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VIP Member
Oh now he wants to get involved with the kids!! Im pretty sure he told maia to terminate the pregnancy.
She mentioned ages ago that their Dad has been in their lives.

Pretty sure it was just her story for tiktok that he wasn't.

Even if someone wants a pregnancy terminated, doesn't mean they don't want the kids once they're here.
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VIP Member
anyone else find it sad how small the kids portions are? they basically just live on bottles. Maybe because my daughter has ate me out a home since 6 months old but she’d be bloody starving if thats all i gave her ! Its no wonder V&S struggle to gain weight
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VIP Member
I forgot about Maia and obviously her thread has died a death. I did see that the father has come out and said she lied about the girls not being his and he now has 50/50 custody.
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Well-known member
I love her, idk if she shares where she's going in real time, i don't see anything wrong with her content. People on the internet are weird and she's entitled to a break, every content creator talks about the pressure and needed a break. Plus the babies are adorable
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Her fans made me unfollow her…they are unbearable and say some very odd things! I do think Maia doesn’t handle criticism/advice well and just assumes everyone is hating on her.
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Active member
I get what you’re saying but for me it was fun seeing them grow. I’m a Mom so no weirdness on my part. I’m all for her not showing her children, but my point was her channel blew up because of the kids not her.
She’s still showing what they get up to etc she’s literally just covering their faces to protect them, which is a long time coming
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Well-known member
Agreed. If she was solely just taking opportunities to provide for her children there would be no issue. But she constantly puts her children’s safety at risk with sharing locations and generally just being uncareful so it’s overstepped a boundary.

She’s also let her fans go too far to the point of obsession. No one should be obsessed with someone’s children except family and close knit friends etc… Not strangers online.

It’s not unknown that crazed fans end up killing their idols which I know is extreme however when you’re not only putting yourself out there but innocent babies too there needs to be lines that aren’t crossed. Maia has let her fans become too invested in her children’s life.
I recently came across another account (small account, but growing) that has twins. Can't remember the user, her girls are a few months younger than Violet and Scout. The comments are ALREADY starting to become like Maias from her few regular followers. I don't get it at all. It's creepy.
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the fact that they lie in their beds without calling for her in the morning suggests that they’re used to being left there to me tbh. babies are creatures of habit, they like routines. the first thing i do in my morning is get my son out of his night nappy
Absolutely this. She should be ashamed that she is happy to share this information.
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I have seen Maia for quite awhile and at first I really liked her content but once she started posted to get money vs posting just for fun it has become annoying. I watched the dad's challenge podcast episode about her and although I don't agree with everything he says I do want to touch on the topic of the going out and taking pregnancy tests as a fun "joke" with friends.

1. Drinking and Going Out
Moms should 100% be able to still enjoy their lives and have fun NO ONE with a head on their shoulders would deny that. However, going out every once in a while (in my mind would be like once a month or less) to going out once or more per week and getting drunk and hungover is completely different. Maia is 25 I believe, and I am 26, I cannot even tell you the last time I went out and got so drunk I got a hangover and I have zero children, the last time where I did that was likely in my early 20-21 because it was fun and cool to do with friends. At my current age none of my friends are going out and getting blasted and not because they have kids, but because we are out of that phase of life. I totally get some may still enjoy that and it is fine but when you become a parent that has to slow down.

I have a family member who had a child young (23) and lived at home with her parents as the dad split and same thing that she would go out and leave the baby with mom and still have a relatively unchanged life from before having her child. This concept is great and if grandparents are able to help out and look after the child while you are working or going to school, awesome! But to leave to go out partying that frequently is gross to me. The thing that gets me is I know being a single mom is hard, my mom was a single mom, however is some cases the sympathy and help you receive as a single mom sometimes is more help then you have in a regular two parent/children situation. Most parents who are in a "regular" stable relationship with the other parent don't have the ability to go out every weekend, let alone even once a month! Some parents go close to a year without a date night or time to themselves because they are busy being parents and don't have someone to pawn the kids off on. I am sure my parents will love their grand children but if I was dropping them off every weekend for a sleep over I know there would be a discussion about them still needing their own lives and time.

2. The joking pregnancy test
I will admit I don't know what that one tiktok of taking the pregnancy test was about. I don't know if that was just a joke, or if she was really taking it. In my opinion when I first saw that on tiktok I assumed it was legit and she was actually worried about being preggo again. If it wasn't a joke, can this girl not just have protected sex? I think she had mentioned she had the IUD when she got pregnant with the girls. But if you are already sexually active after having the girls maybe make the guys wrap it up (which you should be doing anyways if you are meeting random guys in bars and not getting their STI information)

Anyways those are my two takes currently.
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So annoying how she always says she’s just been crying or she hates men and then gives no more information? Like share it or not
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Well-known member
I like her, and those babies are adorable. However I seriously worry about them at times, her fans are way too attached. I also feel so sorry for them that they have had every waking moment shown to the world, she over shares way too much. Not only for their privacy but it increases their fans feelings of ownership over them. All these kids that grow up on camera reach an age where they aren't as cute anymore, and people lose interest but by that time the damage is done. There are ways she could share them without invading their privacy but she chooses not to. Money is more important.

There are some incredibly creepy people on tik tok, I've reported hundreds. Tik tok doesn't see them as violations so they are left on there. The whole app is a free for all. There are several accounts trying to raise awareness but while people are making money so easily on there they don't care.
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I think (through reading comments and watching her TikTok myself) that Scout is more outspoken which is why she's held more. Violet is more placid and therefore sometimes left whilst Maia deals with Scout.
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Well-known member
In some ways I respect her as she has clearly been gifted an opportunity to financially secure better lives for herself and the babies. Yet I could never be that person to broadcast my children all over social media knowing that they haven’t consented to it. I do get that she’s making the most of an opportunity, she’s really not a bad person. I just hope that for the babies sake nothing bad happens due to their social media presence.

The babies are always clean, clearly fed and I do like how honest she is. Motherhood isn’t perfect. I will just never agree with babies/children being broadcast daily to millions knowing they are not able to fully consent.
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Chatty Member
I like her I think she’s genuine and if I had the opportunity to make money from doing TikToks in her situation I’d do it. Make as much as I can and then buy a house set my kids up with savings and then go offline and enjoy my life. Yes they’d get recognised but people would soon move on to the next person who did the same thing.
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VIP Member
To be fair, I wanted to call my little boy Scout after I watched Greys Anatomy where a baby boy was named as such. (We went for a more traditional name in the end which, in hindsight, I'm glad)

What I do find weird is that those two leapfrog toys have the same names. (Two dogs, i think V is a girl and S is a boy). I just checked and it seems the characters existed as far back as 2009 (maybe even earlier) so did Maia name her babies after them or is it just coincidence?
She says it’s a coincidence but idk why you wouldn’t search your twins names together to see what stuff comes up. Scout’s name Scout Morgan is quite masculine. I prefer Violet’s name
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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Does she make the babies bottles with cold water?
Apparently thats how its advised in the US 🙈 Ive seen a few videos like this. I used to be an avid watcher of 16 and pregnant / teen mom and they often made with water straight from the tap or bottled water.
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