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VIP Member
So frustrating listening to the pod this week, the part where they were talking about giving birth, of course everyone has different experiences, but luisa insisting that every induction ends in c section or forceps is so wrong. I had 3 inductions and NONE ended in emergency c section or forceps ! If I was to be having my first baby and listening to that I would have been terrified . Yes induction isn’t ideal, but you are well monitored. I had my 4th by c section due to be breech. I recovered better with my inductions than my c section. Scare mongering people especially 1st time mum is awful. I get talking about your own experience but that was way too much..
The chance of needing interventions after induction is much higher so you were lucky! I agree they went a bit too far with that chat. A c section is major surgery but they seem to promote it as the “easy way” on the pod
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Rob and Josh looked so uncomfortable. I know it's supposed to be a light hearted podcast but I wish they had challenged them more
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Chatty Member
The younger ones have a very wealthy father. Would be totally ridiculous to show their faces. Hope she respects that. She’s not stupid enough not to surely ?
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Luisa treats Anna like she’s beneath her imo. I used to think they complimented each other being quite different, different perspectives, but now she just hijacks the story every time Anna tries to speak. She rarely gets to finish a sentence without stickman relating it back to herself. You can tell she’s dying for her to finish so she can speak, she’s never listening. Anna sits on the fence too much but seems fairly down to earth & likeable. More mature than stickman. Maybe she just tolerates her for the sake of LuAnna

Stickman got me 🤣🤣
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New to the thread 👋🏼 What does her munter husband do? Seems like they could end world hunger with their bank balance it’s crazy.
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Chatty Member
I would be amazed if he hasn’t already got a lot of money set up in trusts for his children so it isn’t up to Luisa to decide.
I meant more along the lines of Luisa’s inheritance from Andrew, which I’m assuming she would apportion to all her children accordingly …
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She doesn't like to talk about it as her husband doesn't want her to so I think he had problems so they needed some support.
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This is so random but does anyone know what the name of the celebrity farm shop they always mention on the pod is? 😂
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Active member
What's the problem with babywearing? If your baby refuses to go in a buggy you don't have many other options 🤣 I mean it's inoffensive, someone is just carrying a baby. I'm not sure how you could have any strong opinions about it one way or the other!
Anything to shit on mothers that struggle, I suppose
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