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VIP Member
Good lord. It’s not self righteous to say you wouldn’t (or haven’t) left your three babies night after night alone and crying in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country so you could go and have wine & tapas 🤷‍♀️
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I fucking hate the McCanns. They were negligent shitty parents, and if they’d been working class the press would have crucified them for it.

Gerry is cold as ice. Kate was walking around with her simpering face carrying that bloody cuddle cat for weeks afterwards.

It was their fault. If you don’t protect and care for your kids, something awful happening to them is your fault. I wouldn’t dream of fucking off to eat tapas while my kids were alone. What if one of them woke up scared and needed me? You just don’t leave them. They fucked off to have a good time with their friends and then presented themselves as these poor wounded parents whose child had been taken. It was their fucking fault. It’s like leaving your kid in a park on their own while you fuck off to a coffee shop and then crying in the press and going to the Pope (?!) about their terrible abduction.

nothing would have happened had they cared for her.

I wonder, as the twins have grown, what they make of their parents leaving them in an apartment alone.
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I found a lost child the other day in a theme park, she was hysterical, only about 5 years old, the staff were with me as I tried to console her and within maybe 10 mins she was reunited with her Granny, the staff took her from me and brought her to where ever she was. Later in the day I got chatting to a mammy in a queue who had been beside the Granny when she realised she was missing, the woman was hysterical and when she was told the child had been found she needed treatment from the medics. Then you've these fucking weirdos who went to bed that night while Madeline was missing and took tennis lessons in the coming days.
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Chatty Member
Have they ever regretted leaving 3 tiny children alone in the villa?
Seems they still maintain what they chose to do was responsible parenting
No guilt for these two. Unbelievable.
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I truly believe if they were 2 people on benefits and living on a council estate the other two children would have been taken away from them.
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hes a professor at Leicester University but if you mention/ ask anything about Madeleine in his lessons or lectures he will have you removed from the course!
To be fair I don’t blame him for that. There would definitely be ghouls who sign up just to try and get information from him on the case. You wouldn’t generally ask professors about their children during lessons/lectures
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I’ve said this on a previous thread but it still perplexes me so I shall say it again.

One of the dogs detected cadaverine in the apartment.
Kate replied with wtte of “the dogs are wrong.”
How would she know that?

If my child had gone missing and the dogs had found that I think my first instinct would be “God please no!“ I’d be inconsolable thinking that they’d killed my child in the apartment and then removed their body. I’m pretty sure I wouldn't just dismiss it as “the dogs are wrong.”

Yes I know she may have been in denial but to immediately dismiss it as incorrect (when in theory she wouldn’t know either way) seems odd to me.
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This is not a patch on Maddie's situation but people say what they would/wouldn't do if their child went missing. My son was about 3 and it was not long after Jamie Bulger's case, I was in my local market and he was stood by my side. I let go of his hand and told him to stay still while I got my purse out to pay for something on a stall and next minute, he was gone. In all of 30 seconds. I looked down and he wasn't there, I shouted 'My son's gone!' and all the market traders scattered in all different directions looking. I could hear a band playing with a loud speaker system 200 yards away in the town square, so I just ran blind with the intention of grabbing their microphone to shout for everyone to look for my boy, as I got close I saw a group of old ladies crowded down with son sobbing in the middle screaming 'Mummy!'.
He said ' I just chased the pigeon' once I'd got him calmed down. He used to love chasing the bloody wild pigeons in town, it was his favourite game, after I'd let go of his hand he'd seen one, run after it, run too far and got lost.
My point is, you don't sit down calmly and write a timeline of what happened in a colouring book, or go playing tennis, or whatever, if I'd not found him straight away I'd still be out there now scouring the damn streets endlessly until I didn't have any more energy left!
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I still don’t understand how they could leave such small children unattended, and in a foreign country as well. It’s never made sense.

Leaving young children unattended isn’t a mistake, it’s neglect.
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If my daughter had gone missing I would be staying with my other two, not letting them out of my sight, not leaving them and going off to play tennis.
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Chatty Member
Until any really firm, irrefutable evidence comes to light it is all conjecture.
What is clearly evident though is that these people left three very young children alone behind an unlocked door. On any level that must be classed as child neglect. Whatever happened that night, what we know for sure is that the children were left alone and that is firmly down to the parents. Why have they not been charged with child neglect?
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I find it bizarre when people ask why they didn't use the babysitting service (although I accept that service would be better than what they did do) on the basis that I have a 3, nearly 4 year old and I couldn't imagine leaving him with someone he didn't know that well at night time. I don't personally use kids club on holiday but I do see the attraction and kids playing together and making friends in the daytime but I couldn't see myself using the service at night and going off to have dinner. My kids come with me or I don't go?! Just leaving them randomly at night time is absurd to me let alone leaving them in bed and pissing off out.
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I don't know about being sociopaths but I think they both as doctors, and Gerry in particular as a heart surgeon, had the “advantage” of being trained to able to think quickly, make decisions and stay calm in the face of extreme stress (coming back to the apartment and finding Madeleine dead on the floor, having fallen from the sofa). Decisions had to be made and action taken quickly, and emotion put aside. What happened afterwards was happening in real time for them - obviously, but I think this is often forgotten - which meant there was minimal time to plan. They were really flying blind and having to make it up as they went along, which is why their stories kept changing.

I personally think they were probably completely devastated and in shock at what had happened but also understood very quickly the consequences of admitting what had happened: potential arrest for negligence, prison time, loss of careers, status and even the other children. I imagine (totally my own theory) that Gerry was the tougher one who kept reminding Kate that there really was only one course of action to take if they didn’t want to lose everything. Maybe he really is a sociopath, you’d have to have ice in your veins to put it mildly.

Would they have lost everything? The NHS would not have welcomed back into its fold two doctors, whose very reason for being was to do no harm, clearly neglecting and seriously putting at risk their own very young children to have a piss up at the tapas bar. Difficult to imagine, but I think would have been a very different UK public reaction if they’d come clean and I think people would have been disgusted by their behaviour across the board (which is slightly where the “middle class” argument falls apart IMO) if our heartstrings weren’t all being tugged to the nth degree by the abduction theory.

I imagine both the McCanns, and the other doctors, were suddenly extremely conscious of their decisions that night and how this could backfire on everyone. After all the police would very quickly figure out that everyone at that table had left children by themselves in the apartments and then everyone would have some very difficult questions to answer. I think that led to a half-spoken or even unspoken agreement to go along with, or at least not actively disagree with, the cobbled-together timeline the McCanns came up with and possibly also Jane Tanner’s decision / mistake / lie to reverse the direction Tannerman was walking in which threw everything off for years.

I can see grief and sadness in their early interviews. What I cannot see is the primal terror of not knowing where their child is and the frantic need to search in the way that several people have described their own lived experiences on this thread. In my opinion they might be grieving but they also have closure, and that is very interesting to say the least.
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So many self righteous people on this thread saying how they would have acted so differently. The truth is no have no idea how you'd react unless you found yourself in the situation of your daughter going missing and presumably murdered.
I wouldn't call myself self righteous. I just can't ses a situation where I'd be going jogging and playing tennis while I'd be emotionally broken and could be out doing summat to help my daughter. I also wouldn't leave my kids in an unlocked (or locked) apartment in a million years to go wining and dining with my mates, no way.
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Rita Chevrolet

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I would do anything to help find my daughter. They did nothing. They went running together, probably to get their story straight, and as soon as they realised they were suspects they hot-footed it back to England.
Don't forget they still went and had their pre-booked tennis lesson whilst the rest of the resort were seearching for Their Daughter :mad:
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There is no way those children were being checked every 25 minutes. And it’s disgusting to lie to cover up for parental neglect when it has such an impact on the timeline and therefore the chances of finding the missing child (especially in the crucial hours/days after the disappearance).

The woman in the apartment neighbouring the McCanns’, Pamela Fenn:
She refers to the day of the 1st May 2007, when she was at home alone, at approximately 22.30 she heard a child cry, and that due the tone of the crying seemed to be a young child and not a baby of two years of age or younger. Apart from the crying that continued for approximately one hour and fifteen minutes, and which got louder and more expressive, the child shouted “Daddy, Daddy”, the witness had no doubt that the noise came from the floor below. At about 23.45, an hour and fifteen minutes after the crying began, she heard the parents arrive, she did not see them, but she heard the patio doors open, she was quite worried as the crying had gone on for more than an hour and had gradually got worse. When questioned, she said that she did not know the cause of the crying, perhaps a nightmare or another destabilising factor. As soon as the parents entered the child stopped crying.

Those poor babies ❤
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Rita Chevrolet

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And presumably put the twins into child care while you had your lesson? Unbelievable
Well I suppose they couldn't just leave them in the room like they usually did because it was now a Crime Scene and seething with policemen.
So many self righteous people on this thread saying how they would have acted so differently. The truth is no have no idea how you'd react unless you found yourself in the situation of your daughter going missing and presumably murdered.
Many many years ago my three year old was supposedly being "Looked after" by my ex-husband's bloody mother when in fact she was so busy feeding money into a slot machine in a pub that he wandered off! She had'nt even noticed he was gone until somebody asked where he was then it was pandemonium as everybody ran out to search for him.
Luckily he was found nearly two hours later down at the local Rec watching the older boys play football because he'd got bored standing there whilst grandma emptied her purse into a slot machine, seen these lads and a football then tagged onto them for a game, but he was safe which is all that mattered although I'd endured the WORST TWO HOURS OF MY LIFE frantically searching the area for him! That was only two hours - I absolutely would not have been capable of playing bloody tennis were my child missing!!!!
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In fairness if you get a lawyer they will always advise you to not answer any questions. She was in a foreign country scared she was about to get falsely charged. I wouldn’t have answered either if a lawyer told me not to.
In fairness if my child was missing and I was told by the police if I ran down the street naked it would help find them, then I’d do it! If I’d done nothing wrong I’d answer everything, lawyer or no lawyer. It’s what most parents would do.
You always put your child's needs before your own - well unless you’re hungry and fancy some tapas… 🤬
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
I think they’ve left themselves with no option than to keep pushing for more investigation and money to fund it because how would it look if they didn’t do?
If they stopped showing any interest it would make them look guilty.
Imagine being in that position, knowing the truth about what happened to your missing child all these years and having to keep up this charade for the sake of appearances.
They deserve a miserable existence solely because
They left THREE little children all alone so they could have a nice dinner and entertainment, unhindered by squawking kids
They do not deserve peace, ever
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