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I think you’re coming at it from a bias and personal aspect. All I said was ‘there’s two sides to every story’ a while ago so this is a complete over reaction.

You’ve put a whole lot of words into my comment that weren’t there originally. I never once dreamed up a scenario of her keeping the children from him, that’s your doings. I said it’s the generation to hate on fathers, which is true. Before people would keep their matters private and not air their dirty laundry online but now it’s become common to slander people. Every other tiktok is a family member slating a child’s father. Please quote correctly next time and not exaggerate to fit your narrative and justify your personal anger.

Im assuming you don’t know her personally so my statement still stands. You can portray anything on social media the way you would like it to be seen.

Two sides to every story.

I suggest next time you want to reply so rudely to someone’s opinion you take a step back and evaluate whether you’re coming from an open minded perspective or a personal one to attack. You sound like one of Maia’s obsessive fans so I have no interest in entertaining your dramatics.
Cute suggestion, I’ll respond to you however I want. Any man with a moral compass would likely not feel comfortable with millions of people watching his children grow up fatherless on social media knowing he could’ve done the absolute bare minimum but choose to do nothing. What possible other “side” to the story could there be and what evidence do you have to support your theory? If you feel this conversation is an overreaction why engage at all?

He didn’t want kids with her, he told her to get an abortion and told her not to contact him again, he’s a deadbeat who has never met or supported his kids. He is not a victim of the mother. If he cared so much about his reputation why would he stand by and allow millions of people, including any of his friends and family who are aware he’s the father and could easily put 2+2 together, to think he’s never financially supported or met his own children if that’s not the case? Surely if he cared this being public knowledge would be embarrassing, having his character slandered like that, so where is his side of the story? That alone speaks volumes to who he is. He has legal rights to them as their biological father whether his name is on their birth certificates or not and maybe you think court systems are biased against the father but he could easily get the visitation he’s entitled to in family court. Clearly you feel that men who are deadbeat parents are needlessly victimized, somehow victims of women who perhaps selfishly brought children into the world they didn’t want boo hoo, maybe you think that he doesn’t deserve negative things said about him if he didn’t want to be a dad and she had them anyway. You feel the need to defend him, to suggest there’s possibly “more” what evidence do you have?

He is equally responsible for them on a moral level and you’ll criticize the mother for taking responsibility and raising them while excusing the father of any kind of responsibility because there’s always “another side” to the story, clearly your own biases show that you need to project your own feelings of sympathy onto him which you cannot extend to his children or to Maia who picked up his slack? Men father children they never planned for or wanted and man up and take responsibility for the sake of their kids. The fact that you think there’s “another side” hardly contributes anything, with absolutely no evidence to suggest he’s anything but a man who did not take responsibility for his own actions, speaks to your own misogyny.

I mean… you really think he’d be welcomed with open arms if he made a TikTok account? Anything the guy said would be torn apart and people who already hang onto Maia’s every word would accuse him of lying before he even said a word
You think a grown man would allow public opinion on tiktok to scare him from telling the truth? Really? His reputation is already in the gutter what else does he have to lose? You’d believe him, so would others.
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Fairly sure the whole court order thing is a rumour, how would anyone know that for sure?

I actually feel for the girl, she gets hate if she shows their faces, now she’s getting hate for not showing their faces!! She can’t win
Surely protecting the kids faces from millions of strangers on the internet is a win regardless of backlash from creeps
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cant stand her. shes not a nasty person, but leaving your babies to be awake in their cots for over an hour in the morning is just wrong, with 4 empty bottles next to them. how hard is it to move them🤮 and that recent trip away both her babes are way to big for a newborn car seat. its just irresponsible, tho she couldnt afford a 2nd travel cot so what we expecting 🤷🏽‍♀️
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he sounds like a nob. i do think she's too sensitive but it's not on to say something like that about her when there's nothing to say that she's a slut and having a drink every so often doesn't make someone an alcoholic. i think she does a decent job of being a very present mother who spends times with the girls and having her own free time. she is incredibly privileged to be a single mum who has that level of family support and presumably decent finances to give her the chance of having her own spare time but she is with the girls a lot so i don't really get those sort of insinuations.
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Lola UK

VIP Member
This girl is ALWAYS on my fyp, her babies are super cute but she’s definitely an over sharer. Her ‘fans’ are absolutely insane and she gives away too much information. I’d genuinely be concerned about perverts watching and following every move.

I’m sure she said ages ago that the twins weren’t identical, but she hasn’t got them DNA tested? Not that it matters I suppose but those babies are clearly identical twins?! I remember her being arsey about it in a comment
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Pretty sure he's the reason she had to stop showing their faces too.
I think thats a good thing im really not comfortable with how many creators show so much about there children online from nsmes to school uniforms and what clubs they attend as for maia shes been a teeny bit more bearable since doing up the house and showing her food
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Finally she’s experiencing the consequences we’ve been warning her about on her for ages. People coming up to her and taking pictures of her kids without permission. It’s a slippery slope and will only get worse. Protect your kids, Maia! Do better.
She’s stupid enough to think random people on the internet are all polite and respect boundaries when you put EVERYTHING online. It’s you’re own damn fault for being naive. The majority of fans are most likely harmless but there’s always a minority who aren’t. Why take the risk??? If it was me I would take that as a sign to STOP.
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So her house was covered in dog shit and throw up and she didn’t notice until her kids started playing with it? Oh my god …
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Can’t believe she leaves them alone for an hour and a half before even changing them. And that her fans try to justify it.

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I can't agree with the dad's challenge podcast, there are a lot of people who are exploiting their children Maia isn't on the same level as the ace family for example. He commented on the way she looks 'needing a shower inside and out' and the drinking and going out thing i feel like is taken out of context tbh, there's lots a moms i don't agree with on tiktok especially but if a mom had 2-3 glasses of wine at home no one would say anything she drinks a few white claws and gets home early shes not coming home at 3am and she's putting herself befroe he kids?

I just can't get behind it, if you don't like the way she makes bottles i agree if you don't like how much she shows the kids fine but a mom taking support and going out when the babies are safe with someone they know (family) not random babysitters i don't see the issue. People scream about moms getting a break and it makes you a better parent in the end soooo many moms feel like they've lost themselves in parenting and i think she's got a good balance
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Lola UK

VIP Member
It is terrifying and I agree in 10 ish years when these insta toddlers grow up it will be interesting to see how they respond

I don’t understand how these tik tok toddlers have grown fans, or why their parents make a whole tik tok profile just posting their toddlers every single day. It’s scary! I came across a video once ‘your favourite tik tok baby’ and showed a bunch of them so people could comment and vote their favourite 🤯
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think she said it was a one night stand as well? If she didn’t want to get pregnant with a ‘deadbeat’, she should have used contraception. I felt sorry for her at first because it was kind of sad that the girls dad didn’t want them but she was barely in a relationship with him and he actively told her that he didn’t want them when she first got pregnant. She went on with the pregnancy knowing he wasn’t going to be part of their lives when she could’ve terminated it if she really wanted any children of hers to have a present father. That was her decision.
Contraception is not 100% affective we don't know if she used contraception, people fall pregnant on contraception all the time and Maia has never shamed the childrens dad for not being in there life, she could have named and shamed him etc shes kept everything personal and private regaurding their dad so this judgment feels odd
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Chatty Member
You obviously missed the point. Reading is fundamental! Kick rocks 😘
But you only unfollowed because she stopped showing the babies…. Regardless of whether they were her words or not. You don’t find her interesting enough & clearly only followed her because you found her content WITH the babies interesting … it’s strange behaviour for anyone who will now unfollow her because they don’t find her interesting on her own.
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She's far too immature to have an online presence. Time to step away..
Threw a tantrum because of the incident and privated all her videos. Then realised she needed the money so went back to posting.

She claims to be so laid back and comments don’t get to her - but they clearly do.
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This isn’t a specific dig at maia particularly more insta/tik tok mums in general, Maia said ‘my content has never changed, I just got more followers’
In my opinion then, yes your content SHOULD have changed. The minute she got so many followers and noticed how invested they were in her kids she should have calmed it right down.
I know it must be easy to see how quickly you can make money for so little effort and you must get swept up in it, and she doesn’t really show that much IF you don’t know the places she’s showing. but her followers will demand more and more.
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So annoying how she always says she’s just been crying or she hates men and then gives no more information? Like share it or not
I find it annoying when people get pissy in the comments at people asking what she’s talking about specifically and say “she doesn’t have to shared that!!!” Like no she doesn’t but she’s made her whole following off over sharing so it shouldn’t be surprising that people are asking nosy questions
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just seen someone in the comments on tiktok saying she’s aware her babies are on child porn websites and continues to post them. if that’s true then she really is a disgrace and needs them taking off her for her own good
There’s a few TikTok creators that know and ignore it. It’s worrying. I don’t know for sure if Maia is aware if it but I’ve heard as well that she is. Wouldn’t surprise me.

Mom.uncharted/mother.uncharted (not sure on her user) regularly posts about minor safety on TT and she just posted shehas come across an account with graphic CP, has reported it and TT said there’s no issue. TikTok is so scary. I don’t let my kids use it and I certainly wouldn’t be openly posting my kids on it.

that Wren’s mom has been made aware of the CP and also all of the creeps that follow her but she doesn’t care either.
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babies are cute but i do think she is too quick to react to people trying to give her advice in the comments. i get it must be annoying but i've seen A LOT of tiktoks with her 'addressing' the comments. sometimes it's easier to just ignore them.
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