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Grabbed this screenshot earlier this week and forgot to add here. Hilarious that other Instagrammers commented, all saying the same “can’t wait to see” (because your website is broken and you can’t launch anything properly).

i also enjoy the comments at the bottom. Everyone was confused as to what she was “launching”. Embarrassing.

View attachment 554442
Did smythebrand just lie? 😂 😂 😂 "looks amazing" How would they know?
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I love those floating furnitures (or at least mid-century type legs on them). Makes it so easy to clean under them.


I would like to take the butchers block with both of my hands, hold it in a 90° angle over my head, and slam it down (probably more than 90°, depends on her actual height and if she wears shoes) onto her head. The actual DREAM. SOLID oak.
Would probably open a portal or cause a black hole, when her head is open and the vacuum takes over.
(Issa joke millen, not a death thread, your repetitive vocabulary and constant lying just annoys the crap out of me, I needed to vent)
I hate to be that person again but violence is not something to joke about, with or without disclaimers.
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I KNOW - I want to sign him up - what to do?! I’ve heard nothing back 😪😪🐶❤ Shall I just go ahead, @Oops?
Gosh - that’s a hard one - you have a strict protocol to stick to and have been very clear in advising us that we must request a place for our dogs. This is a very sensible approach indeed. It is one I would recommend you stick to for the sake of your sanity :sick: I’ll tell you what - why don’t you put Egon on the VIP Celebrity list and that should solve the problem. He’s well known and made a lot of fans on Fur Babies. Lana Ginpour will be over the moon I can tell you that much. 🐕 ;)
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Milking Keynes

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My cat, Izzy Jane, thinks she is a dog as well and shares our opinion of Lydia (see photo). Can she join as well?
Another beautiful cat - what a looker! I am only looking after the security dogs at Downtonbury but a few of you are interested in an event for your beloved cats so ask @Oops as I think there may be something in the works.
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New member
As everyone else is saying, this post is spot on.

The little actual content she has, or tiny amount of events she attends, or brand partnerships she has could be maximised and presented in a proper and knowledgable way, should she actually take the time to do that. She could actually get her 'team' to do it for her, I mean if you have employees maybe get them to do relevant research and planning for each job you do, instead of selling your gifted tat online or begging for things for your house.

Do you think Tiffany will work with her again after that awful unprofessional thing she did for them in Vlogmas? I really hope not.

I hope the freebies are drying up as well, and all she is being sent is garden seeds!!!!

Let us hope that Holland Cooper have now taken her off their freebie marketing list as she never promoted their stuff properly.
Let us hope she doesn't get anymore Bulgari bags free, same goes for Jimmy Choo - most of what they gave her ended up on Depop!
L'oreal are long gone, again let us hope that Espa, and St. Tropez will follow, and also brands like Aerin, Louboutin beauty and Dior beauty. She doe such a lazy and terrible job of showing stuff she has been sent, she never describes it, what collection it is from, launches etc or anything relevant, which is clearly the purpose of sending her the items. Lets not forget her disgusting behaviour when she was sent a gift for virtually attending the Tods fashion show, she just didn't bother, she forgot.

You are now way below the likes of Mrs Hinch, promoting Lenor, Tupperwares and of course your amazing personal collaborations with Nasty Gal and Karen Millen - two really forward thinking, sustainable, popular brands - not!

I've said this for a couple of years and now so many more people can see it, but this must be the beginning of the end for her. 2 years ago would we have seen her promoting Lenor, I don't bloody think so, she was in Paris with the likes of Tamara and Leonie and getting Dior clothes to wear, promoting Nars, going on Ski trips etc etc.

What did she do to Tiffany?? I haven’t been watching her long, and quickly found this page after watching her YouTube for a few weeks. So I’m still trying to catch up on all the things she’s done😂
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Chapter 2 ...cont...

...A Barouche carriage belonging to Mr Knightly is travelling down the driveway to Chawton House. The horses pulling this carriage are particularly fine and much admired by the lovely Miss Geranium. Mr Knightly has been despairing over the youthful hubris of his young friend Emma Woodhouse. Miss Geranium has been adjusting her tortoiseshell glasses as she peers over her fan at her companion in the hope that he thinks her polite enough to be paying full attention. Since Mr Knightly is clearly too old for her it must be said that Miss Geranium cannot but secretly think of the handsome Captain Wentworth who lives at Lyme. She tries to concentrate as Mr Knightly continues with his diatribe...

Mr Knightly - ...
and then Miss Geranium I said - ‘Vanity working on a weak head produces every sort of mischief’.

Miss Geranium - (distractedly) -
One cannot love a reserved person. There is safety in reserve but no attraction, Sir. Do you not think that there are people who the more you do for them - the less they will do for themselves?

Mr Knightly - You see the thing is Miss Geranium...ah we are here. Let us continue our conversation as we admire this wonderful garden. I will find a glass of Ratafia for you immediately.

Miss Geranium nods graciously and cranes her neck to see if she can catch sight of Captain Wentworth. She would need little ‘persuasion‘ to ride home in his carriage should that invite ever be become forthcoming of course.

Captain Wentworth is indeed present at this Garden Party. He is half agony and half hope that he may today ’speak’ to the beautiful creature on his arm Miss Muffintop for she is too good and to excellent a creature to live without. Long has he admired her views on women’s constancy in the same vein as Miss Anne Elliot who’s own views have echoed down the centuries. Miss Muffintop is no stranger to watching and listening and she watches Captain Wentworth intently longing to tell him what is really in her heart. For the time being both are content to be together and walk in companionable silence...Both enjoying the colourful and amiable chattering of all of our guests. So many beautiful frocks sweep the grass and so many beautiful bonnets are in evidence - why if only a landscape painter were present to capture this delightful scene...what a picture it would make.

Sir Kenny Ken a famous inventor is enjoying the most pleasant promenade with Miss Jeana J. Miss Jeana has come fresh from her refusal to marry Henry Crawford of Mansfield Park. She is hopeful that no-one here will recognise her or know that she has changed her name from Fanny Price. She is so pleased to be hanging on every word of Sir Kenny Ken who has brought her here today in his Landeau drawn by the finest pair of horses.

Miss Jeana -
Sir, I notice that you stare with great intent at the cigar you are rolling on your moleskin breeches. Your mind appears most occupied.

Sir Kenny Ken - Madam - forgive me but a thought has occurred to me. I feel inspired today, most notably by your presence but also by my observations of this cigar. It has occurred to me Miss Jeana that if I were to construct a wooden cylinder then drill a hole through the middle and attach a handle to it...and if I were to stick moleskin to the cylinder it might be used as a tool to apply paint with. A rolling paint tool, I believe this will help save on time since a larger area of wall could be painted. It may be one of my more useful inventions. I believe labour saving devices may be popular in years to come.

Miss Jeana - Why Sir, yes I believe you to be right. Why, only yesterday I was at the library of the Prince Regent at Carlton House. His librarian James Stanier Clarke showed me the fading of the painted walls there. I will be sure to mention this new invention of yours when next I see him.

Sir Kenny Ken - Madam! I am indebted to both your interest and your kind intent. I will make a prototype of my idea so that you may take it to him. I am so overwhelmed by your favour Ma’am.

Miss Jeana - Sir, there is no charm equal to tenderness of the heart and you Sir, have a heart we can only envy.

They continue their walk and notice Miss Canthus canoodling shamelessly with Mr Colin Firth Darcy by the boathouse next to the lake. Mr Colin Firth Darcy has supposedly been deployed to set out the fishing rods for the Gentlemen should they care to fish in Mr Austen’s lake. Gentle reader - pray turn a blind eye to this wanton display and let us move on together to meet some more guests. Tch.

Mr Graham McTavish Darcy is fondly accompanied by
Miss Margo Polo (who expressed a wish to appear by Zoom today as she is in lockdown again but since it is the year of our Lord 1813 this writer knows not of what she speaks...) She speaks with a lively flourish. It is her compelling vivacity that draws her companion closer.

Miss Margo— Vanity and pride Mr McTavish, are different things though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves; vanity, to what we would have others think of us. Is this glorious weather not just too good for us, Sir?

Mr Graham McTavish Darcy - Indeed Ma’am. Indeed. Nobody minds having what is too good for them...

Mr McTavish Darcy raises his top hat and bows in acknowledgement to Miss Allexie who walks past with her Colonel Brandon. Colonel Brandon with his Rickmanesque voice and brooding presence has been drawn to Miss Allexie since her angelic features and eagerness for all sorrows and all joys have stirred his memory of a certain Miss Marrianne Dashwood. Miss Allexie carries an armful of wild flowers freshly picked by Colonel Brandon.

Miss Allexie - Sir, I cannot believe it has taken me so long to love you. I cannot imagine myself to be in love with Mr Willoughby any longer. He has married for fortune and may it serve him well. Our fireside will burn all the brighter for the true love we share, Sir. Please would you be so kind as to recite the alphabet for me again? It is your voice, Sir. Your wonderful voice...

Miss Sophie is having a wonderful time on the arm of Mr Alan Titchmarsh. He is pointing out all the flowers and trees to her. Mr Titchmarsh secretly cannot believe his luck that such a rare beauty as Miss Sophie has extended an invitation to him. It took a great deal of planning and joint journaling to get them both here for the day and we must celebrate them both whilst we have the opportunity. Miss Sophie is wearing a rose pink bonnet and a rose pink frock and she looks a complete picture next to the flower beds and the deep herbaceous borders.

Mr Alan Titchmarsh -
Ah! Madam the beauty of Rosa Spirit of Freedom cannot match your loveliness and let me say that is saying a very great deal since it is one of the most beauteous of roses.

Miss Sophie - (whispering in his ear) Sir - there may be some purists reading this and do you not think this rose may not have been invented yet?

Mr Titchmarsh - I am lost for words, Madam, is not that our garden expert Mr Monty Don? He’s just over there canoodling with Miss Canthus? No I stand corrected ’tis not she - I do believe it is Miss Lioness-Arising. What a glorious name for a rose do you not agree Miss Sophie?

They make haste to speak to Miss Lioness and Mr Monty Don who are in deep conversation near the asparagus beds.

Mr Monty Don - Ah yes Miss Lioness - to sit on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment is it not?

Miss Lioness - Why yes Sir, the most perfect refreshment. Speaking of refreshment Sir, I am without my refreshment, I finished my third Ratafia almost an hour ago and a certain Gentleman seems not to have noticed. (She peers over her fan engagingly whilst raising her eyebrows) Maybe he got a little carried away admiring the Verbena Bonariensis - Yes Sir, you did mention that it may grown to over seven feet tall and one can see through it. Yes, yes, you have explained. Ah! Mr Titchmarsh I appear to be without Ratafia...

She slaps her empty glass hard into Mr Titchmarsh’s stomach and raises her eyebrows inquisitively...

Mrs Milking-Bennet is swinging her reticule in a nonchalant manner as she tries to stand in front of Miss Margo Polo in order to prevent Mr Archer Darcy from seeing her. She manages to catch Miss Margo’s eye and mouths “Reticules at dawn if you go near him!’ and then skilfully distracts Mr Archer Darcy with her famous come-hither gesticulating. She sways her hips and waves her parasol over her head in such a hypnotic fashion. He follows her like a puppy dog. Mrs Milking-Bennet sways over to the Maypole. Oh Sir - look at the beautiful ribbons. We will dance around it later will we not?

Mr Archer Darcy. Well I was rather hoping to join the Gentlemen for a spot of fishing later...

She faints...he reaches for her much used smelling salts - they are of course in her reticule...

Far in the distance we can see a donkey and trap heading down the long driveway. Surely this must be a poor relation...

Chapter 3.

to be continued...;)
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Something that came to mind today...

Lydia and her arse licking subscribers are very quick to shoot down anyone who tries to give constructive feedback and label them ‘Jealous’ ‘Unsupportive of others achievements’ ‘Your comments say a lot about you as a person’. However, who remembers that podcast Lydia once did where she said with her own mouth “Around the time when we lost our dream house, I saw a girl on my Facebook buy her beautiful dream home, she was so happy and my initial thought was...BITCH!”

Yup really showed your true colours there didn’t you Lydia!

She then went on to say, in reference to these gossip forums, “So I get it, my videos highlight an area of these peoples lives that they are unhappy with and they don’t know how to channel these thoughts into a something positive.” No Lydia, just no! Aside from that being the most narcissistic thing to say and a reflection of her own morals, I think most of us can agree that these comments don’t come from a place of jealously or that we are miserable with our own lives, nor that we don’t support other people’s achievements. It’s because she is a self absorbed bully, she’s lazy, unprofessional, talentless, she’s proven herself a compulsive lair, tone deaf, plays the victim in a bid for sympathy, doesn’t take accountability for her mistakes, the list goes on and she does not deserve this level of success in life. There are plenty of genuine influencers whose success I applaud but this woman, I just cannot...sorry rant over! 🙈
Amazing comment simply yeah great!

I mean love hearing about what are high end designers particularly Gabrielle in reality she had her surname spelt I think wrong on her birth cert, lied I think essentially about her upbringing to get her into this sort of social group, but had they corrected or she corrected her name would have given the game away, to be honest with the way she was, she didnt care if people couldnt afford what she made with things, just be comfortable with what you're wearing and whatever was her whole schtick really legend through and through really.

Likely anyone's summary of working for Lydiot whos hated it
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WTF is she even on about??! 'The tech team are on it but it looks like a tech issue elsewhere'?? It's blindingly obvious she hasn't a clue what she's even talking about and just by throwing about 'tech tech tech' she's trying to sound on top of it all! What a joke!

I'm not a developer nor have a clue about coding, but I manage 7 extremely high traffic websites and whenever we have any issues, they're sorted in minutes by our developers. I don't understand what is taking so long for these issues to be fixed?!

I AM LOVING that her crap re-launch is, well, crap. Karma is a dish best served by a missing SQL extension.
Oddly, she's probably right, if Chloe Digital don't host themselves, they rely on the server she pays for to be up to date. reliable etc etc etc.
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Just trying to catch up, these threads move so fast!! Have I understood correctly that she is now officially a gardener and expert in all things plant, and that she has relaunched her website in a half arsed way so that it doesn’t work? Sounds like fairly typical day for Lydiot to be fair! She’s such a moron.
Which can all be summarised with sort of one word and that being BULLSHIT! 🤣🤣🤣

I mean that lawns practically dead the last thing I'd call her is an expert
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This is wonderful news - delighted Ru is on the mend... what a hero! We are thrilled that Ru is attending Downtonbury and will ensure that she has every creature comfort available - cushions, blankets, treats and lots of affection from her furry friends who are dying to be reunited with her. We would like to invite Ru to attend as a VIP and Guest Speaker. Her speech will be entitled “Rockin’ it like Ru - My Journey back to Health”. We look forward to spoiling her on the day.🐶🐶❤
Thank you. 💓💗💗💓
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She’s saying ‘I’m doing something I’ve not really done before. Work.’
LOL yeah knowing how the tech community are, you have to sort things out for yourself before asking someone for help,shows you've actually bothered doing something, but then whats gone wrong is pretty basic to be honest, is just a case for this instance of copying the database connection credentials over to the wordpress application config thats all it is, I dont know if cloudflare detect that kind of thing but I highly doubt it. Web servers give out errors like 200 being successful (even if the applications not working will always give that kind of error unless in the PHP scripts it gives out different headers possible I dont know) like 403 is forbidden and 503 is yeah service unavailable, what that could have been is the web server was down that cloudflare delivers once its happy the client (users connections) is a legit user essentially hits a brick wall lol
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