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More fake drama and crisis from Mel. Obviously she has to "jump on tiktok" to get sympathy 🙄
Wait till she fills up her new SUV with fuel.
She'll need another morgage after having had a corsa for years!
She’s upset because she has had to do some work for once! Either that or she has been worded about making TikToks whilst she is supposed to be working.
She has probably used the money she has earned on TikTok to finance the new car. She was in debt weeks ago.
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Mels video yesterday where she says she would hate to hurt or upset anyone else!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Said by the woman who has deliberately gone online to hurt and upset anyone who's ever dared to cross Mel 🤣
When u have a few days away from social media and it's bullshit army of influencers, you come back and immediately see straight through their bull!!!
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Delia Smith

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It seems having deaf and disabled parents isn’t taken into account at all in Mel’s world? I don’t think she’s lying about having a crap upbringing, but I do think everything is very well tailored to support Mel’s narrative.
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Brooke Davis

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I've just pressed the ignore button! Anyway, moving on,

Today she's talking pregnancy! 😳

Has anyone seen the film Four Weddings and a funeral? where the Scottish bloke at the wedding says
"Basically you're saying marriage is just a way of getting out of an embarrassing pause in conversation" (which I see as a metaphor for being bored with life)

This is Mel, when she's bored/there is a pause in conversation, she does dramatic things.

It's abundantly clear to all who watch her that she's bored and itching for a new project, she's covered being a step mum, badly, but covered it, she's covered having a wedding, she's covered humiliating herself online daily. And those pesky trolls have inferred she treats her husband badly so how can she combine the "pause in conversation/boredom AND keep her husband trapped? Hmmmm???

I know, let's get pregnant!!! Solves the pause in conversation, opens up a massive window of new crap to profit from online.

If this account is an insight into how the world operates I think I want to give up??!!

I swear she said on videos very recently, she is not interested in having her own child and being a stepmum fulfils the maternal gap!
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I thought Mel said it was all about helping that one person who needs her help 🤣🤥

Don't make us laugh Mel! 🤣🤥

It's all about views, followers and money to Mel otherwise why would she be so disheartened by a few days of reduced views! 🤣🤥
Her views and engagement had fallen off a cliff before her non-existent break anyway, nice try to blame something other than yourself for why people are switching off 🤣

So much for the ‘even if I only help one person that’s good enough for me’. Liar.
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So she's phoned the police re the msg she got earlier! What does she think they are going to do?
Such a waste of police resources. She posts videos of her family and seemingly they respond in messages. What does she expect? I'd respond if someone was all over tik tok talking about me. Anyone would!
Her live is so cringe, sat like lady muck expecting her husband to get her drinks and snacks and then being very defensive towards him. I'd love it if he told her to sod off! He seems such a nice guy, no idea how he puts up with her crap 24/7 she is so high maintenance.
She probably thinks she has leverage because they visited her about the last thing. But she hasn’t been threatened, it’s just juvenile! Someone in the comments also told her that the IP address can be traced so that’s probably why! The police must be fed up of dealing with these TikTokers!
You don’t need a thicker skin Mel, you just need to stop talking and engage your brain!
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She mentioned you on the live lol.
Mel is obsessed with tattle, it’s unhealthy. Making a joke about it every 5 mins, her husband looked so cringed out
I just clicked on her friends picture from the msg she wrote to Mel on her tiktok video and it went to 37.2k again like earlier, definitely a glitch., imagine thinking someone would photoshop her friends followers! Bet it annoyed her because it showed her friend having more followers than her 😂
Her nice person mask has definitely slipped recently!
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A supposed "trauma saviour" is tonight marketing cheap tat for tiktok! It is both disgusting and insidious!!!
Mel shares completely intimate parts of her life on tiktok, she says she's "doing it for other trauma sufferers" then, she lulls followers into believing she is their friend and she can be trusted to always "tell the truth" because she tells her followers she can be trusted all of the time.

The problem I have with Mel is she is using Sexual Abuse as a method to flog tat to people who mistakenly think she is their friend!
She is LOWER THAN LOW to use Sexual Abuse in the way she is doing. Are we supposed to believe the spiel about the latest tat she is trying to flog for money just because she's shared she was allegedly Sexually Abused by her brother! Because Mel just has to be telling the truth because a Sexual Abuse sufferer wouldn't lie to her followers! Because she's their friend and she's shared such intimate things with them!

OMG! What she is doing is SO Sinister and SO WRONG! She clearly thinks she can "trauma dump" her whole tumultuous life into everyone's tiktok, then once she's established herself as the trauma queen of tiktok with her attention seeking posts, she can flog the sycophants any old tat to fund her adult amusement arcade days out! 🤬

Melanie Byrne YOU ARE A DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING, you've used SEXUAL ABUSE and trauma to reel people in and here you are flogging more tat to them! It is SO Morally WRONG!!!

I am criticised for calling this woman out so much, well I intend to call her behaviour out more, so that this thread gains more traction because using trauma and sexual abuse as a base to hoodwink people into buying the tat you advertise is about as wrong as it gets!

Advertisers of the world go low to get sales, but even they don't go as low as Melanie Byrne, the woman who uses Sexual Abuse and Trauma to Sell ABSOLUTE TAT on tiktok 🤬🤬🤬
(Melissa not Melanie)
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Chatty Member
Questioning her story is not trolling . Infact Mel herself trolled a tattle life poster recently in a video . The way I see it she's taken aspects of her childhood IF they are true and used them for entertainment purposes. She does nothing to raise awareness for abuse victims . So she can't keep using that line. When questioned she over justifies herself and it really rattles her cage which to me just cements it's all exaggerated
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The comment section was what was really foul. People saying she needed therapy, kids needed removing, that she was a stalker, that she needed smacking down etc etc.

We mass reported a lot of what we could and most eventually were removed. Presumably by TikTok.

At the end of the day, she can plead ignorance all she wants. She was made aware that video was based on fact and that the content and comments were distressing. Her response to this was to smirk and make more videos, then keep slating her in the comments and the videos.
Wow! your friend is so right where she says "intent does not negate impact"
The impact was clearly massive on your friend.
As for calling your friend names and mocking her, I've seen evidence of Mel and her flying monkeys doing this in her lives to anyone who says anything Mel doesn't like.
Shame on Mel.
Exactly. These videos went out to at the time 30k people. The first one is iffy but the second one and the comments. Those were on purpose and she had all the info. Unfortunately there’s just no reasoning with bullies like her.
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I always think her husband looks utterly bewildered with her. She was 7 stone lighter & teenager when he fell for her..., maybe it's her beer swigging, chain smoking, burping, vulgar swearing, not allowing him to watch films & living constantly in her tumultuous past that he absolutely adores 🤪
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She's not interested in helping anyone, she's interested in making money from gifters, that's it. She's just another tik tok beg, simple as that.
Yes, gifting is on lives. She's also been told you can turn off gifting, I saw a live video where someone told her that, because I remember laughing at how awk she looked. She's obviously 'forgotten' to turn off gifting.

She's not offered anyone advice on handling trauma. She's not suggested any books, podcasts, helplines, types of therapy. She's slagged off the Samaritans and sold her estranged family down the river. She's self appointed expert on trauma, motherhood, self love, shagging, everything. As for being a safe space, I've not seen in any of her videos or her lives where she's offered support or advice to a single person. She just thanks everyone for their support over her TrAumA. I hate it when people masquerade as a safe space, or being caring and concerned, and they're just out for a free lunch.

She also lives 5 minutes away from her horrendous family, reason being she doesn't want to be away from the kids..... You could've moved a few miles away and still be very close to the kids. But your dad wouldn't be your post man! You're so traumatised by these people, but purchased a house on their doorstep? It's all so bizarre. She's just stuck on a loop, all her videos are the same. Same content, same questions, same approach, same echo chamber. She's getting high on her own farts and is developing a very scary ego from all the insufferable hype in her comments.

I miss old tik tok, where people who were useful and good at stuff were the ones making content.

I saw on her tea time live yesterday a follower said something like 'any advice for a future clinical psychologist' and she just looked blank, absolutely blank! Followed by a little awkward silence.

A person who's self appointed themselves as someone who's whole purpose it is to raise awareness around "abuse" and she had zero advice to offer a student psychologist asking an abused person for any advice re their role in helping abused people in their future career. It was such a bizarre moment and showed a huge red flag to me. Even with time to think about it she offered absolutely nothing. I'd love to have the opportunity to offer some advice to a new clinical psychologist from a SA perspective.

As @tiredandcrabby says, she brings nothing practical to the table, and I never see her properly listen to her flock, well she listens to respond as absolutely everything is about her.

Most disturbingly to me she tells people in her safe abuse space to "get dicked" before jumping off tiktok to go "get dicked" herself or jumps on tiktok post "getting dicked" to share she's just "been dicked" 🙄🫣 it's all getting beyond cringe!
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Hilariously, Mel blames the previous owners for her messy home! It's extremely clear from her videos that the previous owners kept a nice clean and tidy home. Mel and her Brady Bunch have decimated the place in the year they have been there! The fact the house is always filled with flies speaks volumes to me! 🤮
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I quite liked her when she first popped up on my fyp a couple of times but then I started thinking something is off with her. Glad I’m not the only one.
I though she was OK at first too, thought she was all about trauma and victims. I soon realised something is definitely off with her too. I have 2 teenagers who are all over tik tok, she's nieve if she thinks her step kids aren't watching her rants. Mel just wants to be famous and earn money, she's not bothered who she stands on to get there. I've noticed recently there's quite a dark side to her behaviour.
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Chatty Member
Why can’t he spend time alone with his own children? It’s nice that she wants to spend time with them, but it’s not necessary to be there all the time. They should be allowed time alone with their dad.
Yes I was thinking the same thing , even when your a biological family it's healthy for each parent to have some quality time with the kids . I think kids thrive having individual relationships with each parent . I've got an inkling she wants to be the centre of his world
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She gets all her clothes from the charity shop so I think she has lack of options size once hence her clothes all being a few sizes to small! She needs to shop around a bit more because she looks ridiculous most of the time! She’s quite butch/masculine looking so the crop tops just do not suits her body at all and then high waisted jeans giving her camel toe 🤢 not sure who she’s trying to ‘influence’ showing her outfits!
It's the second hand grease stained clothes that give me the ick! Your own grease stained clothes are one thing but wearing someone else's second hand grease stains is 🤮🤮🤮
Today's cream hoodie had loads of old grease stains 🫣
Everything she wears looks grubby!
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Ugh, she stitched one of Zoe Louise’s videos who was the creator I referred to previously. You’re nothing like her Mel! She is so much more genuine and eloquent than you - and not a money grabber either!
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Tell me the hairy chin close up and stretch mark, hairy nipple, inner thigh insights didn't just happen? 😳🫣
Tell me an attention seeking tiktoker didn't just flash around her gash for content?
Is she desperate to go tiktok viral with that weird form of online exposure? 🫣😳
Here's hoping her step children don't get bullied for that absolutely bizarre performance! 😳🫣
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This is what I’m struggling with, what more can be done? I’ve listened to a good part of it and resonated with a few parts due to a family member going through similar, but it leads me to the golden question “what is she trying to achieve, what now?” And I think I said that in my first ever comment on here. What more can be done?
Whatever has gone on, she’s very clearly not over it and I’m kind of sick of hearing her say she is and that shes “happy”. She actually looks miserable… I haven’t got the words for the creepy fella she lives with, I feel like he’s there for the ride and to absolutely take the piss out of unstable emotions. He gives me really bad energy.

Every time I see her live my husband asks “what’s trauma Mel and the creep saying today?” And he’s one of the most sympathetic men there is!😂
Nothing more can be done because even if her memory allows her to remember more things she has absolutely scuppered any chance of legal resolution as any case in the future would be prejudiced as any of her 40k followers could be on her jury.
Shes using alleged sexual abuse stories purely to make money on tiktok and sell tiktok crap which I think is disgusting. She's repeated her stories so many times, she's now created a new drama re the documents but that will be short lived especially if it comes back saying anything negative about her which it might! As for her husband, he's massively enabling her. Everyone in her life is.
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