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I think these newer, up and coming influencers are well aware of her reputation. Savoygate definitely put on her on the global map and definitely not in a good way.

I mean radio hosts in Australia were calling her out.

I feel these newer, smaller influencers are steering clear of her especially when they see every major UK influencer cut away from her.

I bet she feels ashamed and humiliated now being only invited to small events where micro influencers are.

Every major luxury brand has dumped her. All her peers are at Fashion Week and flying around the world.

Instead of being with her peers, she's gone and said something so bigoted and discriminatory.....she'll not live this down no matter how much she tries to explain this away.

It just gets worse with each #Gate.

Thing is she can blame no one but herself. Per bloody usual.

I bet her enablers are ordering mini eggs by the truck load and getting heavy equipment to eventually have to scrape her off the floor.....yet again.

What makes this worse, is again, no apology or accountability....none.

Instead she doubles down, lies and tells everyone else YOU'RE interpreting it wrongly.

We all know she'll be playing the victim card again.

Can't wait to see how her PR agent handles this.

If she possessed any functioning brain cells, she'll not release the "book" in Oct and cancel this upcoming book event at the church for the foreseeable future.

One thing she guarantees is to always stoop even lower than before. I never thought it possible but she never fails, does she?

Sadly, this will blow over and then she'll produce yet another #Gate insulting or mistreating another.

Yet stupid brands will continue to work with her and she continues to get paid.

It is deplorable.
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The utter nonsense Lydia was spouting about the seasons was so ridiculous, she was literally going on and on and on about it. Saying things like, she only loves the typical flow of the seasons, she loves summer to be summer, wants winter to be winter, she wants autumn to be autumn, and same with spring, that it wasn't the summer she thought it was going to be this year, and because that was happening she had to have a bit of a word with herself so she can come to terms with it and the different seasonal variations, and has to accept and embrace the differences and lean into things you wouldn't neccessarily do according to each of the seasons and what they should be. Omg, CAN THIS FOOL GET A LIFE! First world problems about the weather pattern. IS SHE FOR REAL!! 😂

Excuse the seasons being out of sorts and not to her approval and to her liking! Like wtf! Think about the farmers Lydia and how the weather can play havoc with their crops and livestock or any other industry that is heavily reliant on the weather. Not because you can't go outside or what outfit you have to wear for the day or your hair might get wet or windblown or effect your mood or whatever. Who gives a fuck about you!
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Omg I’m 💀 Not only is she the ONLY one in white… but standing alone drinking and iced out by the groups in the video.

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It doesn't matter how much she puts on that fake fucking posh accent, how many Hermes bags she buys and how many clothes by a brand that dressed the royals she wears she will always be a horrible chavvy cow. So much for turning over a new leaf, the better me, the more happy me, relaxed me, country me, No Lydia you are rotten through and through!
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What time and in which video did this happen?
Start back at page 1 of this thread and there are postings of it before editing.

I'm not very far in but I'm taken aback at all of the mentions of a funeral OUTFIT while selling LKB. She talks about it so frigidly and I'm sickened to learn it was for Ali's sweet gardening grandpa. She has ice in her veins to talk about this so coldly and to use it to sell clothing.

EVEN WORSE - the FUNERAL OUTFIT she showed today IS ACTUALLY WHAT SHE POSTED ON IG REELS and asked "guess where I am going". SO MANY PEOPLE SAID FUNERAL and the sheep slammed them for saying that and Lydia did not correct them. It WAS a funeral outfit and SHE LET PEPOLE FIGHT IN THE COMMENTS and let people white knight for her that it's chic to wear all black (like she's a VICTIM)! Then she thanked someone for making MOURNING OUTFIT LOOK SO DAMN SASSY!


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Yep and she said this stuff and more in between

View attachment 2481452


She is talking about fashion outfits to wear to honor someone that has literally just died??

Sorry, many do not like this word but I say what I mean.
Calling her a cunt, would be too kind.

Fuck her.

The fact that that is Ali's grandfather's death...

Ali even let her rip out all the hard work and time his grandpa spent planting all that for them.

She's vile and he is just as heinous.

All for the Gram as that and $ is more important to them than anything else.
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'...take COPIES amounts' Eh ? Do you mean COPIOUS amounts ??

The vow renewal is just an attempt to stick a band aid on an unhappy marriage.

The spiteful 'banter', her infinite laziness, Ali doing everything in the house - cooking, cleaning, pets, laundry, garden, chickens, her miserable attitude, refusal to admit when she's wrong, the numerous '-gates' attached to her name affect Ali's livelihood, living an inauthentic life, Carrie being the 3rd wheel in their marriage etc.
It's alot to deal with day after day 24/7.

The high from planning and attending the vow renewal won't last long,. The problems in their marriage won't magically disappear because you've organised a vow renewal.
Reality will set in to show nothing has changed ... she has learnt nothing from her past behaviours.
Savoygate / Hairgate / M-gate will still occupy a huge spot in her pea brain because she has not learnt anything from those episodes.
Personally i think the vow renew is another cash grab, she definitely desperate for a bigger house in Cotswolds. She needs more brand deals with brands which haven’t ditched her and now she can have some where Ali doesn’t look like sonic the hedgehog and she doesn’t look like Katie Price 🍈 🍈
I sent some messages last night to halfpenny, milla, bellepr, fairfax and favour, Karen millen, beauty pie, Waterstones, lily and bean, Holland cooper, Beaufort and Blake, aavelle, skin and me and Orion spring.

So far I have only had a response from beauty pie saying it is of upmost importance that their community feels supported and heard and they appreciate the message and are always there to support their members. Bit vague but better than nothing hopefully it will be passed on to the right people.
How many more chances does she get? There was the comment about her hair being so dirty it was like dreadlocks, #spazhands IG tag, then her and Carrie using the gay slur Woofter in a vlog, the incident where she was twerking in pyjamas created for a women’s shelter fundraising, the abhorrent behaviour at the homes less sleep over, the Nicky bullying incident, the whole savoy gate…. the list of vile behaviour is really stacking up…
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It will be in the "vault" now with all her other summer bags 😂
On the subject of the “vault” did anyone catch her saying about getting things out of “the loft” when she was talking about getting her autumn pieces back into rotation.

There is no “vault” haha, she’s just put the bags she can’t fit in her dressing room into the loft.
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Hold on. Has she storied her FUNERAL outfit?!

Remember when she was gloating on stories showing off the Canvas Birkin and Ali’s face literally said it all. It was a complete “we’re in the shit and you’ve dropped 15k on a bag for fucks sake.”

Ahhhhh here’s going to be the excuse. “Ali’s grandad had just died and it just came out of my mouth without me thinking how that word might be construed even though I COMPLETELY meant the word mongrel. You all informed me that it could be meant as a slur but it’s not my fault that you took my words that way”. If I recall, she used Lumi’s kidney problems as an excuse before.

It is very odd how whenever she has something actually going on, she ALWAYS without fail manages to drop a bollock. The glo kit- that was when she went off with Nicky and now she’s got this book coming out and once again she’s managed to fuck this up.
That's just so insensitive and disgusting if it was her funeral outfit 🤢
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The facial expressions in her latest IG stories... :rolleyes: #slappable
She is getting hyper obsessed about her hair again because chouquette is getting so many compliments about her hair( done by nicky) and Imust admit that it looks good! Claire has also got another real bag fresh from the shop!
Wants to own a horse? what the same pet owners who when their dog had a bad back they took it on a 2 mile walk? yeah ok so when the horse gets foot problems what will they do take it for a canter. Pair of absolute knobs!
They can’t even look after 5 chickens , 2 dogs and 1 cat ! The Cat is us always sick, dogs get sore backs, haven’t been neutered don’t even know if they have been vaccinated, the chickens are laying soft eggs… honestly get a platic horse lidl, Barbie has some great ones!
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The comments on her pinned post on YouTube have blown up overnight with many people defending her. I feel such rage reading comments from ignorant fools defending her and using the old jealousy excuse. It’s also clear many of the people defending her are not UK based because they don’t seem to realise she isn’t using the word mongrel at all. This comment stood out to me:


Lydia has many (stupid) UK fans too but many people from here can see that she’s cosplaying at this rich kindly lady shit because we know our culture. We know she used to show off her tit tassels in Ibiza, had a Watford accent and loved reality tv like the rest of us. I’m not shaming that because it’s real life! We know she’s not legit whereas over recent months I think she’s actually done quite a good job of conning people abroad. She’s had comments from new subs who think she’s this well bred old money type when a lot of us Brits (and clued up people elsewhere in the world) know it’s bollocks. We have every right to call her out when she uses a word that is highly offensive in OUR society. I don’t give AF if it means something different elsewhere.
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She knew what she was saying.
Us Aussies looove to shorten words but mongrel to m*** is not done.
I believe that this person is soo vain and self centred she believes she can do no wrong. If that word slipped so easily from her lips when recording imagine how she speaks when not recording
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I wonder if Lydia is on the phone with Jacqueline her life coach telling her to "drop the rope" and "it's not you it's them" spiel, feeding her what she wants to hear. Meanwhile Jacqueline has just ordered another set of Hermes cushions and secured her next vintage Chanel jacket after she has booked in a months full of therapy sessions with her feral client after yet another debacle. She can 'coach' Lydia all she wants but a leopard never changes it spots.
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I didn't watch her, I can't abide her. So I take it from you tattle lovelies that she actually talks about what to wear to a funeral........WTAF I mean not once did I ever ever look to see what anyone was or wasn't wearing at a funeral. That is not right. How do any of her huns not think this??? Talk about making it all about her. It is a funeral......last thing I would be thinking of is what to wear. When my dad passed I bearly had the strength to get dressed for it. She is a nasty cruel unfeeling witch

I agree and knowing now it’s for someone so beloved as Ali’s grandpa 😑

Here you go….



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I just can’t believe that someone uses that word?! And the fact that Carrie LEFT IT IN THERE! It just tells me that’s how they speak among each other and it didn’t ring any alarm bells for carrie.
truly bizarre!
i LOVE how the DM and the mirror are painting her in her true ibeetha/Milton Keynes/CHAV colors and not the fake country character she cosplays.
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I’m still surprised the animals are trying to escape the bunga like little 4 legged runaways. You would think that since she was so heartbroken about lynx she would make sure the dogs were properly contained
She would rather convey to 'the masses' that she has copious amounts of land to portray she's rich, which is more important to her, than the safety of her animals.
I've really been wondering about Carrie in this whole incident - I truly believe the language they use between them is as Lydia has portrayed and keeping m**g it in the edit/highlights just shows (to me) that it's in everyday usage and I wonder what other terms they use; I didn't remember the 'no wheels' comment but it's complete millennial teenage mean-girl Regina George vibes where they'll say something horrible to make fun but if they are heard they will gaslight and turn it around to the recipient who heard it and change the meaning of it, or claim ignorance (I remember girls like this in school - vile bullying creatures who saw their comeuppance once they left school 'hee hee!')

I have also been wondering about Lydia's industry friendships that diminish and believe it's a couple of things:
1) She sees an opportunity and jumps on it for her own gain, and then when she's reached her goal she discards them
2) She sees them as a threat, so befriends them and then when she sees herself as better than them, again she discards them
3) She genuinely does become friends with them and is on a level playing field (where there are things that she cannot compete with aka amount of wealth or something) but then she invites Carrie along (she hangs out with them plenty of times herself, all seems fine, then Carrie gets an invite to the house parties/dinners etc), and Carrie becomes threatened and seeks to destroy the relationship or turn Lidl against them in some way so Lidl remains dependant upon Carrie, and Carrie still secures that BFF status.

I feel like her leaving that word in the edit either 1) doesn't realise because she says it herself and didn't think it would be an issue (complete ignorance) or 2) she's left it in knowing the repercussions and wants to be there to hold Lidl up (yet again) and be the best supporting friend, "it's not you it's them, chicken"...Another thing I've noticed is that Alex will defend in person and be all across social media/gossip forums picking apart people who criticise Lidl and not hide herself, and she has done this for perhaps a decade. But where is Carrie? Has she publicly posted defending her 'bestie' - I haven't seen anything myself, but then again is she worried about maintaining her own image?

I also met someone who actually knows Carrie in a work capacity and I had the courage to discuss it with her a couple of years back - I didn't want to seem like a stalker haha! but I saw they were mutual friends on linkedin but I didn't look too much into it (I didn't want to out myself so won't go into too much detail - I was worried about posting it on here in case the girl I know reads here or even tattles herself but now I don't give a shit) but I simply asked her what she was like as a person and she said nice, normal and friendly when they worked together, but since working with Lydia she has gone really up herself and also super indulges in this fake posh life. Also said she has dropped many of her friends just prior to working for Lydia, and this girl doesn't talk to Carrie anymore but says she probably wouldn't anymore anyway because she is a totally different person. She said Lydia is ok, just a 'rich bitch' haha! I'm not sure where they worked together, she just said they worked together.
Anyway - that's my 2-pence! I'm off for a peppermint tea 'HEE HEE!'
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Dailymail article has now made it onto front page of their site, not just femail section online.
Thing is as many hours that have gone by, we all know that she's still sitting there in denial and still hasn't taken accountability.

She is the epitome of a narcissist and yet again, she provides a window into narcissistic injury.

All self-inflicted.

She is now so convinced of the lie she desperately came up with for damage control i.e. that she actually and earnestly meant the dog versus the slur against disabled people.

These are lies narcissists tell themselves until it becomes their reality.

The sad part is she'll run to that unqualified "life coach" who will just further stroke Lydia's ego saying people are just jealous of her success or some rubbish.

Carrie and Ali, her two paid enablers, will further feed the beast and after this #Gate, nothing will have changed. Again.

Granted he committed treason and actual felonies, I feel she is just as slippery as Trump and continues to get away with all this behavior.

It's honestly shocking how people with a platform can get away with such horrific, vile behavior.

If any of us had behaved how she has in any of her #Gates, our asses would have been fired and dropped a long time ago.

However, seems when you're famous and have money, you can do and say anything. No consequences.

It's really very discouraging.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer.
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