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I see the theories about LL not liking the parents, but could the main aim of hers have been to maybe frame other staff she didn’t like? Hoping that others would be under suspicion that had, in her mind, done something against her?
Maybe she wanted other staff to look incompetent so she could fly in and save the day or look superior. She was constantly involving herself in the care of babies that were assigned to others and even ignoring senior staff when told to focus on her own patients.
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My little boy when he was 1 got in my bag and put an antibiotic in his mouth and chewed it. There was a rip at the bottom of my bag and I didn't know the tablet was there. It was a penicillin one, not like kids can't have that and 111 were really good. Said he would be fine amd he was. Me calling 111 triggered social services phoning me and I was terrified. The NHS hadn't called them they wanted to make sure he was safe because it sounded like he wasn't. I've never been so upset in my whole life. I made a complaint and they turned up to check his home life. He's safe and happy and looked after really well. So their visit was just because I complained, it made things worse. Getting angry and violent with them does nothing.
when I was in hospital last June, as I was in ICU with no timeframe of coming out, our local social services spoke to my daughters Dad, my immediate family over a care plan for my daughter - she was only 1.5 years old at the time. Mainly because they needed to know she was safe and her basic needs where being met whilst I was in hospital (I’m her primary carer more or less, she has an amazing relationship with her dad but I do the majority of it).. They wanted to be sure how my daughter was being looked after and even if my Dad and step mum had everything they needed at their house for when she stayed. Imagine if they didn’t check and my daughter was literally neglected by my family! Social services aren’t all bad xx
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At 9pm mum walked in on letby and blood was coming from babies tube I think it said . she Sent the mother back up and didn’t put that in the notes . Phone records show the mum rang her husband as she was worried .

doesn’t exactly look great

ive worked on extremely busy wards for 12 hours my daily notes have always been done exactly how the day happened for each patient . I know how much the notes are important any health professionals will tell you the same . So the fact she decides not to write that down is dodgy . Especially when it’s not a normal thing to happen .
I’m wondering if this mum is going to testify as a witness 😔 as if the whole thing isn’t bad enough.

I see that the Facebook Armchair Detectives are out in force. I'm not saying that I think she is innocent, but as usual all these people have decided that she's absolutely guilty and are posting about having her publicly executed etc. Trial by media as usual!
It’s happening on both sides. People convinced she’s innocent. Not just because they believe innocent until proven guilty but because they believe the hospital are conspiring to make her a scapegoat or saying maybe the cleaner or another doctor did it. Both extremes are lacking critical thinking skills.
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If a professional ever came to my house having looked on my social media trying to "confront me" 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊 gotta be careful doing stuff like that cause not everyone will roll over and take violations like that just because of your profession.
It’s not people plucked from thin air, it’s people whose children have been deemed at risk of harm. It’s statutory intervention. Why would you share something publicly on social media that doesn’t match up with what you’ve said in real life?

We are here to protect you and your children, having a boyfriend is fine, having one and lying about it isn’t.
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I can’t understand how these deaths continued for over a year. So far the deaths and collapses have happened very close together and they all had concerning rashes but nothing was said? No staff meetings or staff room chatter?
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IF she is guilty.

Im by no mean a psychologist but heres my ideas on her personality! I reckon she's been a bit of a loner all of her life for one reason or another, maybe an only child. I reckon she was fully into her studies and her job, and I bet her mum and dad doted on her and were so proud of her. But I reckon she was addicted to the sympathy and attention she was getting when people knew she had interacted with these babies that had passed. The pats on the shoulder, the hugs, the words of comfort, the texts pinging all the time. I reckon she searched the families on Facebook to look at the reaction to what she did. To see if maybe she is mentioned. To see the carnage she had created.
I reckon she revelled in interfering in other people's lives and the control of life over death. I have no idea what would have made her that way. Maybe some trauma in early life? Maybe never fitting in with peers? Not that any of it would be any excuse. Because if she is guilty the only word for her is evil. Iv never heard of such evil in all my life, those poor innocent babies were never given a chance.
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I have mentioned here before I know someone who is involved in the case.
The police have been gathering evidence for ages. It has been painstakingly done because I was told that they need to make sure every single child is accounted for. The evidence is strong and they want to throw the book at her.
More sick details will probably come out. I have been told snipets that I cannot repeat here but convinced me she is one mentally damaged lady.
I really hope whichever professional it is going round telling people private details gets the sack!!!
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Baby E’s mum walked in on her baby bleeding with Lucy Letby in what a doctor described as never seeing such a heavy bleed on a tiny baby before. Letby told her ‘I’m a nurse I know what I’m doing’ and told her to go away.

There’s just some really horrifying details today. I’m going to have to pick and choose when I follow this case.

My heartbreaks for the parents, siblings and everyone affected by the loss of those babies 😭
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The way I now see it, is the better the defence team the better really. It should ensure a conviction of a truly guilty person. The onus is on the prosecution to prove guilt. The defence needs to ask the right questions which I’m sure they will. to cover all bases.
You don’t want a guilty person getting off because they find some loophole down the line that puts an original trial at risk. If she had a crap barrister or simply one so inexperienced that they clumsied about she could later argue that the trial wasn’t fair etc.
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Chatty Member
No no no! That’s not weird at all. That’s traumatic for you because you knew that person. We’re talking about it in a professional position. Please don’t feel bad for that.
I have a similar story. A child i taught years ago passed away due to a terminal illness. I check his parents facebook every now and then to see how they are doing. Yes I was a professional, still am, but cared about this child and care about his family.
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I just want to refer back to someone who said about people still being in the search bar on Facebook months after and it would appear they had searched that person recently but they actually searched the person ages ago and pointing to the dates not being right for LL search’s.

that Will not be the case here. They won’t of just opened her phone/laptop and looked at the search history. Her computers will of been sent for analysis, hence why the police can tell us the exact time and even date she searched a family after a death. 3.53pm after a night shift I believe they said potentially the first thing she did when she woke up. It will be far far deeper than a quick search of her devices that’s all I wanted to say basically sorry for the word vomit
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Really shocking but I’m keeping an open mind, all we’ve heard is the prosecution barrister.. no actual evidence or testimony.

Regarding the Facebook thing, without going into detail of my experience it’s really not uncommon for nurses/staff to look you up. My husband was even searched on Linkedin when he went in to hospital (you get a notification!). That said, if she was looking up the parents that’s not a crime and doesn’t indicate one way or another to her likelihood of being a murderer!
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This whole scapegoat explanation is that not going to take a hell of a lot of people in on it pinning Lucy for something she hasn’t done? I think it would be rare that someone wouldn’t have a guilty conscious. It would be a lot to pull off.
I’ve not seen one scapegoat believer give any sort of theory on HOW a scapegoat plot could be carried out. They just cry scapegoat and share a link to the CQC report.
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Sorry but I'm leaning more towards the hospital not wanting to admit they massively FUCKED UP. Lots of blood loss, did nothing. Unusually difficult to resuscitate, did nothing. Her colleague said she basically defied orders and was there when a baby was taken very poorly for no apparent reason, did nothing.

I'm sorry but no. I don't think for a second that them being short staffed should have been a factor. That's basically the hospital failing. They should have had someone able to double check all the medicines etc. Otherwise they shouldn't have been allowed to look after premature babies like they were, surely? They failed massively and they did nothing when they should have done. The blood loss alone, they could have just reported it. If they knew she was suspicious and her attitude was borderline insubordination, she shouldn't have been working.

It's so bizarre how nobody is looking at them and saying 'you failed those babies by not raising the alarm.' They're were many chances and I really fucking hope thay the defence are smart enough to point out their failings, because they shouldn't get away with basically leaving it when a child had unusual issues... weird
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As they’ve obviously been all over her digital life I am curious what her search history is like. That’s got to be revealed in due course. It certainly adds to the whole picture. Much like SB’s google searches for Star Hobson.

Yes, I know I Google a lot (a lot of crime) but I certainly have never googled certain things like “will x y z kill …” or whatever. So let’s see what she has!
Jeez, my Google search is horrific but then I've never been connected to a crime. Let's hope that continues, otherwise I'm going down!
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If she's acquitted she will get an absolutely whopping payout for the outrageous amount of time she's been held in prison without trial.

I'm open minded at this point as we've only heard the prosecutions opening statement and they've already ballsed up in causing total confustion with regards to her grading/seniority.

It's going to be incredibly hard for them to 'prove beyond reasonable doubt' when from what I can gather it took the investigators a number of years to decide that these cases were even murder cases in the first place, and even longer to gather enough evidence to charge her. I don't understand how at this point there isn't instant doubt in anybodies mind.
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So we’re now coming on to LL’s recollection of events not matching up to the parents; inclined to believe a parent as they have no reason to lie. I know memory can be very unreliable and there could be a need for a parent to cling to finding a reason for the tragedy, but the conflicting stories put another check in the guilty box for me.
Memory can be unreliable, however NICU staff will deal with very sick babies day in, day out, not to sound harsh but if someone was asked to recall specific events/times relating to one patient months or even a year later, they may not be able to, which is part of the reason why they rely so heavily on the notes (as others have said, if it's not written in the notes, it didn't happen). Whereas for a parent, it will be a very unusual period in their lifetime, and their recall may be better simply because it's not an everyday occurrence for them.
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A few thoughts of mine…

Curious to know, I wonder what the profile of the jury is? I wonder if there’s any parents on there (not of the victims) or if they deliberately screen out parents for fear their opinion would be swayed more than a childless person? anyone legal who can shed light?

Regarding the medical professionals who have killed patients, have god complexes etc, I recently had an operation and in my quiet moments recovering, maybe it’s just my anxious ocd mind, but it’s quite a scary thought that when you’re under GA, people could do literally anything to you and you wouldn’t even know ☹ Not that I think any good dr would do that! But it’s a scary thought that, in my instance, my neck was wide open, lots of arteries etc, one wrong move and that would be it, you’re literally powerless. Not fatal but there was that surgeon who branded his intitials onto patients liver!

also, since being on this thread, the thought hit me that any of us at any time could be called up to do jury duty for the most horrific cases! Scary thought

sorry, I don’t mean to make this all about me, just trying to process the info coming out
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I almost hope she is guilty simply because if not, the coverage of this trial will ruin her life.
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