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I’m following this trial closely, very interested in it. I don’t know too much about NICU but I worked in a geriatric ward (old people). We had a lot of staffing problems there, not just lack of staff but a lot of very lazy staff who just tended to do as little work as possible. They tried to install cameras but the back lash from the staff (ironically the ones who didn’t do any work) was crazy. We dealt with a lot of dementia patients who would wonder around, sometimes with no clothes on, and the staff were in uproar about this being on camera to the point where they retracted their decision and only had cameras on the exit/entrance rather than actually in the ward.

One girl was particularly passionate about the cameras not going ahead, talking about how she’d feel if her nan was on camera in a ward. She felt so strongly that she handed her notice in over this. Interestingly, a week after handing her notice in in protest, she was sacked as she was witnessed hitting a patient…. I was so surprised and this seemed so out of character from what I knew of her and how she’d acted working alongside me. You never know what goes on behind closed doors…

As for the Facebook things, I’m the worst at this. I’m a big Facebook stalker and will admit I’ve looked at families of people I’ve cared for. Nothing sinister, just really nosey. I know this will be frowned upon and people think I should get a life.
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I'm sorry to pip in but I'm shocked at what you have been saying. From a sen parents point of view with experience with social workers and from a professional point of view in the same field this is not statutory intervention.

I'm assuming if you snoop on social media accounts you have obtained a RIPA warrant from a magistrate for that case? (Which wouldn't be granted for child safeguarding cases). Or you have a written agreement from the parent or carer? If not, your commiting a criminal offence which could really damage any case taken to a family court or see you personally liable for damages in a criminal court.
How can anyone be accused of 'snooping' on a public social media account? They are open to everyone

We cant surely get ridiculous about people looking online, when so many people do so as a matter ofcourse? Especially younger generations. I wonder if there would be a difference between how a 25 and a 55 year old perceive this?

It is also a double edged sword, you cant have protection for a specific family or person, who you are checking or looking up on facebook, when they can do exactly the same to you. If someone doesn't want to put information out into the public domain, then they shouldn't be putting that information out there in the first place!

And what do you do about charity events, or local events like craft sales, etc which are advertised on places like facebook and used as fundraisers, or advertising.
Are professional people like social workers, police, or nurses or teachers allowed to look on these, or interact with these, or would this be a criminal offense because they might see someone they work with on there? Therefore, as a matter of safety, should all professional people be automatically banned from facebook and other social media.

Years ago, I saw a local employee who was extremely upset cos she was sacked from her job, for being rude about her employer on facebook. Their arguement was that she shouldnt have been rude about her employer, her argument was that they shouldnt have been looking at her facebook page.
But it was a public page! I think its a fascinating debate .... But not one that is easy to solve.
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It's also not uncommon in a NICU setting to form a close bond with the staff, especially if you get the same staff member assigned to your baby or your area of NICU all the time. They are ultimately doing your job for the period of time your child is under their care. They are there to care for the parents sometimes just as much as the baby.
I formed some relationships with the NICU nurses who looked after my twins, one I do have on Facebook, but she's also a family friend so that is different, and was never allowed to care for my twins due to knowing us.
However, our NICU also set up a stay and play type session for ex paitents that was ran by two of the Junior Sisters, which allowed you to form an informal relationship post discharge. Many NICU nurses are also on the local charity Facebook Group and often interact with ex paitents.
So it's not uncommon, so it will be very interesting to hear more of her search history and was it just parents of the children in question, was it all the paitents under her supervision. It's not a concrete formation of guilt just yet.
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On the flip side, patients & their parents have looked me up on social media.. even added me! So now I’m names slightly different and profiles are locked down as much as I can.
Patients have tried to add me inbox me asking for a dates etc I blocked them It's not just a one way thing 🤣🤣 my profile is now tightly locked down.
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hello from me

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I like doing a bit of social media stalking at times. But never have I killed anyone or tried to kill any one. So it is possible that people do this. In this day and age people put so much online. I do it more out of bordem.

But I agree we need more information on this one. Did LL only research the babies that had died? Or had she looked at other patients?. And did she do this only after she was first arrested? Or before? 🤷‍♀️
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Personally I don’t think she does look like a sweet blonde girl. She actually reminds me of some girls I used to know that were bossy know it alls that would cause upset and laugh.
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I find it strange she Google searched the parents every single month . That’s not just being nosey that’s not right surely . Almost like she was stalking the families to see if any did posts about child’s death being suspicious.
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I don’t know how many of you followed Stars trial. But this opening the things may sound odd and circumstances. but as the trial moves forward everything seems to all come together and click into place. Things that sound like nothing end up being quite a big point to it all!
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super grateful

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I think it happens far more than we realise tbh. I had a traumatic first birth, and I requested my notes afterwards, there were several things written that were totally different to mine and my mum (a nurse) recollection.
My child was admitted to hospital with sepsis at 18 months, again I requested the notes because things didn’t add up, and quite an important piece of information hadn’t been documented.

Do things get missed in the heat of the moment?
Not arguing with you here or talking of your personal experience at all - but sometimes what patients/family see/think is a “big deal”, medically isn’t. So yeah can be missed in note writing I’m sure. I make a conscious effort to write things like “mum worried about BP dropping, explained it’s due to the drug I gave and not to focus on the monitors, I’ll inform if something is wrong. Reassured as best as I can. Mum now happy”.

As a patient/family, often the ins and outs of what is happening isn’t their specialist knowledge, so remembering every little detail or focusing on something that “isn’t important” is bound to happen.

Sorry, I’m post nights, does any of that make sense?
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When you see the charges listed like and how allegedly persistent she was , consecutive days sometimes & repeat attacks on the same baby, sickening 💔

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very good point I’ve came across the exact same thing. I really don’t think it could be pulled off, it would need to be a lot of people willing to lie to the police and at what point would they all be able to gather to get their story straight?
Yep lots of people and not just lying because how is physical evidence explained - did they go back and change all the rotas to make it look like it was only Lucy on shift when it wasn’t? Did they hack her pc to look up the families on Facebook?
The police have been investigating for years. They would probably uncover something like that unless they are suggesting the police are in on it too. Quite frankly I think it’s ridiculous. Tell me how the hospital might get away with making her a scapegoat and I’ll listen but so far there is no explanation.
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Anyone else just feeling more and more sick as they read?

I want to hug my daughter extra close tonight.
oh me I’m really struggling with this: one of my kids spent a week in NICU and my head is just all over the place now after reading about the Mum walking in on it
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Urgh this trial is already looking awful.
I’m following it because my nephew was in NICU the same time letby was there at the countess and it still freaks me out now.
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Sorry but I'm leaning more towards the hospital not wanting to admit they massively FUCKED UP. Lots of blood loss, did nothing. Unusually difficult to resuscitate, did nothing. Her colleague said she basically defied orders and was there when a baby was taken very poorly for no apparent reason, did nothing.

I'm sorry but no. I don't think for a second that them being short staffed should have been a factor. That's basically the hospital failing. They should have had someone able to double check all the medicines etc. Otherwise they shouldn't have been allowed to look after premature babies like they were, surely? They failed massively and they did nothing when they should have done. The blood loss alone, they could have just reported it. If they knew she was suspicious and her attitude was borderline insubordination, she shouldn't have been working.

It's so bizarre how nobody is looking at them and saying 'you failed those babies by not raising the alarm.' They're were many chances and I really fucking hope thay the defence are smart enough to point out their failings, because they shouldn't get away with basically leaving it when a child had unusual issues... weird
For a baby to be bleeding and a doctor says for it be highly unusual but then not deem a post mortem necessary? Insane. Regardless of whether Lucy is responsible for the bleed not.
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It's odd , she seems to have went out of her way for particular babies
See when I've been on shift if I've had a stable patient and another member of staff has been struggling with their patient. I've gone into help ,I like to be busy I don't see it as interfering thats just my nature and I like to lighten the load of others. It's making me think maybe I'm too helpful and that could be twisted.
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Hi everyone. Looking forward to joining you all for the next 6 months or so as we see this trial through until the end. I’m reserving judgement for now as it’s easy to get emotional with only one side of the story getting off the ground so far.

i joined you for Star and Arthur’s trials but just read and didn’t say anything.
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Well-known member
Good morning! New to the thread! I don’t have time to follow this trial as closely as I would like to do relying on you guys! I don’t watch news etc. don’t even watch the tv! But this trial fascinates me. The absolute disdain I have for the NHS is unreal, purely due to my own traumatic experience at their hands exactly one year ago. So I hope the truth comes from this.

1. Lucy is an absolute psychopath, because trust me. They exist in the nhs and I would of never have believed it if I hadn’t of witnessed what I did- she was very similar looking to Lucy although a doctor

2. The NHS would have absolutely no qualms in throwing someone under a bus to hide and cover their catastrophic failings.

Either would not shock me. And I have no doubt our tattlers will get to the bottom of this better than ANY defence or prosecution!

oh, and I don’t trust the legal system either 😂
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Like I said, not everyone will sit back and take professionals doing things like that. Stay safe out here.
Yes you’re quite right, a lot of people don’t like being asked about relationships. Social intervention is intrusive and that’s why it’s a tough job. But if children are at risk of harm then we need to get to the bottom of why this is the case. A hidden relationship just gives loads of red flags 🚩
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