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@Oops, I have a favour to ask you. Well, you know what they say - if you want something done, always ask the busiest person. Three years ago, we moved house and my husband, mistakenly, through out all the Christmas decorations I had saved from when my girls were toddlers and made wonderful decorations every Christmas together. We were heartbroken to lose the memories. Little gingerbread men on ribbons and homemade baubles with nativity photos, etc etc.

I was wondering if one of your most able digger dogs could be cast in the role of digging them up and returning them to Anna and Lisa this Christmas? xx I would be beyond thrilled if you could include a line in your marvelous Dogmas panto ❤❤
OH! This is such a gift for me! YES!!!!! ♥

Right - Auditions for those of you with dogs in rehearsals - any good Digger Dogs please? :love:
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Wow this thread moves superrrr quick!!! I hope it's not too late, but can I add in my rescue Harper aka Harpo /Harpina /Pumpkin cakes /Harpsicles?
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watched the last vlog.. "Ali is cooking dinner because he was busy all day and I couldn't do what I wanted so now I need self-care?" bahahaha what?
She really needs one proper kick in her ass. 🦵


My name is Spineless Filler-Face
And yes...I’m a complete disgrace
Unlike the handsome knights of old
I simply do as I am told
I have no gumption and no bottle
My foot is always off the throttle
In gormless style I toil and blunder
Yet never steal my partner’s thunder
I lost my job - at her request
She told me simply getting dressed
Would earn more money from the Gram
And keep me home to push her pram
She didn’t want a man who worked
I acquiesced, gave up and shirked
I took her at her word and tried
To quell the nerves I felt inside
And started to perform each week
My mate’s thought I was one weak freak
The sump pumps and each huge raised bed
Filled all the space in my filled head
I spend my time arranging spoons
And stacking knits in various rooms
My sentence structure and my spelling
Are just as weak as my hard-selling
My diction‘s rough and needs correction
I really love my own reflection
Just like Narcissus I can stare
For weeks on end - I just don’t care
As time drags by and things grow bleaker
I waste away and grow much weaker
A shadow of my former self
I’ve now become a cowed house elf
I edit photos on my browsers
I’m not allowed to wear the trousers
I know I’m gaunt and looking skinny
I blame the strings on my wife’s pinny
I know she needs an intervention
Yet simply cannot pay attention
To all the trite and madcap schemes
Augmenting this new life of dreams
The puppy will be fine you know
I didn’t want it but I’ll go
Along with yet another sin
To gratify her every whim
I really don’t get all this fuss
She’ll throw me under any bus
The dog’s mail-ordered - double whammy
I’ll take the cash and call it Grammy...
I hope you collect your poems somewhere and issue an end of year booklet. You could also do a twitter account to publish them. And people in the comments(?, don't know how it's called on twitter) can guess who is meant.

I agree, I don't think she will but she can't be that dumb.
Lol, do you want to challenge her. Lydia makes the world to her liking. I mean, with that gift, she could end wars. Just send her to countries in war with each other and if she says, I don't like that you have war, they will stop. (tbh, it's not a very instagramable background, a war zone)
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Muffin is part dachshund and we think jack russel or Labrador or maybe all 3!! She is an excellent swimmer, barks a lot, loves to set down her rules with other dogs but is pure love. She is snoring away on the sofa next to me!!( other names, mumu, tita ). Yes I am doggy Gaga too
Oooooh she sounds so precious ❤❤❤!
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I hope she has got at least 10 Christmas trees this year or one in each room, because slimy Vic will have three!!
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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in conjunction with Love in a time of Covid EnterprisesXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFUR BABIES IN THE WOODSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



I would love to write songs and poems about all the pets everyone has mentioned so far in this thread and would really love to hear from anyone who would like me to include their pets but who hasn’t already talked about them. Everyone who would like to could contribute too. I thought it would be lovely to have a lasting memento of all our pets alive now and also those who are waiting for us at Rainbow Bridge too. I could let you know who we have already got like Muffin Hunevoque 2 etc etc etc further down if some of you think it might be a good idea. I got excited over A Christmas Carol but after reading all the lovely posts last night and seeing how much everyone loves their dogs and cats (I rescued Teddy Bear nearly four years ago and he’s 15 and a half now. He is one of the greatest loves of my life and he’s a Duck Toller Retriever crossed with a Love Bucket :love:)

Anyway its just an idea but let me know (maybe we won’t be allowed to do it here - not sure). I thought maybe all our pets could join forces to rescue Beggy and Grammy two little babies who are lost in the woods maybe ;) x
This is so fab!!

I have two little cats if you’re able to add them in please Bella and Tchai x
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Could I add my childhood cat Tommo to the Rainbow Bridge choir? He was a jet black short haired beauty and was more like a little dog than a cat. He hated being alone and followed us everywhere around the house. My mum and I used to go for a walk most evenings after dinner and he’d come with us 😊
Tommo now added to Rainbow Bridge Angelic Choir - I will give him a glorious Basso profundo voice ;)
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ACT 1.

SCENE 1. A Clearing in a Wood in Bedhamptonshire. Night.

As the curtain rises the lights come up slowly to reveal a frosty woodland scene. We are in a clearing surrounded by Christmas trees. Owls hoot and a full moon shines in a dark sky. Centre Rear of the Stage is an arched wooden bridge painted in the colours of the rainbow. Seven dwarf walls surround the clearing in a semi-circle. Stage left stands an old wooden sign with three arrows. The arrow pointing left says Rescue Centre. The arrow pointing right says Home. The arrow pointing upwards says Sleep. Suddenly beautiful white eye shape lights appear in the Christmas trees. They are the eyes of The Lurkers who have come to observe gently. The tallest Christmas tree stands SR and within it’s uppermost branches curled up comfortably is Marmalade; The Cat Who Sees Everything. She grins widely and nods wisely. Her beautiful gossamer wings sparkle and glitter and undulate in time to her nodding. In the centre of the clearing stands a large pile of opened cardboard boxes. Quietly at first and then more urgently we hear scrabbling and scratching. High- pitched whining and then barking causes Marmalade to look down in concern. Tentatively at first, two tiny puppies crawl out of a box. They shake themselves vigorously and and then begin to scamper around sniffing intently.

Marmalade. Hello my dears. How lovely to see you. Can you tell me your names?

Puppy 1. What’s my name? I don’t know my name. I haven’t got a name. Oh no!

Puppy 2. What is a name? I don’t know what that is.

Marmalade. Then I will give you your names. You are Beggy and Grammy. There now you have names.

Both Puppies. Oh, Beggy and Grammy. Beggy and Grammy.

Puppy 1. Please may I be Beggy?

Puppy 2. No! I’m Beggy. You can be Grammy.

Puppy 1. I can be Grammy. I’m Grammy. I must remember that. Grammy, Grammy, Grammy. THat’s it. Granny. I’m Granny. Granny is my name.

Marmalade. No dear, you are Grammy. Lovely little Grammy.

Puppy 1. Yes, I’ve got it now, lovely little Grammy.

A sinister human figure creeps in SL. He wears black clothing from head to toe and wears a balaclava over his head. He carries a sack. He tip-toes stealthily towards Beggy and Grammy.

Marmalade. Watch out dear little ones, we have a Puppy Farmer in our midst!

Beggy and Grammy. Oh no! Where is the Puppy Farmer? Where is he?

Marmalade. He’s behind you!



Scene 2. Clearing in Woods. Next Day.

As the lights come back up the cardboard boxes have been cleared away. We hear distant marching which grows ever nearer and louder. Marmalade cranes her neck.

Marmalade. Oh my! It’s the Christmas Parade. Oh how I love a Christmas Parade.

Very softly the orchestra begins to play ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ from Les Miserables As 54 fur babies march in. This is a wonderful spectacle. All of them happy and eager to shine and show what they can do. They joyously wave flags, turn somersaults, juggle and all in time to the music. When they see you in the audience they wave delightedly. The Angelic Choir all carry large banners with smily emojis with the words ‘Hello Mum‘ emblazoned across in large letters. They take their places on The Rainbow Bridge. All are almost delirious with delight. Little Lady Sky juggles with apples and skilfully takes a bite as they whizz round. She high-fives Mushi Umbrage with both paws as the apples fall to the floor and Mushi trips over them but recovers quickly. Charlie the Havanese runs through the parade with a sock in his mouth barking for someone to catch him. Stan is skilfully rolls in balanced on a large watermelon. He adeptly flicks prawns into his mouth from a fork. Honey drags her duvet behind her still marching in perfect time. Harvey carefully guides Casper the rag-doll cat to his place on a dwarf wall, whispering into his ear describing the merriment Casper cannot see. Some dogs roll over and many cats polish their claws on their chests as they march. Little Gem takes her place on a dwarf wall and gazes intently into the eyes of Rupert who has finally stopped charging around excitedly. He loves a party and this parade is right up his street. Rupert and Gem snuggle together happily.


Copyright 2020
Love love love this! Absolutely amazing 🤩!
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I'm starting to think she'll not be getting a puppy.... RN it's likely click bait and as someone mentioned... just a way to explain away so many "new" followers in December. She'll likely hit or get close to 1m in 7 weeks and I feel like she will find some way to get out of it. Well at least I hope so. I'VE NEVER HEARD HER EVER TALK ABOUT A DOG.

I'm also thinking Ali is pressuring for a family....
I really hope it is clickbait and she doesn't end up getting a pup.
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Slightly off topic but just wanted to say that although I made this thread, the title has changed about x3 times since then, and not by me. It was much closer to @Elle Belle ’s original one. No idea why, but I’m not taking credit for the poor grammar 😂😂😂
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