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VIP Member
He makes me feel deeply uncomfortable, he thinks he his Gods gift but he seems a true narcissist. Yes his information and knowledge is great but his personality, attitude and way he treats his staff is sickening.
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I used to really like Martin, followed him off the back of Ross Edgley a good few years ago. Then once his following got big due to the like of James Smith discussing him he became a full on narc, prize prick. A guy who was once really educational and helpful on his stories and with his content now totally full of his own self importance.
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It's funny - as soon as shit hit the fan he turned to controlling his body and doing an extreme deficit to get results. Turning to food as something he can control but spinning it as a body transformation to get lean - absolute red light of someone who's life is out of control elsewhere.
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VIP Member
Funny how he is saying about people sliding into his DMs, invading his personal space etc when he got all aggressive in my DMs at 1.21am when all I did was like someone else’s comment on one of his Dubai pictures when they asked if Covid wasn’t a thing in Dubai. I unfollowed him before he sent his follow up angry little messages announcing his departure e.g blocking me 😂. I bet if I was male he wouldn’t of had that reaction. What a wankpuffin.View attachment 421108View attachment 421109
Wow!!! So he’s triggered by the fact you liked a comment about him going to Dubai during lockdown??? The absolute knob!! Who does he think he is? I can’t wait till he gets his comeuppance i just can’t understand why he’s not been called out yet by others are they scared or something? How can his behaviour be acceptable to anyone whos associated with him?
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VIP Member
Is it best if we ask for this thread to be deleted by the mods? Id hate for anything to benefit the evil egotistical creature!
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VIP Member
Oh I see! I wonder what evidence she had! But either way good for her! Atrocious behaviour. Imagine the audacity of your boss thinking that that was OK!?
I think what makes men like him dangerous is the fact that he actually does think its OK.
Plus the other employee who is clearly enabling this behaviour by him.
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So how do you explain the whole touching yourself in front of a member of your staff then Martin? you utter freak! Only a raging NARCISSIST would join a gossip site to ask about themselves 😆
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Chatty Member
You can bet that 40hrs a week is a minimum. Any less and you'll get passive aggressive comments about not appreciating the amazing opportunity that he's given to you.
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VIP Member
Have you seen the fake tattoo on his chest that you can see with his top buttons undone? Two fingers going into a piece of fruit! He’s vile
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VIP Member
I don’t even follow him but this makes me want to like any remotely negative comment on his page 🤣
He blocked me too for liking a comment. He’s a nob and the only reason he went to Dubai was because all the other insta twats have. He’s the wrong side of 30 and about to he exposed for being a sexual predator.
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Chatty Member
I have refrained from commenting on court or allegations as I wouldn’t want anything to jeopardise the case of the women in question. The odds are already stacked against them sadly.

However, I would like to think that in time people (including men!) start publicly using their platforms & calling him out for some of the behaviour he exhibits online...e.g. how do you make a whore moan/ Anne gate/ make a housewife out out of a whore etc. It’s not cool anymore particularly when you have a massive platform.

Could you imagine the difference he could make in the industry and the way it views women if he called out this type of sh*t the same way he does the pseudo science brigade? But he won’t... because he clearly doesn’t seem to value women.

I hope when his daughter grows up she realises it’s not ok to be treated the way he appears to treat women.
agreed! And the way he calls any woman who calls him out a “feminazi” it’s very 15 year old on Reddit troll vibes, it’s pathetic
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VIP Member
I think there’s more than one case going on. One with his student and one with him and staff.
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VIP Member
maybe it’s the fact that it’s all quite cloak and dagger. No one has said ‘Martin MacDonald raped me or Martin MacDonald sexually assaulted me’.
Most of the things on this thread are hearsay and assumptions. Talking about him putting his face into a child’s groin- to me is making things seem like what they’re not. In my opinion I feel like he’s being persecuted for more than he’s ‘possibly’ being accused of, somewhat lynch mob behaviour.

Of course If he has done what you’re all assuming then I will hold my hands up but as no one has any actual accusations I’ll stand by my opinion for now
I mean... a lot of people who were once very close to him have spoken out as much as they possibly can do considering there’s a court case and made it very obvious it’s Martin and what he’s accused of by various people who once worked for him.

But I guess for you to have so much trust in an undeniably angry, creepy little man over them then you must know him better than they do...?
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VIP Member
Who ever accused him on here report your comment to get it deleted as it may just get him off if it’s true
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Chatty Member
It's a shame if he did sexually harrass some one. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding when some girls accidently sent nudes to him as attachments to their course work, as I've heard this occured?
You’re a brand new account which is only interacting with this thread. That’s interesting indeed.

Hi Martin.
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