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I bet she envisioned this! The Mail are saying she's gone to HMP Low Hall, but elsewhere say Bronzefield. I'm thinking Low Hall, miles away from her parents though.
Her parents will not disown her, they will visit her wherever she's placed, they don't believe she's guilty. I doubt anyone will visit her once her parents pass away.
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Im sure this has been said already. But i feel all this is just the tip of the iceberg with this monster. I honestly think people are going to come out of the woodwork now the trial is over. Whether it be ex partners , colleagues ,uni friends. I honestly find it hard to believe that no one saw the 'mask slip ' at any point before all this. Or is that how psychopaths operate ?. Aside from this, I hope everyone is ok after todays verdict. I joined this thread late on but i know how this has affected people on here, me included. Thinking of those babies and loved ones living without them.❤
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It’s crazy reading threads from the beginning how many people thought she was innocent and a scapegoat, made excuses for her etc to now.
Oh absolutely took me ages to get my a head around the fact the consultants had their suspicions but weren’t taken seriously with them. I was like really you think someone is harming babies and did fuck all about it . I couldn’t make it makes sense. Still can’t now tbh but I don’t blame the consultants they are all hero’s in my eyes. I was certainly a fence sitter in the beginning I had splinters in my arse! But I could not ignore the insulin evidence and once I’d discussed it at length with Our @docmum I couldn’t ignore what was right in front of my face! One evil twisted unremorseful calculating cold blooded killer!!
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I think she will be on closed visits forever, usually dished out to those who have lost privileges, as there are lots of children on visits and I'm pretty sure she will be risk assessed and it decided she can't be around any child. So even her visits will be shit. Shame ....
Nah I doubt it. When I would visit my fella in jail they would have the kids one end of the hall and the peds with their chairs facing away the other end of the hall. They wouldnt tell parents or anything either. I clocked it immediately first time I went to visit.
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Cunning Linguist

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Slight aside: shoutout to Dr Choc for being what first brought me to Tattle. Back in the depths of time I was nosily googling to try and find out his name (before I knew what contempt of court was 😂) and saw him referred to as Dr Choc, assumed he was of eg Chinese heritage and that was his real name 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I’m just watching the bbc tv live coverage from this morning, how many times did they show the bloody Rishi Sunak clip? I’m guessing they just want to make sure they were on air ready for Justice Goss but there is so much filler to these first two hours and not much else.
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The thing is, anyone following closely from the beginning or understands how she came across in court knows that the narrative of sweet innocent nurse except for all the murdering she did, simply isn’t true.
- she absolutely had fallings out with other nurses there and maybe more will speak out or they’ll want to never be associated with it all ever again. Letby refers to the “not so nice things” people have been saying about her capabilities and her insistence on always being in room 1 which definitely pissed people off
-something happened with Dr B the female doc from the Gang of Four as letby said on the stand she didn’t have a good working relationship with her. I imagine this doc saw straight through her and letby didn’t like it.
- ‘at least there’s some nice people on tonight’, the faces that don’t fit, slagging absolutely anyone at any opportunity. The idea she was sweet to everyone is bollocks. Including texting snidely about parents of the babies. She would belittle people regularly.
- on more than one occasion in the case, she was overriding and being snappy when others suggested babies needed to be moved to nursery one (babies that would soon be dead). Why would a good nurse do that? Why would they ignore advice, why not reflect on their opinion? The people describe being put out by it and being shocked by her tone. Her mask slips. She wasn’t nice.
- she made herself a nuisance on a number of occasions. Had tantrums over which room she was in - shown in texts and the accounts of the shift leaders. She told them the other nurseries were boring - what nice nurse says this? The babies aren’t there for your entertainment. What made her think she was special and didn’t have to work where she was placed? That’s not something a nice or quiet person kicks off about. She thought she was special and superior. Her needs should be met at all times and when they weren’t she would take it into her own hands.
- she told off student/younger nurse for (correctly) shouting for assistance when a baby was deteriorating. They were shocked and taken aback by her attitude.
- the day after baby Ps death she is texting laughing about everyone being in chaos at work and running around and being stressed “lol” she didn’t have a caring bone in her body.
- she CONSTANTLY text and checked Facebook at work. There is no way she was a dedicated committed nurse. She either skipped that feed that NJ called her out on or she shoved it down that baby. I expect she was skipping feeds or inappropriately feeding babies at every opportunity in favour of texting and doing things she found more entertaining than “just feeding and changing babies” her words again. Vile. That means those babies are well and progressing- you’d think she’d welcome that kind of care given she’s been around 13 deaths and scores of near fatal collapses in a short space of time
- several times texts with “friends” were tense. Some calling out her utter weirdness and bitchiness and then at the other end of the scale many times people replied with “get some sleep now”(eg shut up and get the message that this is too much) “well you should get counselling if you’re just crying then, why wouldn’t you” etc. I really don’t doubt that many people found her draining, annoying and self absorbed. Jesus the way she went on about her needle prick - after two healthy babies had died, lord above. There would 100% people that saw her for the attention seeking narcissist she was. Mel Taylor I’m sure did.
- she constantly draws everything back to herself. Now maybe Dawn and Janet enjoy that in a friendship, they could be sweet and look after her. Please Lucy, tell me your traumatic birth story again so I can hug you and feel wonderful about myself. Same vibe as to why Noname got his rocks off being her saviour. Some people enjoy taking that role in a friendship. She played the victim superbly. However many noticed this behaviour. Screeching “it’s always me” and wailing on after baby I’s death shocked the trainee GP. Everyone on that unit knew baby I well and were mortified by her death, they wrote a letter to management about how hard it had been. How many times does she text people to tell them she’s crying, she’s sad and then if they point out anything about her bad luck she snips and shuts it down and gets shirty.
- that’s because she’s not getting the response she wants. She kills baby C because of this. She even says in police interview “I hadn’t gotten the response I wanted” from her friend that told her yes you’re being mean and weird demanding you should be back in room one. People serve her needs and when they don’t she is frustrated and rude. The babies don’t serve her entertainment needs then she forces them to. She was cross with baby Ms parents once their baby had survived. How could they take away her special moment? Her sympathy. Her attention. imagine being a parent in that situation and recognising the nurse is being rude to you 😵💫
- the nurse that believes her baby was attacked by letby (I fully believe this) said she made a FORMAL complaint over Letby’s comments to her. And you have many of the parents noticing her bad and inappropriate behaviour. She wasn’t nice and she wasn’t kind.
- call me old fashioned but nice people don’t engage in months of late night texts and meals out with married men - puke. That’s why she found these revelations excruciating. She probably desperately wanted to say the real reasons she was doing these things - because she could talk endlessly about herself and the baby deaths.
- she’s been described as quiet and awkward. She went out but left early. She did salsa and concerts but did she engage much in social situations that actually require in-depth conversation or complex social cues? No relationships. Her friends could come to drink but they couldn’t stay. Did she ever not just switch things back to herself? Alison Ventress was moving to New Zealand and yet somehow letby managed to make it about her and the distance for her parents 🥴. Did she ever have interest in her friends if it wasn’t just to support them (get off on their grief and stress) over the deaths that she repeatedly wanted to engage in conversation about even when others were tired of it.
- she even made it about herself at the triplets death, so much so it sounds like the parents felt the need to console her. It was picked up on multiple times that she enjoyed this aftermath, having to be forcibly told to leave parents to grieve, acting excited about taking the triplets photos as if it was a bounty pack, buzzing at baby Ps debrief when everyone else was distraught.
- She’s quiet, shy and awkward because she’s a shape shifter with no actual interest in anybody not because she’s a little sweetie pie. Everyone is a pawn in her game. Obsessed with real people and their raw real emotions because she has nothing inside her at all.
- how many times in court did the mask slip? Baby E&F’s mum thanked her for taking the stand and used that exact phrase 💕 the truth came out. Petulant. Snippy. Barely able to control it even with her whole life on the line. Not able to emote for the babies. Only for her room. Her life. Her cats.

“I’m a problem to everyone that knows me”
The problem is, there’s too many people that don’t see past the end of their nose. Not sure whether it’s due to their own self-absorption or them just being naive. With some people, someone could pay them a compliment whilst gritting their teeth and giving them a hateful stare and they would still think that persons a nice person because they paid them a compliment. I suspect that this is the case with her friends Dawn and Janet, both naive and thinking that because she hasn’t openly talked about killing babies in front of them, or admitted it, she can’t possibly have done it. I’ve had so many times in my life where I’ve had a bad feeling about someone but gaslit by these morons - “oh she’s so lovely, I don’t get why you have a problem with her, she’s don’t nothing wrong” but these people’s masks always slip at some point, yet some people STILL can’t see it. It’s infuriating.
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Getting worried now. Not that I have any inclination to commit a crime but, single with cats, with remnants of magnolia paint on some walls in my house and known to have smoked outside the odd court, I am absolutely stuffed!
It’s the complaining about the length of the trial!!! What right do they have to complain about it??Their daughter was not and is not the victim!!!
So what, neither of them have been charged with an offence and we don't need to know their reaction or indeed have any media coverage of them at all
Maybe a little respect to the parents of the babies wouldn’t have gone a miss!!! Seeing as they are the victims in all of this not their coward of a daughter!!
You can expect what you want, different people have different emotional reactions, neither you nor the media need to report her parents' reactions or indeed provide any details of them at all
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These pages are from Mafia Princess by Marisa Merico, she experienced life as a Cat A in Durham. Sounds like hell to me.





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I've been working my way through various podcasts, which have transcripts of the trial voiced by actors - yes some are just the juicy bits, but others are verbatim, and of interest for the points of law any apeal will have to consider.

One of the striking things is that early on in the trial the defence make some very good points and the defence barrister is very convincing.
And to some extent I agree with Lucy Letby defenders who say there is no evidence, or the evidence is weak - at least for some of the things of which she has been convicted.

But all of that changes when Lucy Letby takes the stand....

For instance when she says...
"I can't answer that, I'm not a medical professional."

Though my current favourite is...
(when she's trying to claim she wasn't been near one of the babys)
"You used the notes from the end of the cot to make the computer record?"
"No. The record on the computer is just a paper excersise."
"Where did you get the notes from?"
"From the end of the cot."

Which isn't bad as a partial admission that she faked the records, or at least reasonable doubt that the records aren't reliable.
And a needless contradiction of where she was, and specifically where she was in relation to the cot - she previously saying she wasn't anywhere near the cot.

Or Lucy Letby claiming that the nurses on the ward didn't have the expertise, or training, to change a stoma bag.

Her whole testimony is riddled with stuff like this....
Denials that in the context of the questioning are admissions.
Stating that she was somewhere, then not knowing where she was, then claiming not to be in the place she said was, before outright stating things that she could only know if she was in the place, and at the time, when she said she wasn't there.

Yes, I know she was in the dock for 10 days, or whatever, and I know it's stressful, and I know it's difficult to keep things straight in your mind - particularly if it's true she has PTSD - and she is on trial essentially for her life.

But she was a different level of awful...
To the extent that her barrister had to stand up and give the stock CSE level lecture on the meaning of not guilty...
(the like I haven't heard since the Schabusiness trial, and her lawyer was only doing because he wanted to get to the second part of the trial in order to plead mitigation that Taylor Schabusiness was insane when she.... well... the less said about that the better.)

Her brief then went on to list the charges and at the end of each he said "if you find this, you must find her guilty."

Thus by the time he got to outlining in detail the defence summing up - he had already told the the jury twenty or so times to find her guilty...
and not to worry too much about the rest of the stuff as he blathers on about - NGT pipes, glucose saline adherent dressings, and what-not- because any reasonable doubt he had established in the jury's mind, when cross examining the prosecution expert witnesses, had long since gone thanks to one person - and one person only - Lucy Letby.

Because whatever case they had cobbled together (having cherry picked from the Care Standards Report with regard to the hospital's failings), dribbled away every she opened her gob; leaving the observer, and more importantly the jury, with the impression that she is either lying, or she is covering up something....
and this cannot be discounted...
That she is a reptile, eager to learn the ways of human beings as she awaits the day when the lizard people will rise up, take over the earth, and make use of her "paper collection" that she takes home in her pocket, stores under her bed, and "never thinks of again."

Not being a hanger and flogger by nature (the quality of mercy and glass of Pommeroys for me thank you), I find myself torn... though thankfully not by a light bulb being kicked to bits up my hoohaa - as apparently awaits Lucy Letby.

Because let's face it, what she has been accused and convicted of is some pretty 1930's German shit... pumping babies stomachs with air so that their diaphrams rupture, their lungs can't expand, and they die of air embolisms if somehow they survive it...
And who knows, maybe if she gets off on appeal she can write a paper on the pink and purple rash caused by air embolism.
Which is sorely needed, because as her brief pointed out this evidence is unreliable due to there only being the one paper, from Canada, and therefore should be discounted.
For now we'll ignore that this is the method used in numerous crime novels to commit the perfect undetectable crime.
So much so that it has become a meme.

Maybe she's just an incompetent nurse, in an system that rewards and promotes incompetence, so long as you are reliable on the rota, use 'hun' an annoying ammount when texting colleagues, and are willing to play the age-old game of cats and dogs between doctors and nurses.

Or she is mentally ill... possibly with some kind personality disorder, quite possibly Munchausens (sadly now called something else).
Which presumably the Primrose Project will sort out (or not).

Or that she was so comfortable in the culture of Chester hospital/the NHS where it was fine to text friends or be on facebook when feeding a baby in your care, and "pump it in" (we'd all do it, be honest).
And it's fine to fake medical records, take home the inconvenient ones, and if you get caught doing anything wrong, you'll get an administrative role in the patient care and standards office and then in the records department, while Trust investigate themselves.
Not all... nobody is saying all NHS staff are like this blah, blah etc....
But it is curious that the Trust decided to call in the police around April time...

Though I'm currently tending toward the theory that Lucy Letby, wanted to play at being a doctor, and became a spree killer through her incompetance, hubris, and arrogance (and perhaps with a nudge from the Liverpool hospital (if what she says is true), which is where (if what she says is true) she actually got PTSD).
And that as she went on, and she sensed people were on to her, she started trying to pin the blame onto other people, the last of whom being the Milk Tray Man Doctor A.
(Because I'd suggest the a reason she tries to make it look like the bleeding in the babies throat was caused by him, is the same reason why she writes "you were supposed to help me.' Yes I know he is her little helper in the consultants group, but if she can somehow get someone to take the blame for at least one of the "run of bad luck" then she can point the finger at them - and all bets are off, and she's in the clear, if that person is a doctor).
And perhaps sensing the game was up, or possibly because she felt more secure with Doctor A's direct help (being her spy to keep her on the ward) offering more opportunities to obtain the help she really wanted (to distract the blame from her) - or perhaps because the moon was full - she went on a final killing spree in the days surrounding the holiday in Ibiza.

But that's just my current theory.

Oh here's a quick one...
Since once again we're about to have an inquiry that will once and for all stop this sort of thing every happening again.

What was the name of the doctor in the 1950's who did a Harold Shipman?
There's a bonus point if you can also name the head of the BMA that he was supposedly having intimate relations with.

Right, I'm off to write love letters to Lucy Letby...
Or I will do as soon as I get the wedding dress back from the dry cleaners which I bought for my big day with Ted Bundy.
Well yeah, many of us thread regulars were on the fence about LL until she took the stand. Ben Myers had been doing his job fairly well until then. She hung herself imo
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For real. Never been on these threads before, yet pipes up today to spend all day defending the spawn of Satan's parents 🙄🙄
She’ll be defending Letby next 🤮

What a day it's been. Have to feel sorry for her parents, they may be in denial but at an age where they should be enjoying retirement looking forward to the future. Instead they will be visiting prison every week, probably at least until they aren't able to anymore or for the rest of their lives. It must be a shock and today's coverage is inescapable.

And I think you can only have visitors once per week, it's not like remand where you can have several visits per week.
I did feel sorry for them originally, until I read about the ridiculous way they behaved in court and how they pandered to Lucy during her disciplining and her arrests. They can go to hell.
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Exactly as I said before. What kind of single 25 year old women choses to buy a house that backs onto a cemetery. Immediately a red flag. Also the dig being on the first arrest imo means they can’t have simply missed the notes on the first search. I wonder if her parents have a business premise where she could store things
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DM. Her friend standing by her. With video of when they were drunk and 6 years before the murders

If only Dippy Dawn had gotten this crucial evidence to Ben Myers, Letby would be a free woman ❤
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just to answer your questions

1. she was arrested 3 times, charged after the 3rd arrest. It’s not really been said specifically but I think it’s just a complex case and investigation and new information probably came as a result of each arrest that needed further investigation. Eg they did house search on first arrest which uncovered all the handover notes, diaries etc which may have given them more leads. also they will wait until they have all the cases they want to charge her with rather than do it piecemeal (some legality about timescales from charges to proceeding to trial.)

2. covid caused delays but also again, complexities of the case, hearings for legal arguments. We aren’t really privy to these details

3. if prosecution asked her about the notes in detail then it wasn’t really reported.

This is what we got in live reporting (I’ve not got this far in updating the wiki yet)

View attachment 2396853View attachment 2396854View attachment 2396855
Just wanted to say I read a lot of the Wiki yesterday. As I'd followed the case I never really read the wiki before as I thought it'd mostly cover what I knew. However, I was surprised at how detailed it was! I noticed your name on there a lot, so I just wanted to say a big thanks for the time and effort you put into it all.
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I can’t begin to imagine what her parents have also gone through, I’m presuming no one thinks they had any idea she was capable of this? But coming on to defend her Mums reaction when there were parents in there that literally had their child murdered by this evil evil woman … beyond belief sorry. Save your pity for the ppl that deserve it
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Lucifer is a control freak. She won’t kill herself. Nor will she be in Rampton tonight.

I think if anything she’ll MAYBE ask to appeal the WLO’s at the high court and be like the man who took his to supreme European court of human rights. Just to be annoying.
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Thank you so much @O'lee and @nosycowmoo for your insights during the trial. I know it must've been super upsetting to hear in real time all these verdicts and the mothers reaction. I agree that all my sympathies lay with the parents of the victims, not Lucy's.

I do think that kitten heels are the sign of a serial killer though. Sorry ladies!!!
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