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My Mum is a nurse and trained in London during the 1970s. As did all of my aunts and grand-aunts. They're training was like something akin to the army and at that time there were no nursing assistants per se, these hardworking nurses did everything, they're medical training was second to none and they worked hard.

What struck me about LL (besides from being a thunderous, cruel murderous bitch) was the amount of time she spent on her phone while supposed to be looking after HIGHLY DEPENDENT babies. It was brought up time and again at trial and gave examples of she was claiming to feed babies (a two-handed job) while sending incessant Whatsapp messages throughout her shift. I'm genuinely curious as to whether this is a thing? I'm not being anti-nurse here, for the most part they are kind and their decision to pursue a nursing career is vocational, but is this what nursing care is like these days? I'm curious because for my Mum's generation you'd have been kicked out for not being fully engaged throughout your shift.
“Old school” nursing was very different. Many of the things nurses do today were done by doctors in the 70s, so no you didn’t need nursing assistants in the same way.

Patients are sicker, medicine has moved on so much, many things that were done by doctors have moved to nurses and from nurses to HCAs.

Sickness and maternity used to be covered, now you just have to cope.

If nurses are posting inappropriately on social media there are mechanisms to deal with that.

The job is technically more complex, there is no time for a break on many shifts. Students often don’t get the support or opportunities they should as there just isn’t the time. It is absolutely fucking exhausting to go to work for 14 hours (paid for 11.5 😎) and feel like you didn’t do what you should have done

Unless a unit has strong leadership and a caring culture (for staff as well as patients), the good staff leave which makes it worse for any new staff coming in.

Weak management, sink or swim culture, inexperienced arse licking blaggers getting promoted, anywhere that has a culture like this is somewhere a LL could thrive, and they should know this from the Allitt case.

The unit at COCH sounds slack AF with all the texting and signing for stuff you didn’t do.

You’ll never stop the odd dangerous person getting through, but you can certainly make it bloody difficult for them.
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This is absolutely disgusting. Googled Letby this morning as haven’t caught up for a few days. On the top reel of google is this piece of garbage. I’m the article it compares Letby murdering those babies, to a health professional in the same hospital giving a tablet to a woman for an abortion. Literally no shame. There is no comparison!!!
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The can of worms this has opened is turning my blood cold the more I read. Oh my fucking god how many victims are there.
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Was this the woman who produced a flow chart to show why the insulin evidence was inaccurate but while her work looked good it was wrong. Someone on here who was very at maths worked it all out and she had made a mistake converting the units.
Yes, it was me. She got hopelessly confused with the units, also used the wrong equation to work out her answer and also based all of her calculations off of a study done on adults, then tried to directly apply that to a 1.4kg neonate and then wondered why she was getting such insanely high values. Hence why the defense wasn’t interested in anything she had to say and no one remotely credible in the medical field is willing to back her up, she’s fucking clueless lol.
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And she got her own way a lot during this trial which was unprecedented. It's still unbelievable that she was indulged in being seated in the witness box before anyone else entered the court room due to her startle response/PTSD. Perhaps they had to do this to be seen to give her the fairest trial possible but it seems like she tried to exert control at a number of junctures which is like most serial killers so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised :sneaky:
I think Judge Goss probably had the measure of her and didn’t want to give her even the tiniest shred of grounds for appeal. Plus it exposes more of her true personality to the court.
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My first house was a 2-Up-2-Down which backed on to a cemetery. It was all I could afford as my first footstep on the housing ladder. I'm not saying this to deny LL any guilt, but just to say please don't assume that anyone who lives next to a cemetery is a murderer!
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the journos are really going hard on this aren’t they! I imagine in part because of the lasting impact this case will have on them. Go get em😍
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She took photos of them a lot I think. Even when she hadn’t got consent, like from baby Es mum who she surprised with the memory box (she wrote explicitly in the notes that she’d got consent but hadn’t). Maybe also at that point avoiding convo with that mum as she may have brought up the bleeding at 9.
The only time she struggled to find the camera seems to have been when baby Bs incredibly strange fleeting rash (similar to As and many others) was there. She took so long it had gone by the time she was back. How unfortunate eh.
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She took photos of them a lot I think. Even when she hadn’t got consent, like from baby Es mum who she surprised with the memory box (she wrote explicitly in the notes that she’d got consent but hadn’t). Maybe also at that point avoiding convo with that mum as she may have brought up the bleeding at 9.
The only time she struggled to find the camera seems to have been when baby Bs incredibly strange fleeting rash (similar to As and many others) was there. She took so long it had gone by the time she was back. How unfortunate eh.
This new info has shook me tbh, I know she was sick in the head obviously but how the fuck did she get away with removing a babies much needed breathing equipment for a picture!?? Like wtf, surely that's a sackable offence on its own!? Or at least a sign that despite her doing the extra training she should be nowhere near the sickest babies!?? Just blows my fucking mind.
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It seems so odd to me that a band 5 nurse would be meeting for coffee with the head of nursing. No reason why they can't, it just doesn't really happen anywhere I've worked. The only time I've known really senior management to be friends with band 5s is when they've worked clinically together and stayed in touch. I wonder if it's that thing with being around older women and manipulating a caring response out of them.
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I dunno. I definitely think that anyone who picks up overtime for me is a psycho killer. It’s the number one trait, isn’t it?
Knew a guy at work once who was ALWAYS signing up for overtime. Turns out - and we didn’t find this out until years later - that he was just doing it for the money all along 😟
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Bet it spent half its time in the hospital snivelling and grassing on everyone the rancid little weasel
“Nice Lucy” that thought she was better than everybody around her, spent her whole day slagging people in texts instead of doing her job and sneered at anybody she thought below her. Her face didn’t fit because A) it’s fucking huge and B) she was an absolute weird little covert narcissistic bitch.
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It's not possible to check yourself into Rampton. It's not possible for a prisoner to go anywhere or do anything without 4 forms in triplicate having been filled out, filed, forgotten and then denied three times before there's a chance in hell of it happening.

In serious cases like this there is always a mental health assessment ordered on intake. That will be done at the prison she's been assigned to. If initial assessments conclude she's showing signs of dangerous psychosis, self harm, violence to staff etc, she will first spend time in a suicide watch cell with 24 hour obs, no sheets, no cutlery, no clothing made of anything but paper. Only after a considerable time of this with no signs of improvement would they even begin the process of referral to a secure unit like Rampton.

This is why prisons are filled to the brim with people suffering serious mental illnesses which the staff in them are untrained, ill-equipped and not at all motivated to deal with.

I worked as a literacy teacher & health educator in HMPs for both men and women as well as in juvenile justice facilities in England, Wales and Australia. People who've never so much as walked past the gate of one of these establishments talk a lot of bollocks about what goes on in them. My advice is this: don't heed a word those people have to say.
Yup I'm aware, I've worked in medium secure forensic inpatients. I was just taking the piss out of some other posters 😂 glad you're sensible though, you can stay.
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Stephen Cross...he was director of legal services and corporate affairs.... is a director of Chester Masons.

Surprise surprise.

He’d clearly missed the point that babies were collapsing and dying for unexplained and unexpected reasons meaning it likely was a crime scene
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God when you think it can’t get any worse…. It’s infuriating how incompetence & unprofessionalism in the NHS seems to leads to promotion or simply moving to another trust. I’m reading this latest stuff absolutely raging but I shouldn’t be so surprised…

I worked with a nurse who was responsible for killing a patient (she played on her phone instead of checking on their blood sugar. Patient slipped into a coma and died). Nurse since got slap on wrist by NMC & now been promoted to band 7 manager… another new manager of ours sacked from TWO previous trusts joined our team & was a bully. After numerous complaints & threats of going to union by the band 5s/6s, HR moved her on to another team and told us all off for “the witch hunt” and said further complaints would be met with disciplinary action. You couldn’t make it up. I’m so angry that this is how it operates.

I’ve also worked in some brilliant trusts and had managers who are true advocates for the patients & their staff and don’t stand for any bullshit & would fight nail & tooth to provide the best patient care. Why is it so inconsistent 😥 These babies weren’t only failed by LL but by the worst of the NHS, they didn't stand a chance 😭
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The other heartbreaking thing that I really felt from the statements read on the podcast was the amount of guilt some of the parents are living with.

‘What if I hadn’t gone to bed that night, he might still be here’ 💔

‘I couldn’t protect him’ 💔

‘I was able to save Child F but couldn’t save Child E because I followed the instructions to leave him with Lucy.’ 💔

It’s clearly not their fault at all but I think many of us with kids know what ‘mum guilt’ feels like so I understand why they feel that way even though it’s misplaced. It’s just so heartbreaking and an added layer of torture for them.
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Chatty Member
It made me laugh that as Karen didn't attend the trial so knew very little and thought Letby was innocent. I have not attended the trial but there is loads of information being reported which proves how guilty she was. Obviously Karen has never heard of Tofino's wiki.
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Sky news now saying it’s looking like the government will change mind and make enquiry statuary, health secretary going to meet the parents to discuss. Fingers crossed
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I still feel convinced Josh from the guardian is amongst us! Especially with the Masons thing now too. So Josh, if you’re reading this, a nice hit piece on these total nutters would be much appreciated. Expose them for the crooks they are. Shut their shit down!
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