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It's just gives more.

Anthony is a twat. Run now girl.

Twins can be bitches.

Jesse and Michelle won't last.

I Like Vanessa and Andy. Hope he can come out of his shell.

Sean and ? I also like but not sure they will make it.

Hope Debs is on the first flight to the Islands and does not come back.

Cheryl and Andy - hope they make it but age may be a problem. Think twins have the hots for him
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Was it me or did they miss talking to jessie and his blonde twin on the last episode??? Also the runaway bride?? What was she there for if they didnt get to speak to her??? They spoke to everyone else???
I think the only spoke to the couples that initially wanted to stay together..... although that said the older couple spoke... not sure why Lauren was there but I suppose it added to the drama..... So glad Jonsey was outed with that video .. though he wasn't sorry at all ... cocky prick kinda see why he's still single if he behaves like that ! Glad Anthony got some comeuppance too and was made to squirm.... he was punching way out of his league with Nadia ... she's beautiful and seems a lovely girl too.... for someone who was brought up in a strong female environment I was surprised he was the way he was with her.... I thought he'd of been softer, gentler.... more loving...... anyway.... I've googled and can see Nadia now has a new bf she is living with as does Cheryl...... shame about Simon and Elene they seemed really cute...... and Sean and Susan but both seem to have found happiness which is good !

Not sure I can endure every night for weeks on end so not sure I'll watch the next one - might series link and binge when we can - hubby got very invested in the last series funnily enough haha !
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I got so invested in this (even though it's so contrived and the constant ad breaks/'recaps' ground my gears.) Have just finished and googled the shit out of all of them. Was quite surprised to read some interviews with Susan alluding to Sean not quite being the nice guy we all thought on camera (nooooo!) Apparently she offered to come up and visit him, he said he couldn't because he was at a rodeo but she then discovered Simon had gone to visit him at said rodeo! :eek: Did a deep dive of all their instas and looks like Sean married someone else not long after filming the show. Susan also has a child now! Apparently there was loads of dodgy stuff they edited out about Cheryl. "Jonesy" :rolleyes: still came across as an immature idiot though with those comments. Was rooting so much for Nadia the whole way through. It seemed that Anthony fought for her commitment when she seemed unsure, yet lost interest as soon as she finally let her guard down and was willing to move to Sydney- textbook narc! She seems really happy now though with a new guy whereas he, who always had so much to say for himself, has gone right off the radar.

Not sure I'll be committing to a new season, am ashamed at how invested I became with this one! :ROFLMAO:
Susan and Sean was always a bit of a weird match for me. He was really homely and happy on the farm whereas she wanted a glamorous life. It was an odd pairing that would only work in the experiment.

at least in the UK one they go straight back to pretty much real life.

does anyone remember that lisping twat from the UK? Mr big bucks with the policewoman? he didn’t wear socks to thr wedding, total cheb-end
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John and Melissa only live an hour away from each other.
Yes, I'm aware of that but neither are willing to move so unless they want to travel back and forth forever then its not going to work.

know what you mean!!!! I'm more crushing on him, because he's showing quite a cheeky little side and stopping the Alpha's get away with lies, he has a glinty eye this series 🙈🤣🤣
I love John this series, he has been so cheeky and he seems to love the drama which is hilarious 😂 I much prefer the experts from the Australian version.

Dean's still a twat. Wish Tracey would wise up already.

I'm glad Carley realised she deserves more. Justin clearly has issues he needs to sort before he can be in a relationship. I can see why it didn't work with his first wife now.

Troy still gets on my nerves.

Does anyone feel like Charlene and Patrick act like the smug know it all couple that's better than all other couples? I've thought it since the beginning but it's getting worse.
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Melissa has bad Botox and cheek fillers. Looks like Chanel from bb.
Mike won’t succeed in love as he couldn’t love anyone more than himself.
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I am pleased Troy stood up for his hair.
Ash was way over the top about this. Can you imagine the outcry if he had taken Ash to a hairdressers and told her to get her hair cut.

I did not agree with Simon having his hair cut either in the previous series
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I'm still undecided on Troy. I think Carly had the situation well summed up last night that he is the one putting in the effort whereas Ash doesn't seem as invested. What I didn't get last night was her having a go at Troy for keeping things quiet when the previous day she had laid into him for disclosing things during his interview.

I know I've said it before but Davina is such a shallow narcissist. She's seemingly never been held accountable for her actions and never shows remorse, except when trying to manipulate a situation to gain sympathy. The nerve of her having a go at Tracey for being "bitchy". I was glad to see the experts calling her out for pinning it all on Dean
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I quite like Vanessa and Andy too...well more so Andy. But they need to wrap this series up, I’m close to googling the outcome because I haven’t got 90 mins each evening to spare 🤦‍♀️😂
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I really want to watch more, but don’t want to watch them on my phone 😟
OMG, Anthony is such a cock. I think he’s quite sinister looking and why does he think it’s a competition? Nadia needs to run and keep going!
Simon is a great guy, he has a really personality and he’s funny. I do think he looks better with his hair short, but I was a bit uncomfortable watching him at the hair salon, especially when the stylist got involved!
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Naseer is quite an aggressive short man syndrome arse, isn’t he?
He seems to have real problems alright.
Anyone else get the impression they're fighting when the cameras aren't rolling?
I don't know how she puts up with his attitude but I feel she bites back more when they are arguing in private!
Loving Telv and Sarah's relationship.
John and Deb location thing is a bummer.
I found Tracey's parents' acceptance of Dean's behaviour sad to watch - they seemed totally ok with his lack of respect for her at the very beginning of a relationship. Their attitude kind of explains to some extent how much crap she's willing to put up with, and her lack of self-respect. I wouldn't be a self-help book reading type but if I was, I'd certainly give the ones she writes a wide berth!
Charlene and Patrick's pairing is looking less sure as the weeks go on sadly. They looked like a dead cert at the beginning!
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I think Tracey has been lieing to Sean about the type of texts she is getting from Dean, hence both Deans and Seans 're action last night.
Sean was livid but think Tracey has been lieing.
Reckon tonight, Sean and Tracey will be over.

And they do show The video of Dean and Davina and the boys night
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Nosey Moo

Chatty Member
I’ve just finished episode 23. Gonna try and not watch anymore tonight though... 🤥 😂
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"Ellen DeGeneres can wait" had me rolling last night!
That and "I don't know you! I don't care!" from Davina - she's an utter bitch but she's fantastic entertainment in a twisted way, and I have a feeling that in actuality she's a lot more honest than "get it all out in the open, consequences, girlcode" Tracey!!
I'm looking forward to having a good old stalk of most of their instas after tonight's show - I've seen a few updates but have avoided as many as possible!
Ryan is by far the most attractive man on the show for me. The exaggerated eyeroll thing he does is hysterical.
I cannot wait for the Tracey/Dean/Sean fallout tonight. I hope they give them popcorn when the footage of Dean at the boys' night is shown!
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Davina and Dean behaving like teenagers i desperately want someone to catch them in their cringey antics and make a show of them both
Davina is comes across as so desperate. Does Dean ever consider her wasn't paired with Davina due to the 13 year age gap between them, strikes me more as lust more than anything else
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I’m about 8 ahead, you’ll think Cheryls dad is a legend soon. I completely changed my opinion of him and think he’s just a great judge of character 😂
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I don’t think he’s gay or gives off gay vibes. Just because he doesn’t slot into the typical man slot and likes cleaning and gossiping doesn’t make him gay in my book. It’s so stereotypical and outdated. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I wasn’t saying that because of those things solely, but when he was doing these things and what he was saying set off my own radar, also the fact he was talking about intimacy, not living with a woman ever etc
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Tonights episode was WILD 🤣

wonder what the truth is behind the dean and Tracey texting saga
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Save yourself some time and watch it online and fast forward most of it 🤣 that’s what I did
I fast forward the boring bits on E4.

Like another poster, I'm only rooting for Simon and Alene and Sean and Susan but I don't think Sean and Susan will work long term because of the difference in lifestyles and how far she'd have to move which is absolutely heartbreaking.

I hate the friend Alene keeps asking for advice. She's such a bitch.
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