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I read some where that F&F use a PR company. I could be wrong
Fairfax and Favor have tumbled so far from where they began. A genuinely decent equestrian brand now just overpriced crap quality leather goods for influencers. They gift away SO much to skinny young women. I know of someone who supported them for years with purchases and free UG content and she had to fight to get given anything or invited to the PR events cos she doesn’t fit their aesthetic enough. The owner Marcus is a stuck up twat too. Perfect for Lidl 🙄
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I just don’t understand why whenever Lydia makes a new influencer friend she then copies everything they wear and morphs into them? It’s SO strange?! Most recently it was Josie, now it’s (don’t know her name).
They literally wore the exact same outfit to the Ballet, it’s so odd?
Surely must think that it’s weird!
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Milking Keynes

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Eh, I also often do an accent nail on my ring finger. My boyfriend did almost propose to me the other day, but I've done this since way before I ever thought I might get married eventually.
We have a Tattle baby courtesy of @Wophie - Thank you for your service, Wophie. ❤ And now, we might have a Tattle engagement 🙏❤
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Chatty Member
We’ve got to keep track on the correlation of the copying of whoever is flavour of the month for her…

Claire - tailored blazers, manolos, grey everything

Frow - copied her hair down to the week. Cut short, then parted to the side and put up in a bun.

Josie - “lady of the manor”

LA Way - headbands and “equestrian” dressing

Who’s next?
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Aesthetics 101

Well-known member
She works so hard getting pissed while other people vlog her content.

Also notice that roar of fake laughter, she needs to be careful or she'll scare away Lauren before securing next year's booking. :ROFLMAO:
"I have the most lovely girls who work for me! They will hold the heavy camera for me [I CANNOT..CANNOT hold it after answering all the TikTok comments during the ballet. My phone, too, got so heavy half way through I remembered I had a wrist injury. I wanted to ask if they could turn down the Nutcracker Soundtrack but I had to co-exist with the reality of the musicians.

The girls who work for me [long dramatic pause, look up at ceiling] are like my family. So much so I am CONSIDERING having them over for Christmas Day. I know I told Ali I wanted to do Christmas alone but without the girls here, I may have to cook my own breakfast. Oh, what am I saying!? Ali will do all that for me. Lumi and I will eat in the bed, spill crumbs and coffee and he will clean it up.

I exist in this reality & I only deal in Facts. Jacqueline has me look at situations and say, "Ok what are the facts?" Well, for the Tik Tok video that the entire country "misunderstood": 1) I posted a TikTok video, 2) I stated my heating was broken (fact, along with toilets and other things I won't show on my channel anymore such as the games room & utility room] and Ali and I were going to the Savoy. 3) The entire country misunderstood me.

I have such wonderful girls around me... I just... I wish everyone had people they could pay to make them feel as great as I do."
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The rift feels…rifty between her and Josie. She’s invited Susie and Vic over and no Lyds in sight? If I had friends over, I’d invite all of them along even if they weren’t close as everyone usually gets along anyway. Hmmm…
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Blair Waldorf called and she wants her headbands back. I want to rip them off Lydia’s head and beat her with them!!
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I skipped that part, I’ll go back. 🤣
Her videos are so long and mostly boring gibberish, that I keep skipping and fast forwarding through so much of them. Thing is though, when I read some hilarious comments on here discussing things I have obviously missed, I grudgingly have to backtrack and go through them again to check out the infamous scenes. Why watch them at all then? I don't really know why. I watch them with a mixture of disgust and mild wonder that needs a proper word to describe it... I always find she can magically reach new levels of vapidity, deliberate ignorance, vile meanness, blockheaded idiocy and pure tone deafness in each video that mesmerizes me; I can't pull myself away from them. A true case study for psychologists everywhere. It's akin to rubbernecking when passing by an accident on the road that you don't really want to see, but also want to catch a glimpse of...
Flydia dear, hi. Please don't be flattered by what I just said. I fear you might, because you saw the words magical and mesmerizing and can probably convince yourself that I am a diehard fan.
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I’ve never heard that it stands for that, but I grew up in council housing for the first 11 years of my life, and we’re not all like that, most of us are actually decent, I swear 🙈
I spent the best years of my childhood in a very sweet council house in Devon. It was wonderful friends and fun every where.
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I really can't handle watching Lyds tonight.
Would rather watch gorgeous Brazilians and Croatians knock a soccer ball around than 2 poseurs fake Christmas festivities in November.
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The Big (#ad) Unboxing; The Breakdown

We start where we left off, with the creepy baby voice as Lidl schmoozes the dogs. Then it's outside to look at the morning frost on the new gate and the defender. Lydiot then uses her poshest voice to call her dogs 'truff snuffs in the graaaaassss'.

In the dressing room our Lids confesses she's had a 'boo boo' but 'in the positive sense', she's filmed too much! But don't panic, she gives us reassurance it will still be the quality content we are used to . . . She then talks about her team and what a great boss she is, skip, skip, skip.

Lidl is going to the ballet for the first time, with lots of other women she's never met, I can already hear the fake chortling!

After showing us the view, (of her neighbours back garden), Lydiot sits down to sell us some stuff. This year Lidl is only flogging us expensive tat that sets her 'heart on fire'. Today this is THE MOST beautiful british brand, well, since Thursday when she said this about two other brands.

The company is owned by two men who have help from their Mums to sell countryside living . . . . SOLD! 'You can bet your bottom dollar, if you find a country loving girl on Instagram, she will love Fairfax and Favor', and that's the best she can do to get her #ad payment.

We waste six minutes watching her advertise a hand bag. 'If someone's been a really, really good girl you can treat her to those', or if you are an adult, who doesnt rely on handouts and gifts, you can just buy it for yourself, like a normal person.

She then goes on to try and sell us some brown gloves, that people 'will gasp at', they are so beautiful. However, to the common eye, they just appear to be brown gloves. In case that's not enough, Lydiot goes on to show us the gloves in the other 'colourways', which just means colours.

The sales pitch goes on and on and gives us insights such as, if you wear a gilet inside out it gives it a different look. It may be tempting to skip all the garble but Lidl really does come out with some gems. Apparently, she is often asked if she wears tracksuits (by whom?) and informs us her leggings and cashmere jumpers are her equivalent. Then she adds a gilet 'for intrigue' INTRIGUE!!!!

Just when you think it might be over, Lids gets a scarf out of a box, puts it on and strokes it over her outfit, then adds a belt, then she puts on her 'elegant coat', and strokes the scarf some more. Lidl then loses the plot and talks about the scarf bringing nostalgia of British school boy uniforms. She faffs some more, prattling on, and adding the pieces she has already shown us.

Now shes got a waist coat, jeeeez, it's like watching QVC! The final 'piece' is a brown coat. Can we move on now, for goodness sake! Aaaand we have made it to the end of the 24 minute #ad.

Lydiot is ready to go to the ballet. In a dress that makes me think she may be under the impression she is starring in the ballet. She puts her American Express in her new #gifted wallet, throws on her grandads coat and she's off.

As predicted the giggling starts and we are at the ballet. Lyds walks in, past the normal people, dressed in smart/casual wear and looks like a right twat.

Back home Lydiot gives us some feedback on the ballet, she uses the same descriptive words as when she tried to flog us the brown gloves, earlier.

Whilst she's been out, the Butler has been fixing things, tidying up, and they've been gifted a huge coffee machine which is phenomenal, just like the ballet.

We then get to hear how Lydiot feels about Harry and Meghan. She tells us how she is 'bizarre' because she only 'thinks in facts'. She goes on to paint herself as an unopinionated, open minded, quiet person; this is called 'creating your own narrative'. She waffles a bit more, but after 46 minutes, the giggle is going through me, I can't bear to listen. She says she's going to bed.

The end
I looove your breakdown. Promise me/us you will do one each flog ;-)
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Aesthetics 101

Well-known member
Like the previous tattler said (sorry can't remember who ❤) it's not rocket science, it's says 7+ on the food box.
Edit @Hunevoque2 saw you posted about it too ❤

Its definitely about Lydiot,10.37min mark. View attachment 1793438
Very obvious who this is about and it shows even back then how massive her ego is & the continuous support of that bad behavior.
This podcast host should have scrapped the idea if it went on for that long. This makes it obvious why brands for Lydia come and go. She cannot be this demanding to just one person, this is across the board. Look at how she treats her husband!

Her reputation is being dragged into the light of day and she has two choices: dig in and keep pretending she is a kind person, or she can change her ways. She did a fantastic job of hiding her true colors from me until about a year ago when the situation with Nicky came out. It was so easy to find out what she was talking about in that one video and I was shocked at how she spun it into her being mistreated. That's when all the holes and cracks began to show for me.

Good for this interviewer telling this story. Viewers will be able to figure it out easily.
more bad press for Lydia. Run Carrie....
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They sent her that Fairfax and Favor bag and she can't wait to take it for her dog-walking purse or her horse-riding purse. So, sure. She'll use that purse doing things YOU DO NOT NEED A PURSE FOR. F&F get what they deserve with this one.
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Are the 4 of them sharing a suite? She said they woke up and Carrie went and got them Starbucks and they laid in bed drinking it. ALSO why the hell would you go to Hamburg to drink disgusting Starbucks, the uncultured swine did the same in Paris too.

She's selling more bags apparently!
Does she have any left? Bet she sells the Holland Cooper ones.
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