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I hope the girls have words with nadia about him, or her family! If my friend was with him, you van be guaranteed I'd be having words! Meanwhile poor Simon was getting interrogated when he's a lovely guy! 😄
Elenie's friend who was really rude at the wedding was so fucking full on and rude to Simon when they went for dinner..... I think she's actually really jealous that Elenie (I think I'm spelling that wrong lol!)..... has got someone that seems really genuine......

At the boys night Sean did try and say something in a nice way because he's a nice guy..... but it does make for more dramatic telly the way it was filmed..... Andrew is vile and quite frankly is immature for his age - Cheryl is far more grown up at 25 than he is at 38.... I feel sorry for her because she's coming across as genuinely wanting to make it work.......
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I have watched all the episodes, really hoping the younger couple stay together. I didn’t feel Shereen was open to anything, poor guy I felt really sorry for him.
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Nor did they talk to Vanessa and Andy.

So glad Andrew got a roasting. Experts did not like him either. Anthony as well.

The people from the next round all.look like they should have a thread on here. So may be good
Ohhh thinking about it I cant remember seeing them either, what's the point only doing some of then??? I'm glad they showed andrew what a knob he was and sooooo glad that smug face of Antony's got totally slapped in front of EVERYONE!!!!
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Dean has interviewed Tracey for his YouTube Channel and podcast type thing. Going by the feedback on his IG they quash a lot of myths about the programme. Might be worth a wee watch.
His YT is called Dangerous Ideas with Deano. Hope I’m allowed to share that 🙈
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The latest UK version starts next Monday and is being heavily trailed now.

Looks excellent, proper chav fest.

Probably don't watch these if you don't want any spoilers at all.

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Chatty Member
But Cheryl needs to tell her Dad to bog off...his behaviour at the wedding towards Jonathan was way too aggressive and very embarrassing for Cheryl.
Cheryl has a strange mouth...not sure if it's because her lips have too much silicone in or whether she had a speech defect.
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Chatty Member
Not liking Dean at all. He’s a chauvinistic pig. How dare women have a voice in this day and age. Prick. He will never accept her kid either, he just wants to get his leg over. His mate is an arse too.
I didn’t mind the other couple, but her brothers need to pipe down - you are not the Kray twins 😂
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So deans excuse is that everyone in Sydney has open relationships, what the actual fuck!!! Why the hell did he go on this show, and Tracey lapped up his excuse!!!! Dean only wants to shag Davina, hope he does then leaves her but shell get feelings for him, that would be karma!!!!
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Okay team I’m ready to discuss tonight’s episode. It’s NONE of the twins business and they’re basically bullying Cheryl. So rude to run at Andy and not welcome Cheryl!
Absolutely! It was awful, I’m not a massive Cheryl fan but she did not deserve that. Can’t understand why they all feel they need to be so involved especially Anthony.
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Susan and Sean was always a bit of a weird match for me. He was really homely and happy on the farm whereas she wanted a glamorous life. It was an odd pairing that would only work in the experiment.

at least in the UK one they go straight back to pretty much real life.

does anyone remember that lisping twat from the UK? Mr big bucks with the policewoman? he didn’t wear socks to thr wedding, total cheb-end
🤮 🤮 I HATED him!! Thank you soo much for reminding me of that dickhead 😂

I got so invested in this (even though it's so contrived and the constant ad breaks/'recaps' ground my gears.) Have just finished and googled the shit out of all of them. Was quite surprised to read some interviews with Susan alluding to Sean not quite being the nice guy we all thought on camera (nooooo!) Apparently she offered to come up and visit him, he said he couldn't because he was at a rodeo but she then discovered Simon had gone to visit him at said rodeo! :eek: Did a deep dive of all their instas and looks like Sean married someone else not long after filming the show. Susan also has a child now! Apparently there was loads of dodgy stuff they edited out about Cheryl. "Jonesy" :rolleyes: still came across as an immature idiot though with those comments. Was rooting so much for Nadia the whole way through. It seemed that Anthony fought for her commitment when she seemed unsure, yet lost interest as soon as she finally let her guard down and was willing to move to Sydney- textbook narc! She seems really happy now though with a new guy whereas he, who always had so much to say for himself, has gone right off the radar.

Not sure I'll be committing to a new season, am ashamed at how invested I became with this one! :ROFLMAO:
Omg, no way. I'm going to have to have a Google about the Susan/Sean thing!

I also said the same about Anthony. He was only invested when Nadia wasn't sure and as soon as she gave herself he was done because he wanted to be the one to end it.
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I have been watching on E4. I have seen up to the episode that was on television last night.

Simon and Alene’s surrender date was quite awkward to watch. To me, it comes across that she is not very attracted to him and so she was trying to change his clothes and hairstyle so that she would be. He looked very uncomfortable at points and I felt that it amounted to Alene peer pressuring and bullying him . Obviously, he did look better afterwards but it wasn’t for her to tell Simon how to be.

I am not sure that Anthony and Nadia have enough chemistry to go the distance. Personally, I find his eyebrows quite offputting. They are the first thing that I see about his face every time he comes on screen - they are just too perfect and it’s quite disconcerting to see on a man! I think that the way he speaks about Nadia is quite possessive (IE “she is mine”) and almost as if he wants to control every aspect of her life (IE “you are lacking direction”). In my personal opinion, it is one thing to encourage your partner to do something in life that they have been holding back on but completely another to belittle them in a public place about the topic.

Debbie and John make me feel quite uncomfortable. I think that Debbie went into the process with an expectation in her mind as to who she wanted. John does not fit the brief in her own head and so he never stood a chance. With that being said, John does not seem to be the perfect man in my opinion. His laugh is quite irritating and that thing he does with his tongue when he tells a joke actually repulses me! I personally can’t see these two working out, I just think they are in completely different places in life.

I think that Nick and Sharon are quite good together. They obviously have chemistry and are attracted to one another but I do wonder whether she will be able to put up with his partying. I know that as a 25 year old I wouldn’t want to be around someone who doesn’t know their alcohol limit! You should have that sussed by the time you are 21. I think emotionally they are on the same page, though.

I don’t think you can say the same for Jesse and Michelle. He seems to be falling fast and I can’t see that she is as interested in him. The zoo date was quite cringey. She didn’t even really try to fill the awkward silences!

Cheryl is an absolute babe and I hope she has better luck with Andrew.

Michael was so controlling! He was obsessed with what everyone thought of him. If I were the bride marrying him, it would have been over as soon as he told me he was a stripper. I find male strippers so embarrassing! I like a Dad bod and for my men to just be masculine and normal. I couldn’t think of anything worse than having him oiled up, jiggling his bum in my face. 😂😬
Well put! Oh yes that zoo date when he stared into space was so awkward!
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Copy and paste that it should work I am in the uk and I can get it x
Thanks for posting this. I’ve been watching all day! I’m recovering from Covid and we’re in lockdown 3 so this has been the perfect distraction day. As I can’t watch it all on e4.

Matthew really lost his virginity to Lauren, on a tv show, to a girl he doesn’t know? I also cringe how they call him the “29 year old Virgin Matthew”😱😱😱😱
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I feel so bad for Jo.

Troy is still creepy. I swear he gets weirder every episode 😂

Davina ia vile. I honestly think the experts put her on the show because they knew what she would be like. I knew what she was like when we first seen her!
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Anthony is such a twat!!

Alene changing Simon hair and clothes made me sad. She shouldn't be changing his appearance just to make herself happy.
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I’ve enjoyed this overall but time to wrap it up, they’ve stretched it out way tooo long! I can’t believe I’ve got a crush on Simon! 🤦‍♀️ His blue eyes and cheeky smile. Wouldn’t have called that happening on his first episode! Him and Alene are cute together.
Haha same here. He’s adorable.
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Absolutely! It was awful, I’m not a massive Cheryl fan but she did not deserve that. Can’t understand why they all feel they need to be so involved especially Anthony.
I think they all forget too she is the YOUNGEST one out of all of them! Maybe he fancies her? Nadia was a 🌟 this evening! I’m going to go ahead and watch the other episodes now! Happy Friday Tattle Crew xx
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I hope so! Watched the dinner episode earlier and they seemed to hit it off!
I’m rewatching it now honestly that episode was so funny from someone going no wife snatching to Cheryl saying pick me! Go on Jonesy!

how weird is it he played netball with the twins!! Small world or what

Also Vanessa at that dinner party is rude to Andy! “I’m surrounded by quiet people” and telling him to speak up is so rude
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