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She's back

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Megan has alot of money in Jimmys and she buys George his white stuff 10000%. Idk if hes tight with his money or he spunked it all up the wall at his "peak" of fame but hes like her sugar baby
That's how I imagined their relationship tbh 🤣
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Yeah she put something the other day about keeping putting her maternity leave off cause she just ‘can’t stop working’ or something ridiculous that made me lol... such hard work taking a picture of yourself in your mirror and uploading it 🙄
Those ugly patterns won’t buy themselves.
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I think this is the problem with Megan. She never ever ever is realistic. I think she wants her online persona to be just that ‘a persona’ not really her. Just someone that shares nice clothes and goes on about dreamy this dreamy that. Even birthing a baby oh dreamy dreamy dreamy all that pushing and blood and tears. Oh the dream. Come on give us some reality and realise that your followers follow you for real life content not ‘magazine crap’.

I know people in real life who go through life and either consciously or not making others feel down because they never let their guard down and pretend everything is great allllll the time when sometimes u just need a realistic chat. It must be a way certain people are. I had a quite a traumatic birth and was left a bit traumatised and one of my friends was due not long after me and while I was still having flash backs etc she was like guess what I’m having a home birth as I have been reading loads and it’s all about your mind and how you think positively etc and if you did that you wouldn’t have had the bad birth experience.... (Turns out she ended up getting taken in and everything out her control - like the way most births are) I’m just such a realist and some people just are so fake in order to deal with their insecurities. I feel like Megan is like this!!! Sometimes too positive is a bad thing coz it just makes others feel really crap and as if they aren’t good enough.

don’t even know if any of this makes sense but I hope it does haha!!
Totally agree. Realism goes a long way especially with pregnancy and birth. I was like your friend, had a home birth booked and wanted everything to be natural - turned out to be 16 days overdue and had to be induced and had all my choices taken away from me. Traumatised doesn’t even cut it. And during the pregnancy I kept seeing these idealised images of pregnancy/ birth online which when it eventually happened made me feel like I’d failed!

We’ve got to look out for one another as women, and influencers need to stop with this rosy-rainbows-everything’s dreamy facade because for the majority of women, it isn’t! Oh look at me, I’m having such a good pregnancy.... how is that going to make other pregnant women who are struggling feel?!

And don’t get me started on the freebies she’s going to get. Hoping that’ll go straight to charity and they’ll buy their own!
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Chatty Member
I can still see your comment so it’s not been deleted !
yeah i can too...but this wouldn’t be surprising of
megan to just delete/ignore constructive feedback.
we all get it wrong and clearly many people here weren’t aware of the term and what it means for some people- all she had to do was say “i hadn’t realised sorry for any offence caused” 🤷‍♀️
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'Too posh to push' is such a horrendous term. Women already experience 9 months of pregnancy, which is by no means easy even if Megan insists her's is oh so "dreamy", and they should have the absolute freedom to choose their preferred labour. Majority of c-sections performed in the UK were the safest option, yet those women are branded as lazy? I have never been been pregnant, but I imagine this is a frustrating stereotype, to the point that it even leaves some women so conflicted that they are ashamed to have c-sections
There are many criticisms of Megan that I agree with, but we certainly shouldn't be tearing women down for prioritising their own and their baby's health and wellbeing
the female body is made to do this tho (no way am i saying that’s all we do or should do far from it) and imo chosing to have a c section where it isn’t essential or recommended doesn’t rly make sense?
there are so many benefits to baby by giving birth vaginally obviously if it’s unsafe to do so, safety over benefits of womb canal good bacteria etc but duno why you’d choose not to if it’s safe for you and baby. i get people should have right to choose but why would u choose
something that could potentially compromise your baby?
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I’ve just seen the post on her stories from yesterday with the Ad- press sample fondue set and fragrance/ candle .. “I don’t ever ever share things like this”
... eh? She doesn’t ever share gifted items? And if she meant gifted food.. what about those free burgers and cookies from the other week 🤔
Anyone know what it is about these particular free items that she doesn’t ever normally share?
Yeah and she says it so proudly too?! 🙄 Like.. Hun, you’re a walking, talking advert now
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THIS!! I have exclusively breastfed and having a wedding with a 4 month old would be HELL on earth! Regardless of the breastfeeding (which is literally laying on the sofa 24/7 with your boobs out for months) - the 4 month sleep regression absolutely kicks your arse so bad that you don't know which way is up! She really had no idea what is in store for her and I get the sense that she is way too self absorbed (we know George certainly is) to understand just how much this baby will dominate every single second of her day. The first year is pure survival mode!
She really don’t know what’s coming, does she! I always like to call the first year of motherhood a very very lovely but hard slap in the face 😂
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Do we think she may have used this time to buy some followers? I'm not brill with socialblade, I know some on here are much better are working out when/how people have bought followers.

She's been stagnant for a while and I'm not sure she'd have gained an extra 2k from this announcement? I also think she probably would have lost a lot too.
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Megan commented saying the purchase was from last year. Then Faye commenting ‘show us what’s in the bag’...I take it she bought it the day she uploaded a photo in a shop with the Chanel bags (21st Dec)... the one that has Faye in the background shopping with her...
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Every now and then I like to go through my Instagram and check who I’m following as I’m pretty sure insta does this thing where it follows accounts for me (dunno if this is just me, perhaps I just follow them and forget about it?!)

Anyway just came across this, anybody know anything about it? Is it even legit?
Instagram does that to me too. Thought I was going insane when I first noticed 😂

Anyway I think that account is legit as Megan’s parents & Jimmy’s follow it 👀
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Had my baby 9 months ago and still wear maternity clothes to lounge in 🤣
Urgh she is such a pretentious twat. Probably only never wore maternity clothes cause she wasn't gifted any
She wasn’t gifted any and she never wears items more than once anyway. She keeps drawing attention to being able to wear it post baby but that will never actually happen.
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Anyone who kinda liked this book should definitely read anything by Pamela Des Barres, the original LA groupie / singer in the 60s and 70s,her book Im with the band has similar vibes to daisy jones except its a true story and an actual memoir, rather than the faux rock doc memoire whatever daisy jones is supposed to be. Im explaining badly here but just read it 🌼👌
ha yes! i mentioned pamela des barres i'm with the band earlier in this thread - it's brilliant and a proper incredible account of that time - also like that it's not all rose tinted glasses either!
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She's back

Active member
Have been scrolling through threads but can’t find anything about George and the allegations, can anyone fill me in please?!
There were people speaking up on Twitter and apparently Georgie boy was getting his lawyers involved to silence them. Same thing they tried to do with Tattle when they got called out for drug use.

Anyway the tweets seemed to be swept under the rug and whenever people ask Megan about the allegations she blocks & deletes.
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What they should be doing is explain why they deleted their post and show what they have learnt from it. We all make mistakes, but when influencers pick to be influencers for a living, things like this need to be picked up!
Yes, absolutely! No ones perfect and I would actually respect Faye and Megan if they held their hands up and explained where they went wrong (eg Megan’s silence when BLM was at its height) and what they’ll do to keep going forward. But I highly doubt we’ll ever see the day tbh, they’re too immature.

Megan mentioned recently when asked why she quit youtube that it was a very toxic place. I wonder what makes her say this and what happened? Surely she has received more shit than ever since quitting and instagram can be harsh too if not more so? I'm finding myself much preferring Fayes styling these days. She actually wears things I would buy. Megan just dresses like a clown now.
The only things I can remember were people calling her out for getting designer dogs instead of rescuing, and there were a few comments about how much people missed the old Megan but I think she interpreted these as bullying or ‘toxic’ when they always felt constructive (to me). Having said that, I’m not the one at the receiving end so I guess I can’t really say too much either.
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Alexa lolz!!!
I totally agree. You don’t get pregnant and carry a baby for 9 months to then want to be separated from them and not comfort them when they need and want you.
I do all ‘the wrong’ things according to those bloody apps - I feed to sleep, I bedshare, I go to her the moment she cries... why would you not?! I bloody love it, even when it’s knackering... it’s not forever. Also I heard an interview with the inventor of the snoo... guess what... it’s a bloody man! (No shade to the men lolz but in terms of the hard graft I would guess females do the majority of the leg work historically n I don’t want a man creating nerdy data around my babies sleep! 😂)
I hope you can sell all your crazy tech gadgets and get yourself something actually useful like some nice toys n clothes for you n bub to enjoy. X
Oh my God yessss! I feed to sleep, co sleep and go to him as soon as he cries and now that he has started nursery two days a week...guess what, he is a very happy, secure and confident child because he has learned that his needs will always be met. Our instincts are far more valuable than apps and fancy gadgets!
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