future rather than her past!
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Do our eyes deceive us, is that Mel coming online making a video criticising someone she doesn't agree with!!!! You couldn't make that up!!!A whole video of Mel calling out another person! Well I never! 😱😭

So we are trolls for calling out Mel but it's absolutely fine and dandy for Mel to spend a whole video dedicated to calling out another person for their opinions! Hilarious! 🤣😭🤣
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So I was originally pulled in by her story of SA, as a very close family member experienced similar, but my family members is a lot more extreme than what she’s experienced (comparing what you’ve said in your post about what happened to her). However, I honestly look at them both side by side and they are worlds apart in terms of how they deal and have dealt with it. Yes, trauma is trauma and you cannot compare, but I’m finding it difficult not to compare. Mel is so extreme with it. There’s a problem every, single day and it’s become her personality- she has nothing else to bring to the table or talk about. I think awareness is huge, but has she not said everything she’s needed to? She’s like a broken record.
She really does need to get some help, because the behaviour she’s displaying is alarming. She says she’s being harassed, but the only harassing I see, is her. The whole “fuck it era” statement made me laugh, as straight after it she was back to talking about her family again. Her husbands eyes must glaze over every time.

What does she want from all of this? What more can she say? Did her brother get charged for any of this?

It’s getting a bit embarrassing now, so I’ve unfollowed.
She said she spoke to the police re hers and her brother masturbation together, she thought she was around age 11. Police then spoke to brother who confirmed it happened but she was 9!?!? Then police allegedly spoke to deaf mother and she said it didn't happen, so because of what her mother said the police dropped the prosecution!!?!??! Make of that what you will,

That's the story Mel told. Victim and purportrator admitted it happened but the police said we believe your deaf mother who couldn't hear a thing and she says it didn't happen so bye bye. It's crazy just like everything is with her.
I completely agree with what you saying about some traumas being worlds apart. My traumas are much more serious in terms of how the law views them and I would not dream of carrying on like Mel does. Its a difficult issue to talk about as each person's trauma is the worst thing that's happened to them, but as a tattler said a few pages back, the way she extremely carries on about it, it was an anti climax when she revealed her trauma. ( I am in no way devaluing anybodies trauma, I'm failing to understand her response to it after decades of therapy)
Her all encompassing behaviour around the subject is unfathomable to me. She's had therapy from aged 8 to aged 29 and yet she still feels the need to discuss it in detail every single day of her life! And because she adds in unrelated private info from her families life she gets called out by them for it and she doesn't understand why!!! 🤥😳
It's alarming to say the least.
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When did she say she knew him from being 15? He’s not 49 now though so how could he have been 40 and her 20? I don’t like her and have commented on this thread a fair bit but it sort of ruins sites like this to just be posting made up bullshit.
Sorry 50 if she’s now 30 not sure whether she’s 29 or 30 😂
She said herself they knew each other from 15 on her live because he was her nans gardener, I said 40 because I was unsure on age but knew it was over 30 haha
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I 100% believe she was putting on a "performance for an audience" in that video, she was "playing the victim" imo.
I got a sense that she was angry not upset to be honest, angry that not everyone blindly does and acts exactly how she tells them to. So she’s going to have a tantrum and dress it up as upset. She’s not getting her own way and we haven’t been bullied away, she hates that.
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100% I thought this too. She knows they watch as she's said they complain about it. I think it's a "F*** you I can make it without you" kind of thing
What annoys me is she does it under the guise she cares about her followers! She doesn't give a flying fudge about her followers! She's already dropped them and told them not to trauma dump on her page.
ALL Mel's interested in is the sound of her own voice, her blaming everything that's wrong in her life on other people and showing off to her ex family in my opinion.
She definitely does not see what we all see!
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She has to tell everyone that her poor husband is her best friend because her ACTIONS say otherwise! Like mocking him when he praises her, like ignoring his painful foot, like mocking what he wears, like making him endure your obsession with your family despite you being estranged from them, like treating him like rubbish then love bombing him to keep him...
You keep TELLING everyone that he's your best friend Mel because when they watch you on tiktok, your ACTIONS certainly speak louder than your words. 🙄😳🫣
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Your right, she did but apparently now having a baby is back on the table 🙄
Uuuuuggghhhhhh, you just KNOW if she had a baby, she'd be a YouTube family vlogger and exploit her baby for £. She's seeing pound signs now (hence the super long lives, where people gift her and she says 'nooo don't gift me' but stays on live for hours).

The ick just keeps icking 🤢
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I think it eats her up inside that we have opinions of her on here and she can’t control what’s being said and because of that she’s going to start this narrative that people are trying to find where she lives and putting her husbands children in danger etc etc to try and find a reason for people to think that what’s been said on here is terrible when in actual fact it’s just people who had a different opinion to her 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope her followers do pop over and have a read and see it’s not actually a bad thread compared to others is so tame on here it’s just Mel being her usual dramatic self, over dramatising everything! She’s actually a little unstable by the looks of it saying she’s been up all night checking on here no doubt 🫠🫠 I noticed her partners ex on her Facebook so I’m hoping she’s seeing all this craziness from her and is doing her best to safeguard her kids because it certainly isn’t something that Mel seems to be doing
It does and I understand why. She is addicted to the adoration and attention. She probably feels heard for the first time in her life. She is getting defensive because she probably feels threatened.
But we’re not responsible for the actions of her family. Numerous people in her comments have suggested that she go back to therapy or asked her why she can’t. She either ignores it or says that she doesn’t need it. Her thinking is hugely distorted and these spirals will keep happening.
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I still stand by my opinion that her life experiences are either completely made up or grossly exaggerated. She made a comment on her live the other night about her gran . Which speaks volumes about how much B.S she talks . Some one asked why her granny or other extended family didn't step in . When according to Mel all knew how vile and evil her mum was . Mel said as soon as her her granny found out social services were involved she rang Mel's school and arranged a meeting with them and assured the granny every thing was ok . When some one then probed her further as her story didn't make sense Mel then hit out with her gran was dying with cancer , the full plot doesn't add up
Totally agree about it either being made up or exaggerated!!!! Wouldn’t surprise me if in actual fact it’s her family that’s gone non contact from her 😂 this is the internet after all where anyone can say anything and everyone is just supposed to believe it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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This woman keeps coming up on my feed and is driving me mad. Why do people air their dirty laundry in the way she does? She's said she doesn't go to therapy anymore as the talking helps but jesus... I wouldn't be sharing half of the stuff she does
She says she's doing her videos to help others.

But she also tells other followers not to trauma dump on her. The other week I also recall her telling followers not to give her unsolicited advice, she said "I didn't ask for your advice, don't give me advice" 🙄
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My goodness me this women loves the sound of her own voice! Her videos on being a stepmum giving advice is just so painful. She honestly thinks she knows it all. 🤣🤣🤣

Can see her TikTok account just sliding away…. And I’m here for it.
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Just noticed she has 58 posts on "step mum life" 😳
I genuinely think she lived in a world where she thought her step kids and their mothers and her whole ex family didn't watch her tiktoks before people started calling her out on it?
Family dynamics are a real delicate balance, surely Mels online antics have and will cause issues for her step family like she has caused with her own family, by making public very private things.
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Yeah she took a break - for about 12 hours not 48. She spent time with the family which for Mel is filming and taking pictures of everything for content! She was never going to take a real break because she will fall off the algorithm if her account is inactive.
Also if she supposedly doesn’t think or talk about her trauma outside of TikTok, why is she requesting all of this information from the past? It’s not going to tell her what she doesn’t remember. It will be a professionals perspective of what happened. Therapy is the best place to start to remember those things. She also implied that the organisations who couldn’t provide the information were withholding something deliberately.
"Also if she supposedly doesn’t think or talk about her trauma outside of TikTok, why is she requesting all of this information from the past?"
Excellent question! @MsGilmore
I had to laugh when she said she doesn't think about her trauma when not on tiktok! The only person who believes that is Mel. She chooses to smother herself and her life in her past! Tiktok is just a method for her to make money from!
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*** Trigger Warning ***

It's funny you should mention about her tiktoks not been appropriate for children, does anyone remember the post screenshotted below where throughout the whole tiktok she laughs HYSTERICALLY that "she and her husband initially BONDED over the fact they were both related to paedophiles!"
It's a whole different issue when it's a private joke behind closed doors, but imagine a sexually abused child or adult searching online for some guidance and "help" (because Mel is doing all this to help others) & they stumble across Mel hysterically laughing at paedophilia!!! 🫣

I say this without diminishing any sexual abuse survivors experience, but it's tiktoks like this that clearly show she was not penetraviely sexually abused to the extent many people like myself and others have been, because if she had she would not be laughing hysterically at paedophilia and risking causing damage to them by laughing and joking about the issue in a public arena where ANYONE in any frame of mind, can see her performance. Any child seeing this tiktok wouldn't understand why the paedophilia they are heartbreakingly enduring is so funny.

Mel doing all this for others? Don't make ME laugh 🤬
I’m so sorry you have been through what you have been through, it must be hard going on places like tik tok and seeing people like her laughing at something like that! Joke or no joke even the caption could be triggering for someone who has lived through it and still suffering from what has been done to them!

I think she’s got way in over her head to be honest, you can only make things seem worse for so long before you start to get found out! Her video from a few days ago talking about her middle brother and saying she will expect a call from the police but will tell them to get stuffed because of freedom of speech but didn’t she go to the police when she found out her brother was posting stuff about her on his Instagram? She called him out of his name on that video yet says in the comments she misses his kids more than anything not thinking those kids will one day see her slagging off their dad and want absolutely nothing to do with her! She’s a walking contradiction!
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Attempting to moderate, tone policing, or telling people what to post is against the rules, please report, keep scrolling or ignore a user
They can do what they like even if that’s accusing someone of lying about being sexually abused as a child and making numerous graphic references to someone else’s abuse? That should be too far in anyone’s opinion and not what tattle is for. I can’t stand Mel’s content and find her extremely cringey but this one particular user is obsessed with her and it’s borderline creepy. Saying that the police do take SA very seriously as a general sweeping statement just cos they took THEIR case seriously is just fucking ridiculous.
wouldn’t say anybody has taken over the thread. Everybody is free to voice whatever opinions they like, that is the whole point of tattle.

I think your comments are quite hypocritical tbh..
You’re saying @notSUBmissive has taken over and shouldn’t pick holes in Mel’s stories and compare, but they can do what they like. If you don’t like it press ignore user 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I caught some of her live last night and she was making fun of her mum and her lack of mobility. Her mum is disabled she can't help how she walks . I get that she might be a bitch but why take the piss out of her disabilities? She seems obsessed with her mum ,
She is coming across as a bit of a bully herself, the husbands look on his face when he walked in and clocked she was on TikTok
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