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VIP Member
If the moderators aren’t happy with a discussion about childcare then they would step in and say keep on topic. It IS relevant.

Imho there are a few possibilities of what happened to Madeleine.

1. She was abducted by a p.aedophile.
2. She was abducted by someone to sell to a childless couple.
3. She wandered off from the apartment by her own volition and was then taken or met her fate and has not yet been found.
4. There was an accident in the apartment that the parents then covered up.

NONE of us KNOW what happened so we can only speculate on what did happen.
However, you are adamant that she was abducted and won’t even contemplate the other options.
This thread is to discuss ALL possibilities not just the ones you favour and the childcare comments are relevant because had they not been left alone then this thread would not exist.
All of this. If she was being left alone and drugged, falling and hitting her head is the most likely scenario. It explains blood under the tiles, etc. Abduction is really the least likely thing to have happened.
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🤦🏻‍♀️ this is disgusting … those two so called ‘professional’ people left their three children (tot and babies) alone and they get an apology for being suspects. WTF
I'm currently watching the Panorama documentary from last night and Kate is playing the victim as usual. That woman has a very short memory. If she hadn't neglected her daughter in the first place none of this would've happened. Madeleine's avoidable disappearance has taken away the spotlight from so many other children who need to be found.
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But why cover up an accident? Like if it was a genuine accident surely they could have just admitted to that?
If it was something like an accidental overdose of sleeping medication - which is possible as the neighbour said the children were crying the previous nights - they risk losing their GMC licence, which leads to their home, security, and custody of the twins.

They wouldn’t let the twins be tested for (I think) any drugs/meds, and he had to fly back to the UK to get something with Maddie’s DNA for the police. They apparently had nothing there, toothbrush even, that was used just by her.
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What really sticks in my brain is the scent found in the car, and the story about the refrigerator :(
Also I can't get my head around them happily going off to tennis lessons, what the day after MM was reported missing?
And the priest, the call to Gordon Brown, normal people don't do things like that or even have the options available! I just think this whole case is horrifically sad
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I don't think I will ever be able to settle on a theory, because nothing adds up at all.
The abduction story, the links to the German guy, the potential links to Maxwell, the cadaver dogs, the fridge, the hire car, the tennis, the neighbour reports, the phone call to the prime minister ... I just don't understand and hope in my lifetime we get answers for this poor little girl x
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Nelly's mum

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I do find Bens mother much more sympathetic. Could be my background.
I sometimes feel bad for thinking Mccanns are suspicious. I base it a lot on how I react to them. That I don’t like them.
I think this is at the root of all the MM debate - people didn't trust the parents, they were seen as cold and people didn't feel sympathy for them.
I think part of the parents presentation is down to their professional background, GM particularly is also verbally combative and unappealing to the media.

But none of this means that the parents were involved in any way with her disappearance, their unlikeability is not proof of guilt. Obviously, they should not have left 3x small children in an unlocked apartment, they were negligent and arrogant, but their presentation has affected the public perception of them. It would have been so different if the parents were non-professionals on a budget break, we wouldn't still be talking and looking for their child all these years later.
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So is it looking more likely that she was kidnapped after all

So a man who is in prison for a brutal rape took Madeleine and handed her over unharmed to a childless couple for money?
I’d say it’s extremely unlikely.
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Have they ever regretted leaving 3 tiny children alone in the villa?
Seems they still maintain what they chose to do was responsible parenting
No guilt for these two. Unbelievable.
Indeed, I’d have had far more time for them if one of them had admitted to their wrongdoing and expressed how they regret the choice they made.
Don’t recall seeing much of that.
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Indeed, I’d have had far more time for them if one of them had admitted to their wrongdoing and expressed how they regret the choice they made.
Don’t recall seeing much of that.
I feel like their stance has always been that this was ‘normal’ for parents to leave their kids in unlocked rooms and go to dinner.
Yet I don’t recall anyone I know in the UK ever agreeing with this. Sitting out on the balcony adjoining the hotel room yes. Not over at the restaurant.
I feel like the key is to detangle the lies (such as that they were regularly checking on the children) to understand just how large the window of time is that Maddy was left alone. Also this wasn’t really a family holiday. The kids were there but they were spending hardly any time as a family and the kids were mostly in the kids club. It seems like the parents wanted a child free holiday. Why not leave the kids with grandparents and then go away without them? Whilst Maddy was away from her parents in the kids club or during their time together such as at the beach were they targeted.
It seems very very unlikely that a kidnapper by chance wandered into the apartment and happened upon Maddie. If the kidnapper entered the apartment it was well planned and they had been watching them.
On the other hand we have no actual proof (as the parents narrative about the window doesn’t make any sense and they had reason to lie as unlocked apartment makes them look worse) that any kidnapper entered the apartment at all. So Maddy may have left the apartment. Now logic to me would say the chance is very low that the first person to come across Maddy was a kidnapper but perhaps. Otherwise you’d have expected the first person to come across a young child in pyjamas who clearly shouldn’t be out on their own would have tried to help by calling the police or asking where she had come from to get her back to her parents.
I therefore lean on the theory that they were targeted and the kidnap was planned and coordinated. As over the course of the holiday there is a lot more chance for Maddy to be spotted by someone with bad intention, vs if she did leave the apartment. But obviously children are kidnapped off the street. It happens and it’s bad luck but not impossible.
I also wonder if in some sick logic the kidnapper justified what they did because Maddy was not being supervised by her parents and they weren’t properly caring for her. Like did they take her in a ‘protective’ way but then did something awful.
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I think she died in that apartment by accident when they left her alone and they covered it up because she was drugged to sleep and it risked their careers. They pushed for the abduction angle so much to deflect from what happened. Poor girl.

I can’t believe the amount of money they have wasted on this investigation by insisting she was taken.
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Let's not forget poor Shannon Matthews in all of this, her mother saw the public appeal and had £ signs in her eyes after the Maddie case & arranged the fake kidnap of her own F'kin daughter!!! I also feel for Ben Needham's family whenever the Maddie case is mentioned. I hope one day they get closure. Kerry left him safe with his Grandparents while she went off to work, not left him alone while she went out to dinner & drinking. 😔
I always felt, and still feel, so bad for Kerry Needham and her family. They seemed very genuine people, and were truly broken.

I wasn't convinced by the police's conclusion a few years ago that he died in an accident involving a digger on the day he went missing.
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Changed in what way?
Like a lot of people in the beginning, I believed she was taken but after reading the book and other things he’s said I now feel they lied. They also tried to ruin his life. Why? He was doing his job.
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Chatty Member
This is a situation that has stuck with me since it happened.

I became a parent a little while afterwards and that just gave me a different level of confusion about it all. Heartbroken for Madeleine. A child denied her life.

Who knows what happened? I think we are all focused on what evidence there is. I think the truth of what happened lies somewhere between what's been said. It's what's not been discussed. As in all the pieces of the puzzle of leaving the children alone, children going to kids clubs etc...focuses us on putting 2+2 and coming up with oh this must have happened. (Abduction)

When I think its those bits in the middle that we don't discuss or have any focus on actually that should be questioned.

Not sure if I'm making sense and I have no great revelations.

But one thing always struck me as odd is a few years ago crimewatch did a new appeal. The McCanns were interviewed. To me it felt like they were under the spotlight. Towards the end the mum was asked what would you say out there to appeal to anyone that knows anything of what happened to Madeleine. And her mum looked at the camera and said something along the lines of if you know anything please get intouch to help us solve this CASE.

She referred to the situation as a CASE. Not a desperate mother wanting her daughter...

Odd choice of words I thought.

The cadvadar smell in the car and the local priest that the mum had been to see that moved and refuses to talk about it, something doesn't add up.

Hidden in plain sight I think.
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Nelly's mum

VIP Member
I wonder when public funding into her disappearance will stop. I just don't believe she's still out there. I honestly feel sorry for the twins because what a cloud to live under for the rest of their lives...
I agree, nothing can change the twins losing their sister but the money spent on continuing the investigation could make a real difference to the lives of other children that are experiencing neglect, loss or abuse.
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The Tapas 7 also declined to participate in a reenactment of the evening in question. Again not the actions of people willing to do whatever they can to try to find a missing child.
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Bib - this is agreed by everyone, me included; it is neglecful and selfish to leave 3x young children alone in an unlocked apartment while you go for dinner. It is obvious that MM wouldn't have been abducted and suffered a horrible fate if her parents hadn't done this. This has always been obvious.

My point is that all the merails discussing good child care are nothing to do with MM as this wasn't what happen for her. I feel frustrated that posters keep saying what they would have done, what their parents did to look after their children on holiday etc as this has nothing to do with the reality of what happened to MM. Coulda, woulda, shoulda ...
Her parents are guilty of neglect, yes this is obvious, but someone abducted and presumably killed her.
Correct Nelly, you get it and it is the same way I view it. Many on here seem to want to declare what awesome parents they are and how this would never happen to their child as if it is in any way relevant to the topic at hand.
If the moderators aren’t happy with a discussion about childcare then they would step in and say keep on topic. It IS relevant.

Imho there are a few possibilities of what happened to Madeleine.

1. She was abducted by a p.aedophile.
2. She was abducted by someone to sell to a childless couple.
3. She wandered off from the apartment by her own volition and was then taken or met her fate and has not yet been found.
4. There was an accident in the apartment that the parents then covered up.

NONE of us KNOW what happened so we can only speculate on what did happen.
However, you are adamant that she was abducted and won’t even contemplate the other options.
This thread is to discuss ALL possibilities not just the ones you favour and the childcare comments are relevant because had they not been left alone then this thread would not exist.
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Plus anything you do deliberately and repeatedly cannot be considered “a mistake”. How the McCanns got away with claiming they made “a mistake” rather than taking accountability for their decisions (a series of decisions no less) is wild.

They prioritised themselves - their convenience, their egos - at every turn over the safety and security of their children. Both before Madeleine’s disappearance and after.
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I always wonder how other parents/ families of missing children must feel IE Ben Needham that this case has had so much money made available still after all this time and not theirs.
I often think of little Ben Needham’s family whenever more money is given to the McCann case.
They seem to have kept a dignified silence on it, not sure I could have done.
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