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Chatty Member
I have followed her since a little while before her account blew up. She only had few thousand followers then and the difference between her then and now is mind blowing. She’s almost a completely different person. And the comments regarding her daughters would fill me with worry if I were her. A lot of her fans seem to think they have a claim over Scout and Violet.
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I’m not being funny but why has this turned into a full on debate about the father when all that was said was ‘there’s two sides to every story.’

Maia says he’s a deadbeat dad so that’s what people believe, no one knows the reasoning behind why he doesn’t want apart of those girls life’s so how about you all stop judging him. Don’t assume you know a whole life story from what their mother is portraying.

Get a grip. A father should be able to choose if they are able to cope with fatherhood just like the mother does. A mother can go and get an abortion and have all the say but when a father says they aren’t financially or emotionally ready to parent not one, but two babies then they are abused online.

I’m not saying his choice to leave her a single mother is right however I won’t judge a stranger for what a woman says online. None of you know that man personally so none of you have a right to slate him. And Maia should think twice before exposing her children’s life stories on the internet. They already have to deal with the trauma of no biological father at present (since he could return to their life’s in the future, which you haters also do not know if he will or not) and to make things worse their mother rinsed their sob story for her own financial benefit and plain and simply for attention and sympathy.

She should’ve been mature enough to keep their private business just that - PRIVATE. I would hope that she would’ve had a grown up discussion about whether they should continue with the pregnancy or not and where their financial and emotional status stands. Then all choices from there should be 50/50 since it impacts both life’s hugely. Though the way she’s made it public it seems they’re both as immature as each other.
While I agree it should be private, that part of your post about 'fathers choosing if they can cope with fatherhood' is absolute bull. Don't want kids? Great, don't have sex. Or get a vasectomy. So gross that you think men should just be able to opt out of taking responsibility for children they helped create.
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VIP Member
I don’t care about the dad whatsoever, it is what it is. But her posting that constantly for 7.5 million people is wrong no matter which way you look at. Those girls are going to grow up knowing their dad didn’t want them and 7.5 million people knew that before they did. That’s not fair to them.
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I don’t follow her but have liked a lot of videos of her on my fyp, honestly in terms of what she ‘shares’ it seems pretty OK to me? It’s 60 seconds or so of the babies having a bottle or having lunch, I’ve never seen her share anything * personal * but I’m sure that’ll get harder to navigate once they get older and develop personalities.

That being said I just watched a live of her and she definitely seemed down and like she was in a bad mood/snappy. She was obviously getting tons of questions but just kept choosing multiple comments about the fact it’s not fair she’s not verified and then repeatedly telling people she works from home as an influencer and that’s a real job. There was also a lot of comments about her not acknowledging the gifts she was being sent on live. I feel like that’s an awkward situation for her because she doesn’t seem like someone who openly accepts and gushes about receiving things, but at the same time we all know that’s why creators come on live and it’s the done thing to say thank you when someone says something..
It’s not so much the content she makes it’s more the volume and regularity of it. The fans have become so accustomed to getting multiple videos of the babies a day that they’ve become entitled to it. The comment section is really scary sometimes, full of people who feel like they know the babies personally. The majority are probably harmless but there’s always going to be some people out there who are sick in the head and have other intentions. Those babies will get recognised forever with their unique names and being twins, even if Maia left tiktok now when they go to school people will remember them and remember seeing videos of them in the bath etc. it’s just too much.
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Active member
i feel so sorry for the babies, imagine growing up knowing your mum broadcast your every move / cry / noise to MILLIONS of people on the internet. complete strangers 😬 surely she can see that that’s a safeguarding issue?
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Well-known member
Finally she’s experiencing the consequences we’ve been warning her about on her for ages. People coming up to her and taking pictures of her kids without permission. It’s a slippery slope and will only get worse. Protect your kids, Maia! Do better.
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Well-known member
The babies are cute but her TikTok comments make me cringe SO much. If anyone was saying things like that about my kids I’d be pulling them from the internet as soon as they started. They’re verging on stalker like.

She posts them far too much, and seemingly in real time, too. Which is worrying, anyone could know where they are. Which I worry she will regret one day, hopefully not at the expense of the babies. I saw a comment from someone who recognized the location and said they were going to go and see if they could ‘find them’. 😬
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that latest tiktok trying to be sarcastic about the hate comments while her babies are lying there wide awake with empty bottles next to them. ooookay then
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Chatty Member
I really like her but was only following her for those sweet babies. She thinks her 8 million followers will stay loyal even though she stops showing them. her words not mine. I beg to differ. Don’t think she’s all that interesting. I unfollowed. 🙃
Jesus Christ.

this is exactly why she should be hiding their faces. Imagine being a grown ass adult & typing what you have and not seen how horrific that is. Speak to a therapist or something mate cause that ain’t normal
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VIP Member
Cute suggestion, I’ll respond to you however I want. Any man with a moral compass would likely not feel comfortable with millions of people watching his children grow up fatherless on social media knowing he could’ve done the absolute bare minimum but choose to do nothing. What possible other “side” to the story could there be and what evidence do you have to support your theory? If you feel this conversation is an overreaction why engage at all?

He didn’t want kids with her, he told her to get an abortion and told her not to contact him again, he’s a deadbeat who has never met or supported his kids. He is not a victim of the mother. If he cared so much about his reputation why would he stand by and allow millions of people, including any of his friends and family who are aware he’s the father and could easily put 2+2 together, to think he’s never financially supported or met his own children if that’s not the case? Surely if he cared this being public knowledge would be embarrassing, having his character slandered like that, so where is his side of the story? That alone speaks volumes to who he is. He has legal rights to them as their biological father whether his name is on their birth certificates or not and maybe you think court systems are biased against the father but he could easily get the visitation he’s entitled to in family court. Clearly you feel that men who are deadbeat parents are needlessly victimized, somehow victims of women who perhaps selfishly brought children into the world they didn’t want boo hoo, maybe you think that he doesn’t deserve negative things said about him if he didn’t want to be a dad and she had them anyway. You feel the need to defend him, to suggest there’s possibly “more” what evidence do you have?

He is equally responsible for them on a moral level and you’ll criticize the mother for taking responsibility and raising them while excusing the father of any kind of responsibility because there’s always “another side” to the story, clearly your own biases show that you need to project your own feelings of sympathy onto him which you cannot extend to his children or to Maia who picked up his slack? Men father children they never planned for or wanted and man up and take responsibility for the sake of their kids. The fact that you think there’s “another side” hardly contributes anything, with absolutely no evidence to suggest he’s anything but a man who did not take responsibility for his own actions, speaks to your own misogyny.

You think a grown man would allow public opinion on tiktok to scare him from telling the truth? Really? His reputation is already in the gutter what else does he have to lose? You’d believe him, so would others.
As stated before you’re very clearly an obsessive fan so I won’t entertain your nonsense.

However go and make a rave post if you like her so much, a thread like this isn’t the place to write full blown essays to defend someone.

Multiple times you have fantasised stories from something I have not said. You act as if you’re Maia’s mother which I highly doubt so find a hobby and stop idolising a stranger online.
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Well-known member
I'm not the biggest fan as I don't agree with children being plastered all over social media. But in no way is Maia a neglectful mum. It's very clear how much she loves those girls, they are always clean, well fed and are so well loved. I think people forget Maia is still young and she is allowed to go out, let her hair down etc. There are many other social media influencers who are very more concerning about how much they go out etc. I think the fact she says she does come home early does show she is aware of her priorities. I've never seen any clips of her completely black out drunk, not knowing what they are doing etc, compared to other "influencers" which do portray this regularly. Them girls are very well loved, fed and cared for, and I wouldnt slate Maia at all for going out
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Well-known member
Ugh, she keeps coming onto my FYP these past few days. Why is she complaining about ‘Karens’. If she doesn’t want people commenting on her parenting then maybe she shouldn’t post her doing questionable things with the girls.

People aren’t going to ignore you letting them eat food off of a hotel bathroom floor, Maia 🤮
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Well-known member
It’s not so much the content she makes it’s more the volume and regularity of it. The fans have become so accustomed to getting multiple videos of the babies a day that they’ve become entitled to it. The comment section is really scary sometimes, full of people who feel like they know the babies personally. The majority are probably harmless but there’s always going to be some people out there who are sick in the head and have other intentions. Those babies will get recognised forever with their unique names and being twins, even if Maia left tiktok now when they go to school people will remember them and remember seeing videos of them in the bath etc. it’s just too much.
Her comments are ridiculous. One of her videos came up in my FYP and the comments were all frantic because she hadn’t posted in 24 hours and they were all ‘worried something had happened’, ‘missed their babies’ etc. I feel like once you hit the point people think something serious has happened when you don’t post for only 24 hours, that’s when you should reconsider posting as often as you do.

I watched one of her vlogs and the way she stopped the hungry, whiny babies from taking the bottles so she could hit record on her phone first just made me uncomfortable.

I know it’s not a big deal, it’s not gonna hurt the babies to have them wait a few seconds, but it just really highlighted (to me, at least) how much the content revolves around the babies.
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VIP Member
The absolute exploitation of those kids is horrific. The income must be addictive for her, but honestly no amount of money in the world would make me want to sell off my kids online. Haven't people learned from the damage this kind of exposure causes? Lol at tori spelling, the olsen twins, Kate plus 8, the list is endless. To know pedos are salivating and wanking over your kids and still sell them online is beyond comprehension. But I guess the thousands she makes a week must be a big draw.

Aside from the exploitation, her very poor patenting at times should be enough for her to limit what she posts.
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Fairly sure the whole court order thing is a rumour, how would anyone know that for sure?

I actually feel for the girl, she gets hate if she shows their faces, now she’s getting hate for not showing their faces!! She can’t win
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Well-known member
She’s really been unhinged recently, or is it just me? I feel like every video she’s either trying to annoy people, is complaining about something, or she’s just drinking.
Hopefully she’s peaked. It’s not even her I hate seeing anymore. I want the babies to have some actual privacy. Poor kids.
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No one but Maia and the father know the whole truth so no one can assume anything about their situation either way.

However I do think it is in poor taste for her to say things about him to 7.5 million followers, not for his sake but for the twins sake. Maia has gone way past the point of no return now. The girls will never be anonymous again. The full details of how their father didn’t want them is published for the world’s entertainment. Even if she came off social media forever, every little detail of their life is public knowledge. When they go to school and people see twins with their names they’ll know who they are straight away.
I don’t understand how much more there can be to “the whole truth”??
It’s obvious - he left her because she got pregnant and now he’s got two daughters who he does not see or support? How can any decent person live their lives knowing they’ve two daughters, their own flesh and blood, that they don’t know and don’t support? How can you not see what’s wrong with that? He’s a dead beat dad, end of.
Also I don’t see the issue with the world knowing that the girls dad didn’t want to be a part of their lives? It says far more about him than it does about the girls. It’s their identity that they’ve been raised by a single mother. What’s the issue with that? That’s not a negative thing, and it shouldn’t be something that people are ashamed of. These comments are so disgusting and perpetuating negative stereotypes of single mothers and some how victimising useless fathers? Come on, it’s 2022, families come in all different shapes and sizes, and rightfully so. Normalise single parent families. I’m sure the girls will grow up with full, happy childhoods without a dad.

you can criticise Maia for whatever else, but criticising her for her baby daddy CHOOSING to leave her to raise twins alone is pathetic and frankly just misogynistic.

Also, just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t automatically make them “an obsessive fan”.
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