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Omg imagine if she makes a bot win the bag so that she can keep it or sell it somewhere?
She’s the most stingy, long armed, beg on Instagram so this is 100% what she will do! I don’t believe it’s real for one second!
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Was anyone else as TERMINALLY RIVETED as I was watching Ali trying to earn some extra pocket money for Christmas flogging the gloves one can text with whilst running?

I really love how anything ending in pronounced in...there is no letter G in Ali’s limited lexicon. Isn’t that interestin? Scintillatin in fact. Nothin can be done abahhht it ....

Oh, BTW - I have a solution to the perennial problem of the heel-rubbing. I mention this only in the interests of avoidance of the too long explanation of rubbed heels ever again. Strap your self in, it comes...wait for it...

In the Caribbean some islands don’t use a hard-ish G at the end of words. I only started really pronouncing the G at the end of words bcus my son who is Brit-American pronounces his Gs. Ali is just being ridiculous
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Thanks for the inspo. 😘

The Top Ten Best/Worst (ever so subjective) Lydiot Moments of 2020!

10. Coming in at last place, but still a moment. Her very own sought after edit with a 'luxurious brand'. The (m)asses guessed Chanel or Dior. Slightly off. It was Karen Millen. It was a sellout. Before she even advertised it. The heat index is somewhere between OMG and WTF. It gets worse. Far worse. Nasty Gal. If ever there was a singular word to describe Lydia. It's NASTY.

9. Next up. Depoping shit as new with tags that have already been worn or used. The highlight was flogging the clock for a whole pound. A fucking pound. Or used hangers. In an economic recession where people are losing their businesses and livelihoods. This one nearly didn't make the countdown though. But got to give credit to Depop Dee who packaged it up and trotted down to the post office. For a fucking pound.

8. The community guidelines. The non-existent community guidelines to be exact. I was so here for that rant. 'Say it with your chest'. 'I will not protect you, I am not your mother'. Christ someone didn't have their afternoon nap that day did they?

7. The tumbleweed is picking up speed now. Accepting free food hampers in the middle of a fucking global pandemic, then bragging in her defence how she's saving the world one heritage tomato at a time. Let me break this down for you fisher-price style, Lydia. I don't have a problem with you. My problem is you.

6. This is when it starts to go really wrong. Promoting herself as 'the best white person to help black people' during the BLM movement. Here's the tumbleweed again. The movement was soon forgotten. No mention of the first WOC US Vice President though. You know, somewhat monumental in history. Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever however. TBF, I'm not even sure she knows what movement is after spending the year horizontal in bed or on the sofa.

5. Mid league, but still a hard hit. Accepting a gifted cat for content, when you know already your own cat is socially inept. 'Lumi doesn't make friends easy just like her mummy'. Let's get a Daschund puppy then for the gram. Wonderful idea. I'm not a psychologist, but I can see your problem Lydia and it's you.

4. The raised coffin beds. After the growing season has finished. Before the greenhouse was installed. For fucknuts who do not eat vegetables. If you could see yourself through my eyes Lydia, you'd call yourself an idiot too.

3. Edging closer to that top spot. The hair dramz. OD'in on #bekind quotes on the gram, but bullying a heavily pregnant hairdresser, because...wait for it...her roots were a 0.0001% shade too dark. It was just like the shittiest summer ever. She needed a week in bed and abundances of lavender to recover. Her biggest achievement of 2020 was well...surviving 2020. I don't know much sign language. But here's two words with one finger.

2. Strong contender. Fake bots galore. We see you Lydia! We see! 'I'll grow my channel how I want, and so can you lovely'. For as often as you lie...why aren't you better at it by now?

1. No brainer for the top spot. Glóby Flopitis. Ripping off, then silencing her loyal followers for overpriced plastic mitts. They threw her to the wolves and she came out with a headache. Life is not like a box of chocolates, it's like a jar of jalapeños. What you do today Lydia, might burn your ass tomorrow. You can write that down. Along with your 'how to wash one's hair in the shower' guide. Moron.
@ElleBelle simply brilliant 👏🏻
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And her use of “to” and “from” and “at”. She always says things like “We will arrive to” - it’s AT!
Oh my god! I’m glad it’s not just me that’s noticed the ‘to’ as well! She does it all the time! 😡
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Recent comment from Lydia on her new video.....typical Lydia, it’s all about her! Maybe she’s that jealous of josies dressing room she’s got to have another!
Didn't aldi say in his latest vlog that it was going to be his dressing room and his office would be the old playroom/dining room ?
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In Lydiot's last vlog, when she mentioned the dog coming, she said "they' ... anyone think they are getting 2 pups ... ? Would she have the actual nerve to get 2 ? Lol, it would be her only way of one-upping VicITF :unsure:
It's prob just Lidl's inability to differentiate between singular and plural terms...rem they both can't spell and get basic grammar right? She prob thought 'they' is the same as 'it' when referring to animals regardless it's one or two... 😜
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Stop the effing world NOW!!!!!

I am rarely lost for words as you lovely Tattlers will know lol ... but bish please ... tonight you are really wanting to piss off alot of people are you not darling Lydiot!

Ok lets do a run down for those of you that cannot be arsed to watch this horse shit anymore: (I am sacrificing myself for everyone tonight ..martyrdom here I come!)

1: You get tired at the thought of opening your eyes at this point my love as you have the energy levels of a gnat! Hence the constant Berocca shots with whatever shite comes out of a pipette into that glass.
2: Your constant race in life to "be the first".. "get it up before anyone else does on the shithole media platform" and take credit for cutting fucking holes in an expensive hat is laughable. Nobel prizes/ medical breakthroughs/saving the planet you aint!!! But I suppose you have to be the first at doing something as you have lagged behind thousands of others in life!
3: You are supposedly a fashion blogger and you look like Gauyfawkes after the BBQ and you still cannot remember the names or models of the clothes you have on.... pathetic to say the least. Its like a Doctor going to a patient "You have this disease ... oh wait what is it called again?" TWAT!
4: You are so fixated on a picture perfect image to wonder what people are thinking about you having a Porch renovated .. well I would be more worried about what they think of you in general moreso than a porch..... probably that you are A) A nightmare neighbour B) You are rediculously wasteful and C) that you are far from important in their thoughts in the first place!
5: An Oak Porch as you frequently mention : Sustainability my arse when you already had a perfectly fine porch .. Nope cut down some more trees for ME ME ME!
6: Lummy/ or is it Lumi??? WTF is that cat always doing on top of counters and all over the bloody Kitchen .... filthy .. for someone who is so anal about everything in the house being of show home criteria ... basic hygiene you idiot! And dont get me started on how unprofessional you are to leave the "F" WORD IN A VLOG! You basic level persona is really showing recently.
7: You have decided to get a dog .... well well well .. no one saw that coming did they .. and NO : It was not your husbands decision .. stop fooling your bots love... YOU decided and so that is that! The fact that makes my piss boil is that it hasn't been a trend has it? It is not a fad is it? It is not a fashion item is it? You will have a designer dog .. we all know you better than you know yourself! You possibly would have gained some sympathy if you didnt follow the herd and got a lovely rescue puppy that needs a home for xmas and also that would provide ample content for good watching, (How you sourced it .. visits to the shelter...making the public aware of how desperate they are for adoption...making a charitable move to help another living creature out in life! But NO .. it will be pedigree .. sourced from a backyard breeder and full of defects solely to satisfy your lifetime urge to be like everyone else instead of bucking a trend! (BTW I have a beautiful little rescue pup that was abandoned when she was 4 months old in a ditch and she is the most beautiful little loving thing to have ever come into my life).
8: STOP STOP STOP justifying the need for a dog .... you have singlehandedly convinced yourself you need it for x/y/z reasons ..apart from the basic fact that you have never ever mentioned having a dog in your entire YT/FB/INSTA/Blogger career...... call a spade a spade darling .... you want "your" dog because "All the other kids have dogs Daddy".
9: If you are sooooo worried about your Wysteria dying .. simple answer .. DONT CHANGE THE EFFING PORCH!
10: "I love a dwarf wall" ..well you would as that would be a normal wall for you an Ali lol!
11: Keep on painting the house dark colours .. I am loving it ... so with the dungeon and the study and the coffins .. you are 1 step away from creating the Addams family mansion YAY!
12: You talk shite : "If you can hear Ali banging away it's because he is making food as he has had a busy day shooting"? Like what the actual Fuck are you on about, surely if he has been busy all day YOU should be preparing food you troglodite but nooooooo because you need "MEMEMEMEME time! (Pathetic is a word wasted on you).
13: A lesson with Lydia on staying positive: " You might have done nothing today but stay in bed but you deserve ..blah blah blah " You really are grating on me .. NOBODY STAYS IN BED ALL DAY you absolute idiot and waste of skin and bones ... no one can afford to stay in bed unless ofcourse they are Lydia who can beg her way out of nearly everything! ARGHHHHHHHHHH and hence your intro to a paid partnership from ESPA .. YOU ABSOLUTE CLUNGE! (British guys here will understand this reference lol)
14: You are changing the account for your pets for a reason love .. don't mix your words .. because it will give more traffic to your account and more money .. hence more begging from Pet stores etc etc etc .. we know how it works. As Ali mentions .. "a baby anything is lovely to have around" NO its another money maker shit all you want babes. Oh but please let your "wife" cut you off mid sentence ... you really showed her who is boss!
15: SHADE from the husband ...loved this part ... "Christmas with the MG's .. I need to be more in your vlogs then" .. you read us here Ali ... we love you babesxxx

I am DONEEEEEE ... Can't subject my brain to anymore guys ... so sorry xxxx
10. I love a dwarf wall...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I’m not particularly savvy with Just Giving, but does anyone know why it says the ‘event’ is reaching 900k followers?
She has now raised quite a bit of money for the charity so I don’t really want to critique her. Every little helps! View attachment 331539
It says event because normally people would do something like a challenge or host something in order to raise the money such as a skydive or run a marathon etc. The event would be the day in which the chosen method of raising money happens. It says reaching 900k followers because she has linked it to her instagram and that is her amount of instagram followers rounded down.

Does anyone know if the money that has been donated goes directly to the Alzheimer’s research organisation or if it goes first to Lydia, and then Lydia (allegedly) will forward the money to the organisation?
Just giving send the amount raised each week directly to the charity themselves after they have deducted their charge and transaction costs.
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Sorry, but can’t the stupid cooper woman leave her bloody phone on the day she gives birth and appreciate her child!
I was thinking that too but trying not to waste my energy on someone who clearly doesn’t give a f*ck lol
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Chatty Member
Everyone, stop what you are doing. lidls has made an important announcement. She has finally found something she likes, new glasses for the kitchen. We can all stop worrying about this now 🤣
OMFG, her pea size brain is shrinking. Who cares about new kitchen glassware. There are way more important things going on in the world. 🤬🤬
Wow, I had to re read that a few times to understand what she was saying, Lydia get some grammar and spelling lessons, it's embarrassing!
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Chatty Member
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, I’m a few pages behind (the thread moves so quickly!) Carrie’s house has been marked as Sold STC in the past day so she must have a buyer. Wonder if she’s moving in with her boyfriend. Do we think it’s still Waldo?

I have so many thoughts about the new puppy and house changes but I’m sure I’m just as outraged as everyone else so I’ll catch up on the thread ASAP!
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The Bots now have creepy bios. I guess they’re true Millen-Gordon fans as they’re also haunted by smart thoughts! The irony of that last bio though 😂
Has anyone tried to message any of these bots? I wonder if they have a generic reply that is generated.
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Laura Blair is doing a much better job of advertising 'Karen Millen'.
Still wouldn't buy it but a least she puts in the effort, and is actually a nice genuine person.
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OK - I’ve started to get a bit of a skeleton and have divided the Fur Babies into four sub-divisions.

Rescuers - those who have been rescued

Rainbow Bridge Angelic Choir - those who are waiting at the Bridge

Cat’s Chorus - Present day cats

Dog Nappers - Present day dogs

I can work anyone in at any time but aiming to have Act 1 - Scene 1 up on 1st of December.

If your fur baby is missing let me know (there’s been quite a few to note down :ROFLMAO:) and I’ll put it right immediately. If your fur baby is a rescue and in the wrong column I’ll put that right too x

Rescuers - Nacho Cheese - English Bulldog
Frank the Pug


Rainbow Bridge Angelic Choir

Beloved Jamie


Cat’s Chorus



Dog Nappers

Little Miss Sky
Mushi Umbrage
Grumpy Snoopy
Charlie (Panda Bear)
Scratch and Sniff
Teddy Bear


Let me know if you would like anyone added or revised please x thank you x
I hope I'm not too late! Would I be able to add my 2 year old moggy, Carlos, into the cat chorus? Carlos loves to parkour over the house when he has his funny 5 minutes and his party trick is to sleep sitting up haha!
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Scene 5. A Homely, Old Fashioned Kitchen. Day.

The workmen who promised to come and tow @Morest’s Supersonic Jet away didn’t turn up! The Props Department have been incredibly busy on the other side of the stage revolve. As the curtain rises we are greeted with a warm, homely kitchen scene. Bags of flour, mixing bowls, wooden spoons and stacks of cake tins are strewn everywhere. An enormous cake with white icing and a cherry on the top stands in the middle of a farmhouse table. The comforting fire burning in the grate has a tall mantelpiece covered in thank-you cards. All of our dogs are outside peering in through the casement windows excitedly pointing and drooling at the cake. Our cats walk around on the floor, gently nuzzling each other and stretching. Jasper the rabbit happily munches on his carrot. A smiling Old English Sheepdog enters SL. She wears a well used gingham pinafore and waves to our dogs. She carries a basket full of freshly picked flowers. She strokes each cat in turn and gives Jasper‘s ears a little tickle.

Come with me now as I show you the sight
Of a wonderful kitchen - sweet smelling and bright
A more homely scene you would never behold
Than the kitchen of she - who arthritic and old
Shows the bravest and kindest of faces to see
As she works the day long oh so diligently
This is no place for cynics or critics or fakes
For here lives Ma Pastry - the doggy who bakes

With her stained gingham pinny and soft dough-ball paws
She spends her life baking for each worthy cause
She whisks and she kneads and she stirs and she makes
Batch after batch of her scones and her cakes
Each sweet apple pie and each chocolate eclair
And each blueberry muffin far lighter than air
Piled high in profusion in charming array
That defies the shop-bought cakes on offer today

She’s invited to each Furry wedding affair
Where the five-tier cake is all homemade by her
Her smooth fondant icing - a joy to behold
With love rolled inside every crevice and fold
She won’t accept payment or cheques from the banks
Preferring instead to accept heartfelt thanks
She blushes with pride as her tail wags and shakes
For thanks are enough for the doggy who bakes

No puppies had she in her far-away youth
And this is what lies at the nub of her truth
With such love inside her she wasted no time
In baking her love into cakes so sublime
The pleasure this gave was enough for her soul
To retain all its beauty and make her feel whole
This Old English Sheepdog has so much to give
So long may she prosper and long may she live

The buttercream icing in each heart-shaped sponge
Is enough to make pulses beat faster and lunge
And her strawberry shortcake and pecan nut flan
Would tickle the tastebuds of Furry or man
With no-one turned down - no good cause left unheeded
No cook books she owns - there’s no recipes needed
She cooks just by instinct when making her cakes
This loveable, floury, doggy who bakes

Today she’ll bake fairy cakes - 50 or more
For our loved ones who wait at her windows and floor
She’ll give them attention - a nice spoon to lick
And clap with delight if they do any trick
And afterwards when they all leave she will read
All the thank you cards gratefully sent from each breed
Oh Lovely Ma Pastry - what soul could abhor her?
There’s nothing to do but to simply adore her

I am loving reading these so much. You are so talented.
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