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I’m surprised there isn’t a thread about her yet considering how huge her following is. Her girls are adorable but the amount of oversharing she does makes me uncomfortable. She literally tells millions of people where they’re going to be every single day (“today we’re going here, then to see this person, then for dinner at this place…”) Her commenters are obsessed with her kids. People feel they have a right to see them and when she recently didn’t post for nearly a day her “fans” were losing their shit.

She’s been a bit off the last couple of days and I wonder if she’s finally realising that she might be in way over her head with how much she posts. That being said, I saw a video recently estimating she makes $30k a month from tiktok so it seems unlikely she’ll stop oversharing. It all seems like an accident waiting to happen to me and I hope she puts those sweet girls first and stops posting them.
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I really like her but was only following her for those sweet babies. She thinks her 8 million followers will stay loyal even though she stops showing them. her words not mine. I beg to differ. Don’t think she’s all that interesting. I unfollowed. 🙃
And this is why she shouldn’t be showing them, do you not find it strange that as an adult you have unfollowed someone because they are now (rightly so) hiding their children’s faces..
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The few videos that come up are cute and she's not unlikeable. However her whole personality seems to be those babies and her fans act as if they all know them on a personal level.

Also the baby daddy slander is real, people just cant mind their business on Tiktok. Think they forget theres always two sides to every story. But its the generation for hating on fathers so🤷‍♀️
What a stupid thing to say. You really believe the father isn’t around because there’s “another side” if she was keeping the kids from him her Tiktok would be damning enough to prove it, he could take her to court for parental alienation. all he’d have to do is make a Tiktok to get his tragic story out and he’d go viral and have lawyer money if only because of the controversy in his comments. He’s not involved because he doesn’t want to be. If parental alienation was the issue he could have lawyered up, police involvement, DCF involvement. He’s not a victim. What a pissbaby comment to make that this generation hates on fathers. No one held a gun to his head. He’s a deadbeat dad because he wants to be.
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I have seen Maia for quite awhile and at first I really liked her content but once she started posted to get money vs posting just for fun it has become annoying. I watched the dad's challenge podcast episode about her and although I don't agree with everything he says I do want to touch on the topic of the going out and taking pregnancy tests as a fun "joke" with friends.

1. Drinking and Going Out
Moms should 100% be able to still enjoy their lives and have fun NO ONE with a head on their shoulders would deny that. However, going out every once in a while (in my mind would be like once a month or less) to going out once or more per week and getting drunk and hungover is completely different. Maia is 25 I believe, and I am 26, I cannot even tell you the last time I went out and got so drunk I got a hangover and I have zero children, the last time where I did that was likely in my early 20-21 because it was fun and cool to do with friends. At my current age none of my friends are going out and getting blasted and not because they have kids, but because we are out of that phase of life. I totally get some may still enjoy that and it is fine but when you become a parent that has to slow down.

I have a family member who had a child young (23) and lived at home with her parents as the dad split and same thing that she would go out and leave the baby with mom and still have a relatively unchanged life from before having her child. This concept is great and if grandparents are able to help out and look after the child while you are working or going to school, awesome! But to leave to go out partying that frequently is gross to me. The thing that gets me is I know being a single mom is hard, my mom was a single mom, however is some cases the sympathy and help you receive as a single mom sometimes is more help then you have in a regular two parent/children situation. Most parents who are in a "regular" stable relationship with the other parent don't have the ability to go out every weekend, let alone even once a month! Some parents go close to a year without a date night or time to themselves because they are busy being parents and don't have someone to pawn the kids off on. I am sure my parents will love their grand children but if I was dropping them off every weekend for a sleep over I know there would be a discussion about them still needing their own lives and time.

2. The joking pregnancy test
I will admit I don't know what that one tiktok of taking the pregnancy test was about. I don't know if that was just a joke, or if she was really taking it. In my opinion when I first saw that on tiktok I assumed it was legit and she was actually worried about being preggo again. If it wasn't a joke, can this girl not just have protected sex? I think she had mentioned she had the IUD when she got pregnant with the girls. But if you are already sexually active after having the girls maybe make the guys wrap it up (which you should be doing anyways if you are meeting random guys in bars and not getting their STI information)

Anyways those are my two takes currently.
Damn, you are really making me feel like an alcoholic for going out weekly 😳
In my opinion I don’t think she goes out THAT much, it’s almost refreshing seeing a mother go out and enjoy herself and have a life outside of being a mom. Also she’s mentioned numberous times that she usually gets home early, around 10. So I think it’s a bit of a stretch to assume she’s sleeping with randomers and partying like crazy. From her tik toks it seems like she just goes to bars in her area. Where I live many influencers who have kids go out twice a week to clubs and are taking drugs and everything -far worse than what Maia is doing. Obviously people have different attitudes to going out and drinking, and it depends from country to country. I’m from the UK so I know that our attitude to alcohol is way different to the US. But I do feel like this comment is a bit dramatic.

I 100% agree about the pregnancy test thing though. It reaaaaalllly irks me how people always post them online etc, whether it is for a joke or not. They really don’t consider how triggering that could be for people who are struggling with infertility or who have experienced unwanted pregnancies.
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Since I've been getting videos from Mom Uncharted on Tiktok I've seen Maia and Tiktokkers who show their children in a whole new light. I used to love those kinds of videos but now I can see how exploitative it is and going through her comments their are SO many inappropriate comments that gets hundreds of likes. Comments like "Show us our babies more" and "Your babies are addicting". It really makes me feel sick.
She also shows an advert by UNICEF highlighting how wrong it is to show your children on the internet for strangers to view. Happy to see creators like Bobbi Althoff have decided to stop showing their children online to protect them.
I guess Maia's making so much money showing off her twins that she won't stop.
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Chatty Member
I think she’s fab! If she’s not worried about her safety, I don’t think we should be tbh.
She seems like a great girl, being a fab, real mum with a lovely supportive family around her. Go Maia!
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As I said she comes across quite immature for her age!!! Defensive much.
All the crap I see on tattle and I get an Arsey comment because I said she seems younger than her age.
I asked why it matters what you were doing at 23/24 seeing as you needed to tell us you were married, working and up the duff. I don’t see how any of that information is relevant to Maia Knight?
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Damn, you are really making me feel like an alcoholic for going out weekly 😳
In my opinion I don’t think she goes out THAT much, it’s almost refreshing seeing a mother go out and enjoy herself and have a life outside of being a mom. Also she’s mentioned numberous times that she usually gets home early, around 10. So I think it’s a bit of a stretch to assume she’s sleeping with randomers and partying like crazy. From her tik toks it seems like she just goes to bars in her area. Where I live many influencers who have kids go out twice a week to clubs and are taking drugs and everything -far worse than what Maia is doing. Obviously people have different attitudes to going out and drinking, and it depends from country to country. I’m from the UK so I know that our attitude to alcohol is way different to the US. But I do feel like this comment is a bit dramatic.

I 100% agree about the pregnancy test thing though. It reaaaaalllly irks me how people always post them online etc, whether it is for a joke or not. They really don’t consider how triggering that could be for people who are struggling with infertility or who have experienced unwanted pregnancies.
Literally this. My baby is 4 month and when I’m comfortable and he’s able to sleep at his grandparents for the night, you better believe I’m going out and getting SHITFACED and waking up with the worst hangover ever. Being a parent is hard and if she has her mum/aunt wanting to babysit the girls so she can go out with her friend, then good for her
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Maia shows up on my fyp a lot but I usually swipe away as I've no interest in babies so maybe my view is skewed. I see it as she is a young single mum with 2 babies, she has the best opportunity she will probably ever have to provide for those 2 girls. She could make enough to buy a home so they are always secure, enough to secure the girls futures. Social media is fickle, this will probably only last a year or so if she is lucky.

I'd find it really hard to slate the woman for doing this to set her family up for life vs struggling and working around two kids. Realistically if the chance was offered to me to make serious bank for making a few tiktoks with my kids and us being secure and never having to worry about losing our home etc I would find it very hard to say no.
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Chatty Member
I love her videos, the girls are so cute. I agree with the comments about the crazy followers, some are almost demanding to see the babies.
The father left her at 7 weeks pregnant and hasn’t had anything to do with the babies at all, her family are really supportive and it seems she has a good network of friends around her too.
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Those babies are growing up with no privacy and it will only get worse when they’re older. They’re definitely being exploited for money and fame and it’s so sad to see.

And I’m sure they won’t appreciate the whole world knowing their dad didn’t want to be apart of their life. That’s trauma they have to deal with and it’s hard enough without others watching you.
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I agree with this. A mother is entitled to a nice time but I do think regularly going out to the point of twice a week is too much.

Once you make the decision to keep the children you make the decision that they’re first priority. You accept that your social life will suffer for the sake of them. I think being there most nights and staying in a regular routine is vital all through childhood.
Tbh idk where you are hearing/seeing that she goes out twice a week and gets drunk? I reckon she goes out like twice or three times a month, and a hangover three times in a month isn’t really a big deal. Her babies are safe and happy and her mom and aunt clearly love having them for sleepovers, which I always think is a good habit for families to have as children grow up. I know I loved sleepovers at relatives houses when I was a kid.
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The thing about her comments is even the most kind hearted people who are genuinely trying to offer Maia some good advice get shut down by 100s of commenters saying they’re a “hater”. There’s some weird phenomenon where if you’re a mum online you can do no wrong!
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I think she's great. And has actually been really careful not to share anything about the dad so she obviously is pretty aware of how important privacy is
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the fact that they lie in their beds without calling for her in the morning suggests that they’re used to being left there to me tbh. babies are creatures of habit, they like routines. the first thing i do in my morning is get my son out of his night nappy
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It surprises me that she’s 23/24 ish? At that age I was married pregnant with my second child and working.
I thought she was like 18/19 and that’s part of why people liked her as she was showing how you can do it. It might not be ideal but you can cope on your own.
She’s 26. What does it matter what you were doing at 23/24?

I thought he had nothing to do with the girls? 🤨
I think she’s just trolling people tbh. For all we know it could have been her brother saying yes to her asking him if he follows her on social media.
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Her comments are ridiculous. One of her videos came up in my FYP and the comments were all frantic because she hadn’t posted in 24 hours and they were all ‘worried something had happened’, ‘missed their babies’ etc. I feel like once you hit the point people think something serious has happened when you don’t post for only 24 hours, that’s when you should reconsider posting as often as you do.

I watched one of her vlogs and the way she stopped the hungry, whiny babies from taking the bottles so she could hit record on her phone first just made me uncomfortable.

I know it’s not a big deal, it’s not gonna hurt the babies to have them wait a few seconds, but it just really highlighted (to me, at least) how much the content revolves around the babies.
I haven't seen any of the vlogs, I think I'd find them too irritating. Yes the babies are going to be fine if they wait a little longer for their bottles but that is their daily life now pretty much since they were born. I saw a comment on her Tiktok that said "when was the last time the babies woke up without a camera in their face?" and it's just so sad. They are only little so they will probably never remember but all those precious moments have a camera stuck in their face. Poor babies.
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Can’t believe she’s saying the babies were naughty cos they peed all over her as if that’s something a 1 year old can control.
i think most parents would make a joke and call their kid naughty if they peed all over them, it’s not that deep
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The thing about her comments is even the most kind hearted people who are genuinely trying to offer Maia some good advice get shut down by 100s of commenters saying they’re a “hater”. There’s some weird phenomenon where if you’re a mum online you can do no wrong!
I hate this new trend of calling it Mom shaming to give advice or point out when something isn’t safe. Moms aren’t superheroes, we aren’t born knowing everything. I did a lot of unsafe things with my twins when they were babies (poor car seat safety - I forward faced from like 12 months, crib bumpers, bottle propping…). Granted we know more now than we did then (my kids are 12) but I WISH somebody had told me!!! But now it’s mom shaming to help. 🙄
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Why does she not get the girls out of bed when they wake up in the morning? They sit in their cots in the dark with no toys or stimulation for an hour and a half before she goes to them. I find that so odd. I have two kids and I wouldn’t rush to them the second their eyes open but an hour and a half is a really long time.
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