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Heartbroken for Hugo and no offends but Faye and the one she’s couple up with don’t even like one another. At some point “she was open to getting to know hugo” so why not just kiss him for the game. Love Island shouldn’t have even allowed that to happen,
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Wow. This is very interesting. It took one person to say Kaz is unattractive to have the rest (I assume none BW) to find the confidence to add pepper and salt

Very interesting indeed
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I think it’s gross always seeing the girls turn on other girls, if Toby was remotely into Kaz he couldn’t have his ‘head turned.’ Let’s none of us pretend Faye wouldn’t do the EXACT same either and Sharon going ‘she’s not cute’…shut your fish face. And yeah screaming abuse at people every other day is bullying, she literally started yelling at Chloe just for daring to look at her? She’s the kinda woman who gets arrested on a night out, cba
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Watching the first look, I'm team Chloe. It's a challenge, you're supposed to kiss people and literally the entire point of the show. Kaz is being an idiot (and I'm being polite here!)

Chloe annoyed me at first but I've warmed to her. Faye can get in the fucking bin.
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I think Brad’s confused and thinks he’s still on Tinder and is literally swiping on these women.
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Kaz was may favourite but the shreiking is starting to wear thin…also why didnt she call Toby out for his lack of interest, she was happy to just sail along…and i know its been said before and i mean no disrespect but at night she transforms from a stunning girl into a frumpy old lady? My bf was watching and saw her and was like ‘why is there an old woman in there’ i totally appreciate the hat is for a reason but shes on love island where the competition is stiff and they are all trying to attract the opposite sex…of all the headhear to choose, why a blue chef hat?? Surely theres an alternative…
I know you ain't black because you said "chef hate" so you need to relax
How can people say they don’t understand why Kaz and Liberty are hyped up yet the most upvoted comments in here are about Hugo being the best and how the girls are mad for leaving him out?! Pot, kettle?

But a bonnet isn’t for style, it’s literally to protect your hair and she shouldn’t have to wear wraps that are stylish?

This is part of the reason why so many black women are cagey about going on reality TV - the point has massively been missed here! Headscarves often cause traction alopecia, a satin bonnet is the best option here.
Honestly reading some of these comments. Lord. I hope ya'll don't have black friends. Because 😬😬😬😬
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Toby is such a little bitch. Just say you don’t fancy her and go. Save my good sis Kaz she can do 100% better than him!!!!
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Nahh Chloe could've picked Hugo in the game and not humiliated him and Kaz! She still could've made moves on him without being so demonstrative! That shows me she just gets a kick out of it.
Both she and Toby are clutching at straws with each other. She's started shitting herself and wants to stay in the game and he's: been flattered+not feeling Kaz= thought 'fuck it ok then'. He was having none of it at first.
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Sorry but why was Faye being so bitchy tonight, like mocking and making fun of the new girls laughing, as if that wasn’t her at the start, as well as taking another dig at Hugo …… screams insecure to me. The new girls are absolutely stunning and she doesn’t like it, obviously not as cool with Liam talking to them as she made out.
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I think Aarons a dick. Just wants a quiet girl to know her place. Sharons reaction may have been over the top, but to not allow her any discussion? And throw in the kids thing? Fuck off lol
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Faye is so nasty, comes across as so jealous and bitter slagging everyone off in the backroom. Liam has spoke more to Millie than he has the entire season 🤣 can deffo sense their chemistry
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Seeing Hugo vulnerable like that has actually made him attractive to me.

Hugo and Aaron are the only likeable ‘boys’ - I hate that, they’re men, not children, despite how they behave.
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UNPOPULAR OPINION but I dont think Lucinda is as pretty and goddess like as people are making her out to be I mean what the fuck I find her repulsive to look at. I will admit she has nice eyes but thats it. Her face especially her mouth area and her teeth are scary she looks like an overly animated dolly its creepy. Also her chewing, her voice, the way she speaks its all SO obnoxious and immature. Did you see that scene with Hugo she looks so.. dumb? All squealy and giggly flipping her overly long ratty hair going ‘oh reaaaaaaallaaaayyy?’ ‘I like people that are clevaaaaaahhhhhh’ (when she’s CLEARLY not) and she just sounds so stupid saying to Hugo ‘yeh like I feel like you’re really clevaaahhh and claaaassaaaaayyy I love a bitta claaaasss yehhhh I love claaaasssss’ Wtf? She sounds so stupid and sorry i know it’s a bit harsh but mark my words this girl is fake and dumb. She’s one of the typical influencers who comes on to love island because she wants an easy fast way to become famous so she can have that designer luxury lifestyle and appear like she’s this self made rich woman when in reality she’s got no real sense of style, no culture or diversity to her personality, no real eye for anything and is just plain vapid. I just can’t see this girl having an actual intellectual conversation with someone especially Hugo. It’s just her looks that she has but like I said I don’t even think she’s pretty or at least nowhere near as pretty as people are making her out to be! Just look at her in comparison to her Instagram she literally looks almost like some exotic poc on her Instagram with all the editing even editing her eyes which are already bright and clear irl. Then you look at her on love island go back and look at ‘the boys grafting over dinner with the bombshells’ video that the love island youtube posted and really watch Lucinda the way she talks and her mannerisms and facial expressions. She looks like a creepy over animated doll it’s freaky. I just think everything about her is fake mark my words she’s not going to be well liked as the series goes on.
Still catching up, but fuck me that is some rant about a stranger. Got any bunnies to boil as you sound like a crazy fuck ex
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Imma say it but what makes me laugh about fake lips and bums is that black women have these naturally and were mocked for decades about it and now its in fashion but not on black women?

Make it make sense
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Love how Faye isn't bovvered at all about the new girls lmao. Therapy would've been a better investment than that tit job.
Feel like she’s got a lottttt of internalised misogyny weighing her down, the way she’s been nice to the girls faces and said to Liam ‘oh it’s fine if you get to know them babe I’mmmmm breeeezzzyyyy’ but now she’s mocking the girls for getting to know him? Deffo not a girls girl, bit of a pick meisha tbh
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