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I think some of the newcomers don’t get the jokes we’ve made along the way. There were many days over the past 10 months where we went with very little reporting to follow. So of course you naturally get chatty and try to lighten the mood because it’s a tough subject and there have been tensions over it.
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Latest from the coward's friend Dawn. Media spoke to her today just before the WLO was given. Spoiler alert: Still thinks she's innocent 🤦‍♀️ These are the people who are obviously academically intelligent (she studied at Warwick uni) but who would get conned by Tinder Swindler types. Far too trusting.

"Approached by The Telegraph on Monday to ask whether she maintained her stance following her friend’s conviction, she replied: “I stand by that statement.

Ms Howe is one of several friends and former colleagues of Letby who had offered their support throughout the trial. Janet Cox, an ex-colleague, is believed to have attended the trial on a number of occasions alongside Letby’s parents."

I bet if a good male friend were accused of rape though, she would believe the victim. It's this weird belief everyone has that women can never be capable of anything evil.
She’s absolutely disgusting. If she’s that deeply manipulated then fine support it in private but after reading what we’ve read today anyone supporting this waste of oxygen needs lifing off with it. Fuckin wrongens
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Just read some absolute shit on MN by someone who thought Letby wouldn't have been sentenced as harshly as she was as a neonate isn't a "fully formed human" like an 18 month old who can smile and interact!! I mean WTFing hell!🤢😡😡
Go tell the cunt to read baby I’s mum’s victim impact statement, or point me to the thread so I can tell the bitch - that little darling was 3 months old and was SMILING and interacting. Fuck me. These absolute weapons devoid of compassion
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The chat about David Wilson reminds me of a comment I saw ‘out there in the wild’.

they only watched the panorama documentary, not watched or read anything else. Seems they didn’t have much evidence. So is on the fence whether she did it. Possible miscarriage of justice.

I mean, I get not everyone can follow a 10 month trial daily, but the fact it was 10 months and you only watched a single hour long documentary which wasn’t even covering the evidence in any detail, wouldn’t you take a moment to think that it’s YOU that doesn’t have knowledge of the evidence, not that the bloody prosecution have none?

But it seems David Wilson’s opinion on that documentary seemed to sway a few people who knew nothing about the case. Why are people such idiots?
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I think even if it started off that way, for the most part she wanted the babies to die. She got off on the power and control she felt at ending a life, and the sick trophies back that up.
I agree she primarily intended to kill not just cause a crash and feed off of the drama - although I’m sure she fed off that too on her unsuccessful attempts. I think it was baby I she was relentless in trying to kill and tortured that poor baby until she had no fight left. I think to her nothing compared to the feelings of taking a life and absorbing the immense grief surrounding it. If I had to guess, it was that feeling she craved.

So many people finding it hard to understand why because she was so bland and beige but to me it makes perfect sense. Only in her job did she have the power to be anything different. She wasn’t bland beige Lucy, she could be god deciding the fate of which baby lived or died. She could be at the centre of tragedy and drama which to someone with no empathy would be enjoyable in her otherwise boring life. Not just enjoyable but probably euphoric.

To me the notes were a confession and a smoking gun and were also as the defence claimed to be a reflection of her mental state. Imagine when being able to go under the radar for so long and having enjoyed the privileged position of ultimate trust that allowed her free reign of wielding the power to murder so easily and at times even be thanked and praised for it by parents and colleagues - to her the walls closing in would have been losing absolutely everything. Losing the source of euphoria and power that was compelling to her and ultimately her worst fear of being exposed to those who had no idea of her dark side.
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The Wiki is incredible 👏🏻👏🏻 It’s honestly amazing, thank you so much to the creator 😍 BUT I can’t find the answers to these … apologies if they’ve been done 🙈

1. She was originally arrested in 2018 and then released (on bail I imagine?) Then re-arrested in 2020? What prompted the 2020 arrest?
2. Why did it take from 2020 to 2022 for the trial to begin? I’m assuming there was a Covid-related backlog of trials to get through…
3. What was her response to questioning about the ‘rambling notes’ she wrote? I assume she was questioned about them when she took the stand? I know her defence tried to palm them off as notes she wrote when she had been wrongly accused, but I’m interested to know what her personal response was when questioned on the stand?

You guys who have followed this since the start have been phenomenal in your dedication to seeing justice served ❤

RIP the Chester Babies 👼🏻
just to answer your questions

1. she was arrested 3 times, charged after the 3rd arrest. It’s not really been said specifically but I think it’s just a complex case and investigation and new information probably came as a result of each arrest that needed further investigation. Eg they did house search on first arrest which uncovered all the handover notes, diaries etc which may have given them more leads. also they will wait until they have all the cases they want to charge her with rather than do it piecemeal (some legality about timescales from charges to proceeding to trial.)

2. covid caused delays but also again, complexities of the case, hearings for legal arguments. We aren’t really privy to these details

3. if prosecution asked her about the notes in detail then it wasn’t really reported.

This is what we got in live reporting (I’ve not got this far in updating the wiki yet)

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They said eeny meeny miny mo and landed on her 😏

But no seriously has anyone heard that man on LBC. How can you tell the parents to forgive her? F off - Sorry if already posted. But he is MADDDDD
View attachment 2397027
What a disgusting view, how dare he? She’s done nothing to deserve forgiveness. She wouldn’t even show her miserable face in court. Not surprised it’s a man sticking up for her in that video. They’re all cuntstruck for some mad reason. Nah. Fuck offfff! 😡
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Which bit is inaccurate?

That the prosecution said it, or Lucy Letby denied it?
Have a look yourself. If Letby falsified the notes to try and change when bleeding happened was that to set him up for the crimes, as you alluded to? No. She falsifies things to keep herself out of the picture or to claim a more gradual deterioration.
At no point is it suggested by anybody that she was trying to make it look like he was trying to kill baby N, that’s just not true. It wouldn’t be a crime if he had caused bleeding via clumsy intubation or an attempted murder. You’re suggesting this is all part of a picture with your comments about the killing me softly note and you’re adding unnecessary and utterly inaccurate dramatisation. It’s crude. You should stop. There is no evidence at all that she was hoping to set Dr A up as a murderer or planting notes alluding to him being a murderer. It’s utter garbage.
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Her parents are particularly appalling. The father being allowed to make representations to the NHS management team investigating her? Entitled middle class idiots. They'll be agitating for an appeal, not that there are any clear grounds for doing so.

Even Primrose Shipman realised Harold was guilty in the end, though.
It's been mentioned before about them being middle class. I don't think they were middle class. Dad was some sort of salesman, mum worked in an office. They lived in a semi and Letby went to a state school. Letby had a nice accent. Somehow they managed to ingratiate themselves with top management when she was removed from her nursing job and management took them seriously. I think they probably had high opinions of themselves but I don't think they were middle class.
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I don’t believe for a second that she was this “perfect” child, that’s very lazy journalism. I think she was really, really devious and would probably do minor cruel shit on the sly from a very young age. I knew a couple of little girls growing up who were exactly like that, luckily they seemed to grow out of it! I bet we can all think of a child we knew who was a sly little shit but acted like an angel for their parents and the teachers. 100% there will be someone out there who can remember Letby pinching them or having a nasty, spiteful side to her on the quiet.
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Chatty Member
Very interesting podcast because unlike the earlier ones they could express opinions now the trial is finished.
And so very striking how cool, calm and collected she has been throughout. I mean, we know she's a cold-blooded murderer of defenceless little babies but the fact that seasoned investigators were struck by her lack of reaction to absolutely everything is note-worthy. The fact that when charged, people's reactions are usually to cry/get angry/throw a chair/become extremely anxious and there was just......nothing.
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Chatty Member
There was a memo sent out today by NHS England I received it at work. Essentially saying how very sorry they are for her actions, how they’re improving and have already improved the freedom to speak up process and they will cooperate fully with any future inquiries
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A lot of comments on different sites about a nurse in the Netherlands who was acquitted after 6 years in prison and absolutely convinced this will happen in this case too 🤯 apparently because they have the same name. It’s baffling.
Richard Gill needs to choke on a dick for trying to make this a thing.
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silly question but was lucy's hair dyed blonde? i saw an article which said it was and then obviously went back to dark in custody. but as a child she's blonde? just wonder if she's like my friend who was always blonde then as she got older it got darker and darker
She probably had highlights. Hate that I have any similarity to her but my hair is the same. Blonde as a child then got darker as I got older. If I didn’t highlight it then it would be quite dark mousey brown. Just like hers is now.
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Does anyone know: will the prison make use of her nursing knowledge? She won’t be put on the maternity unit will she?

You need to be really dominant and alpha going into Cat A. Beigeby will be totally mute for the rest of her life in there I reckon. The ladies will go nuts the first time she walks in…she won’t sleep for months.

They mentioned Joanna Dennehy today as a fellow whole life tarriffer…I’m listening to a podcast about her with Emma Kenny now…funnily enough JD is from Hereford too…what’s in the water there 🤨
She will never ever ever be allowed to practice anything medical and certainly never be within touching distance of a child ever ever again in her (hopefully long and painful) life.
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What the actual fudging fuck? What kind of inhumane comment is that?? Jesus Christ.
Below is the quote from someone on MN!!! Absolutely mind blowing someone could actually think this way!

“You're right, of course. But I'd go one step further and say this would be even more horrific if the babies were not newborns/premature

Because they're largely quite spaced out and unaware of stuff going on around them. A chubby baby sat up giving smiles or a string of toddlers, 3/5/10 year old would be even more horrific

And there's a reason for that, as horrific as it is to point out”
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A black bin bag appeared in her garage between the 1st and 2nd arrest and that’s where the “nobody knows what happened and why” note was then discovered. She was not supposed to return to her own house between the arrests.
At the same time and date her parents place is searched and the further 6 handovers are found. Raises serious questions about where she got those handovers from and an insight into her psyche that even after what she’s accused of and been found to have all those medical records collated under her bed, she still couldn’t be without more handovers and marked them “keep”. Totally mind boggling. She should have to answer how she got them and how she got them to her parents home.
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