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This blows my mind that they did this.
I’m always the first to say people react to trauma in different ways, but having your young child ‘taken’ and then not keeping the others with you from that moment on is not in any way understandable.

They weren’t even with trusted friends, and it wasn’t even for something like a police interview (where you would in those circumstances surely insist on one parent staying with the children then swapping). Bloody kids club to play tennis and go for a run!
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I find it bizarre when people ask why they didn't use the babysitting service (although I accept that service would be better than what they did do) on the basis that I have a 3, nearly 4 year old and I couldn't imagine leaving him with someone he didn't know that well at night time. I don't personally use kids club on holiday but I do see the attraction and kids playing together and making friends in the daytime but I couldn't see myself using the service at night and going off to have dinner. My kids come with me or I don't go?! Just leaving them randomly at night time is absurd to me let alone leaving them in bed and pissing off out.
But the fact there was a babysitting service but they still opted to leave them alone instead is so odd. Did they not want to pay for it. Or did they feel their babies and toddler were safer alone in an unfamiliar apartment unlocked?
Im with you on would I want to leave my children with a random babysitter no. But I’d have chosen that rather than alone. Obviously I’d have actually chosen neither of these and to have dinner with my children and not left them. Or gone away without them and they having a lovely time with grandparents.
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The way the "Tapas 7" closed ranks instantly, Kate refusing to answer questions or do a reconstruction but was really keen on going on a world tour and meeting the pope and various rando celebs was when I got suspicious. I stand quite firm on the accident in the apartment and subsquent cover up theory, too.

Doesn't help that Kate and Gerry come across as not just utterly cold but rough as fuck to me despite their status and money. He especially is one of the most instantly unlikable people I've ever seen.
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The sample was not a DNA match to MM '
  • None of the cellular material examined was identified as Madeleines DNA. However, they did identify the DNA of one of the Portuguese forensic technicians.
the blood samples found above the tiles (behind the sofa)….3a was a match to Madeleine’s.

The sample found beneath the carpet liner from the hire car (which was hired three weeks after her ‘disappearance’) contained 15 out of 19 DNA alleles from Madeleine, enough in some countries for a conviction.

The DNA samples, taken from Apartment 5a and the hire car which were classed as ‘inconclusive’, could now be retested using the latest DNA technology. The technology used in 2007 by the UK DNA facility (FSS) just didn’t have the capability to decipher the results.

in 2018, Dr Mark Perlin of Cybergenetics, Pittsburg (one of the top DNA laboratories in the world) wrote to Operation Grange/The Home Office/Scotland Yard offering his services to retest all the samples in the Madeleine McCann case. Cybergenetics have developed a new technology which can break down all the components in a dna sample and tell you exactly who was there, even with incomplete samples, and where results have been inconclusive in historic cases. He’s offered his services for free over the past four years, as realises how important this case is to solve.

Scotland Yard have used Cybergenetics in the past to solve cases (that they want the answers to),so they know how good the laboratory is. However Dr Mark Perlin has not heard one response from OG/SY or the Home Office to any of his offers. He said he could do the analysis in 1-2 weeks. We’d then have answers. But no, radio silence from all concerned…..speaks absolute volumes.
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i dont think many working class parents in that situation would have avoided social services investigation
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And they would have to say they left the apartment unlocked (but only once the penny dropped the window could not be ‘jemmied’ - interesting) for the intruder narrative to also work.

Leaving your children is one thing, leaving your (street-accessible) apartment unlocked at night in a foreign country with your children inside is… somewhat unbelievable.

And what were Gerry’s words? ‘Nothing of value was taken.’ Quite.
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I live in Europe and I will never understand leaving those children.
Here everyone brings their children to restaurants with them at night.
Selfish and neglectful and poor little Maddie paid the price.
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My gut feeling has always been that the parents lied repeatedly to cover something up (my opinion only - nobody can say what is and isn’t fact in this case). Maybe they covered up their daughter’s death or maybe she was taken but they lied about doing the checks - we cannot say which it is, but their behaviour combined with the vast amount of inconsistencies in the statements in the police files suggest that they are lying to hide something. If my friends and I had lied about checking the children all evening and I then faced a lot of suspicion about concealing my child’s death, I think I would then have to bite the bullet and confess to the lie in order to account of my inconsistent statements and move the investigation on, but perhaps they didn’t feel able to do that, or perhaps they were covering for something worse than not checking.

I find it a really fascinating case. It’s easy to repeat things you’ve read or heard without checking the facts but that’s sensationalism. I like to fact check (I.e. look ant what is in the files - who knows if these anre true facts, we can only work with what we’ve got) and make my deductions based on that.

I think I mentioned a long way back in the thread about the dog evidence. I absolutely believe the dogs, and I do think it’s suspicious as anything. However, it’s worth remembering that Keela was trained to ONLY alert to human blood and Eddie was trained to relate to cadaverine AND human blood. So if Eddie alerted to something and Keela didn’t, cadaverine was present. If both dogs alerted to something, it’s likely that just blood was present, with potential for there being cadaverine and blood (unless Eddie had a different signal for the two scents - I can’t find anything which makes that clear). This means that the hire car is likely a total red herring as both dogs alerted to the same places - there could easily be traces of blood in the car from a number of scenarios. But in the apartment they both alerted behind the sofa in 2 places and blood was found and only Eddie alerted to the cupboard, the veranda and the little garden outside. You could read this as Madeline fell behind the sofa and died (and bled), was found too late to save but relatively quickly so cadaverine was not detectable, and potentially her body was initially put in the cupboard (inside a bag, say), then out of the window onto the veranda, then off the veranda onto the small garden below. That might be utter bollocks but it’s one interpretation. To give the McCanns the benefit of the doubt, if they were being honest about Kate’s clothes being scented with cadaverine because of recording deaths during her job, perhaps that scent transferred to the wardrobe. But how do you explain the veranda and the garden away? It’s interesting. I go around in circles with it all.

Also, the fridge has never been a fact - there was a spoof Gerry McCann blog at the time which mentioned taking the fridge to the dump. That’s where people read it, not the real blog.
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But if Maddie genuinely died accidently why not say that? It would be absolutely terrible of course but people die accidently all the time. If my child say fell over and banged his head and died I wouldn't think I'm going to prison because of this, I'd be ringing emergency services hoping they could save my child. I'd be innocent and I would assume everyone would think I was innocent.
I just don't buy into accidental death.
Because she may well have fallen because she was doped up to stay sleeping. They may not have been checking as often as they said and so she lay for ages and that's why she died. It could mean that the twins were taken off them and their medical careers jeopardised.
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Thanks @griftalo …I was wondering if anyone has read it already and what their thoughts are?
Ive read it. The content of this book was compelling enough for the McCanns to get their lawyers into action and prevent its sale in the UK.

I believe the theory of the Portuguese PJ, as detailed in the above book, that Madeleine died by an accidental fall on the evening of 3 May, from a standing position on the back of the lounge sofa down onto the tiled concrete floor. She woke up and could hear her father talking to fellow holidaymaker Gez Wilkins outside the lounge window, and was trying to get his attention through the shutters.

The McCanns werent there when she died, they were at the tapas restaurant having left their three children, aged 3 and under alone in a holiday apartment. They’d committed negligent manslaughter and were desperate to not be convicted of this crime and all the consequences that would entail.
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I’ve said this on a previous thread but it still perplexes me so I shall say it again.

One of the dogs detected cadaverine in the apartment.
Kate replied with wtte of “the dogs are wrong.”
How would she know that?

If my child had gone missing and the dogs had found that I think my first instinct would be “God please no!“ I’d be inconsolable thinking that they’d killed my child in the apartment and then removed their body. I’m pretty sure I wouldn't just dismiss it as “the dogs are wrong.”

Yes I know she may have been in denial but to immediately dismiss it as incorrect (when in theory she wouldn’t know either way) seems odd to me.
It’s the same kind of weird reaction they had to the Smith family sighting. They rubbished Smithman and said that it had no credibility unless it was the same man that Jane Tanner saw. They basically preferred the Tanner sighting, but this is not a normal reaction. Pat Brown, whose video is referenced above and who has worked with many parents of missing children, says that these parents act in very similar ways, and one of those ways is that they want ANY sighting, any lead or clue, no matter how small, to be fully investigated because that might be the clue that will bring their child back to them and end their agony. So why on earth would they simply dismiss one perfectly credible eye witness account - from not just one person but a whole family - of a dark haired man carrying a blonde child down towards the beach? 🤔
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I often think of little Ben Needham’s family whenever more money is given to the McCann case.
They seem to have kept a dignified silence on it, not sure I could have done.
Interestingly - Bens father was a builder and his mother worked in a hotel.

I wonder if they had careers like the Mc Canns would they have been treated differently by the police and media....
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I recall someone that was staying at the Ocean Club at the time commenting on how the party were putting the kids in the crèche each day to play tennis and have child free walks on the beach, then in the evening leaving them asleep and going out to dine.
Looks like the kids weren’t much of a consideration on that holiday ☹
It's nice to have a little break from your kids now and then but that's awful. They must have barely seen them.

I always wonder how Ben Needham's mum feels about all the money spent on finding Madeleine.
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I know no one really can say what they’d do in that situation, but (along with the next day kids club) would you leave your two younger children in the apartment their sister was missing from, or would you grab them and keep them with you while screaming for help?
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Chatty Member
Indeed and the FACT is that had they not decided to leave their precious children alone in an unlocked apartment then none of this would have happenned
They might not be implicated in what happenned to their daughter ultimately but they are certainly guilty of being responsible by their negligence and therefore NOT INNOCENT!
This is the thing. I can never get my head around how any responsible parents would leave three tiny children alone. They could easily have arranged proper childcare. To put their own needs before the safety of their children is unforgivable. It has been said many times, but you have to wonder why they haven’t had to face charges of child neglect. Would parents from a council estate be treated in the same way? Would the case in general have been treated the same way? So many missing child cases vanish from the media gaze after a short time. This one is constantly in the headlines.
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Exercise was clearly how they de-stressed. If they'd read a book or listened to music, nobody would have been bothered. Would they have cared so much if they'd just gone for a walk instead of a run?
If it was me I’d have been searching not de-stressing.
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What I'm saying is that I don't think MM died and then the parents went out to the tapas restaurant as though nothing had happened, MM didn't die before they went to meet their friends, so she either left the apartment or was abducted - I don't believe the parents are a pair of psychopaths 🤷‍♀️ Negligent and selfish though, there is no doubt about that.
I know they went to a tennis lesson the following day (I think), I don't understand how or why 😔
I think we’re coming at this from completely different angles. For me, going to the tennis lesson the next day is exactly the same situation as if she had died and then they’ve gone to dinner that night (which I personally think is unlikely), or she died or was taken while they were at dinner, and the next morning they put the twins in kids club and took themselves off to tennis. The day after their daughter went missing.

The washing of cuddle cat also astounds me.
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