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Imagine Faye's interaction with a nervous fan at a meet and greet

"Come on ya donkey, up you trot for a picture. You want an autograph too? Do I have MUG written on my forehead? Cor Blimey"
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Chatty Member
This is making me deeply uncomfortable. She is verbally and mentally abusing him now. She needs to be removed from the villa because she is dangerous.
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I totally agree. I'm pretty disappointed by a lot of views on here, I normally find I'm in step with most opinions on Tattle, but some of the comments about Faye over the last day are pure Mumsnet (that bastion of perfect female behaviour where someone once told me I should have my kids taken into care because I swore in front of them). Calling Faye a potty mouth (such an absolute cringe term), that she's common, thick, has no class etc - because she got upset and made a scene, didn't fit in with some idea of how women should behave - she wasn't dignified like Millie (who is a bloody doormat frankly). All those type of comments really make me uncomfortable.
It's exactly the same as Liam and Matt sitting there judging Faye, who the fuck is Liam the duplicitous cheater to judge anyone?!

I'm a lot older than Faye. My dad brought me up never to take any shit from anyone. So I do argue, I shout and I certainly swear, I have since I was in my teens and I'm sure I will do it again. I will stand up for myself and my friends.

Raising your voice and telling someone to fuck off or that they're a prick is not abuse. Speaking down to someone, talking over them, most people do that in the heat of an argument at least once. Arguments aren't like on TV where everyone gives the other person a chance to air their views, is respectful and considered!

Abuse to me is when someone is screaming in your face (sometimes for hours) that you're an ugly dirty worthless cunt, you're fat and disgusting, repulsive, grotesque etc, any manner of insults. Spitting on you because you're nothing. And yes, that's happened to me more than once so I think I know the difference between that and a heated exchange.
Oh please. :rolleyes: People experience abuse differently and there are many forms of abuse. Just because you have one specific experience in mind doesn't mean that's what it looks like for everyone else and it certainly does not make you the authority on everyone else's perception of abuse. Also just because you would behave like Faye doesn't make the behaviour right.

Will she give Hugo a chance on the outside?

View attachment 702543
Didn't she say her eyes were green? Looking like a lifeless blow up doll. Can't wait for the entire 2021 set to fade into obscurity.
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I'm glad Chloe has pointed out how shit Jake's reaction has been. How did she and Toby suddenly become the calm and sensible ones? 🥴
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Active member
Nah this is horrible to watch. I honestly think she should be removed. This isn’t acceptable behaviour. It’s beyond entertainment at this point.
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I wouldn't call it aggressive. Angry and shouty absolutely, but trust me if you've seen real aggression (and I have far too many times) that wasn't it.

I think this level of outrage is misplaced.
Angry and shouting is aggression. Just because she hasn’t smashed anything or lashed out physically doesn’t mean it isn’t aggression. She was being verbally abusive. 🙄
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Bad Karma

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imagine? we don’t need to imagine because it happens all the fucking time and shut the fuck up about this whole double standards shit, men get away with fucking murder but whenever a woman puts a man in his place she’s apparently abusive and manipulative.
Faye wasn't putting people in their place, she was being verbally abusive to anyone who dared have an opinion that differed to hers.
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Faye keeps using words wrong. Is she pissed or just trying to sound more intelligent than she is? 😂
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Well-known member
This episode (as much as I liked watching Jake the slimey snake being exposed) was not fun to watch and in fact it was quite horrible. We had 50 minutes of Faye screaming at someone who is evidently not as confrontational as she is.
Yes I know we have been screaming for drama but this was not fun to watch. Someone literally verbally abusing someone else on national tv like imagine what his family must be thinking and feeling right now.
I understand this is a show and this is reality for some people but no one signed up to the show to be spoken to like that.
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I am not and have not attempted to diagnose Faye. I’m not even going to use energy replying to each of your points when I can see by your defensive response that a part of you knows deep down this isn’t ethically right.

Gossip isn’t exploitation.

Ive done what I needed to do, I wanted to bring a different angle and I’ve done it, so I will bow out at this point.
If I want to call Faye a dickhead I will 🤷‍♀️ Don’t get why someone who has posted over 700 messages on tattle is suddenly preaching be kind
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Faye is going too far, I feel sorry for teddy. He's such a nice guy and doesn't deserve to be treated like that. You would think security would have told faye to go and calm down
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I think Faye is used to men who scream back at her. She's pushing for anyone to scream and abuse her the way she's abusing everyone else. The boys in there have done nothing but treat her with respect even when she's screaming and calling them names. I'm not saying the men are saints but they aren't like the men she's been used to. Maybe I'm over analysing. Teddy deserves better. Someone to match how you peaceful energy.
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my boyfriend literally just said if more women were like Faye and less like Liberty men would’ve been put in their place centuries ago
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Their is a councillor in Spain and the Islanders can go to them whenever they want.

Not everyone who is an asshole has a mental health problem, sometimes they’re just an asshole.

I think a lot of Faye’s actions are because she’s very aware she’s on a show and wants to create a narrative but failing
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Well-known member
I'm on the fence on this.

Whilst seeing that clip of Teddy wouldn't necessarily have made me lose my rag as much as Faye did, I would still have been bloody annoyed with him, not so much for being attracted to someone else but for the fact he'd not said a single thing about it. The whole debacle with Jake would have quite possibly tipped me over the edge. I don't get why none of the other girls were annoyed by the gnome, are they all just such simps that they can't see how bad it was? Why was no one else calling Jake out?!

Jake's reaction to Faye was really unpleasant. Take it from someone who's been there, he's the sort of bloke who would react with his hands if a woman puts him down or calls him out on his behaviour. It's written all over his thick face.

I know that loads of you think Matt is great, but I found the bit with him and that utter bellend Liam sitting there and commenting (about how awful Faye's shouting and arguing was) so bloody misogynistic. Real overtones of how women should behave in a certain way etc. Can't bear either of them now.

But back to Faye.. thing is, she did say she didn't want to speak to Teddy. Shouldn't he have left it at that? Spoke to her tomorrow when she was sober and a calmer discussion could have ensued?

I'm no massive fan of Faye's at all and haven't ever wanted her to win (other than as a way to stop Jiberty) but from some posts on here tonight the level of horror at her behaviour is such that you'd think she'd killed someone. She got annoyed, at least part of which was justified, she lost her temper, shouted and swore. She said her bit. In some ways I think good for her. I'd rather do that than be totally passive like Millie who is allowing Liam to walk all over her and will do exactly the same the next time he cheats and the one after that.
Were we watching the same episode?
Faye was agrasive, abusive, belittling everyone, childish, did not allow Teddy to speak…did i mention AGRESSIVE!
She created a horrible situation for everyone in the Villa like an absolute tyrant

There is absolutely no justifiaction for Fayes behaviour….
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Well-known member
I can’t lie, I’m really struggling to sleep tonight after that episode.. I think it traumatised me. As awful as Faye was tonight, one of the things that’s keeping me up right now is worrying about the inevitable death threats etc she will be subjected to once she comes out of the villa. For Faye, there is no coming back from her behaviour tonight which was broadcasted on tv to millions of people to see. She would have lost a lot of respect from thousands of love island fans, friends, family members and brands. What’s done is done and her abusive behaviour being aired like that on tv will likely haunt her for the rest of her life as long as it’s available to the public and for any future partners, work colleagues etc to see. I can also imagine that Faye is in fact a very insecure, unstable woman who’s been through a lot of hurt in her life, probably not surrounded by the best people (not excusing any of her behaviour here, I’m just stating what I believe to be the case). Basically, given all that and now this, based off of previous Love Island contestants and host (!) suicides, I now fear for Faye’s life and how things will pan out for her once she’s out. All I can say is I hope to god the love island producers have therapists at the ready to stabilise and support her mentally both on the inside but most importantly, on the outside. I do wonder about what sort of support network she will be going home to but she literally said herself that her own family is ‘brutal’ when she was expressing concerns about introducing Teddy to them.. that can’t be a good sign. I am incredibly disappointed that love island producers didn’t seem to interfere and remove Faye from this situation completely tonight especially given how triggering this content would have been for many people watching at home who may have been or may still be in abusive relationships or settings.
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