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Can we also talk about the absolute obsession over Strife on the OL Facebook page? It’s concerning.

Also I can’t watch it because I’m in NZ, and all the NZders saying they’ll email our TV stations with a request is embarrassing. Or asking for the 100th time when it will show in NZ. Use the search function, ladies.
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I totally understand what you are saying about Middle East politics (there are other threads for that) and there definitely are people in Australia excusing the violence, albeit a very small group. But what I was referring to was the “feminists” that she is complaining about in her post who she feels are somehow siding with the terrorists. This is absolutely not happening, and having a balanced view of this situation, the death on both sides is not being antisemitic or anti feminist. It is about understanding the long and violent history of this conflict, not forgetting about the thousands of deaths every year, and that whilst horrific, this week is just another week of death in Israel and Palestine. It’s a very sad situation but I don’t think blaming Australian feminists and social justice warriors is helping nor is it fair.
Couldn't agree more. Clearly a dig at Clementine etc. Who has been talking about Palestine at regular intervals for years and years. There is an enormous difference between saying, hey, what about the Palestinian deaths, and saying 'it was justified'. Mia seems to be suggesting the second, whereas all those feminists she accuses seem to actually be saying the former.

I do think anti-semitism is just there below the surface all over Australia and events like this give people leeway to let it out (see also racisim and the referendum) - but so is islamophobia. It's all horrific.

But Mia's piece that justifiably talks to anti-semitism and horrific Israeli deaths, but fails to even nod to the deaths and horror in Gaza of civilians, is sad.
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Are these women for real? Why on earth would they think raising money for Holly to go and meet Gwen Paltrow is a normal thing to do? If she wants go to let her buy it herself or let Million Dollar Mia buy it for her in the name of research. The constant approval seeking on that group is really sad!


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I know Mamamia doesn't have a staff uniform but imagine rocking into work like this??? Someone make the black eyeliner stoooopp
Yes that’s a mooching around the house outfit! And uh apparently Luca is into being financially responsible… with his family money . And girl math is just cringe.
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I just listened to the subscriber ep with Jessie & Luca and how they’re finding being parents. PAINFUL! Luca sounds painful. He is a mini MIA. And his voice…annoying vocal fry. And there’s a part 2. Oh can’t wait for that!!!
I listened to that too and Luca sounds so, so young. They really do ramble on like they’ve split the atom. You have a baby. Gold Star, you’re amazing! He was saying before the baby he carried the mental load of everything in their lives. He seems like a big old (well, young) martyr to me.
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Recording a companion podcast as though Strife is Succession has me cackling.

I finished it yesterday (not much to do in Sydney at 42 degrees) and genuinely can’t believe such an accomplished production crew made such a mediocre show.
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It’s interesting, I feel like in some ways feminism caused a real backlash against women that aren’t career orientated. I don’t have kids and I no longer yearn to the be boss either, and that’s ok. I do wholeheartedly agree that a man isn’t a financial plan though!!

Also, I feel like half the posts on the MMOL fb group (and Go-To for the matter) are just thinly veiled writing auditions 😏
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Couldn’t agree more. She quoted my comment verbatim 😅 Her post is full of people saying how amazing she is and how the trolls are awful. I stand by my comment. She had resources to look good on her wedding day and I thought she looked a bit unkempt! I said this about Meghan on her wedding day too!
It’s a snark site babe. As if you’ve never said something mean about someone’s appearance. Get over yourself and look after your mental health by staying off the site. Fucking holier than thou these bloody twins.
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There’s an argument about Mia happening on the group right now…..
I agree. I think they are really underpaid at MM. and conditions are not good. I really wouldn’t want to work there. They are seem to talk way too much about how much they “work”, it seems pretty all consuming.
I also wonder if any are part of a union? Everyone here will have differing views, but Mia has some STRONG anti-union vibes.
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I feel so sorry for Holly. Outloud has literally become 'Mia's family news show.' Holly could go to any podcast anywhere and do well!
if the Shameless girls can do it, Holly can do it. I could see her doing something like the High Low, there has been no real podcast to have filled that gap yet! Plus she’d get all the advertising profits to herself and probably make way more.
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Exactly. That’s all they needed to do. As a 3 x HG mum, I didn’t find anything incredibly awful about what Jessie and Gemma themselves said, but their “expert” was awful and not helpful at all. I’m someone who lay in a dark room for 14 weeks, unable to lift my head without vomiting, mostly alone as I was living away from friends and family, before my doctors took me seriously in my first pregnancy, because they saw I’d lost 20kg. It’s not an “internet pile on”, or a group of mums being mean to the new mum, for HG sufferers who have been dismissed in so many instances to speak up and say that they found the episode inadequate at best and hurtful at worst.
Third time HG mum here as well (21 weeks with my third so still in it). It’s just really not good enough. The number of times I had to go to emergency with my first pregnancy and had to push and push for treatment in between throwing up. It makes me so angry that they’ve given this “expert” a platform.
And now they’re turning around and gaslighting HG survivors who have called them out. Gross behaviour, but as I said before it’s classic Mamamia. The fact any of them call themselves journalists is also laughable.
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Yes but it's a child. in saying that, is that your real photo as a profile pic? I'd be careful if it was.
Cheers for the warning babes. I'll be sure to look over my beak from now on. In saying that, I'm back to snarking on a snark page. Kids included.
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It’s actually a bit offensive for a middle class white woman who went to a Catholic school and had two educated parents to pull the ‘privilege’ card like genuinely how dare you Jessie. If she’s under privileged what are people of colour? Aboriginal, disabled, queer, actually poor people?
I agree with you, it’s pretty on the nose.
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My God, Strife is so boring! Why have they tried to make it feel like Melbourne? I was so hoping for proper 2012 feels, the fashion, the music. Mia's life story would have been way more interesting. I'm so disappointed
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‘Grace’. Right.
God I hate these bloody words! It’s ridiculous. Watching 3 white women fawn over themselves about all their intentions (which will never be fulfilled) is so boring.
Jessie birth words 🙄. Christ. Could she be more lame.
Mia using Jessie’s word in 2023 (shock it was family!) and then making it all about her. How hard her year must have been with a wedding and a new baby. Poor Mia 😥

Jessie - Kind (probably a fail already and so virtuous)
Mia - Grace (let’s hope she finds some because as per her own description she seems lacking)
Holly - Community (the only one that is grounded and practical)
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