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Active member
Anyone see this story today on martins IG feed? I have interpreted this as him being a bit belligerent ( although I’m also maybe putting 2+2 and making 7).. to me I’m reading it as though you can say what you want about me I don’t care. I have the right attitude.
I saw that too 🙄🙄🙄
Yes Martin, you definitely should post a story pointing out that you identify with a selfless person’s act during the holocaust. Doesn’t make you look like a complete dickhead at all.
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It’s funny how he’s just celebrated Amy and billy being his employees for 5 years at the same time. And gave them a cheque. Billy’s did say 250k on his but I don’t know whether that was a joke. They are enabling his behaviour. I had my eyes open when he was in New Zealand with Amy. Such predatory behaviour making her go in his room while he was in his underwear IN BED and documenting it on his stories. He actually thinks he’s indestructible. I hope ppl see him for what he is as it’s not hard as he does it in plain sight. He makes me feel sick and that’s before all the rumours started
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Bit strange when you Google his name his website has this published? Very odd behavior for a man with cameras in his own bedroom.
Very strange man.
Very creepy vibes.
Very small man.
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I don’t understand how he expects to run a business yet behaves so chauvinistic on his Instagram?? In the early days I was going to do the course but after seeing his real persona there’s no way I’d go near him. Someone has made a jokey comment about his shorts and he’s gone full on with the mum jokes?? How old is he 15? He’s so far up his own ass no wonder he’s single. And all these posts about parent alienation I’ll bet he’s the one that bad mouths the mother! He’s so creepy I’d be keeping my kids miles away from him tbh
Yeah agree. A best friend had an encounter with him and it was such a similar story. He was talking her up in anyway he could, they had sex, she barely remembers it yet blames herself, and he has spent time trying to convince she is the light of his life before being assured he won’t be exposed. I could go on, and on.
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Kind of happy that IFS has been cancelled. Hopefully by 2022 they will realise what a predator Martin is. Can a blue tick be revoked? 🧐 my dog deserved it more than he does.
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VIP Member
@Nosylurker I agree, and I was of the understanding there was more than one person making allegations against him?
A few high profile nutrition experts have distanced themselves in recent months from him so i was assuming that there's private messages/information floating around that we're not seeing yet and thought (maybe incorrectly) that there would be no smoke without fire?
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This is probably true, they will have to wait until he’s found guilty to remove him from the line up. He won’t have a very warm reception at IFS anyway, a lot of the others speakers know what happened.

His enablers are the small team of staff who defend his behaviour and deal with his daily tantrums. Aside from that small group, no one stays at the company for longer than a few months & his ex wife has not worked there in years.
Ah I thought she still worked there according to her LinkedIn. I imagine people in the industry know and are waiting for it to be made public or there’s an outcome from his court cases. He’s a dick and his side kick Sarah should be ashamed.
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so no one has ever made a false accusation before?
I said I don’t accuse without evidence.

And just for the record NOONE has actually publicly accused him of anything! So there is no word of a woman
Hey Martin or maybe one of your office/babysitting minions. Look, we all think you are a d*ck, we all think you are a predator and we all now know that you’re a short arse. Enjoy your tours and shows, your time will soon be up.
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He’s been very quiet, I wonder if something has happened! I’ve heard more members of staff have left 🙈
Have they? I’m not surprised. I bet it’s not Sarah, Amy or Billy though! His stories are so different. His children don’t feature anymore. He obviously reads here! That’s one good thing out of it. Poor children were overly exposed. 😔
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Chatty Member
I know this may sound weird, but hear me out 😂 it bothers me how many amazing women suffer with low self esteem and self confidence when ugly little men like him run around with the most arrogant and blown up egos
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Such a creep. Arrive late so the girls are after more drink than you so maybe they don’t notice you’re sleaziness. That to me is a predator.
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Why would his staff need flexibility and work out of hours, i always found it unusual they would be so much staff at the office late a night. Yes i guess they have international customers but generally the content they produce is not live and i'm sure emails could wait until the next working day. It sounds like a toxic work place.
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It’s embarrassing. He’s hanging out with 25 year olds that work for him. Imagine not letting your staff have their weekends alone with their friends.

He most likely invited himself because he likes to know what’s going on at all times🙄 if he’s not there he can’t control the situation.

He’ll probably have an after party at his office and try it on with at least one of them…from what I’ve heard.

What a sad sad man
He’s a narcissistic control freak and he’s now trying to show the world he’s done nothing wrong by going out with some young girls because he has no friends he can go out with, literally.
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I think it’s quite easy to say MARTIN NUTRITION MACDONALD takes testosterone and other anabolic and peptide and peptides aids. Mans got the sperm count of a eunuch. Agree?
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New member
All of the posts and stories he makes public is a compete facade.
I used to know Martin and he would be ILL worrying and stressing about people coming at him with legal cases and calling him out.
He may have changed a lot since then but the shit storm going on behind closed doors, will be getting to him, despite ‘living his best life’ Instagram.

There are people biding their time with factual evidence of conversation transcripts, photos and other details which expose him for what he is, as a monster.
Just waiting to allow the legal system to do their work before things go out to the whole world.

After all is said and done, his life’s work won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.

What is manipulating is the fact that Martin MacDonald is suggesting to the world of nutrition that his company is hiring despite the pandemic when his reality is high staff turnover. His methods and how he is with his staff create that turnover. Also does anyone know what subjects his PgCert and PgDip?
The turnover of staff is worse than a call centre or door to door canvassing job.
The staff that have been there the longest Billy, Sarah and Amy......well it speaks for itself.
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