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VIP Member
Could we perhaps move on and discuss the fact Millie was snogging the face of that immature twit Liam in bed last night ?! I'm soo disappointed with her, really thought that finally we were seeing a woman who does make excuses for the fickleness of a man ...but she either wants to stay on the show soo badly she prepared to forgive him or all her fancy speeches were empty words !
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Someone needs to start a petition to get faye out. If a guy acted the way she did he would be thrown out the villa.
You can complain to Ofcom, it’s an online form, I just did it. They have a duty of care not only to Teddy but to everyone else there who had to watch it, it was obvious nobody wanted to get involved and be dragged into it. I bet we’ve only seen the half of it as well. When she started pointing at him etc it made me nervous as someone who grew up with a physically abusive parent, I honestly cannot believe they didn’t remove her
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Why are people making reports to bloody OfCom about last night? What is it going to result in only that segment being scrapped for next year and again another sanitised version of the show without any drama. It happened, Faye went off, complaining to OfCom isn’t going to make it un-happen. The same ones complaining are the same ones giving out that the show isn’t what it once was. Is it any wonder! THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS. Just stick on the Antiques Roadshow on repeat and let the rest of us salivate in the drama we want to see.

What a sad little life Jane.
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I totally agree. I'm pretty disappointed by a lot of views on here, I normally find I'm in step with most opinions on Tattle, but some of the comments about Faye over the last day are pure Mumsnet (that bastion of perfect female behaviour where someone once told me I should have my kids taken into care because I swore in front of them). Calling Faye a potty mouth (such an absolute cringe term), that she's common, thick, has no class etc - because she got upset and made a scene, didn't fit in with some idea of how women should behave - she wasn't dignified like Millie (who is a bloody doormat frankly). All those type of comments really make me uncomfortable.
It's exactly the same as Liam and Matt sitting there judging Faye, who the fuck is Liam the duplicitous cheater to judge anyone?!

I'm a lot older than Faye. My dad brought me up never to take any shit from anyone. So I do argue, I shout and I certainly swear, I have since I was in my teens and I'm sure I will do it again. I will stand up for myself and my friends.

Raising your voice and telling someone to fuck off or that they're a prick is not abuse. Speaking down to someone, talking over them, most people do that in the heat of an argument at least once. Arguments aren't like on TV where everyone gives the other person a chance to air their views, is respectful and considered!

Abuse to me is when someone is screaming in your face (sometimes for hours) that you're an ugly dirty worthless cunt, you're fat and disgusting, repulsive, grotesque etc, any manner of insults. Spitting on you because you're nothing. And yes, that's happened to me more than once so I think I know the difference between that and a heated exchange.
I'd actually say Fayes behaviour is bordering on abusive to be honest.

Your last paragraph also suggests to me that you've been in an abusive relationship and its fact that those who have been, their parameters of what is acceptable is massively skewered compared to the norm.

She just needed to say to Teddy to go away and that she wasnt ready to talk. Instead she attempted to goad every other lad into some sort of argument then telling them all to shut up.

It also begs the question if shes that closed off and untrusting of the opposite sex, why the hell pick Love Island to be the show to go on to find love? It's now on series 7 and therefore no big shock that things are manipulated, especially Casa Amore.

She overreacted massively and her behaviour was nothing short of over the top, embarrassing, potentially abusive and unacceptable.

She needs to leave now for her own mental health and sort out the root of her problems caused by previous relationships.
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Has Faye really being screeching for the last 30 mins? I’ll say it again.. HOW DID SHE PASS THE PSYCH TESTs?????
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I don’t think she’s half as insecure as she is malicious. That comment to Matthew telling him to keep quiet because he never has anything to say? 🙄 She buzzes off punching below the belt
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To all the people saying that the producers should have taken her out of the situation, they did!

There was a bit of the episode where she wasn’t in it, Iain even commented on it, and at that point she will have been with the producers.

I don’t think they were able to edit her out at all because she didn’t let them. And by that I mean, when Jake and Liberty were clearly having their heart to heart, she started shouting and screaming. Were the producers meant to just totally ignore her shouting during that scene?

The Islanders almost cowered away from her, some of them even said “she wants everyone to hear”. I mean they even had a clip of people sitting on the roo terrace and they could hear her ffs. The CA boys both attempted to calm her down but couldn’t. She openly said she would happily fall out with everyone if she had to.

Faye knows the money shots. People have commented before how she manages to get herself into both shots of the sides of arguments.

Faye was attempting to control a narrative, because she knows she is in the wrong and yet wasn’t able to say sorry. So with every conversation she was making it about her and about how slighted she was.

Faye was taken out by the producers, she calmed down, she sat down with Teddy and then as soon as he tried to talk about his feelings she started shouting again. There is only so much the producers can edit this at this point. Faye made an active decision to carry on acting aggressively and not owning any responsibility for her actions. She wanted to be seen as some scorned woman, she’s been wanting to be seen as that since CA, and it just hasn’t happened because she’s coupled up with someone really nice.

Teddy was also taken out by the producers, there were times where the boys were asking where he was. In all that time it seemed like Faye was just spoiling for another fight.

Yes the producers have a duty of care for both Faye and Teddy, but their failing were in the vetting process as she shouldn’t have been allowed near the programme in the first place.

At the end of the day, she doesn’t need to have a public social media following. She could easily delete her accounts and then move on with her life. It’s her decision to remain in the public eye attempting to get BooHoo deals after this.
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I'm on the fence on this.

Whilst seeing that clip of Teddy wouldn't necessarily have made me lose my rag as much as Faye did, I would still have been bloody annoyed with him, not so much for being attracted to someone else but for the fact he'd not said a single thing about it. The whole debacle with Jake would have quite possibly tipped me over the edge. I don't get why none of the other girls were annoyed by the gnome, are they all just such simps that they can't see how bad it was? Why was no one else calling Jake out?!

Jake's reaction to Faye was really unpleasant. Take it from someone who's been there, he's the sort of bloke who would react with his hands if a woman puts him down or calls him out on his behaviour. It's written all over his thick face.

I know that loads of you think Matt is great, but I found the bit with him and that utter bellend Liam sitting there and commenting (about how awful Faye's shouting and arguing was) so bloody misogynistic. Real overtones of how women should behave in a certain way etc. Can't bear either of them now.

But back to Faye.. thing is, she did say she didn't want to speak to Teddy. Shouldn't he have left it at that? Spoke to her tomorrow when she was sober and a calmer discussion could have ensued?

I'm no massive fan of Faye's at all and haven't ever wanted her to win (other than as a way to stop Jiberty) but from some posts on here tonight the level of horror at her behaviour is such that you'd think she'd killed someone. She got annoyed, at least part of which was justified, she lost her temper, shouted and swore. She said her bit. In some ways I think good for her. I'd rather do that than be totally passive like Millie who is allowing Liam to walk all over her and will do exactly the same the next time he cheats and the one after that.
I think the whole “chat” thing is staged by the show runners is it not? It always seems so unnatural to me, so how are we to know Teddy isn’t being told to approach Faye for a chat?

I didn’t interpret Matt or Liam’s reactions as being misogynistic at all actually. Faye was bang out of order, they are allowed to recognise that and express it. She spent most of the episode ranting at everybody and anybody. I don’t care how annoyed she was, she says she’s an adult but if she was then she would have removed herself from the situation to cool down. Not had a barney on national television, acting like Billy Big Balls. I like a drama, but this went beyond it. Her swearing and shouting was disgusting, she only had to look at the other islanders’ faces to see how bad it was.
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Chatty Member
Have you never spoke to anyone like a piece of shit in your lifetime? I know I have. My husband has spoken to me like that in the past too when things have gotten heated. I forgave him because I love him and I’ve done the same to him in the past too. Couples grow, I know ours have. I don’t know what people expect to happen to Faye. Should she never be loved or go to prison or what?
it was wrong what happened last night but again I think worse has happened on the show, during this season. She shouted and talked down to people but in the real world that happens all the time. Bosses do it, partners do it, pissed Shirley in bees knees on a Saturday night does it, Especially when drink is involved. It’s not right but it’s not the end of the world. It’s up to teddy to decide whether he still wants to tolerate that sort of treatment.
I’ve never spoken to anyone like that, nor would I. I’ve also been married almost 16 years and if I spoke to my husband like that I’m fairly certain I’d be on the doorstep as would he were the situation reversed.
not sure where you’re coming from thinking it’s normal and everyone does it. They don’t.
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My favourite parts of tonight’s episode were Matt sitting grinning watching the clips with a whole bowl of popcorn, and Toby doing that little cute run after Teddy when he was upset. Both iconic.
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VIP Member
No one is gonna agree but idgaf. sick of people acting like teddy is some kind of saint he never told her what went down at casa and yeah I agree she shouldn’t be shouting about it but she has every right to be pissed. also him calling her an idiot is a red flag name calling shouldn’t be a thing in ‘relationships’ it’s gross. and why didn’t he just walk away when he knew she was wound up and told him to go.
What exactly went down in CA? He found someone else attractive, she took her shot and he shot her down. Slept outside and didn’t even entertain the other women. She doesn’t deserve him.
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VIP Member
No one is gonna agree but idgaf. sick of people acting like teddy is some kind of saint he never told her what went down at casa and yeah I agree she shouldn’t be shouting about it but she has every right to be pissed. also him calling her an idiot is a red flag name calling shouldn’t be a thing in ‘relationships’ it’s gross. and why didn’t he just walk away when he knew she was wound up and told him to go.

How many times did she call him a prick again?
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Oh I’m fucking livid at Faye. I don’t care what she’s been through. She doesn’t know what Teddy’s been through for her behaviour to make a grown man cry. No matter how bad you’ve been treated in the past it doesn’t warrant speaking to someone like they’re a piece of shit on your shoe. Being treated like shit doesn’t give you the right to speak to people like that. No fucking wonder nobody wants to be with her if that’s how she reacts 😡
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Jelly Bean

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Jake is a disgusting person, they’re still in that honeymoon phase, how can he not just tell Liberty what a babe she is, he’s a game player!!
Telling someone basically 'why would I be with someone I don't find attractive?' is not the same at all as actually telling them they are attractive.
He is avoiding paying her compliments by yet again making it all about him and implying how lucky she is to be with him.
I'm not a fan of Liberty particularly but the girl was crying out for some kind of reassurance. Even she could see that none was forthcoming.
Jake is a very cold and calculating fish.
I'm even starting to think he might have someone on the outside and his way of being loyal to her is to never pay Liberty any compliments or say he loves her. That is how he squares it with himself.
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Chatty Member
Literally where tf were security or producers to intervene with how she acted? If that were a man going off and verbally abusing their female partner they would've stepped in right after she started having a go at dale and matthew
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At this point for me Chloe and Toby are the only deserving winners! I don’t care if they don’t last on the outside they’ve both been funny as fuck and entertained me the whole series!
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Chatty Member
Mega props to Teddy for remaining so calm throughout, Jake was glowing red when Faye went for him. I think some of the other guys would have lost it, but lesson for us all, staying calm comes off way better!
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