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I really liked it.... thought he was going to cry at one point before they cut it ! I was surprised it was her taking control as she seemed to be the bossy one thought it would of been him ! I really dislike Antony... he's got a real superior look about him - apart from when he was struggling to do the yoga ! 😂 😂
Yes I couldn’t understand why Simon was the one who had to be bossed around, he is anyway 😂

Antony I’m getting serious red flags from, controlling I think.
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I was disappointed with Andrew last nights episode. He gave the twin even more ammunition to dislike Cheryl. She was speaking to him and he ignored her. Couldn’t even pretend. No loyalty there whatsoever and the same with Antony. Jonesy - keep ya mouth shut. I think Cheryls dad could sense something we can’t to be fair!
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I think Sean may have text dean on Traceys phone!

Last nights episode was the one worth waiting for!

I was howling when Davina said she’s surprised there’s no drama about her 😂😅 honestly she is tv gold! No self awareness 😅

I was shocked for Ashley that neither Troy or Carley let her know.

lastly was it just me or the one who was paired with Sean (forgot her name already) Wearing a swimsuit as a top and leopard print beach sarong as a skirt? 🤯
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I'm watching at C4 pace, I'm already binging several shows so didn't have the time to watch them all at once :LOL:

Is it just me or was Shareen's reaction to the survival kit totally OTT? I felt rather sorry for David tonight, from what you saw she didn't seem to make any effort then started highlighting his flaws. I get the feeling if the shoe had been on the other foot she wouldn't have taken kindly to him pointing out flaws.

Michelle's sister was out of line as well, does she not realise Michelle has her own life?
I think exactly the same as you - her reaction to that kit was very OTT and she just walks away from things she does not like or cries, no wonder she is single, she just can't face up to things. She puts herself over as this happy, clappy hippie but in fact she is so not. I like him and as was said they have only spent 20 hours together and she is making so many assumptions about him instead of sitting down and talking and listening to him.
Michelle's sister - yes she is out of line and should not say things like that to her, it is not her life and if Michelle wants to do that then so be it. That is what she went on the programme to do and her sister knows that. (don't think it was for the camera) We all only have one go at this life. My sister made the biggest mistake of her life when she was 21 and when she asked me I said your life, your choice. Wrong one at the time but happy now.
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Cheryl’s dad was just horrendous. Andrew should have told him to piss off and left. The poor bloke went to get changed, I was screaming at him not to! Never heard anyone be so vile, I still can’t believe it!
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How arrogant and vile is Antony I hate everything about him..... who the fuck does he think he is ? I don't think he realises by behaving like he is he could well be damaging his own marriage as if I was Nadia I'd be telling him to fuck right off... he's just rude .... most of them were really nasty to Cheryl and whilst she's not my favourite she's the youngest and surely it's Andrews choice if he wants to give it a go with her. When they kept saying 'you've got to prove' she hasn't got to prove herself for anyone only Andrew and he seems quite taken with her.....

Didn't like the way Elene kept going on about her hot husband and pawing him.... he seemed actually pissed off with her..... and he's a cutie is Simon - yeah the make over suited him but he's still the same person !

Can't wait for the next episode - we are trying to be controlled and watch it one episode at a time - killing me though I want to find it and download and watch all of them !
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Nosey Moo

Chatty Member
Apparently cos of what he experienced on the show it caused Andrew some kind of ptsd :( poor guy. I really liked him x

There’s something off about Michael beyond being a stripper like he’s a bit crazy! Small earlobes, under 60kg like it’s not like he’s carved from the Gods!
Probably the only way he gets lotsa women to fawn over him. Cos away from work they probably realise how much of a dick he is and run a mile
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I know what you mean about dragging a bit. Got really fed up of Cheryl and Andrew and as for Michelle... Get a grip or give up!

I'm a bit behind tonight's episode... Anthony's date with Nadia.....oh my god Cringeworthy! 🤢🤢🤢
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I feel Sarah is a bit of a control freak on the quiet. Telv run quick.

Troy - think it's his nature to flirt with all ladies.

Dean - no words.

Tracey - someone needs to tell her to change her foundation, green face is not a great look. And she needs to man up!

Justin - I actually feel sorry for him. He does not have a clue when it comes to love.

Nassar - still gay or bi
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I was going to just stick to E4 but I couldn't help myself and have been sat here for hours watching several episodes! 😬
I don't know if to be happy you guys have shared the online link or be pissed off with you because I've got nothing done today 🤣

ok, I've decided- I'm truly grateful you shared 🤣
Now back to it...I'm on to the first dinner party.....
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Did they know each other, or did they just click because they had the shared wedding experience and 'knew' each other from the mass gatherings pre wedding day?
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I’m loving this series...cannot get Deb’s obsession why has she not moved to Polynesia?! Obsessed much...

This Australian version is so much more of a reality show than the UK one, think a lot of them are just in it for fame. It’s trash and I love it 😂
She went to Samoa for the honeymoon why didn’t she pick a guy up there 😂😂😂😂
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Dean only wants Tracey as he knows she will let him get away with murder.

When Tracey is telling him how she feels, he just shakes his head as if to say

'Oh here we go, the little woman is kicking off again
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Finally up to speed! I like this series so much more than 4, at least they're open and honest if not vile and vulger with it 😂

Basically I agree with everything you've all written 👍👍 Nasser is just 50 years of self obsession. Gab is awesome, I was really cheering her on tonight. She's got that sparkle in her eye, she doesn't want him she's just proving something to herself now and hopefully bringing him down a peg or two in the process. Queeen!

Justin "intimacy issues Packer" lunging her like that 🤮 I can't imagine that night of passion was nice 🤣 Poor Carley.
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Hope it goes get shown Do we know if it does? Cheryl will definitely jack it in tonight, hope it's shown then. 👍
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First time he said what he did for a living, I had to rewind it a few times. With his accent and lazy enunciation, "Male Stripper" became one word,"Mahystreepa". Even my other half couldn't understand him.
😂😂😂 my son came in the room as I was watching and asked what a mahystreepa is? 😂😂😂 I was glad for the accent, saved me from a tricky explanation!
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I think he is asexual.
I think he's in deep, deep denial.

Anyone else sick of hearing Charlene screech at Patrick to "be a man"?

I think he thought trying the trapeze thing would show her that he was willing to confront his fears for her, but she was pretty unimpressed that he didn't enjoy the experience too... He can try as hard as he wants to impress her, but at the end of the day it seems they're not that we'll suited after all.

It killed her to hear Dean so casually bringing up their lack of sexlife, because not terribly deep down she agrees with him.
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