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Don’t know what to make of all this new information.
If it was CB I hope they get enough solid evidence against him because they really have given so much away and surely compromised the case?
It would be nice for her to be laid at peace and the case closed once and for all.
I think if they find her I may actually cry. No, I know I will as I personally never thought that would happen.
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I'm going to hazard a complete guess here.

I have read a fair bit on Peter Tobin and other similar fiends. They more often than not keep souvenirs of their victims. Tobin kept jewellery, and a purse if I remeber correctly. He also had a particular trigger that I won't go into here, but after hearing Professor David Wilson talk about the same trigger I believe he was Bible John also.

This leads me to believe that this degenerate animal has kept a souvenir that is linked directly to Madeleine. If this item is digital footage incriminating him or a physical item, say a piece of clothing for example, I don't know but I bet it's enough to link her to him and give the German police a good reason to investigate and believe that Madeleine is gone already, especially considering how evil and depraved this individual is.

The item may be admissible without corroborating evidence and a good lawyer could potentially argue circumstantial in court and I think this is why they are appealing for information from the public. Someone knows.
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He’s been put into solitary isolation says here.
Calling it now. What’s betting in a few days he will of ‘committed suicide.’
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So with this latest suspect, has anyone heard/read whether they have enough to charge (am assuming not) or what the situation is? Seems like they have given out a huge amount of personal info about the inspect which is really unusual. Surely he could sue if it turns out he doesn’t have anything to do with it? I feel like they must be pretty certain?
Someone on the last thread is german and she that the police likely have a lot more evidence than they're giving out as the german police force are very hush hush about suspects unless they are confident it is that person. I don't have the answers or anything more but that's what they said
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Do you have a link to the source that says that spinal fluid was found? Also, whoever said that there was evidence that the apartment had been extensively cleaned/bleached, so you have a link to the source? Because I don’t think there is evidence of either of these potential facts. Don’t get me wrong, I tend to fall on the side of the parents being involved, but I think it’s important to stick to the verifiable facts when discussing the case, not least because of their love of suing everyone.

No, I'm unable to provide links at this point but it was reported in the press at the time.

A lot of evidence was destroyed and then labeled lost when it was sent to the Lab in England. You don't lose evidence like that in a high profile case like that. There was interference from the highest levels of Government at the time.

Brown was the Prime Minister at the time. He and Gerry are Mason's at the same Lodge in Scotland. He phoned Brown up as soon as Maddie went missing. This was also reported in the press at the time.

I've read so much over the years from different sources there's no way I could keep tabs it.

I will say this though and I'm unable to quote source but I'm satisfied with it, The Police allegedly know who is responsible for her disappearance/death and are waiting for forensics to move forward enough to be able to prove their case.

It's one of those sit back and wait to see if the source is correct.
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I don’t think any other parents of missing children have had the same level of government support (happy be corrected). I get that Maddie is slightly different due to it happening in another country but still, they’ve had a lot more support than other parents like Kerry Needham for example who’s son also went missing in a foreign country.
This is what has always made me so angry. Why didn’t Ben Needham’s family get this level of support? Why didn’t Katrice Lee‘s family get this kind of support?

Did you know that the McCann’s have a portfolio of properties that they let out? No doubt paid for with money from the fund.
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The German prosecutor has now said he has evidence that she is dead.
How can they have evidence she is dead but no body and not even enough for a search warrant let alone trial ? Are they talking about what he said about the pigs? It’s still all speculation. He could’ve just said that to get a reaction. He’s definitely one sick individual, no ones arguing with that but seems like they are giving us a lot of info on him ( something they wouldn’t usually do ) with no real proof of anything.
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I'm not saying any of their actions were the right thing to do nor have I ever defended them. I have always thought they were behind it but after some deep diving, I've changed my mind but thats my own opinion.

The neighbour living directly above the McCanns said her flat was the target of a burglary the week before M went missing along with other spates in the neighbourhood. She also corroborated one of T9's statements of Kates reactions and what she was saying after they found out about M being missing. If this is correct, then people did have eyes on the apartment complex and would know the Tapas 9 evening routine of leaving the children alone. Theres so many files and theories regarding this case, my opinion is forever changing and the timeline is sketchy as hell.
I'm not even reading media articles on them, I was browsing the PJ files website and going through the files of interviews from witnesses.
We're forgetting the fact that the McCanns were also APPROACHED by these people wanting to represent them for FREE to help them. They were obviously a couple with a lot of connections that they used in any way they could? I know parents can do this to their children however after all these years, what is their reasoning to KEEP bringing this up? Surely if they were guilty, they would want to fade away and hope people forget their faces or keep things on a much smaller case? Their child went missing in a foreign country, the government would be involved regardless of Gerry's supposed connections with Gordon Brown.

I cant explain why they acted the way they did and WHY it took so long for them to acquire Madeleine's DNA/pictures but end of the day, we have no idea how we would react in a situation like that. Im curious to know your theory of what happened? Alot of people are saying they believe Maddie had an accident the 24 hours before she went "missing" which was fatal and the doctors tried saving her and failed hence the the cover up and why the creche couldn't confirm if Maddie had attended in the last few days and got her confused often with their friends child. I think the Creche at their resort is also horrendously inept in regards to sign in's, the temp unqualified staff, children not being accounted for and staff not being able to confirm if a child was there the day before! If you asked a teacher if a child was in school the day before, they would know?! Cat Baker is very fishy and the fact she flew in to Faro with the McCanns/Paynes and was in charge of Madeleine and was from the area which they live in just screams massive cover up. Theres so many variables.
The woman that lived above them changed her story about 3 times in relation to the burglary. She said it was the week before, then 2 weeks, then several. Said her niece was there, then she wasnt. The burglar got in through a door but jumped out a window 12ft off the ground. Then she reported it immediately, but then the next time she told the tale she said she didnt. Her story was in the paper before she spoke to the police by days. She took weeks to come up with this but why so long when the biggest missing child case was unfolding downstairs? Her niece saw a man on the night who just so happened to exactly match the tanner man despite the descriptions not being released for months. The tanner sighting has now been proven as wrong.

Alot of these people who offered to help were paid by whoever requested them. I'll ask again why you need a top crisis PR team and a government medal man, diplomats erc within 12hrs of the incident when she could be alive still? There is no need. She could have been found. Why did they need a fund for legal fees less than 2 weeks after the disappearance?

I think maddie died early in the week, the reason? I dont know. Did her parents have a hand in it? Maybe. I am sure they have guilty knowledge of the events ot scenario leading up to it. Everyone is keeping hush because in their own ways they were up to their neck in whatever they were all up to. With top level govt protection you would have no fear of being found out.

There was a letter from a diplomat to the British embassy, believed to be someone sent out within 24 hours of the 'abduction' who questioned the govt order to offer unwavering support to the mccanns. The person essentially asked if they were sure because they had misgivings. Within 2 to 3 days this person was told to go home....
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They weren’t being watched until they were made arguidos. The U.K. believed their version of events that a child had been abducted, no one here suspected them until the inconsistencies were revealed. They were free to do as they wish, as the hire car mileage proves. Plus there may have been more people involved that we know nothing about. The Portuguese police suspected them based on the facts in front of them upon arrival, and as evidence came to light it just added to their suspicions. The police officer Amaral wrote a book detailing everything, Kate and Gerry paid huge amounts of money to stop the book being released in the U.K.

Off the top of my head they said she shared clothes with Amelie so they were unable to get full dna from them, same for the toothbrush. Children’s clothes were found dumped, they believed there to be a dna link to Maddie on them but not enough to use as real evidence.

I also remember someone finding evidence the McCanns had been on that same holiday the year before, yet claim they’d never visited before. That made many speculate the photos released on the holiday were from the previous trip and slightly edited to make the twins look older/weather discrepancies etc.

Irrelevant the grand scheme of things but why oh why were the children sharing toothbrushes?
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I know, I’ve never understood that! Even though they were sisters, it’s terrible dental hygiene to share a toothbrush!
Terrible hygiene full-stop. A toothbrush costs a few pence, why on earth would you expect children to share? Unbelievable.
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I just find it hard to believe that suddenly after all this time they have their man. I’m sure someone said on the last thread he was ruled out originally? They must have something substantial on him surely to be allowing so many details about him to get out? I know some criminals get off on saying they did certain crimes when they didn’t, like they want the notoriety - i hope this isn’t that.

I really want to believe they’ve got the right person because poor Madeleine deserves to be laid to rest but I just don’t believe it at the moment. Feel like this has happened a few times now over the years and has never amounted to anything.
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Personally I've never thought the parents or 'friends' were involved, no facts, just a bit of speculation on my part. I'll be honest, I'm very surprised and disappointed to see so many people point the finger of blame on the parents without 'reason' or evidence :(
Can you not see how hypocritical your own post is?!

People who doubt the mccanns actually do back it up with facts. You've said yourself, your thoughts on them arent, and are just based on speculation.
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Okay, lets say Madeleine did die from the accident falling and hitting her head on the tiled floor (because lets face it, they are lethal tiles) - Why would the McCanns still be dragging on such a fruitless chase for "justice" for Maddie? I cant fathom anyone covering up a murder let alone a group of close to 9 people and then having the gall to syphon away millions in the name of finding a missing child?
And how hard must it be to pretend all these years in front of everyone they know? Their parents, their remaining children, extended family and friends and colleagues! Didn't one of their parents die from Covid after vowing she hoped to find justice for Maddie before her death? To keep such a secret and let someone take that sort of grief and unresolved pain to the grave is absolutely heartless.

Although that theory is the most plausible, I just cant understand the aftermath of it. Theres too many people involved, someone would've slipped up. Job or no job. Jail or no jail. They would not have been going out and recreating the scene of that night, they wouldn't be composed enough to be giving full police interviews, etc. Maybe I'm giving them all the benefit of the doubt but I cant believe someone could be so heartless.
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The day after Maddie was abducted, they put the twins back in the creche if you can believe it!!! You would think that with one missing child, you would investigate everyone the child came in to contact with especially the creche service who knew the routine of the kids during the day!! Not only did they put the twins in the creche but apparently most of their friends also put their kids there too! I know looking after kids is challenging especially under stressful circumstances but two adults in the group could've looked after all 7(?) children for a day whilst the rest did police interviews/searching!
All these friends are meant to be intellectual doctors and researchers! The mind honestly boggles.
That is baffling to me. Surely you would not leave the others out of your sight, let alone leave them in a child care facility the day after.
Maybe I’m just cynical but I can’t work out the logic there
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That is baffling to me. Surely you would not leave the others out of your sight, let alone leave them in a child care facility the day after.
Maybe I’m just cynical but I can’t work out the logic there
I wouldn’t let them out of my sight ever again.
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What about the connection to Clement Freud. We know all about him now!
Phone calls and going to his house. According to Kate he had a way of making things seem "less terrible."
Clement, father of Matthew
Matthew, husband of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth, daughter of rupert Murdoch
Murdoch, employer if Rebekah Brooks
Brooks, instigator of Operarion Grange.
Ties that up nicely!

Matthew is also owner of a company Clarence Mitchell worked for.
And A "Matthew Freud" also appears in Epsteins book.
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Chatty Member
Genuine question....for those who think parents had no input in Madeleine's disappearance and/or death.....why do u think there wasn't any of her dna in the apartment?
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Good point. Much of this kind of information doesn't get mentioned today.

There was no DNA of Maddie's to be found by forensics when they combed the place. DNA is practically impossible to eliminate.

In the end, the Police flew back to the UK with one of the parents and secured her DNA from her pillow and other items.

Another fact that always left out is they found spinal fluid on the floor behind the curtains but had none of her DNA to compare it to. They later confirmed it was hers.

As the Police said at the time, it was like she was never in the apartment. That, is a lot of cleaning.

Edited to add: Because of the spinal fluid, I've always thought she died in the apartment,
People love to argue the DNA point like "oh the scene wasn't secured properly" like yeah that's correct but HER DNA would still have been in there. She was there almost a week. There's no way an abductor cleaned the whole apartment let's face it
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