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I can’t believe she’s doubling down. Google is the answer here. You Google that word and the top hit is that it’s a derogatory term for people with Downs Syndrome. So fuck off with your “it’s short for Mongrel” bullshit. Scruffy dogs don’t go around tucking their hair behind their ears so it makes no sense to even use it in that context.

As others have said, if mongrel is what you meant surely the minute you realised that the majority of your viewers have taken it as a slur towards Downs Syndrome then surely you would be absolutely mortified, apologise immediately and want to remove it immediately from the vlog.

But no once again, she deflects. Nothing is ever her fault, it’s all how WE perceive her words. She’s the victim, we’re the ones in the wrong for taking her words the wrong way. It’s disgusting how she has no accountability for her own words and actions.
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Well her vlogs are always a week behind so it will probably be before the latest 'gate'.
Love her or hate her, but you can't beat Tamara (and her team) for quick vlog uploads.
Tamara attended Milan a few fashion week shows on the Sunday, uploaded her vlog the very same night, albeit a few hours later than her normal upload time.
Professional. They knew their assignment and delivered.
You have to raise your hands to Tamara and her team.

Lydia is barely scraping by with fashion content, goes to hardly any events, and without fail, she is always a week or 2 behind.

Buying yourself tickets to visit the King's palace or tickets for tea at Blenheim Palace or inviting yourself to Battersea Dog Rescue for a tour of the facilities is not the same as being invited for an event / sponsorship.
Someone - YOU, Lydia !!! - is trying to give the impression of brands / businesses inviting them ... but nope. We can see through the bs. Pathetic.

Something has been playing on my mind.
You have to wonder what exactly did Lydia do to end her relationship so abruptly with Intimissimmmi.
Yes, their year-long contract may have ended but the brand could have still extended an invitation to the massive Calzedonia show last week.
So many influencers were invited, many of whom have no relationship with the brand (past or present).
Lydia had a year long contract with Intimissimmmmmi, did loads of sponsorships with Calzedonia, but no invite.
I suspect Lyds had a GHD/Shard moment with Intimissimmmmmmmmmmi ie. laziness with the sponsorship, and they dumped her ass.
Literally severed the relationship.

And the Lancome dinner in Paris (the night before or after the Calzedonia one) was massive. MASSIVE.
No invite for Lydia.
Amelia, Noorie Ana and around 6 or 7 (micro) influencers from the UK all travelled to Paris for the dinner. Even Tanya Burr was invited for that dinner, and although I follow Tanya, I do not go to her page for make up tips.

Talk about burning bridges. However, Lydia doesn't just burn bridges, she literally bombs them to smithereens. No remains.
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She’s edited it out of her Instagram story now.

I bet her PR company people are cursing, having their relaxing evenings interrupted by this crisis 😂
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No doubt Lumi will have a mystery illness this week. Everytime Lydia is in controversy, she makes out one of her pets is on their death bed so she gets sympathy and can pretend her gloomy manner is down to that and not that the internet hates her.
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The LAST THING on my mind would be to get my poor husband who’s just lost his grandad (who he appeared very close to) to take a picture of my funeral outfit. I’d be more concerned with supporting him through this awful day.

There literally is no consideration for other people is there?
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OMG She and Carrie have even featured the comment in the stories AND IT'S STILL UP!

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Lydia cannot afford pet insurance.
Lumi, the cat, has no toys, no cat tree.
The dog toys and collars, blankets are all gifted.
Now we see the chickens are being provided with substandard food.
The chickens aren't the only ones eating substandard food.
Pasta, pizza and veggies (from the garden ?) are always on their menu. Where's the protein ? They barely spend any money on groceries. Even their alcohol is free.

There's no way Lydia is going to involve herself in any sport or hobby where she has to pay out $$$ from her pocket each week. There is no direct benefit to her.
Except for a few IG photos. And for that, she will use her 'friends' and cosplay the role.
As well as being too lazy to get off her ass and muck out any stables or brush any horses, 'it ain't gonna happen'.

The b*tch is just trolling us.
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When your the colour of your luggage matches your closet.

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Milking Keynes

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So after a whole week of media exposing her casually using an abhorrent word to insult and denigrate society’s most vulnerable -

a) all press articles are gone

b) only one brand has shown regret and is seeking answers (Beaufort & Blake)

Pretty shocking.
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I appreciate the receipts you and other fellow Tattlers post here @Julia123


With the lies, vile behavior and fraud this muppet continues to commit, Thank God for the receipts folks quickly post here.

I must say I admire how lightning quick many of you are because she deletes comments and evidence quickly but Tattlers ALWAYS, ALWAYS save all the receipts faster than the idiot even thinks of deleting them.

With this #Gate though, it truly has shocked me more than any of her previous incidents.

This is just so vile and crass.

More than anything, is watching how casual and natural she is when she utters that slur.

It's beyond stunning.....I was honestly speechless once you guys here educated me on what the word meant.

I've gone back to watch it a few times and it's breathtaking and not in a good way.

I will say the Feb video alluding to her being a victim of assault is the other thing that stunned me.

I have worked with numerous victims of assault over the years...that should have been the end of her.

But no, her platform continues as does the money she earns.

It's revolting.
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No doubt Lumi will have a mystery illness this week. Everytime Lydia is in controversy, she makes out one of her pets is on their death bed so she gets sympathy and can pretend her gloomy manner is down to that and not that the internet hates her.

⬆⬆⬆⬆ Absolutely this !!!

During Savoygate, we were treated to many tearful rants whilst sitting in her car - Lumi sick, dad in hospital, vague complaints about friends and family not supporting her, brands not being loyal to her. She spoke about everything except the scandal and her lies.
A sick animal is sure to evoke sympathy for her.
An easy out and avoidance to not apologising.
Do we think she will mention it in tomorrow’s vlog ? I’m almost thinking maybe not ….
Lydia will rant about something in the vlog, be very vague and allude to herself being the victim.
As with Savoygate, she ranted about being the victim - of internet trolls, unsupportive friends and family, disloyal brands.
Hairgate : she outright said she was the victim of an assault.
Pajama-gate : misunderstood and trolls targeting her.

Her MO never changes.
Don't apologise, don't give any details, don't say anything and the problem will lose steam and disappear in a short time.
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Chatty Member
She’s edited it out of her Instagram story now.

I bet her PR company people are cursing, having their relaxing evenings interrupted by this crisis 😂
It’s still showing. It’s on her 3rd story. My guess is, it being on her story hasn’t crossed her mind yet. She is in panic mode from seeing the youtube comments, probably spent a couple hours on the phone to Carrie coming up with a POA. She’ll be too anxious to read here just yet so won’t have seen the comments pointing out it’s on her story. For sure, there’s chaos at the Bungalow tonight. If she deleted the video, she breaks contract agreements with Beauford & Blake or whatever they’re called and she would have to embarrassingly explain to them and HalfPenny why she deleted the video. She would also then loose tens of thousands of views from those who’ve already watched it, further damaging her statistics. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during her and Carrie’s frantic phone-call and Ali nervously in the background trying to help 😂. I think this is just the beginning, British news outlets might pick up the story tomorrow. They were all over Savoy Gate. Then there’s TikTok, that generation has no tolerance for hate speech.

She bangs on about her “amazing team” as if she has an office full of numerous highly skilled staff who are professionals in this industry, yet when it comes to major career damaging mistakes like this, not one of them has 2 brain cells to rub together and think to remove the instagram story, at the very least. 🤣
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its out on tiktok

ETA: that's not my handy work, just reposting😊
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While Lydia manhandles all the dresses and whips her dry hair around Carrie repeatedly goes to speak and then seems to avoid doing so. And then at one point she states quite adamantly “I’m not trying on until there’s a ring on this finger”. Despite her saying this, and I agree with the sentiment, she seems a bit annoyed that Lydia, who has absolutely no right to be swanning about acting like a bride, is trying on all the dresses. A bit later Lydia says “honestly when you guys get married I hope you get to do this as much as possible, especially here, because this is just…” Carrie then interjects with “You’ve tried them all on now!” So maybe, just maybe, Carrie is over your shit Lydia. I can’t stand the silly cow but maybe she will see which way her bread is buttered and quit. We can but hope. Same with Fi, who is clearly shocked and bemused and doesn’t get it AT ALL.

You KNOW she's that type of friend when Carrie will get engaged and will be trying on her wedding dresses Lydia won't be able to resist and she'll try them on too even tho the day won't be about her.
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Funny (except it’s not) how she can apologise for starting her vlog with the chickens but can’t apologise for being A NASTY BITCH. Except I guess that’s it isn’t is, she’s not sorry for anything, not even ridiculous shit like standing in a chicken coup in her dressing gown bitching about Ali. It makes a total mockery of the entire sorry situation.

Knowing Ali has lost his Grandad my mind is blown that she actually says this straight after talking about Highgrove outfits - “I also have a funeral next week and naturally you wear all black so I’ve got a few outfits for that as well”🤢 It would be bad enough if it was a distant acquaintance’s funeral but to make the funeral of her husbands close relative part of her content is just disgusting. She is a sick in the head individual.
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