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VIP Member
Obviously take with a pinch of salt but I saw a comment on tiktok (looked to be posted by a genuine account) say she knew the parents of one baby who died and they were both doctors.
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I dont think so as the death occurred before an investigation took place. Ideally there should of been one. It was still an unexpected death but if the parents have chosen not to have one, that's their right

I could be wrong with this but a death after 24 hrs of hospital stays doesn’t require a post mortem if the doctors are satisfied with the cause of death?

Ive personally known of people who have had medical malpractice and I guess initially the nhs wanted to protect themselves first even if the parents had called for an investigation or complaint it takes a long time to be done. One case was done in secret courts and took 2 decades to finalise, the nhs protected themselves legally at first.

I guess this may also explain why it’s taken years for this all to come to court, as it’s potentially a member of nhs staff poisoning and murdering babies, the nhs may still be liable towards all the families.
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I feel for her parents getting papped every day going to court. I can't imagine how they feel. Yes they are supporting their daughter, but they must have doubts about her. I wonder also how locals where she lived think? Imagine a story this big happening in your own small little village. I would love to know what the locals think who have known her since she was a small kid like school friends, neighbours etc.
Why must they have doubts?
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Mrs Moon

VIP Member
I'm not actually reading the thread at the moment just came on to say that hearing about those mothers and babies on the news is distressing enough.
Maybe for now I will leave it like that 😪😔🤧
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Same as the Archie B case, thank you to all the HCPs sharing knowledge.

But, all we are hearing is the prosecution opening statements. What they INTEND to prove with evidence to back it up. Its not actually proven at this stage.

Next will be the defence opening and people will feel conned possibly.

Then we actually will get the trial underway with the prosecution going first but all witnesses can be tested on cross examination by the defence.

22 charges. Every one will have to go through the same process.

Then in reverse for the defence.

That is why it’s listed for 26 weeks. A huge amount to get through and it could still be delayed by illness or witness availability if an expert is required.

Apologies for the word vomit.
Thank you - you have just explained what I was about to ask
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Well-known member
Ok, want to add my two pence worth as I’ve had a idea rattling in my head as to a motive. When something as awful as this happens we always question why. To look at she looks like she couldn’t possibly Kill babies.

I have worked in the nhs for 10 years, 5 in paeds. My Mum is a very experienced neonatal nurse and midwife. I also spent several weeks in neonatal icu with my own child.

I wonder if Lucy had/has a ‘god complex’. I heard of this before but can’t remember now where. So NOT ALL but it is common for a baby to need neonatal input due to the mothers behaviour in pregnancy (drinking, smoking, drugs) general neglect. My mum often talks about looking after these babies with so much love and then knowingly discharging them to unfit homes. Social services are involved that kind of thing. I saw it myself many times, families too busy outside smoking, coming in with all their friends showing them the baby without seemingly understanding the seriousness of the situation. Uneducated families unable to properly care for their new baby. Messy family lives, unfit living conditions, I am not being judgemental, it’s just what I and my mother have seen so much with our own eyes. So much more I could say but I’m hoping you get my gist to the sort of thing. Perhaps Lucy was a very Judgemental person?

did Lucy take it upon herself to ‘save’ these babies from a life she deemed unfit? Like a god complex. Researching them on Facebook to see if they were ‘good enough’? Overly attached to these babies and seeing it as her only way to stop them going to live those lives?
Hoping someone understands that waffle and no one takes offence. Just had to get it off my chest
When my nephew was in intensive care only the parents and grandparents could go in to see him and sit with him
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Regarding all the ‘she doesn’t look the type’ stuff, I find it fascinating from a psychology POV! Anyone know of any books/papers on the phenomenon of doubting someone’s guilt who has a pretty face over someone less so?
You would need to research physiognomy. Lots of research - uncertain on how recent that research is, but thought that might be a good starting point!
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VIP Member
Sure, the social workers were aware of Brockhill's presence in the months before Star's death but initially Smith sought to hide the relationship from her family and from social services - it was only after Hollie Jones made the initial referral in Jan 2020 and then Anita Smith followed up five times that SWs seriously started to engage with them as a couple.
Oh I didn't know that. Well we've both learnt from each other today lol.
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Chatty Member
Operation Hummingbird is the investigation into the deaths of the babies at CoCH.
They've spent millions investigating so far.
In June 2022, the advert went up for Detective Chief Inspector to investigate the deaths across the force and beyond. Presuming that this was an July/Aug 22 start.
The role is initially a 3 year contract. So taking it to 2025. They also mentioned the upcoming trial in the advert.
Did more come out of Operation Hummingbird than just LL?
Oh wow! Thank you for that! That’s very interesting and also worrying!
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VIP Member
I know you can’t judge people purely on body language but has there been any reporting on how Letby is reacting to the prosecutions statement so far? If I was innocent and had to sit and listen to the suffering of those tiny babies I would be distraught.
They said she was mostly covered by a screen but the jury could see her.
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VIP Member
I read in an old article that staff were making poor decisions and were reluctant to seek advice from other colleagues.
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Well-known member
What’s possibly going to emerge in this is trial is how/why the police managed to get a warrant to dig up her own back garden. Clearly there was some suspicion or evidence pointing to something in the garden.

Perhaps something happened in her life like a relationship/infertility/miscarriage something traumatic relating to babies, or perhaps a traumatic childhood. I saw a mention of adoption?

Stemming from some kind of personality disorder with Maunchesons as you mentioned, but a life event that triggered the killings.

I haven’t seen any knowledge of her body language or emotion in reports.
Is there any sketches photos from within the courtroom or is it totally closed off from the press?


Chatty Member
“In November 2020, Letby was asked by police about a handover sheet relating to Child B found at her home address in a search.” this throws major red flags! BA took home the allocation book. Was LL trying to hide something?
The police found missing pages at BAs place. Not the book


Well-known member
Yes that’s what I thought - I was sure that it is practice that synthetic insulin is diluted into fluids for babies in neo natal with low birth weight etc?
I’m not sure, it’s adults I work with so insulin is just a subcut injection but maybe some posters that work with neonates can clarify.
Did they say if the TPN bags were tested at all? I’m struggling to follow.