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So by June 2015 the staff also had suspicions about Letby being linked to everything. So awful that she was enabled to carry on (if guilty)

Mr Myers said: “Miss Letby had been a person identified as a potential link by June 2015.”

Mr Jayaram said: “Yes and other colleagues had noticed the association as well.”
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Hi everyone, I haven’t been about much with all the breaks and disruptions. And then when I heard the trial was going to run on much longer, and tbh the thought of commenting regularly on here until may just seemed a bit too much. Luckily @MmmB777 usually covers pretty much all my thoughts, and picks up on the same points I would🤣. The only thing I can add really is going by the reporting for the beginning of child J, she also seems to be an ivf baby, so I am really considering LL did pick on babies who’s parents had gone through ivf to have them (whether it’s jealousy or hate to do with that I’ve no idea), but surely it can’t be a coincidence that so many parents involved in the trial have been through ivf🤷🏼‍♀️. I always thought babies H and K are the two weakest prosecution cases, can’t remember J so will have to read the wiki again. If the threads start to move as fast as they used to i probably won’t be around as much (not as much free time as I had before xmas), but luckily this thread seems to have calmed down so will try and keep up where I can. Seems all the Matalan kitten huns have popped over to the NB thread so that actually works quite well for trying to keep up with this one🤣.

Also final thought for now; if the hospital was at fault then there would not be a single person up on all these charges, one person can not be that unlucky to have been there for ALL these incidents and deaths, it’s just not possible. If it was the hospital, then other staff would be investigated too. I am more sure than ever that LL has done this and for no other reason than she’s an evil psychopath, I think she was also jealous and enjoyed making the parents suffer. I think most of the reasons people on here suggested for her doing this can all be true, she can be jealous, attention seeking, enjoy watching pain. I just think she’s a psychopath that enjoys it all tbh

For her to say in police interviews that she doesn’t remember I, and the Fb searches etc it’s just past the point now of it being believable, especially after hearing her texts and interactions with parents at the time and afterwards. She knows what she searched and she kept that picture of the card (and all medical notes etc) as trophies to relive it over and over. She’s a sadist who got a kick out of the pain she inflicted on those babies, the crying and bleeding etc she caused is so hard to think about, inflicting it on a tiny baby is just beyond sick, it’s so cruel what she was doing. That’s why I think she’s a psychopath no normal human could enjoy inflicting excruciating pain on tiny babies.

And as for saying she noticed the pale baby cos she was more experienced than nurse Hudson is ridiculous, it’s clear there’s no way she could possibly have seen that from the door in the dark as the photos have shown. I think she also got a kick out of being one of the first to respond and the attention that came with it 🤢. I think we are going to hear very shortly the staff getting super suspicious, all these babies fine until they come into contact with her, and her being off for few days and then her first shift back and there’s serious unexplained incidents, there is a pattern of this happening regularly that the prosecution have shown to be the case. To me it’s just so glaringly obvious
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Probably one of the ones she was messaging on Fb messenger, creating dramas to try to create a trauma bonding, make herself look like a hero. Let’s face it, the only tears she’ll be crying will be related to something that’s not gone how she wanted it to, so likely a relationship related ‘breakdown’. No fecking breakdown listening to the suffering of the babies or the statements from the mums with empty arms.
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This is such a difficult case to get your head around, as there is such a lack of obvious motive. With the more I read and hear though, the more I'm starting to form the opinion that this was linked with her low self esteem and self worth, and the power that her role gave her over other people's lives.

Linking in with the post it note, there were clear indicators of low self worth and self esteem, where she viewed herself as not being good enough. Literally having the power of whether someone lives or dies, increased her power and self esteem.

Completely surmising here, but it makes me wonder if she started out by harming the babies progress so that she could be the hero and saviour. Especially in the early cases, she was always nearby and part of an early response to a crash call. I then wonder if this thrill dulled and then she sought more power by continuing, increasing frequency, and number of babies impacted. Did she continue to harm the same baby time after time to show that she had the overall power?

There's a part of me that also thinks she was deeply unhappy and unsatisfied with her life. Maybe she resented the families which is why she wanted to search them on Facebook to see the impact of her actions. Were they now as unhappy as she had been? Perhaps a case of "if I can't be happy/have this life, then no one can?"

Thoughts of my tired but eternally curious brain being dumped here so apologies for the ramble.
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I think cover ups to happen, obviously they do. I’ve got first hand experience of them happening at a previous job (not to me and I wasn’t involved).

But the amount of work that would have to be involved in this to cover up is absurd. I don’t doubt that some babies at that hospital may have experienced substandard care, there were clearly things that weren’t right. But unless it was planned from the start how would they make it so LL was always on shift for all of these rare, unusual, never seen before, inexplicable events. How do they ensure her swipe card data matches, how do they get medical records at her home, how do they force her to be texting people about the babies, how do they get her Facebook search history to tie in so perfectly with the cases discussed in this trial? If we were talking about ONE baby, ONE event then a cover up could be plausible. But we’re talking about 17 babies, 22 charges, all with enough evidence that the CPS are satisfied a conviction is possible.

If it was a cover up, what a massive stroke of luck that the nurse they chose to pin it on was so forgetful she had test results of one of the babies hidden under her bed, had Facebook stalked multiple families within hours of these babies having these awful events, was always on shift. They should buy a lottery ticket.
A million times this. Also if we accept the reports into failing trusts with unsafe culture etc are true and lead to deaths, why does that mean that we then DON’T believe the very same kind of reports and investigations that showed that there is NO evidence to say that that’s what happened in this case.
Like you say, it cannot make sense that it played so perfectly into their hands. It’s so obvious to me that we’re seeing a gradual picture unfold. We’re focusing just on these cases but at the time they’re treating so many other babies and families in between all this and yet they still felt something was amiss and eventually connect dots.
And lastly, who gains? Who wins anything by saying we missed a serial killer amongst us? That they failed to stop her and families went home without babies, they will live with that forever. Who is absolved? They are having their practice gone over with an unimaginably fine tooth comb in a hugely public way with a defence lawyer essentially accusing them of letting babies die (how do you stomach that after a 35 minute resus that has lived with you for years), of deciding to pin it on an innocent woman and constant accusations of incompetence. Delays happen, mistakes happen, procedures are complex, people are strained but those things can’t cause cardiac arrests and deaths and serious life threatening collapses in multiple babies just dealt with by the same one nurse right beforehand! Who just happens to have all this other suspicious activity which miraculously helps to pin a hospital unit magically causing babies to practically spontaneously die on her.
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To me she’s trying to mimick emotions, bevause it doesn’t come naturally to her.

The card is inappropriate even if she had built a strong bond with the parents. Just the words and what’s in it. The only way you’d do this on a professional capacity is if you signed as a card from all of the nurses that looked after her.
The parents probably didn’t even register the card, they had so many and you’d just be overwhelmed any in complete turmoil to even notice.
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Hopefully. As we’re coming towards her last charges I’m hoping the reporting will start to improve. This is the first time that I can recall that the hospital are starting to question what’s going on. We’ve had some suspicions from doctors but they’re actually having meetings and discussing wtf is happening on the ward now. I think general public interest will pick up again because of it and we’ll hopefully see an increase in live reporting 🤞🏼
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Here’s the link to her house when it was on right move.

One bed looks like you wouldn’t be able to store anything under it unless the notes were flattened and slid in to the small gap. There are no drawers like a divan bed although it could be an ottoman type bed but that makes means she’s made a conscious effort to hide the paperwork when there is other storage around the house. Obviously they should have been disposed of anyway so she should never have been hiding them. The other bed is very open underneath and doesn’t look like you’d store stuff in a bag because it would be easily visible and look untidy when the rest of the house is very tidy and uncluttered. It doesn’t look like anything else is stored under that bed.
The thought of a single person coming home to this house and taking their bag for life upstairs, ignoring the paper towel detailing the very sudden near fatal collapse they’d eventually be charged with and the blood gas report for said baby who they’re not designated nurse for and slipping it under either those beds and leaving it there for almost two years is literally unfathomable to me. And that the twin of this baby would turn out to have been poisoned at the same time and there be another poisoning that they also had involvement in with a twin that suffered a collapse too. And this sudden collapse be like many many others for babies where they are there just before and alone. And they’re found to have linked them and searching their parents in quick succession. And there’s evidence to show the babies they’re accused of harming with air have unnatural air in their bodies. And they wrote a note saying I killed them on purpose because I’m evil.
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Just realised…it was a blood gas report she had as well as written medication on the paper towel! Oooft! Why would you remove a blood gas report with all identifiable information…..very suspicious! 🚨
Agree! It is reported as being under her bed so safe to say it is. A paper towel if it’s in her pocket is going in the wash if there is an innocent explanation. Not stored under the bed for two years with a blood gas record. For a baby that was at the brink of death out of nowhere. Again 🙈

Do you think you’d leave said notes in a bag under the bed for two years though. Wouldn’t they be in a pocket and at some point you’d see them. And these aren’t just day to day notes she’d be carrying around. Sorry I can’t see it.
It depends on the bigger picture. If it was just a note of medication and certain readings then fine but I just realised there was also a blood gas report! She has purposely removed a report with identifiable information. I do not know any nurse that would do this. Yes with scribbles from paper towels/notepads but not a printed report!
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Much more detail in this write up. Makes it a little bit clearer that she was being linked it was being noticed but people were not automatically assuming deliberate harm. This is exactly how these things gradually become found out imo. This is very familiar sounding stuff to other cases of this type of crime.
It’s a bit concerning that she was identified as a person of interest so early on, but got away with it for another 11 months. Especially when you consider the deliberate insulin poisoning.
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I always think about the card. Baby I wasn't on the ward that long really, especially considering the transfers in and out to Arrowe Park and LL 7-10 period of leave. And she wasn't designated nurse on every shift that an incident happened, yet still managed to insert herself into everything and ultimately sent the card.

Yet didn't the baby who made the milestone date (100 days?) also die and no card sent to the family. If anything, you'd think there would be a bigger attachment to a family who had been there a few months hat she was more invovled with rather than one of just a few weeks.

Makes you think that perhaps them changing the designsted nurse for each baby on every shift was a reflection of the growing suspicion and maybe she sent the card to cast some doubt about her being involved. She already said the place was bitchy at this point and clearly we are now starting to see signs of some miscontent between staff there. Makes you wonder if she heard some gossip or bitchiness about her always being involved and she sent it to deflect
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It’s all becoming far more evidential that she’s done this. Evil witch she is. I’ve taken time away due to other things going on but I’ve read the thread and updates and I just can’t shake the opinion she’s done it. It’s taken a long lengthy investigation to get her to court and to trial. By the end of it is going to be hard to think it’s all a coincidence she was there. I’m interested to see how fella BM fights for her when it’s his turn
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Looking at her house is kind of sad, she had a nice house, good career, loving family and probably had an ok future ahead of her.
if she guilty what a waste, don’t get me wrong no sympathy for her but what made her destroy everything she had and lots of other families too, I guess we will never know.
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Reading through todays tweets so far, the one that states a blood gas report for Child M was recovered from LL's house, has made me sit up. I can only go by the way in which the hospital I work in organises itself. Nurses will always walk around with a ward list printed at the start of a shift containing patient names, hospital numbers, NHS numbers, diagnosis, comorbidities and relevant notes such as pressure ulcer, level of diet consistency, fluid restriction, bowels movements etc. It is expected that these are discarded by nurses at the end of a shift in the confidential waste but of course in the rush and tiredness of real life in the NHS, nurses often forget they have these notes and go home with them. Therefore, I can completely understand if they had recovered these. But, I'm struggling with the blood gas report. Again, I can only go by the way in which the hospital I work is run. Blood gas reports are printed on a receipt-like form and are stuck into the medical notes. Medical notes are somewhat different to the nurses notes as they contain all Dr entries regarding ward rounds, plans etc - the inner workings of Drs brains, as well as entries by Speech and Language, Dietitians etc. They are not carried around in uniform pockets and absolutely should not end up in someone's home. Unless LL wrote down the results somewhere else or the nursing notes at CofC contain a lot more info than the nursing notes in my place of work, then I am struggling to understand how and why she had this report in her house.
Thanks for this. I think it’s highly, highly suspicious that she has these sorts of docs and presumably the paper towel too as I doubt the hospital kept that after transferring the details into proper records. Who keeps a paper towel that long 😑 if it’s in a pocket then surely she’s washed something fairly soon after and found it. I’m sorry but she’s kept it for over a year hasn’t she? And she’s just moved and is unpacking. So presumably nothing much has a place and there’s no mountain of shit draw that’s piled up over years yet. Bag, pocket..wherever, I just cannot see a reason for these being in her home for all that time and in a new house that she’s literally sorting out at the very time. If she has given no reason for having these things and purely said they’re not souvenirs, I’m sorry I just don’t see how it’s normal whatsoever.
Baby M is another baby that’s completely as well as can be and has had a 25 minute resus 🙈 lifeless and at the brink of death.
Jesus it was under the bed. Nope. Sorry no way in hell that’s not suspicious.
Absolutely not normal.

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