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Wow I am getting some hate for this but my own friends who have had elective c sections have literally told me the reasons why (don’t want to ruin their vag being the number 1!!!).
I personally don’t agree having an elective for that reason and agree it’s massively misogynistic, but am guessing megan will be of a similar mindset.
I've noticed it’s definitely a middle/upper class thing where the husband doesn’t want his wife ruined by a vaginal birth aka too posh to push 🤮
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what fillers has she had? I can’t see anything?
We don't know for sure but jaw, lips and possibly cheeks are up for investigation 🤣 theyve all become bigger and more defined over the years. She might not have any - could be botox! Or she has miracle skin that ages backwards...
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Moira Rose

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Alexa lolz!!!
I totally agree. You don’t get pregnant and carry a baby for 9 months to then want to be separated from them and not comfort them when they need and want you.
I do all ‘the wrong’ things according to those bloody apps - I feed to sleep, I bedshare, I go to her the moment she cries... why would you not?! I bloody love it, even when it’s knackering... it’s not forever. Also I heard an interview with the inventor of the snoo... guess what... it’s a bloody man! (No shade to the men lolz but in terms of the hard graft I would guess females do the majority of the leg work historically n I don’t want a man creating nerdy data around my babies sleep! 😂)
I hope you can sell all your crazy tech gadgets and get yourself something actually useful like some nice toys n clothes for you n bub to enjoy. X
Yeeees exactly 👏👏

There's so many things you "shouldn't do" or that are "frowned upon" in motherhood. People always force their opinions on you thinking what worked for them will work for you but that just isn't the case. Every baby and every mother is so different. Aslong as your baby is happy and healthy, whatever you're doing - you're doing it right!!

I can imagine megs palming Goldie off on her mum alot, she really doesn't strike me as maternal and i think she may struggle with the huge change in her life. Everythings so much bloody harder!

Despite that of course, whatever my opinion on megan, i hope they're doing well.
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If she carries on sucking her cheeks in like that she’s going to swallow em’

Her style is fucking grim. She looks like she’s shit her pants halfway through something and her mums had to change her into some spares she packed that totally don’t go with her outfit.

Insane that Jimmy’s got that much funding. The NQ bar was always shit & dirty and full of people who also evidently didn’t know how to dress. Would rather pin my clit down to the tram lines in Piccadilly gardens and get it ran over multiple times then pay for an overpriced drink from an institute ran by a sex pest.

Also, funny she’s going on about her mental health so much.A coke and alcohol binge isn’t depression hun, that’s a comedown. More than likely she felt shit when she got pregnant because she could no longer escape her reality via substances anymore and was faced with her reality. Can’t wait till she pops the sprog out and dresses that like a dreamy twat too.
OMFG that is the first time I've laughed so hard since March!!! Thankyou from the bottom of my heart! 🤣🤣🤣
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‘I’ve never had confidence in my body’

You publicly post pictures of yourself in your underwear for the whole of the internet to see. They are not the actions of someone who lacks body confidence hun
But she’s having an ‘oh so dreamy’ pregnancy remember!! 😂

Did anyone else see Diana Vickers on Celebrity Karaoke Club ? Looks like she's on drugs :oops:
Maybe George got her hooked ?
Yeaaaah I saw that. I actually love Diana. She seems fun, real and entertaining - everything you’d want in a best friend. She actually reminds me of one of my friends who died three years ago in a car accident. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was hooked on drugs because of George. He ended their relationship because of Megan and no doubt cheated on her, now he has the woman pregnant who he left her for? Can’t be easy for her although I really do hope she has moved on because she does (and very clearly) deserves more than him!
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How the fuck has she managed to creep up to 208k followers on IG despite being more boring than ever?? And Faye has crept up to almost 61k! Confusing times. If she over takes Alice Catherine (who has 208k as well) or Sophia Rosemary (who is on 211k) I'll be annoyed because those two have 1) both addressed BLM throughly and 2) neither Alice nor Sophia disappear and then go "oops sorry I had nothing to say so I didn't post"

(and 3) both their boyfriends seem decent and not slimey and don't sexually assault people in bars)
Probably buys them 🤣 cant imagine anyone in the right mind following Faye specifically 🤷‍♀️
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I do agree with you but at the same time, just recognising that you’re lucky so far with your pregnancy wouldn’t go amiss.
In my group of friends 3 of the girls have kids. When the newest arrival was born, the mum did hypnobirthing. Gave birth, and said on our GC “easiest thing I’ve ever done”. The other 2 mums, one had an emergency c section where the epidural didn’t work so had to be put to sleep, and the other had an artery cut on her hoohaa by accident and could’ve died. She’s not part of our GC anymore lol. Just acknowledging “I’ve been really lucky so far, I’m really enjoying it it’s been DREAMY, I know every woman’s pregnancy is different” would make a difference I think.
She will of course have a dreamyyyyy hypnobirth no doubt 🤣
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In Liverpool you can go for a meal with a member of your own household and that’s it. But Megz bends the rules as always.
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Lol Megan changed her ‘rainbow babe’ caption of her IG post. Maybe Faye saw and fed back?
I thought someone said they had commented on the post explaining the meaning? Or maybe I got confused.
Anywayif I see anymore influencers trying to make those hideous daily sleeper feathery things look nice I’m done. 😂
Also as we predicted Artipoppe lining up to gift her a £600 carrier 🙄 (she’ll probably choose the same as one of marianne theodorsens who I think has at least two of them).
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If you put yourself in the public eye for monetary gain, you will get positive and negative attention. She made a huge amount of money off that, asking people to be interested in her. I find this whinging and the double standards stomach churning.
Exactly this.
To say you've been trolled so badly is really fucking weird. She had a tattle thread made about her and lost the plot and got all her family involved. It's so dramatic. You've put yourself out there, expect to be on gossip sites! Not everyone is going to love you and your content and if you're sensitive to that - DO NOT BE AN INFLUENCER, IT ISN'T FOR YOU HUN.
I'd understand it if she was being stalked or people were bullying her but that's not the case.

I also have never seen Megan as a maternal person, she seems to have alot of growing up to do and a big personality shift if she wants to bring up a good child not to be a bully like her mother.
I also don't see George as paternal either, I don't think he will give up the coke and bar life...but hey megans tied to him somehow forever now and there's nothing he can do 🤣 (megan will be loving that!).
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Clearly I’m not a Megan fan otherwise I wouldn’t be here... but I so don’t get all the comments about the c section which she may or may not have (seems to be pure speculation at the moment unless I missed something?) If she has one we don’t know the reasons why and don’t need to know. It’s her choice. Personally couldn’t give a shit which birth method she uses and would never ever judge anyone on their choices around this. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but I just think she does enough actually shitty things to bitch about without the need to slag off her personal choices about her own body/childbirth (which she may or may not be making).
Gossip/speculation - what’s the difference. No we don’t know, just like we don’t know a lot of things for sure. We speculate/gossip. Not sure what the problem is?
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I don't know if she's exactly the same vibe as Megan, but I moved over to watching Karen Brit Chick's videos on YouTube - she does these amazing street style videos of what people are wearing in New York, and her house renovation series is actually nice and not gross like Megan's new house. I think the main reason I watch her is that she talks with such passion and enthusiasm like Megan used to do! I feel like Karen dresses well but still does that print clash thing Megan used to do, but Karen makes it look chic and not like a clown.

And the Xmas decorations were from Paperchase 😊
Omg love Karen! i also love her street style videos as 1) it makes me feel super connected to NYC one of my favourite places, and b) feels like you get a real sense of what people are wearing in real life, like on the actual streets! she's super fun and engaging too and absolutely adores clothes which I love x
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doubt she’ll breastfeed tbh, it’s not like our meg to put someone else’s needs above her own now is it
edited to add- this isn’t me saying people who choose not to breastfeed or do not for any other reason are selfish, but let’s face it there are massive differences when it comes to the practicalities
Totally get it! You get less freedom when you breastfeed and zero freedom for at least the first 6-12 weeks - that is just the reality of it... she is far too selfish for that
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Not that it matters but I really doubt the pregnancy was planned, timings wise she probably unknowingly conceived before they even knew they'd have to postpone the wedding. Plus she was pushing every cocktail under the sun during lockdown and having big nights - lots of referencing hangovers etc. doesn't scream someone trying to get pregnant to me.

She probably found out when all the allegations happened and the surprise along with everything going on was all too much which is why she took a break.
That’s what I thought! As I’m pretty sure she was gifted gin and did a zoom party or whatever with the brand? I could be totally wrong but I’m certain that happened 😂
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They bought the big house as they were planning a family, but I suppose baby came a bit sooner than expected. I feel like they’re not ready? Their lives are going to go through a massive change...

Meg is due to do a q&a on her stories so we will see what she says there...
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