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Also can we just acknowledge that if that had been Teddy shouting at Faye like that, he'd have been booted off.
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Just wondering if I come across like Faye when I shout at my fella 👀 must remember to be calmer
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No one is gonna agree but idgaf. sick of people acting like teddy is some kind of saint he never told her what went down at casa and yeah I agree she shouldn’t be shouting about it but she has every right to be pissed. also him calling her an idiot is a red flag name calling shouldn’t be a thing in ‘relationships’ it’s gross. and why didn’t he just walk away when he knew she was wound up and told him to go.
So she's allowed to call him every name under the sun but he can't say anything back? 🥴 Not saying name calling during an argument is good at all but Teddy calling Faye an "idiot" is PG-rated compared to what she was saying to him and everyone else. Also whenever he tried to walk away she'd scream "YEAH, FUCK OFF" and goad him to make him turn back, like she did to Dale
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"I knew it was too good to be true" did you? Because you didn't sound as if you thought it was too good when you were saying he isn't funny and you were banging on about his taste in music.
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Anyone else have a little chuckle at the 3 girls sitting in front of Faye as she’s screaming like they’re watching an episode of Eastenders 😂
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We wanted drama but this with Faye is too much. No one else gets their feeling validated because she's all over the villa screaming. She's such a toxic person to not be able to look around and see that her mates are hurt too.

Teddy in the beach hut 😭 That tear killed me.
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Jelly Bean

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Still annoying that Faye's antics managed to distract attention away from Jake just as things were getting nicely unpleasant for him.
Him scuttling away not checking if Liberty was OK was pathetic. And then managing to make it all about him being the victim in the chat with her.
It is so obvious to almost everyone he does not care about her at all. Not one jot. His attitude in saying 'but I made you my girlfriend' wasn't loving or reassuring but barely restrained anger and irritation.
He never said she was attractive or that he loved her which is what she wanted to hear. He really is not a pleasant person.
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So someone with 'bizzare behaviour' who uploads her own content can be trolled. Someone who willingly applied to be on a reality show can't. You're no clinical psychologist otherwise you wouldn't be moving the goal posts.
I would also like to say that I don't really think our professions or degrees etc. should come into it on Tattle!! We are here to gossip, take the piss and expose influencers!! Dropping your degree into a convo to make your OPINION (cause that's all it is!!) more valid than somone else is just petty 😂😂
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Blue pumpkin

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Okay I don’t normally comment on Love Island threads but I can’t help myself here!

I’ve been watching since episode 1 and have just caught up on last nights episode.

I’m a clinical psychologist.

Whatever happened to be kind? I appreciate I haven’t gone through all 29 pages of this thread, but all I can see so far is abuse to Faye. Before anyone assumes anything, I am NOT condoning Faye’s behaviour which, by the way, was technically domestic abuse.

Faye is emotionally unstable. In fact she shows features of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder or BPD. She has very clearly been through some trauma in her life from men; be that an abusive ex partner or unhelpful attachment styles from her childhood and parenting, or both.

The Love Island producers exploited her last night. In fact they tried to exploit most islanders with the “movie” challenge, but the difference is that most of them had the emotional regulation capacity to be able to cope with the situation.

People keep saying “why does Teddy keep being done over by producers?”. I’ll tell you why- it’s because they know Faye is emotionally vulnerable and so they have been deliberately portraying Teddy in a bad light to upset Faye for entertainment value. What the producers probably don’t understand the full extent of, is that this is exploitation, and they are triggering Faye’s mental health issues and previous trauma in an uncontrolled environment. It’s ethically appalling.

It doesn’t matter that it’s Faye. It doesn’t matter that she’s a woman. If it was a man, or if it was Teddy behaving in this way, I would be shouting the exact same thing at my television: “get that person out of that situation, take them out of Love Island, and give them therapy and support”.

Anybody who behaves in that domestically abusive way, male or female, needs long term therapy and should not be on Love Island. So just remember that before you abuse her on this thread- nobody is born to behave in that manner. The producers should hang their heads in shame for a) orchestrating the situation and b) not diffusing it immediately.
You're preaching be kind to others however looking at some of your own posts on tattle it seems you would need to take your own advice instead trying to shame other tattlers.
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VIP Member
And this is exactly why, in my view, anybody on this thread who has posted a meme about “loving the drama” or has been abusive towards Faye needs to educate themselves. Sending lots of love to you
I do not need to educate myself and will post on a gossip forum as I see fit.

if you are a professional who is diagnosing and making assumptions about Faye based on a highly edited and produced TV programme that is concerning and she may disagree with your words should she ever read them.

Is your profile picture an unflattering representation of someone you don't like?
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Chatty Member
A few after thoughts:

- I’ve no doubt the producers will have intervened and had a chat with her, we don’t see everything and we can’t assume they didn’t
- sometimes people behave badly, it might not be as a result of trauma and bad experiences….it’s just bad behaviour and we’ve probably all acted in ways we are ashamed of. For me that was Fayes age, my twenties self I’d love to punch in the face but here we are. I made many mistakes, handled stuff terribly, but I’m not vulnerable/damaged/at risk. Granted I didn’t do it on TV
- the girls may also have intervened but it didn’t make the edit
- the producers have been slated for a boring series, so they’ve created drama by showing those clips. Now people are complaining to Ofcom. So where’s the line? How could anyone possibly know? Don’t watch if you don’t like manufactured/manipulation of people on tv - that’s what LI is. It’s about fame, not about love. Sorry
- Fayes behaviour doesn’t put her at risk of suicide, yes two people committed suicide linked to the show. Was it because of their behaviour on the show? No. Perhaps they struggled with the aftermath of the show, yes. But that could happen to ANY contestant on any show, people committing suicide can often come out of the blue from people it’s least expected of. I personally don’t think we need to drag up the mental health crisis of previous contestants when someone on the current series kicks off. She passed the psych evaluation because she’s fine. She’s just like a million other confident but insecure women in the world. This is a societal issue not a Faye issue
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Chatty Member
Faye mentioned the other day that her and her family are ‘brutal’ so I wonder if Faye has grown up seeing adults communicate in the way that she communicates now.. would make sense ..
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