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I mean, serial killers lead double lives all the time. I don’t understand why her “normal” texts mean she isn’t a serial killer. It’s how they go undetected for so long ffs. She’s not a complete idiot.
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I was thinking if he brings in a med expert the jury are immediately going to compare their qualifications to Dewi Evans and Sandy Bohin and if they are perceived to have less quals/experience the jury may be more likely to just disregard them. They can't disregard him as he's the only argument in town for the defence (I ain't counting the plumber that was just bizarre although I guess helps with the picture of a dysfunctional hospital that he's trying to build). As you say, quite clear he's had some medical input to his argument and perhaps strategic that he's not put anyone up and just covering it himself. He's probably got better oratory skills than most.
I still can not get my head around calling the plumber as a witness, it really is the most bizarre thing to come out of this 9 month trial. The more I think about it the more it just dumbfounds me, it honestly would have been better to have called no one. It is just so so weird no one gives a shit if the hospital had dodgey sinks. So so weird and I really can’t get my head around that decision 😆😆😆

Any way gang, I’ve not go much to add been reading along but skimming over most. BM’s a villain right now imo and the only reason a plumber should be called is to sort out the shit that he keeps spouting from his mouth. His insulin argument is absolutely disgusting and so so fucking incorrect 😡😡
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Chatty Member
Hi I'm new today (but don't tell LL or she'll try to kill me)

Been following this case the whole way and have no doubt of guilt with many more cases to follow after her conviction IMO.

BM summing up / closing arguments week was a sick joke, I don't understand how his comments were admissible in court but maybe the judge will give guidance to the jury on that this week.

I really feel for the jurors and my expectation is that they've been digesting the prosecution arguments and expert witnesses at the time they were presented and will actually return their result way more quickly than other people predict. If they weren't doing that and they want to argue and digest case by case all over again then frankly it could take at least another month...

I think this case will put the general public and most especially NHS workers into shock and low morale.
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Also think we have a couple of trolls in our mix, had a few laughing reaction notifications pop up today, from users I don’t recognise, on posts that really are not at all funny . Pathetic behaviour and totally inappropriate ….. but moving on!
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I feel like if members of the jury were thinking guilty but only just, then BM may indeed plant some doubt.
For me, as a firm G on all counts, he hasn’t caused me any doubt. He’s made me think a little, but only to firm my G stand point… as as someone else has said, the things he is saying for me are not plausible when I look at everything together. If this was 1 incident I would probably find her NG.

I think the judges summing up will be very important.

Edited to add - I feel in as a jury member they need to have the evidence for each count side by side. I hope this is how they do their deliberations
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I imagine BM has caused some wobbles for the jury ya know, but I reckon when they get into the deliberations that will just mean they go back over all the evidence (both sides) and compare rather than just going by each closing statement. I think this is where the judges summing up/direction will become important and that we’ll still get the majority, if not all, guilty charges.

I suppose I’m trying to look at it in a way where he’s created the doubt but the jury will go back over the evidence to firmly eliminate that doubt once and for all - therefore, giving her a fair trial
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He is really fucking winding me up! I can’t wait for this performance to be over. I know he has a job to do but the quicker his part is over the better. My blood pressure is rising again @DellaC . He is not casting any doubt just causing me absolute stress. Those poor parents having to listen to this 😢 job or no job it just feel’s so so unfair. I don’t think I could listen to it if it was my baby. It would be different if he had anything worth listening to and a sound argument to defend LL but he doesn’t. His one and only witness was a plumber and I for one have heard enough!!
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Honestly the way he takes a little snippet and twists it to suit all agendas is quite something. So for baby Q.. the first line of defence is nothing serious happened to this baby. It wasn’t a serious event. It wasn’t a serious collapse. Ignoring the brain injury that resulted from it.

Second line of defence..the baby was suffering from incredibly serious beginnings of NEC (that NEC sure came on rapidly as Letby had observed them just before and felt they were fine enough to bolt out the room for no real reason)
Failing to mention that, yes the doctors couldn’t understand what was going on for baby Q and the baby was so full of air they put it down to NEC and needing surgery, they transferred them to AP where low and behold they didn’t have NEC and they didn’t need surgery! It’s almost as though, somebody filled baby Q with masses of air and liquid.
Disgusting 😡
Let's also remember...Ben!!
Baby Q would most likely have been baby R had the parents of baby O and P not begged to have their baby brother breaks my heart.
Please jury, do the right thing💔😪
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@People-huv-tae-know what an experience 😔 So glad to hear that your baby is now a happy child. Wow these little babies are just absolutely incredible aren’t they.

@Fauxphiehinchcliffe gorgeous post too.

Bloody hell got me dabbing at my eyes like Letby when she thinks of her Forever Friends bedsheets! 💕
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  • Child A
    • Opportunity to attack: BM arguing that LL didn't have the opportunity to attack as it was Mel Taylor who did the fluid adminstration. Mel T says she doesn't remember whether it was her or LL, but LL remembers 100% that it was Mel T (yet BM says witnesses can't remember correctly because time has passed..). But LL has been proven to lie on the stand about commando, pyjamas, social life etc and Mel T hasn't - so why would I believe LL?
    • And this is where looking at all the cases is useful - because how many babies had the same rash, air embolism or insulin collapses after Mel T treated them?
    • Denying air embolus: Where is your medical expert to say that it could have been sub optimal care, Ben? I've heard 3 prosecution experts say it was air embolus. But sure I'll believe you over them.
    • BM says Sandie Bohin reluctantly agreed that air embolus could be caused accidentally. That's because it is theoretically possible but so rare and something she has never seen happen to neo nates and neither has anyone else. Yet seemed to happen a lot around Letby in her year on the ICU.
    • Bohin's evidence - She adds that even if air was accidentally administered, there is an electronic pump system which would detect the air and stop the administration

  • Child B
    • BM said it was "normal" for her to be assisting a nursing colleague in room 1, in assisting putting up the TPN bag at 12.05am.
    • Except LL was supposed to be in room 3 looking after two other babies, not being in room 1 where baby B was - how could it be normal for her when she had only just qualified to be in room 1 in April, and this is June??
    • Mr Myers says for this allegation, Letby would have to be close to Child B - "and of course, she is not
    • SHE WAS IN ROOM 1 DOING B's BLOOD GAS 15 mins before he collapsed
    • He says the nursing colleague is "not going to miss that" if air is injected, and it would not take 25 minutes for it to have an effect [when the deterioration takes place].
    • Because she probably did when doing the blood gas at 12.16 (taking 10 mins) rather than assisting with the TPN bag at 12.05 (taking 25 mins). She had multiple chances to do it as she was in room 1 the entire hour with B.
    • BM says Letby is being blamed for something when 'on the evidence she wasn't even in the room when alleged harm was done.' - EXCEPT SHE WAS (See sequence before B's collapse below)!! If you don't think she did alleged harm, how can you pinpoint at what time it happened to know where she was?
    • 10th June
      Letby is then involved with administering nutrition at 12.05am. Letby is a co-signer for the nutrition prescription at 12.05am on June 10.

      12.16am:A blood gases record by Letby of Child B is made at 12.16am and another at what appears to be 12.51am, the latter "during neopuffing".

      12.30am: The designated nurse's record for the desaturation and collapse event at 12.30am, written retrospectively, includes the notes: "Sudden desaturation to 50%. The court hears this is a 'crash call'.
Brilliant post.

How come there should be one nurse per baby according to BM yet it's OK for LL to continually be in another room instead of looking after HER designated babies?
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Every form of social media I have been on the comments section are all saying she’s innocent!!

I was a true crime page on tiktok that reports back everything from court that day, and Iam struggling to find one guilty comment through hundreds of innocent ones! Facebook is the same 😰😰
Don't forget these sort of people also broke into people's property during Nicola Bulley being missing. They're not in anyway reliable or knowledgeable.

People also tend to follow the herd with those comments.
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Out of everything for me. I think it’s the handover notes. They were not insignificant to her. They meant something. You don’t keep something in pristine condition in a rose embossed keep sake box, that isn’t significant. Even on their own, they speak so loudly to foul play. The fact that she kept them under her bed and they moved house with her multiple time. I also am still really curious about the medical equipment and walking stick in her bedroom! 😂
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Out of everything for me. I think it’s the handover notes. They were not insignificant to her. They meant something. You don’t keep something in pristine condition in a rose embossed keep sake box, that isn’t significant. Even on their own, they speak so loudly to foul play. The fact that she kept them under her bed and they moved house with her multiple time. I also am still really curious about the medical equipment and walking stick in her bedroom! 😂
Its the moving house that seals the deal for me. I could believe I would put something special in a safe place in 2010 and have completely forgotten it existed by 2018, because I never open my keepsake box, but not if I had moved house in the interim as that is when you go through everything and get rid of all rubbish so you don't have to move it.
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Oooh I think with lots of new members we should keep the ‘is LL a murderer’ poll the same for the next thread and see if it varies much! I’m about to go for dental treatment though so you might need a new thread before I’m done!
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Well I am feeling a whole lot better about this Monday coming than last week 😵💫
Cant believe we are at the final week 🩷
🙏🏽 Justice is close, I am keeping faith x
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It's my baby girl's first birthday tomorrow so I haven't really been reading cos I'm emotional enough looking back on photos from last year without reading about these poor babies too.
I'm sure I'm not missing much from BM.
Also I will absolutely be taking pics of her birthday cards.. see you all in court 👋😂
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