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VIP Member
How old are her grandparents that they ‘lived through the war’? It ended in 1945- 80 odd years ago.
To be fair my grandma was born in 1927 and died in 2016 so would have been a kid/teenager during the war- my grandpa similar. People live longer these days! Shocked Louise still has BOTH grandparents though, I’m the same age and have neither for a while.
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VIP Member
Is he going to see his own mum? If not that’s pretty rubbish :)
I wonder if his parents esp his army dad know he cocklodges and doesn’t pay Louise rent
Louise called it a bromance trip i think. But he seemed to be on his own at the airport
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VIP Member
What is she actually fucking apologising for? Being so stupid she didn't know pink and grey is a good colour combo??? She makes no sense. Does she also know she's got a bit of muck on her nail 😂 😂

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 13.16.34.png

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 13.13.44.png
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She can’t post without some reference to her trauma. Latest night out in 16 months. Who cares? You were out for the night two weeks ago. Many parents don’t get a night out full stop. I get maybe 3 a year the past 5 years as a single parent. Just be grateful especially given it’s an event for a baby loss charity.

I think the charity should have done their due diligence and not associated themselves with a pair who are so ungrateful about having a child. Presuming they invited them.

I always find it interesting that amongst all the trauma she talks about she never mentions her miscarriage, and that’s usually one of the most traumatic and devastating things that can happen to a woman.
I imagine as MCs happen to a lot of women so it’s not rare special trauma 🙄
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VIP Member
You’ve confused me (ok, I’m easily confused ;) but the cutlery isn’t the wrong direction? Fork left hand and knife in the right hand with the sharp edge pointing inwards?
help!! 😫🤣🤣

I watched the life after love island doc on C4 and a PR agent said brands are now moving to TikTok. Thought of Louise when she said that!! Louise is completely small fry in the TikTok world though.

This last story. As always not telling anyone what was said at her appt. Presumably because it was always a mundane appt or not what she wanted to hear.

But why is her cutlery facing the wrong way? And she has no shame with the designer handbag again I see!
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VIP Member
I watched the life after love island doc on C4 and a PR agent said brands are now moving to TikTok. Thought of Louise when she said that!! Louise is completely small fry in the TikTok world though.

This last story. As always not telling anyone what was said at her appt. Presumably because it was always a mundane appt or not what she wanted to hear.

But why is her cutlery facing the wrong way? And she has no shame with the designer handbag again I see!


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Not a parent so I don’t know much about this - but isn’t it weird that Leo always has his mouth open? Could that be all the sucking on bottles and pouches? Or allergies?
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Say it’s not just me who can the obvious baby bump?!
I don’t like to speculate on those things with women’s bodies but this is awks 😂
She thinks she literally can’t get pregnant due to not having a period for 2 years… how did Leo happen?! I thought it was an announcement 😂 Oh dear 🫣


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That was the wrong thread I’m really sorry 😂 😂 it was meant to be the childfree by choice thread, ignore and I’ve asked to delete! Guys I haven’t gone crazy and started mad spinster ramblings from watching Louise haha
Hahaha ! I thought it was a bit random for Louise’s thread but could totally recognise myself 🤣🤣
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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but she isn't wearing her engagement ring. how long has she not been wearing it for?
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I was just going to post this! From what I can see commission is from sales not clicks.

I’m interested in the graph below which she has hidden. Which has a scale where only 7 days it is above zero, most around 50 and the biggest spike is probably around 200.

im guessing that is most likely unit sales? Anyone know?

I don’t know what the price of the products she was linking were otherwise I could do some fag packet sums.

But If I took a £100 avg price. £7 commission is if 7% is the minimum. 500 sales would be £3500 in her pocket.

Hope none of this is true!! However. I’d rather her make money like that than use her trauma to sell ads. However she needs to stop with the trauma baiting as a way to keep people interested before posting links.

View attachment 2066144
No they get from clicks.
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