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VIP Member
She thought she was so in the right about the lifting

Poor form and was called out on it many times

Planking with 50kgs worth of weights on ya back probably wasn’t the one

PT should have known better
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What's the problem with babywearing? If your baby refuses to go in a buggy you don't have many other options 🤣 I mean it's inoffensive, someone is just carrying a baby. I'm not sure how you could have any strong opinions about it one way or the other!
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I know it’s not a rave thread but I find her fairly likeable 😩 it’s not like she’s trying to be relatable we all know she’s married to a rich older man for the money but I do like her sorry 🤣🤣
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How entitled is she…going on about how long cabin crew dinner service takes. She is not the only paying customer on board. I would be mortified if I was the nanny being made to take the trays back to the galley. I bet the cabin crew were seriously pissed off. She should take a “PJ” everytime she travels if she’s that bothered.
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Well-known member
Exactly this. For me, that’s not the most arsehole things she said … it was the A&E story, geez! A looong ranting story which ended in her saying we shouldn’t have to pay for the NHS and should just pay as and when we need to use it (or words to that effect), and ‘thank goodness she’s now got a private GP appointment for her daughter and doesn’t have to use the NHS! Even lovely Anna found it hard to agree …
Private is great unless you need proper aftercare. I used private for some treatment and the aftercare was soo poor compared to NHS. In NHS you would get follow ups to check things private they discharged and I had to go back for reviews then ended up going to NHS. It's more of a ball ache I found. But I have a job she doesn't so I guess he has more time to mess around with these things.
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Ah sorry I must have misremembered. I thought she’d recommended some stuff for people to get their husbands to take to try for girls.

She used to go on a lot about how glad she was she only had girls and only ever wanted girls etc.

Wonder what she would have done if her husband had a preference for a boy.
Yea she definitely did talk about how she swayed for girls. She used to talk about it a lot when her girls were babies. She even did a blog post on it. I remember reading it 😅🙈
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Wow, anyone listened to todays pod?
I get everything thinks different things in regards to abortion/baby teenage pregnancies , different situations ect. But Jesus Christ sometimes the way she states her opinions drive me insane. I actually had to turn off. It should be called Luisa podcast cos Anna barely gets to say anything, she can never ever finish a story without Luisa high jacking it and making it all
About her ! I used to love the pod, but Luisa is becoming ridiculous. I’m all for controversial opinions but her delivery is terrible . She’s got absolutely no self awareness…..
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Don't listen to their podcast but jesus she's got some front making out she works harder than everyone else. She spends her days riding horses, going to the gym and flower arranging!
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Chatty Member
The most recent tirade is giving narc mum 🚩 tbh so not sure it’s even worth dissecting, the consequence of her acting out will be daughters who don’t feel psychologically safe around her 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also baby wearing is such a fantastic experience and is *easier* in the early days (especially when they don’t weigh as much! Ngl at nearly 4 it’s hard work) because it means you’re far more mobile and can even leave the house without driving a tank of a buggy about with you! Any expectant or new mums pls don’t be put off by her vitriol, baby wearing is one of my fondest memories of the chaos of babyhood ❤
Completely agree with this. Did anyone catch the episode where she said if her daughters ever came home pregnant it’d be abortion or kicked out? She said her mum had always said the same to her so… generational trauma… her daughters will end up feeling unsafe & hiding so much from her because of her narcissism, that she dresses up as being “outspoken”
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I felt like for the first time ever - Anna sounded pissed off with her over the NHS rant and the teenage pregnancy rant. I also didn’t like it when she told Immo to shut up.
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I don’t give much thought to cultural appropriation but the whole get up has me cringing really hard. Nearly 40 and she’s playing fancy dress on horses
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Pat MyCock

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She’s desperate for attention for wearing that headdress, after asking if it was appropriate.
Still going on about it, grid post and all
Yes, but if I looked like that I would post if EVERYWHERE!! That figure takes a LOT of hardwork. I wish I could be that bothered! :ROFLMAO:
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The lesser spotted SM phobic Andrew 👀... everyone else is sat next to their partner....except Luisa who is Andrew phobic lol... they've blurred out his face, probs at Luisa request as she's obvs totally embarrassed by him.
I wonder if it's because they have paid for it and invited people. My husband and I don't tend to sit next to each other when we host. Not sticking up for her but just wondering if that's the reason.
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Just listened to the tattle bit. So funny. It really annoys her doesn't it. You could tell in her voice she was so angry that people talk shit about her relationship. She's semi retired because she can't get work. They have the same agent and to be honest Anna has managed to get other work. Luisa just can't so I think she's knocked it on the head. She loves being skinny yes we know that's why you've worked so hard by doing the Oz shit to get skinny but it makes her look awful. She looks like she's aged.
Don’t mean this as shadily as it’s gonna come out but I’m stunned she’s not tried the GB news route?! She’s got lots of abhorrent and underdeveloped opinions and is/was pretty so should be right up their street?! There’s even radio stations and podcasts for that audience - she should be booked n busy?!

Suspect the only reason she’s not is Andrew must not be of the pro Britain/right wing persuasion (good for him/rightly so for obvious reasons) which prevents her from going turbo right wing bellend ala Holly Valance?!
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