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just seen someone in the comments on tiktok saying she’s aware her babies are on child porn websites and continues to post them. if that’s true then she really is a disgrace and needs them taking off her for her own good
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I’m not being funny but why has this turned into a full on debate about the father when all that was said was ‘there’s two sides to every story.’

Maia says he’s a deadbeat dad so that’s what people believe, no one knows the reasoning behind why he doesn’t want apart of those girls life’s so how about you all stop judging him. Don’t assume you know a whole life story from what their mother is portraying.

Get a grip. A father should be able to choose if they are able to cope with fatherhood just like the mother does. A mother can go and get an abortion and have all the say but when a father says they aren’t financially or emotionally ready to parent not one, but two babies then they are abused online.

I’m not saying his choice to leave her a single mother is right however I won’t judge a stranger for what a woman says online. None of you know that man personally so none of you have a right to slate him. And Maia should think twice before exposing her children’s life stories on the internet. They already have to deal with the trauma of no biological father at present (since he could return to their life’s in the future, which you haters also do not know if he will or not) and to make things worse their mother rinsed their sob story for her own financial benefit and plain and simply for attention and sympathy.

She should’ve been mature enough to keep their private business just that - PRIVATE. I would hope that she would’ve had a grown up discussion about whether they should continue with the pregnancy or not and where their financial and emotional status stands. Then all choices from there should be 50/50 since it impacts both life’s hugely. Though the way she’s made it public it seems they’re both as immature as each other.
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Well-known member
They look identical to me but then again Mary Kate and Ashley aren't identical twins so who knows!

and re: leaving them in the crib. That's never sat right with me. I have twins and they used to be fairly happy alone in the cribs for a while and probably would've been happy to sit for an hour, but I would've never left them for that long. I would leave them for about 30 minutes, tops. Just long enough for me to make a coffee and get their bottles/breakfast ready without babies at my ankles. 😂

I just can't stand the way she starts filming while the babies are SCREAMING. I know they're fine, but why? Just give them their bottles off camera for once.
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Well-known member
She's already lost her way and clearly uses the girls as props, it's not a true moment caught on camera. Also not to be horrible but she does a few things that are a bit shitty like leaving them to drink on their backs , has she not considered how uncomfortable that is? And the way she shoves food into their mouths when she can be bothered to wean them. I feel sorry for those poor girls.
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Well-known member
She really is exploiting them. The same for many people on TikTok, the Herbert family another big exploiter. I find it sick tbh. My child would never ever be exposed online like that.
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The comment section is something else 🤦🏻‍♀️ Either ‘here to pay my child support’ ‘shouldn’t the babies be making YOUR dinner now’ or about being warily to comment. So boring.
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Active member
I used to watch some of her videos whenever it popped up on my fyp. She has a lot of fans clearly but I'm personally not keen.

Her main content is the twins so in that sense she is exploiting them. Her comment section is weird and people are overly invested in her children. That is enough reason to stop showing the twins for me.

She is only doing this for the money. I'm sure she has seen that her views shoot up when the twins are in it compared to when its just her alone.
💯 agree.
The girls are so adorable but you are right, it is exploiting them. More and more people seem to have been doing this the past few years. I really don’t agree with it. I’d hate for strangers to know so much about my children. And for my kids to be plastered across social media before they get the option to agree or not.
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VIP Member
What a stupid thing to say. You really believe the father isn’t around because there’s “another side” if she was keeping the kids from him her Tiktok would be damning enough to prove it, he could take her to court for parental alienation. all he’d have to do is make a Tiktok to get his tragic story out and he’d go viral and have lawyer money if only because of the controversy in his comments. He’s not involved because he doesn’t want to be. If parental alienation was the issue he could have lawyered up, police involvement, DCF involvement. He’s not a victim. What a pissbaby comment to make that this generation hates on fathers. No one held a gun to his head. He’s a deadbeat dad because he wants to be.
I think you’re coming at it from a bias and personal aspect. All I said was ‘there’s two sides to every story’ a while ago so this is a complete over reaction.

You’ve put a whole lot of words into my comment that weren’t there originally. I never once dreamed up a scenario of her keeping the children from him, that’s your doings. I said it’s the generation to hate on fathers, which is true. Before people would keep their matters private and not air their dirty laundry online but now it’s become common to slander people. Every other tiktok is a family member slating a child’s father. Please quote correctly next time and not exaggerate to fit your narrative and justify your personal anger.

Im assuming you don’t know her personally so my statement still stands. You can portray anything on social media the way you would like it to be seen.

Two sides to every story.

I suggest next time you want to reply so rudely to someone’s opinion you take a step back and evaluate whether you’re coming from an open minded perspective or a personal one to attack. You sound like one of Maia’s obsessive fans so I have no interest in entertaining your dramatics.
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Cute suggestion, I’ll respond to you however I want. Any man with a moral compass would likely not feel comfortable with millions of people watching his children grow up fatherless on social media knowing he could’ve done the absolute bare minimum but choose to do nothing. What possible other “side” to the story could there be and what evidence do you have to support your theory? If you feel this conversation is an overreaction why engage at all?

He didn’t want kids with her, he told her to get an abortion and told her not to contact him again, he’s a deadbeat who has never met or supported his kids. He is not a victim of the mother. If he cared so much about his reputation why would he stand by and allow millions of people, including any of his friends and family who are aware he’s the father and could easily put 2+2 together, to think he’s never financially supported or met his own children if that’s not the case? Surely if he cared this being public knowledge would be embarrassing, having his character slandered like that, so where is his side of the story? That alone speaks volumes to who he is. He has legal rights to them as their biological father whether his name is on their birth certificates or not and maybe you think court systems are biased against the father but he could easily get the visitation he’s entitled to in family court. Clearly you feel that men who are deadbeat parents are needlessly victimized, somehow victims of women who perhaps selfishly brought children into the world they didn’t want boo hoo, maybe you think that he doesn’t deserve negative things said about him if he didn’t want to be a dad and she had them anyway. You feel the need to defend him, to suggest there’s possibly “more” what evidence do you have?

He is equally responsible for them on a moral level and you’ll criticize the mother for taking responsibility and raising them while excusing the father of any kind of responsibility because there’s always “another side” to the story, clearly your own biases show that you need to project your own feelings of sympathy onto him which you cannot extend to his children or to Maia who picked up his slack? Men father children they never planned for or wanted and man up and take responsibility for the sake of their kids. The fact that you think there’s “another side” hardly contributes anything, with absolutely no evidence to suggest he’s anything but a man who did not take responsibility for his own actions, speaks to your own misogyny.

You think a grown man would allow public opinion on tiktok to scare him from telling the truth? Really? His reputation is already in the gutter what else does he have to lose? You’d believe him, so would others.
No one but Maia and the father know the whole truth so no one can assume anything about their situation either way.

However I do think it is in poor taste for her to say things about him to 7.5 million followers, not for his sake but for the twins sake. Maia has gone way past the point of no return now. The girls will never be anonymous again. The full details of how their father didn’t want them is published for the world’s entertainment. Even if she came off social media forever, every little detail of their life is public knowledge. When they go to school and people see twins with their names they’ll know who they are straight away.
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I don’t agree with her putting the lack of interest from the dad on social media but he’s made his choice. Those girls will see that eventually and so will their friends that they end up going to school with, it’ll be common knowledge that their dad didn’t want them. All she really needs to say is that he chose not to be involved and leave it at that.
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VIP Member
Well you don't really change gears if you're driving slowly, if they're in first gear all the way it would be under 10mph. But I understand the risk
Thanks for the lesson in driving. Only been doing it for 15 years. You would still be changing gear no matter how infrequently - and being American it’s more probably they aren’t that used to driving stick as even Maia admitted she doesn’t know how to do it. Which again potentially adds another level of risk.

Can’t believe people are defending this. I’d never risk the life of a child so they could see a donkey.
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Active member
I’m not being funny but why has this turned into a full on debate about the father when all that was said was ‘there’s two sides to every story.’

Maia says he’s a deadbeat dad so that’s what people believe, no one knows the reasoning behind why he doesn’t want apart of those girls life’s so how about you all stop judging him. Don’t assume you know a whole life story from what their mother is portraying.

Get a grip. A father should be able to choose if they are able to cope with fatherhood just like the mother does. A mother can go and get an abortion and have all the say but when a father says they aren’t financially or emotionally ready to parent not one, but two babies then they are abused online.

I’m not saying his choice to leave her a single mother is right however I won’t judge a stranger for what a woman says online. None of you know that man personally so none of you have a right to slate him. And Maia should think twice before exposing her children’s life stories on the internet. They already have to deal with the trauma of no biological father at present (since he could return to their life’s in the future, which you haters also do not know if he will or not) and to make things worse their mother rinsed their sob story for her own financial benefit and plain and simply for attention and sympathy.

She should’ve been mature enough to keep their private business just that - PRIVATE. I would hope that she would’ve had a grown up discussion about whether they should continue with the pregnancy or not and where their financial and emotional status stands. Then all choices from there should be 50/50 since it impacts both life’s hugely. Though the way she’s made it public it seems they’re both as immature as each other.
But there’s isn’t two sides to this story. There’s the fact that he left when she got pregnant and he doesn’t support his daughters. That is a dead beat dad, Maia doesn’t need to say that for it to be true when the facts are there.
also bold of you to assume that people who grow up without their biological fathers have trauma. Thats avery problematic blanket statement to make and completely untrue.
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VIP Member
I used to watch some of her videos whenever it popped up on my fyp. She has a lot of fans clearly but I'm personally not keen.

Her main content is the twins so in that sense she is exploiting them. Her comment section is weird and people are overly invested in her children. That is enough reason to stop showing the twins for me.

She is only doing this for the money. I'm sure she has seen that her views shoot up when the twins are in it compared to when its just her alone.
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Active member
why the fuck is she changing their nappies on a video for millions of people to see anyway?? she’s way too comfortable sharing way too much. i just want to snatch the babies up and protect them lol
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I know some have their reservations about her but I think she doing her best and using the opportunities given to her and making the buck why she can as we know how short social media fame can be.
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Caffeine Fiend

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Scout is one of the main characters names in the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird' I assumed thats where she got it from. I actually love both names ☺
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I think the Reddit page is too much. They pick at the tiniest of stuff about her which lets her fans say that people are just over exaggerating so they can ignore any valid criticism. Similarly, I also find her content incredibly exhausting to watch nowadays because she wants to clapback to everyone all the time. Everything is overly sarcastic and done in response to her haters.
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